A few weeks ago, I listened to Scott McKay’s “Patriot Streetfighter’s” Roundtable discussion. The topic was the Great Awakening. Scott was joined by Michael Jaco, David Nino Rodriguez and Delora O’Brien.
The four talked about how the truth is coming out, more and more, about the Deep State’s foiled agenda: the pandemic, the vaxes being pushed, the rigging of elections (which has been happening all over the world, not just in the U.S.), and when—finally—will the full truth about what’s been really going on be out? When will justice prevail? Many who have awakened in 2020 are anxious and wondering, how much longer will this parody continue?
Halfway through the one hour and 26-minute broadcast Scott reminded everyone that, “This isn’t a fight to the finish, it’s a fight to the Great Awakening.” Meaning, there are not enough people who have awakened from the matrix, and we are giving them a chance to do so. So … more pain is on the way—for everyone.
It will not be random pain. It will be pain designed to wake people up from the dream spell, the system imposed on humanity, and the evil that has taken place while many ignored the signs in front of them. In other words, it will be pain designed for us to question reality, to question what we see and experience in front of our eyes, and to search deeper for the truth. To seek, especially, the truth within, to be conscious, and to strengthen our intuition.
Things will move forward more noticeably in the positive-for-humanity direction when at least 80% of the people have awakened. We are not there yet.
It is evident that the reasons for this are two-fold: One, we want as many people awake as possible of their own accord, and two, awakening is no small deal; it is not for the weak of heart. The world has been under an MK-Ultra spell for some time (some people much more than others). We must give people an opportunity to wake up.
Breaking the Spell
How will this travesty end? Will the Deep State admit they’ve lied to you about everything? By everything, I refer to ancient and recent human history, the news on your television, most documentaries, the medical / “health” system, food (what’s actually good for you and what isn’t), the IRS (and who gets your tax dollars), religion, economics, the reasons for endless wars, and even the Earth’s geography.
Is the Deep State’s confessing the only way some people will wake up? Will they have to be told by the same people who’ve been lying to them for centuries?
No, it will not happen that way, the corrupt will not admit that they lied. Rather, things will happen causing those who still trust the system to begin to question their reality, to question things they believed to be true their entire lives. You can call this a rude kind of awakening, and Rude Awakenings can be painful.
Serious Pain is Coming
More pain is coming because this is what’s needed in order for people to stop trudging on the path they’re currently on, so they stop what they’re doing, “get on their knees” (literally and / or figuratively), ask God for guidance and become right with God.
It’s not that anyone wants you to experience pain. God does not want you to experience pain. It’s not about this at all. It’s that existential pain is what is required for people to cease what they’re doing and ask God / Source to guide them. They are serious enough about this that they actively listen for guidance and muster up the courage to change their conditioned ways—which will place them on the right track to spiritual awakening.
When you’re playing in the major-leagues (which you are), it is not easy. Ultimately, you must go within and rescue yourself. By connecting with God and awakening spiritually (awakening to the Christ consciousness within you) you save yourself. By raising and ascending your consciousness, you save yourself. You are powerful, you are a Divine being, you do not need to be saved, you’re capable of rescuing yourself. You chose this, and you have All you need to complete your challenge successfully.
BTW, if it isn’t already clear to you, you’re the one who chose this path. Well, actually, your higher self did. And your higher self chose this so that you could discover what you’re really capable of when the going gets tough, in order to build your character. This will do more to elevate your sense of self, your life, and the lives of those around you than anything else you can do just trudging on your current path.
The following is an excerpt from my 2nd book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: coming out of the darkness and into the light:
… Because your higher self planned everything in your life, including your biggest challenges, whatever you need to complete those challenges successfully, is within you. You will complete those challenges not only successfully, but in ways that will be unprecedented in human history.
It is time for this to happen for you. All you must do is connect within, listen for your inner guidance, and follow through with that guidance promptly and consistently.
If you don’t go within willingly, or on your own initiative, something will happen in your life (most likely some kind of painful event) that will help nudge you along in that process. It is that simple. Some would agree that the world could use some nudging right now.
Practical Guidance
Here is an example of guidance that you might receive, and I’ll share when your guidance may come through into your consciousness most easily: When you awaken from your nightly sleep, instead of jumping out of bed, try to linger as long as possible in that state between sleep and fully waking. This is when you might get messages such as, you need to reduce your alcohol consumption, or, make a call to someone. Put a pencil and notebook next to your bed and write the guidance you received. Or make a note in your phone. Follow through on the guidance.
I write this to you not in theory, or because I read this somewhere and am just repeating it. I’ve come to this “innerstanding” through events I’ve experienced firsthand since around 2001, on my own spiritual awakening path. (Since I started getting serious about it.) In 2009, I wrote the following words in my 2nd book, The Spiritual Awakening Process:
The times ahead will require much of you—your insight, intuition, a high level of reasoning, courage, focus and inspired action. You will be required to carefully discern what’s put out by the media and other purveyors of information (and misinformation). You will be subjected to intense social pressure, and will need to make some difficult choices. It will be easier to make these kinds of choices when your connection with your higher self is powerful.
Please look at this topic of spiritual awakening and strengthen the connection with your higher self—your direct connection with God—for your own sake. Thank you! Your work will benefit all!
Photo taken by the author, of signs she’s spotted while traveling through Utah.
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We are living under a demonic system. However, an exit plan is needed. And that plan starts with seeking the creator of the universe and building a relationship with our God. Period. Furthermore, I believe that we have been in a season of exposure for five years and counting. How do I know this information.? Well, I have a relationship with God and He gives me inside information. What has been in the dark, is coming to the light. Yes, more pain is coming. And it will be in a way humanity has never witnessed. Watch and stay alert. It will happen this year. It will be unusual. Many evil people will perish. This will cause a mass amount of individuals to become awake. After this unusual event happens, things will better.
he’s within
Thank you Christine, I always look forward to your blogs! Love and peace! Valerie Canada ❤️💓💞💖💗. I’m going to read your book ….again! 🤗
Hi Valerie! In what part of Canada do you live? How is it going there?
Love and peace to you, too.
Thanks, Christine. I get what you mean by higher self/guidance. In some instances, before making a choice/decision, this inner voice has guided me to take the correct path. However, life’s challenges and distractions sometimes tends to drown out this wise inner voice. Wouldn’t it be nice if this inner voice could be made to be louder, more prominent and in charge at every instance of our lives.
It’s good practice to ask your higher self for this. I have asked my higher self for guidance so clear there would be no confusion on my part in interpreting it. And I received exactly that.
I wrote about these experiences in detail in my first book, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening (hardcover). Years later I made the hardcover into an ebook and changed the title to: Reconnected: a spiritual awakening memoir. But they are the same book inside.
BTW, I don’t know why Amazon has such a high price on my book when it was always $25 or less. If anyone wants to get my hardcover for the normal price, email me through my contact page please.