In my most recent blog post, I urged you to learn about the Loy and Raland Brunson vs. Adams case in the U.S. Supreme Court (case number 22-380 that is coming up on the docket on January 6, 2023), there is a letter-writing campaign to show your support for this case. (Look near the bottom of that blog post where the heading says “Miracle Case in the Supreme Court – Raland Brunson Case”.)
In a nutshell, this case has the potential to remove 385 members of Congress as well as Pence, Harris and Biden for NOT UPHOLDING their OATH of OFFICE (“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”) by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from ~100 members of Congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the election.
I have written a letter about this Brunson case to the U.S. Supreme Court and am sharing it below for your own use. Please copy and paste and rewrite this letter in your own words. Then send a copy to the Supreme Court, or better yet, to each one of the Supreme Court justices.
Letter in Support of the Brunson vs. Adams Case
December , 2022
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
Associate Justice Elena Kagan.
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch
Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh
Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson
Re: Case #22-380 coming up on the S.C. Docket January 2023
Dear Sir/Madam,
Regarding the Brunson vs. Adams et al case number 22-380 filed by Brunson on or about March 23, 2021, which the Supreme Court of the U.S. is currently examining, I wish the following to be known:
I am writing this letter in support of the case listed above. I love the U.S. Constitution and want to uphold it to the best of my knowledge. I also want the oath to the U.S. Constitution, taken by Congress and all politicians when they enter office, to be binding. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article VI clause 3, “Senators, State representatives and Members of various State Legislatures, including the Executives and Judicial Officers all of the United States shall be bound by Oath or Affirmative to uphold the Constitution of United States of America.” I plead with you to vote in favor of the American Constitution that protects our God-given rights, in favor of this great form of government and “We the People,” including people of all faiths and all parties. I support honesty and truth in our elections, in Congress, and in government agencies. All must execute the duties in their office and uphold their oaths to the best of their abilities, and be held accountable to the highest standards set. We must all hold each other accountable.
I pray for you all, and pray that you do the right thing by shining the light on foreign interference and control in our elections. I pray that you act in this great country’s citizens’ best interests.
Your Name and Address
Mail a Copy to the Brunson Brothers, too
Juan O Savin has also asked that you send a copy of your letter to the Brunson brothers and include a $1 in the envelope as well as a show of your support. The Brunson brothers have worked hard on this case for two years and have done all the work at their own expense.
Here is the address where you can write the Brunsons:
Loy and Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd, # 132, Ogden, Utah 84403.
Thank you for reading my blog, and thanks in advance for writing your letter to the Supreme Court of the United States and the Brunson brothers!
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