Summary: On Aug 21, 2017 in the United States millions will crowd the cities, campgrounds and roadways that are in the path of the total solar eclipse, in order to witness around two minutes of mid-day darkness when the moon goes in the direct path of the sun. Yet a much, much rarer cosmic event that’s unfolding at this very moment is mostly being ignored …
A rare total solar eclipse will span across a tiny sliver of the United States on August 21, 2017. To show you how rare an astronomical event this is, you might hope to witness a total solar eclispe perhaps once or twice in a lifetime.
On August 21, the path of total darkness will start on the West Coast at about 10:15 am local time, at a small stretch of sand on the Oregon beach. The path will curve slightly southward as it moves east across the country. Finally, the last place in the U.S. to witness the total solar eclipse will be a small stretch of South Carolina beach, starting around 2:45 pm local time.
To witness the longest period of darkness, you must be present near the center of the “path of totality.” For example, the town of Lexington, South Carolina (located right on the center line of the narrow band) will experience a full two minutes and 36 seconds of complete darkness, while the city of Charleston, South Carolina, only about 35 miles away from the center line, will get one minute and 33 seconds of darkness. That’s a full minute more of darkness.
Astronomy enthusiasts have planned for this event for years. Campgrounds and hotels in the path of the eclipse in Oregon have been booked years in advance, according to local residents. State officials expect about a million people to flood into Oregon for eclipse events and festivals, including a big event at the state’s capital, Salem. Other states in the eclipse’s path also have special events and festivities planned. Even Perry Marshall (engineer, author, and thought leader) has a three-day camping and educational event planned in his home state of Nebraska.
On this epic day, millions of spectators across the U.S. will jam up the cities, campgrounds, and roadways in the path of totality, trying to get the best view. All this … because of the very visible phenomenon that occurs when the moon perfectly aligns with the sun, which creates darkness during the day. The last time the U.S. went total eclipse dark was 1979 (and only a few Northwestern states that saw totality). The next total solar eclipse in the U.S. will occur in April of 2024, with Buffalo, New York being one of the areas in the path of totality.
On the other hand, I doubt many of these spectators are aware that planet Earth is undergoing a vastly rarer cosmic alignment occurring at this very moment. This rare cosmic event happens only once every 26,000 years, the length of one “wobble” around the celestial sky (one cycle around the Zodiac). In other words, the North Pole, which is tilted, takes 26,000 years to complete one of these cycles. This means a one degree shift in the Earth’s wobble takes about 72 years to complete.
This once-in-26,000-year important cosmic event is marked by the shifting of the Earth’s North Pole from pointing away from the core of the Milky Way Galaxy to pointing toward galactic core (galactic light). Which signifies a return, after a long, long dark period in humanity’s history, to galactic awareness (galactic consciousness). From Darkness to Light, as they say, yet this important shift is mostly ignored.
One reason is that unlike the solar eclipse occurring on August 21, there are no special visual effects in the sky that coincide with this immensely important, once-in-an-eternity kind of tipping point. Even though it signifies humanity’s return to the Light. Another reason is that few can explain the galactic alignment with accuracy or deep insight. Finally, change is threatening and scary for all vested interests.
I have been shedding light on this topic with the publishing of my new book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, which came out earlier this year. (Before publishing this updated version, a PDF was available on my website since November of 2009 …)
The new book is packed with powerful epiphanies resulting from a deep exploration of the cosmic shift that’s currently occurring, including an exploration of the astronomy of this cosmic event. I show how understanding the astronomy of this cosmic shift and its easy-to-see spiritual implications will, in itself, lead to a shift in one’s consciousness regarding life, love and humanity. This new understanding will, in turn, lead to positive changes in the way that we all interact with each other and the planet around us. In other words, there is indeed a shift happening from Darkness back to Light.
Furthermore, the steps for strengthening the relationship with your higher self (your direct access to the Divine) and for connecting deeply with the Divine are shown in the book. You can refer to this process as “spiritual awakening.”
After going through my own spiritual awakening process and viewing personal as well as world happenings in a new light, I am happier, more optimistic, more at peace, and have more compassion and understanding toward my fellow humans, as well as myself. And I definitely feel better prepared to face new challenges.
This shift is the “Good News” humanity has been preparing for, and waiting for millennia for. It’s just that things will not play out as the major religions of the world have traditionally taught their followers. On the contrary, I’m sure there will be many pleasant surprises.
To learn more about the cosmic shift that’s affecting planet Earth and her inhabitants at this time and how to activate your own spiritual awakening, visit the book’s Amazon page at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NAUA9NJ/.
Will you be witnessing the August 21, 2017 total solar eclispe? Do you have any tips, advice or insights about it that you’d like to share in the comment section below? Will you attend any festivities? Whatever you do, please make sure to let people know about the Good News that’s occurring right under our noses that so far, very few are aware of.
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Hi Christine,
If what you’re saying is true, it gives me a little bit of hope that the negative events of the past year or so may start to reverse themselves! I’ll try and do my small part …
Thanks for your comment and observation Joyce! Indeed, once the public awakens spiritually the world will be changed forever. It’s just a matter of time, as awakening happens on an individual level and isn’t all that easy. Glad to see you here!
ADVICE: do not look into the SUN directly during those 2 minutes. Use very, very very dark glasses or make your own filter. Take a piece of flat glass and deposit on one side of it the carbon generated by a candle.
Thanks for your advice Igor. I’ve found the following site for ordering the special glasses, and they’re about $4 each. http://www.eclipse2017.org/glasses_order.htm. I’m sure there are other places you can order them.
Hi Christine,
This book is not the same as your Spititual Awakening – Activating 2012 – am I right?
Hi Letty, it is an updated version of it. I added some new material (mainly on Father Charlie Moore, and how his ideas tie in), but the astronomy chapter is pretty much the same, the chapter on connecting and strengthening the relationship with your higher self is the same. I wanted to put the book on Kindle, so before I made it into a Kindle book I updated it, made it clearer and stronger. I can send you the updated version if you’d like.
Thank you very much Christine, I would appreciate that 🙂 With much gratitude
Hallo Christine
Thank you Very Much for sending me this. May your kindness return to you tenfold.
I downloaded a Mobi Reader today and will do a review on Amazon as soon as possible
With appreciation and Gratitude
Letty (in a very cold office with much needed rain falling outside – Yippie!! )
(My reply e-mail bounced back to me so I’ve copied and pasted it to you here :-))
Here’s a different take on the event: The Divine Message Of The August 2017 Eclipse
Hi Sheri, thanks! I’m sure there will be all kinds of interpretations, including very elaborate ones. The simpler the better though, I think.