Can your intuition and connection with your higher self help keep you and your children safe? I believe the answer is a resounding yes, and I’m writing this article in response to MaryEllen Tribby’s heartfelt post about the three dreadful events that happened in Orlando mid-June, particularly the tragic death of two-year-old Lane Graves.
In her article titled, “Stop the Blaming and Shaming: Overcoming Tragedies Together,” MaryEllen Tribby’s focus was on the two-year-old boy who was attacked and killed by an alligator at one of Disney’s finest hotels and how his parents must now feel. Especially with so many, through social media, blaming and shaming the parents for their son’s tragic loss.
Being the parent of three children herself, MaryEllen recounts how she was lucky there were no cars driving by when her two-year-old girl darted into the parking lot while she was grabbing her briefcase from the front seat of her car. Or the time her toddler son smacked face-first onto the parking lot from her SUV, as she moved away the shopping cart.
MaryEllen writes that children do not come with an owner’s manual and we cannot hold them in our laps until they’re 18. She’s grateful her own split-second mistakes did not result in tragedy. Which is why, she says, instead of blaming and shaming the parents who have suffered the loss of their children, let’s offer them love and support.
But There’s Something More Parents Can Do
I agree with MaryEllen. But I also want to add there is something more we as parents can do to help keep our children safe: We can strengthen the relationship with our higher self (our soul—which is our connection with the Universe, Everything There Is, God) and follow our intuition, promptly and consistently. We actually can use the innate power within us that hardly anyone knows about … least of all, how to develop it.
I have two children of my own, an 18-year-old and a 21-year-old, and I’ll share some examples where my intuition helped keep my children safe.
Three Real-Life Examples …
When my younger daughter Julianne was between three and four months old, I placed her in one of those bouncy seats and put her on the broad kitchen counter while I unloaded the dishwasher one morning. Bouncy seats are designed for babies between three and six months old, and she lay back, playing with the spinning toys attached to the bouncy seat.
I was putting food containers away when I heard a strange noise, like the sound you’d expect a baby to make if she were in a roller coaster and her stomach dropped. I spun around instantly and caught her and the bouncy seat in my arms. She had bounced off the top rack of the dishwasher, straight into my arms.
I can’t even begin to imagine what would have happened had I not turned around in time. I heard some babies have died when dropped from several feet. (Note to parents and grandparents: Never ever put your baby in a bouncy seat on an elevated surface.)
Another time when Julianne was two, she, her sister Angelika and I went out the back gate of our house to the association pool. Angelika and I were loaded down with towels, swim noodles and other gear, allowing Julianne to slip away and get to the pool first. By the time I got there, less than 10 seconds later, she was nowhere to be seen.
First I did a quick scan of the pool but didn’t see her. I called her name “Julianne, Julianne!” and did a 360º around the landscaped area but didn’t see her there, either. Then I stood silent by the pool and became aware of a chill creeping down my spine. The next thing I “heard” in my head was, “eagle eye, pretend you have the vision of an eagle.” I scanned the pool again carefully and this time, saw a little hand coming out of the pool on the far, deep end. I rushed over and grabbed her hand and she was fine.
The third example is more recent, when Julianne was 14. It was early in her freshman high school year, a Friday night, and she was sleeping over at a girlfriend’s house. I kept in texting contact with her—until around 10:30 pm when she stopped texting back. Feeling something wasn’t right about our conversation, I went out to go look for her. But neither she nor her friend were at the friend’s house. And neither did they answer their phones. I called my older daughter Angelika (who was 17 then) and told her to help find her sister.
Then the friend’s parent and I walked down the street to a third girl’s house where they were all supposed to be—at least that’s what he was told. But they weren’t there, either. And as we walked back I got an alert that someone on my cell phone plan had just called 911.
I called Julianne’s friend, who answered because she didn’t recognize my number. After some discussion, we got the address of the party they attended a few blocks away. By the time we got there, several police cars lined the street and 20 to 30 teenagers sat on the curb, awaiting their parents’ arrival.
I called Angelika, who told me she had Julianne with her. It turned out someone at the party had already texted Angelika to come get her sister as she had a few beers and was puking in the bathtub. Angelika found out the party was given by a 17-year-old boy whose parents were away for the weekend. Then as she helped Julianne to the car she thought to herself, This is wrong. That’s when she called the police.
What To Pay Attention To
As a parent, you must be vigilant and act promptly when you hear odd, unexpected noises, receive intuitive thoughts or impressions, or get the subtle feeling that something isn’t right.
It’s also important to teach your children to listen to their intuition. Every time they ignore their intuition they weaken their relationship with their higher self, put themselves at risk, and even give up their power. Preteen and teenage girls in particular experience this.
Teach Your Teen, Too.
Teach your teen to pay attention to that little feeling in the pit of her stomach or that quiet, still voice that says, “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this” when someone tries to talk her into doing something not in her best interest. Girls give up their power to boys all the time and regret it later. And when they ignore their intuition, they diminish their relationship with their higher self and their innate power.
It’s clear to me that listening to your intuition will help keep your children safe. In fact, when I was writing my first book, and in constant intuitive flow, I received the strong impression that strengthening the relationship with our higher self absolutely helps to keep us and our children safe.
Besides, God, the Divine, has another motive. When you’re following your inner guidance you’re helping to create a new world, a world that works for everyone (well, that is the Divine Plan …). Which means your spirit guides will want to keep you around so that you can actually fulfill that mission!
To strengthen the relationship with your higher self, follow the steps in the Quick Start Guide available on this blog. And if you have a story to share, an example of when you followed your intuition and it helped keep you or your child safe, please share it in the comment section below. Thank you!
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