Category: <span>Inner Guidance</span>

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Just last week I noticed a healing in relationship, an improved relationship that happened almost overnight with my older daughter (who just turned 18) after I connected with her on a soul / higher self level and I shared my experience with my friend Pamela Leach, who is a spiritual adviser. Pamela told me that she has not heard this healing process described so simply anywhere before, so she asked me to share it with my readers by writing it up in my blog.

First, some background: I’ve spoken with Pamela several times over the last few years about the challenges of raising teenagers, particularly when those teenagers are not in agreement with your life course (i.e. me taking an “alternative” path) and the success of that path hasn’t manifested yet. There was a lot of anger and resentment directed toward me (and to an extent, there still is).

The Counsel of Light had reminded me in November of last year (when Flo Aeveia Magdalena channeled their message to me) that connecting with my daughters soul to soul, seeing them in my mind’s eye sitting in a chair next to me, and speaking from my heart (as the Counsel of Light reminded me I had done with my husband years ago) would make a difference.

Anyway, about two weeks ago, I went to bed one night and remembered an “incident” I had with my older daughter when she was three years old. This is something that has weighed on my heart, and it has come up for me several times in the past (probably to have me clear it, but I didn’t know how to, not until recently).

My older daughter was three years and two months and my younger daughter was a few days old when the incident occurred. I had placed my newborn in the middle of my bed for a nap and then left the room. A little while later, I returned to the bedroom to discover my newborn on the floor next to the bed, my three year old eyeing her. And I got upset.

I remember I got afraid, had become overcome by the fear that I had one of “those” children who was jealous enough of their sibling, that they would hurt them. I yelled at my three-year old and grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and closed the door. You go to your room and stay there, screamed the scared mother.

I know now just how immature and inappropriate my reaction was, but back then I was impaired by my emotions and fear. And even though I had said I’m sorry to the three-year old in person soon after the incident occurred, I still felt something was incomplete.

So two weeks ago when I went to bed I connected with the soul / higher self of my older daughter (by focusing on my “sacred space” near my heart chakra and my soul seed and visualizing a connection with my daughter’s “sacred space”) and in my mind’s eye I visualized her sitting in a chair right next to me.

Then I spoke what was in my heart. I told her about what had happened when she was three years old, that I was afraid that she was one of those children who was jealous of her sibling, that I had screamed at her and pulled her out of the room and shut the door on her. I told her that I did not mean to do that, and that it must have been frightening to see her mother so mad. I told her I was so sorry about what had happened and that it was because I was overcome by my fear, not because she was bad. I told her that I love her, that I so wanted to have a better relationship with her, and I asked for her forgiveness.

After I said what all I wanted to say and I felt “clear,” in my mind’s eye I gave her a hug and told her goodnight. Then I fell asleep.

A few days later, I noticed a real shift in my relationship with my daughter. One evening I texted her, asking “Are you at work?” Rather than responding in her typical way, “WTF ya” she asked, “Ya why?” I texted back, “Just making sure you’re fine,” to which she responded “Thank you.” (That “Thank you” is a big deal to me.)

She also gave me a spontaneous hug on the stairs a day or two after that, and she is coming to me much more often than usual for advice regarding colleges and boy issues. (And since her perception of me is that I have wasted my Ivy League engineering degree on an endeavor that will get us nowhere, this is indeed a big deal.)

Sometimes you just can’t clear things with people in the physical. They may not be available, or talking to you, or even alive. Ideally, it’s good to clear things up on both levels, to clear the incident spiritually or “etherically” first, and then physically. (When you clear it on the spiritual level first, it will not have as much of a sting in the physical.)

I think it’s important also to share that I’ve noticed that I had incredible results like this happen much more often when I was inspired from within to work on a specific issue and I followed through promptly, right then and there–as I had done that evening about two weeks ago. And I noticed it worked less often in the case where I wanted something and going through the technique was a way to get what I wanted. This distinction is extremely subtle, but it’s very important to understand. (If you have been following my articles for years, you know that I have placed a lot of importance on “following through promptly and consistently with your inner guidance.”)

So I would recommend you familiarize yourself with the process first, then when you are guided to it, to go through the process promptly, and from your heart. I wish you and yours many, many blessings!

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This week I am sharing a spiritual message from Brenda Hoffman about stepping into your role as a light-worker, as a creator of the new age of love and joy. How do you create the change you want to see in the world?

Dear Ones,

Some of you will claim … that your life, thoughts, sensations and emotions are no different from last year.

Perhaps you wish to be on the Lightworker stage but feel you are not worthy or that someone/something is stopping you. Neither belief is correct. You are a Lightworker. Granted, not everyone has or even wants the same skills in this new earth transition. But if you continue to deny the energies surrounding you –  and this week, almost pummeling you – then you are not ready to move forward. (By “energies surrounding you,” I usually take this to mean messages and feelings and hunches coming into your awareness.–Christine)

Even though you are fully capable of being on the Lightworker stage waiting for the spotlight to find you, some of you have decided the stage is too frightening and have moved behind the curtain. That is your choice – not a choice created by the Universes – but by you. For you are a Lightworker.

Lightworkers who need proof will probably never receive it. Self-worth is generated from within. We cannot give it to you, nor can anyone else.

We have stated on several occasions that you would be clearing your most difficult pieces before transitioning into the 4th and beyond dimensions. And so it is. Spiritually, physically and intellectually you may be excited to move to other dimensions – yet your fears limit your options.

You would not be interested in exploring new earth materials if you were not a Lightworker/Wayshower/Starseed or whatever you wish to label those of you introducing earth to an age of joy and love.

It is your need to feel worth-less or unworthy that is forcing you from the stage of Lightworker fame.

Many of you state that you do not feel anything or that your life is just the same. Does that not sound like a child during summer vacation whining that life is boring? And as a parent do you not laugh at such statements and suggest several activities your child might enjoy? You are now the adult.

Then there are those of you who claim that you are just not clear enough, strong enough or good enough to be a spiritual leader. That somehow everyone “out there” is bigger, better and stronger. Shades of Old Age comparisons that hold no validity in this New Age.

You are not like anyone else – other than you are transitioning into love and joy. Your path is unique. To compare yourself to another Lightworker and their skills or sensations is like comparing apples to oranges. You are different for a reason. If all Lightworkers were the same, how could this transition expand beyond a small group of like-minded, like-acting, like-skilled individuals?

There is no time for modesty, fear of your power or an unwillingness to be a Lightworker –  if that is what your heart draws you to. In past lives, you could shirk the game plan created by you before you entered earth knowing that you could fulfill that obligation to yourself at a later time.

Such is not the case in this transition. Each of you is an important thread in this transition tapestry.

You may feel as if you have nothing to contribute. Quite frankly, if you allow that belief to penetrate your being – you do not. And if that is what you wish to continue to believe, it is indeed time for you to move behind the curtain and allow someone who believes in themselves to move center stage.

No one is going to cajole you into your role. No one is going to babysit you as you moan and groan about how you wish to participate, but you cannot because of this or that. No one has time to hold your hand as you whimper about how unqualified you are.

This is the time to accept your full power. That does not necessarily mean you will be a media star. Merely that you claim your power in whatever form gives you joy. And the first step in claiming your power is believing with every fiber of your being that you are a Lightworker. That is the energy we are sending this week. (By “energy,” they mean message, idea, truth, consciousness.–Christine)

For some that means a physical manifestation of something you have longed for. For others it is the knowingness deep within your being that you are a Lightworker with a role to play in this wondrous transition – a role you created before your entrance on earth.

Perhaps you are of the group who brought the New Age to earth. You have since shifted roles into beaming the joy of this transition to others. Meaning that not only must you accept that you are a Lightworker, you must display that you are in whatever way your inner-being dictates – whatever gives you joy, from growing vegetables to becoming a media star.

You are who you are – as you created yourself before entering earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you are shy. That is entirely acceptable and exactly what you wish to be. But in your shyness you still will radiate the light of a Lightworker – if you accept your worthiness. This is not the Age to hide under a basket in fear or pain. But instead to shine your light in whatever fashion feels most joyful. You never have to be center stage – but you do need to accept that you have a place on stage before you can be a true Lightworker.

You do not need to channel, heal the sick, write books, make presentations, change the world, transport yourself to other parts of the Universes or create a new tool to be a Lightworker. You merely need to accept that you are a Lightworker and that you will move into your role – whatever that role is – when it is your time to do so.

Stop whining. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop making excuses for why you cannot be a Lightworker. Stop throwing up your hands in disgust because all of this is a hoax – and move to your place on stage. Your co-Lightworkers are moving toward their joy and have no need to care take you. Any more than you have a need to care take others.

You are a Lightworker of the greatest magnitude merely waiting for your role to begin. So be it. Amen.”–Channeled by Brenda Hoffman, January 16, 2013

I really resonate with what Brenda has channeled. I do feel I am in a different place, a better place, than last year (and I literally, physically am in a different place). Besides continuing my work with this blog and expanding my readership, I have also been led (by what’s been happening in my life and from inner guidance) to create a new project, to help young people in a particular way, and I’ll be sharing my new project with you in several weeks time, after it is created. (Sharing this with you will push me to create it sooner, rather than later…)

If you feel that not much has changed in your life, unless you take the necessary steps, unless you step into your higher purpose fully, your world will remain much the same, today will be very much like yesterday, and tomorrow will be very much like today. And unless sufficient numbers of us make significant changes in our lives, the world will pretty much look the same.

You probably already know what you need to do; you’ve been wanting to make a difference in certain areas of your life for some time now. It’s just that something has prevented you from taking the necessary steps. Well, the timing is right to begin now!

I know it can be very scary. I’ve been there and I wrote about the changes I made, and what helped me make them, in my memoir on reconnecting titled, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. (These experiences are what my how-to eBook is based on.)

There is so much more support now available to help you take those necessary steps. Furthermore, a lot of the hyped-up, false, distracting information put out by those seeking to dis-empower you and keep you wanting and waiting for some savior(s) to do it for you has been exposed. As I’ve written in last week’s blog post (about 2013 being the year of great potential), if you seek the light (by “light” I mean your higher self, your connection with Source) and muster up the courage to align your life with that light, you will be supported by the Universe, you will receive guidance when you need it, you will get clearer, and it will get easier for you. And over time you will be able to fulfill your potential (meaning, you will be able to fulfill your unique role, the role your higher self signed up for before you incarnated in this lifetime). I hold you in my heart and wish you many blessings on your path!


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This past Wednesday I had a message from the Counsel of Light channeled for me through Flo Aeveia Magdalena. The gist of their message, if I could put it in a single nutshell, is: Live from creation and not from survival and struggle. In other words, if we want to manifest a Golden Age, it is high time to begin living from creation, consistently.

As some of you may know, it’s been quite some time since I had Flo Aeveia channel a personal message for me. It’s been several years, in fact, the last time during the Summer of 2005. But I felt, with my move back to the house I lived over nine years ago, that this move was significant and an opportunity for a new focus for me–and also that the moment was urgent. And indeed, I received the message that it is time to much more consistently live from the creative mode and less from survival.

Oh yes, I admit to not being so consistent. Even though I write these blog posts on reconnecting with your higher self and following through with divine guidance in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently), I have made many choices that I would consider a reaction to the world around me rather than living from the creative potential. (Particularly in certain areas of my life, such as family relationships and personal economics.) In other words, rather than operating from the creative realm consistently (the vertical connection, the connection with Source), I was reacting to the struggle around me from the normal human operating mode, making choices from fear and outer circumstances and the manipulations of the outer world.

In the channeling the Counsel of Light advised me to be more consistent, to increase the time I’m living in creation compared to living in survival from a ratio that right now approaches 50:50, to 60:40, then to 75:25, and to keep increasing that ratio. This means being in the creative mode in all areas of my life more and more consistently, until that’s the only mode I’m operating from.

They advised me to get that vertical connection really strong first (the connection with Source, with Origin actually) so that the “horizontal begins to spin.” What they mean is, I am feeling that excitation and that strong excitation I’m feeling in my heart is what drives my horizontal connection, is what drives me, is what drives my choices and actions in the outer world. Because that is how one attracts whatever one needs, whatever resources one needs to fulfill one’s purpose.

I have to agree with them. While I was writing my 2 books, I felt that excitation really strongly. I was in creation mode consistently, the resources were flowing, and I experienced many amazing synchronicities daily that furthered my book projects along. Universal cooperation and flow happened consistently on a daily basis.

I experienced flow and amazing synchronicities while writing many articles and blog posts, and when I moved my place of residence near the end of September. (To see a recent example of what is possible when living from the creative potential, please read my blog post from a few weeks ago titled, Following Your Intuition in the Moment Makes Overwhelming Projects Manageable). But at the same time, I see that I have been operating from fear and struggle in other areas of my life (which I am sure caused a damper in what I was able to create and/or manifest around me).

I am reminded of what the Counsel of Light told me several years ago, something like, “Don’t worry about what you need to do next week, don’t worry about tomorrow, even. Just take care of what you’re being called to take care of today.”

Regarding the moving example, I am reminded of another amazing thing that happened that illustrates the above beautifully: I had been trying to sell a heavy, solid wood entertainment center for a few weeks on Craigslist. A few people came in to look, but no one bought. On the last day of my move around 5 pm, after I okayed with the landlady that the new tenants could begin moving in their things, I got an email from a woman who told me that she wanted the entertainment center and could come over in 20 minutes. The buyers and the new tenants arrived around the same time, and the guys moving their furniture in helped the people who bought the entertainment center load it onto their truck. (It was very heavy, too heavy for only two guys to lift up onto a truck.)

I know some of us get glimpses of the magic of living from that sacred space and the creative energies that are possible, but do we actually dwell in that place for any length of time? Do we live from that place consistently? Look around you, look at the state of the world, and you will have your answer. Does it look to you like we’re on the brink of a Golden Age?

Yes, I understand that I have not been as consistent as I could have been. And yes, I am ready to live from that place consistently, I’m ready to live from that vertical connection consistently, from that connection with Source, with Origin, that’s accessed through the higher self, consistently. I will be sharing what I experience as well as parts of the Counsel of Light’s message in future blog posts because I feel many will benefit from their message. Will you join me in this endeavor?

In the meantime, I invite you to strengthen your relationship with your higher self, and if you haven’t already, please take a look at the resources on my Connecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will not created by the wave of someone’s magic wand or just by meditating in our retreats, but by our living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently.


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I received an email comment regarding my last post on How to Be Happy that I’d like to discuss with my readers. The person who wrote the comment recommended a system / tool for transformation and raising consciousness about your higher purpose called “Human Design,” with which I haven’t had any experience. The following is her comment:

“I was reading your recent post (have been subscribed for a while) and have the urge to point you to the Human Design System at If you are truly interested in getting away from generalizing ‘wisdom’ and deconditioning it is a most valuable thing to investigate. I have listened to teachers of all sorts (not the ‘Secret’) for years until I found out about my design and how to arrive at passenger consciousness. We each have a unique inner authority and to align with it takes study, understanding and practice.

Otherwise you are contributing to the generalized teachings – albeit in what you perceive as your very own realizations and add to the confusion…”

Firstly, I’d like to respond that some advice is meant to be general and really does pertain to all of us (for example, learn to love unconditionally, learn to connect with and integrate with your higher self) and some advice just doesn’t pertain to everyone (for example, get yourself fit by preparing for a marathon).

The following advice (that I have been saying for years now) is general and pertains to all of us reading this post: Connect with your higher self and follow through with your own inner guidance so that you fulfill your higher purpose, your contribution to the Golden Age that we’re now creating.

What makes a path unique / individualized to you though is that each and every one of you will receive unique and individual inner guidance from your own higher self (your “soul blueprint”) that will help you fulfill your unique contribution.

In my eBook, the steps I share are for the general audience and helpful to anyone seeking to connect and integrate with their higher self, but the examples I have given of the inner guidance received and the results achieved pertain to myself and to people I know who have shared their success stories with me. (And by sharing those examples, readers do get a good sense of how things work and why, so that they can do it for themselves, and also, they get a sense of the kinds of results they can expect in their life.) Of course you won’t achieve exactly the same results; rather, the results you achieve will be unique and meaningful to you.

Secondly, I perused the jovianarchive website and found that the Human Design system uses astrology as well as other methodologies to help people gain insight into their soul blueprint or “design.”

Using a tool or a system such as Human Design can help inform, teach and give people insight into their life (of course, getting extra insight from another person or source can be very helpful). However, I strongly caution that no system is perfect and it makes sense to always check the information you receive from a transformation tool or another person against your own intuition / inner guidance. Regardless of whether you use astrology, Human Design, pendulums, psychics, channeled messages or any other tool or guidance system, it is always wise to develop your own inner guidance system and when any discrepancies do occur, I would always go with my own inner guidance rather than with what Human Design (or any other system) prescribes. (This is where I suspect the source of confusion that the commenter mentions comes in.)

Remember, the ultimate tool for transformation and raising your consciousness is to connect with your higher self and gain more and more confidence in this connection until you get to a point that I call the “critical mass”–where you give your higher self and inner guidance at least as much credence and attention as anyone or anything outside of yourself, including any kind of tool for transformation … because this is when personal transformation and the magic of Interconnectedness really begins in your life.

To learn more about connecting and integrating with your higher self, please click on the link below:

How to Connect and Integrate with Your Higher Self


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Recently I read an article on, in a nutshell, how to be happy. In that article, the spiritual teacher states that she has found that many people in her circle who have been following the “path” have been in fact experiencing a lot of the opposite; for example, serious health problems or incidents of what they’ve determined they do NOT want in their life–even though they’ve done a lot of spiritual practice, intending and positive visualization.

The teacher then states that this negativity usually means that you’re very close to manifesting what you DO want. It’s just that you need to “claim this change,” to “return what you did not order” and to demand what you have “ordered on your plate.” She goes on to say that you just need to be certain of what you want and get back to imagining what you desire and “prepare yourself to receive.” I left out the name of the teacher because it really doesn’t matter; almost all of them are saying the same thing.

I am so tired of this regurgitated nonsense. I thought we have learned some things since the book, The Secret, came out several years ago. Apparently, not a whole lot.

Do you get happy by lying in bed and visualizing your happiness? Do you get what you want by visualizing in your mind and “returning to the Universe what you do not want?” Haven’t lightworkers been trying these techniques for years now, without a whole lot of success?

I’ll tell you how to get happy. It’s really not that complicated. You will get happy when you connect with your higher self / soul / true self (sometimes referred to as your “heart”) and follow through with your “heart’s” guidance. You will get happy when you align with your higher self. In other words, you will get happy when you stop betraying yourself. How can you be happy when you’re constantly going against your heart? Every time you ignore your inner guidance, your subtle inner feelings, you’re betraying yourself. No wonder you’re not getting what you want and you’re not happy about it.

You can try to fill the holes in your “heart” by worldly things such as going shopping or going to fancy lunches with your girlfriends or going drinking with your buddies. But you’ll find the hole only gets bigger the more you try to fill it with those empty distractions.

I remember feeling this hole in my heart about a decade ago. I tried to fill it by going shopping or by going to lunch with fun girlfriends. But my higher self wasn’t easily fooled. I felt the hole got bigger the more I did those “outer world” things. So I stopped doing them and embarked on a different path. I connected with my higher self and worked on fulfilling my higher purpose. (Well, I got pushed in that direction by other means, too.)

I wrote about this experience in my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. I wrote about how once I got into doing my higher purpose (following my heart, which means following through with the inner guidance I receive), I turned down lunch offers with girlfriends and spent the time alone, writing. (For me to do this was amazing, since what I was writing about at that point was actually quite painful. But I was truly having a blast.)

In fact, a friend of mine got a bit insulted when she read that part of my manuscript. I explained to her that it wasn’t that I wasn’t valuing her or her time, for I truly love and value her. It’s just that what I needed to do at that time was write–while the creativity and writing was flowing.

The steps for how to be happy or how to get what you want are really the same: reconnect with your higher self and integrate (align) with your higher self by following through with your inner guidance so that you fulfill what you came here for: your higher purpose, your unique contribution to the Golden Age. It really is that simple. (It’s just not that easy, but most everything worth having takes some effort, no?)

To discover the steps for reconnecting and integrating with your higher self, check out my how-to eBook by clicking on the link below:

Activating 2012:  A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity


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My last blog post of October 1st focused on how when you trust and follow through with your inner guidance, projects become easier to successfully complete. In that posting, I had also mentioned how my inner guidance had changed over the years, becoming less conspicuous and more subtle.

I understand why the guidance I receive now is more subtle. It’s because of over several years of recognizing, trusting and following through with my inner guidance in the moment (and the amazing and favorable synchronicities and new insights that occurred as a result) I no longer need “clear signs from the Universe” to point me in the right direction. I will explain in this article.

A decade ago, I was not clear on what “Ascension” or “spiritual evolution” was and I wasn’t very confident with recognizing (and following through with) my inner guidance and intuition. I had felt myself guided to begin my higher purpose at that time (and had received messages about my purpose from a lady who channeled the Counsel of Light), but I wasn’t clear on what steps to take. To make things more challenging, there was a lot of resistance in my family regarding that different path. Even though I had felt myself guided about 9 and a half years ago to move out of my house to a new place, I knew it would be a very difficult move and path, both for myself and for my family. If I were to go ahead with this plan, I knew I needed some real support, not just talk. So I talked to God: “If You, God, want me to begin my path and write my books, I will need some very clear signs about the steps I need to take. I need signs that I cannot misinterpret.” I wanted “signs from Heaven.”

The following example (an excerpt from my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening) is one of several signs I had received from the “Universe” at that time regarding moving. It was a sign that pointed me to move out of my house 9 years ago, and where:

Late one evening on July of 2003, my children and I had come home from a friend’s house. After I got my children off to bed I was exhausted, but as I passed my computer on my way to bed, my inner voice told me to turn it on and look at the rentals listed on Craigslist. (“Turn on your computer and look at the rentals on Craigslist,” is what my inner voice clearly said, as if I had “heard” the words spoken in my head.)

Do I have to right now? I thought to myself. I mean it can wait until morning, can’t it? I just wanted to go to sleep, not to power up my laptop, which took several minutes to boot. But as I had already mentioned, I was getting good at hearing my inner voice and following through immediately. Well, if I were in the shower and got a hunch to call someone, it would have to wait until I was done–you use your common sense with such things. But being tired didn’t count as an emergency or a major inconvenience. “Okay Christine, just do it, just so you could say you did.” (By this time I was talking to myself fairly regularly.)

I logged onto Craigslist and immediately found a new ad for a small house with a very reasonable rent only one and a half miles away. It seemed like the perfect place, and as I scrutinized the ad details, in that same moment I received an email from the owner of this same house, asking whether I was still in need of a rental. (I had placed a “rental wanted” ad on Craigslist earlier that day.)

My kids and I looked at the house later that week and when I expressed my interest to the Vietnamese landlady, she said, “You’re the first person we show this house to. It’s not in move-in condition yet, buy us clomid, but if you like it so much you can have it. I won’t show it to anyone else. I’ll tell them it’s taken.” I almost started crying as I had been looking for a reasonable place for months. We made an appointment to sign a month-to-month lease about 2 weeks later.”

When you’re not that confident in recognizing your inner guidance, you might want to ask the Universe for clear guidance that you cannot misinterpret–as I had done when I asked for “clear signs” about what to do. But after you’ve become confident in your ability to recognize and trust your inner guidance such that you follow through with it promptly and consistently, even when making difficult choices, a subtle hunch will do.

I wrote about the subtle, “flash of awareness” hunches I received in last week’s blog post–which was about my moving back to my old house with my family at the end of last month. You might want to say I am coming full circle here, just as we are coming full circle with regard to the 26,000 year cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes.

So, anyway, here I am a decade later. I understand what spiritual evolution is and what Ascension is about. I know that each one of us has a similar path–in that we are here to learn and grow spiritually and to fulfill our higher purpose. It’s just that the details of that purpose will be unique for each individual. And I know I can help by sharing my experiences and story, even though the details of your experiences and your contribution to the “New Way” will be unique to you.

To learn more about my story (and my 2 books), please click on the link below:



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This blog post shows how following my intuition in the moment made a project that was overwhelming to me into something very manageable, even satisfying. I feel that the information in this article will be helpful to many who are feeling overwhelmed at the moment, regardless of the type of project they’re involved in (including projects related to shifting the world’s consciousness).

Some of you know that I have been moving out of my house this last month. I had given my 30-day notice and committed to being completely moved out by the 30th of September. Since I was moving into a place that was completely furnished about a mile away, I had planned on selling or giving away many of my things. There was a lot of stuff I needed to go through – nine years worth of accumulations.

Furthermore, I was attending a 3-day seminar in Chicago around the 20th and needed to prepare for that trip. There were also additional challenges placed upon me mid-month: my landlady wanted to partially remodel the kitchen and the bathroom and have the rental painted by the 30th. She asked me to accommodate her and in exchange, she would return some rent money to me. I told her that I would do my best.

If I were not well-versed with “going with the flow,” I would have been completely overwhelmed with the changes and I probably would have resisted. Instead, I followed my intuition for how to handle the moving project and in what order to do it. I also asked the “Universe” to let me know what to do in the moment – which kept me in action, prevented me from going into overwhelm, and allowed me to tap into the magic of Interconnectedness and Flow.

For example, I found out a day ahead of time that the contractor wanted to begin by tearing out the part of the bathroom that was going to be remodeled. So the day before, rather than procrastinating or being inefficient, I got everything that was mine out of the bathroom and into the new place. Then I began on the kitchen, including the food in the refrigerator.

During the process I received many “flashes of awareness” that I followed in the moment. For example, the next morning I was driving to my new place with a carload of personal items when a block away from my rental, I had remembered the contractor would need a key to get in and I had forgotten to put one under the doormat. It was not the kind of guidance I had received years earlier, almost audible, as if I had “heard” the inner guidance telling me what to do in my mind. Rather, this guidance was very subtle, almost like a flash of awareness.

I turned the car around immediately and returned just in time to see the contractor’s truck pulling up in front of the house. If I had not followed my intuition in the moment, the project would have been delayed and I would have had to deal with an annoyed contractor (and an unhappy landlady).

The following day, I had posted photos of living room furniture I wanted to sell on Craigslist. Then I went to see my friend Lisa at the end of the long exhausting day. While I was visiting my friend, I had a flash of awareness to check my email. I asked Lisa to use her laptop and sure enough, someone had just emailed, asking about the furniture.

Two days before I was supposed to be moved out, I still didn’t know what to do with my bedroom set–which was hanging over my head. (I had asked the Universe earlier to help me sell it or give it to the right person, and nothing came up. I even said to another friend, “Who is supposed to have my bedroom set?”) However, since things have been happening smoothly thus far, I had faith the Universe would continue to let me know what to do when. Anyway, two days before my moving deadline, I had an intuition (of the flash of awareness kind) to take photos of it and put it up for sale on Craigslist.

I uploaded the photos to Craigslist around 9:30 pm that night. About a half hour later, I received an email from a lady in San Francisco, letting me know that she was adopting a young adult and can I please hold the bedroom set for her because it was perfect for her new girl.

The next day she emailed again, confirming her interest, asking if I needed a deposit because she could only pick it up the next day, the morning of the 30th. She was ready to drive down one hour with the money, just to show she was serious. I took her word for it.

On the morning of the last day, she showed up with a rental truck and a friend and everything went smoothly. On the way out, she asked about an onyx mood lamp I still, “for some reason,” had sitting around.

“If you like it, it’s yours, ” I said. I guess that was the reason.

I had even left a ziplock bag lying around “for some reason,” which turned out to be perfect for holding the screws for the bedroom set.

If I were to write about all the synchronicities that happened during my move, this article would become way too long. But I’m amazed at how perfectly everything went because I stayed out of overwhelm … by having faith in the Universe, in people, and by following through consistently with those very subtle flashes of insight in the moment. I am pleased to say that I was moved out by the early evening of the 30th, the place was remodeled, painted and cleaned, and the new tenants were even able to begin moving in that evening.

I believe this is how we can operate right now. I believe this “energy” of synchronicity and cooperation is available to humanity right now – if we have faith enough to follow through with our inner guidance in the moment.

To learn more about the power of your inner guidance, please click the link to my eBook below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity



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I received some brilliant comments on the Ascension Process and the practice of teachers charging for various spiritual services (personal growth services) in my last blog post titled, Paying For Ascension – The Truth about The Ascension Process. One particularly brilliant comment (with which I wholeheartedly agree) was from a reader named Patricia. Patricia commented,

“People continue to miss the BIG message here.  This topic really has nothing to do with people charging a lot of money for a spiritual service—even if it is related to  Ascension.

This dynamic simply provides a sought after supply matched with a demand created by those who are still seeking this help from outside themselves…They are a perfect match!   These are people who are unaware that it can only be found from within them….this is confusion that is caused by a false and limiting belief that was designed and set into play a long time ago.  It is one of many aspects to the belief that we are separate from Source.

Nothing could be farther from the Truth.

I would say to anyone who is not resonating with this sort of scenario of “helpless person seeks, asks, and pays money for help from another”…

You are obviously ready to begin your inner journey of finding and developing a relationship with your Soul and Higher Self!  So what are you waiting for?   Run do not walk!

Rather than spending anymore of your precious time distracted by what is unimportant…instead, be grateful for your new found awareness and realization that it has served you well by leading you to this point of readiness!  Now is the time for you to begin!  There is no going back!

Until you are actively connected and communicating with Your True Self…24/7, you will remain a player in this game and it is clear now that it does not work very well for you anymore.  So time to do something different that does work.

The only way out of this is to “GO WITHIN”!  For within you, the True Self, is the only place you will find the Truth and or FREE help for ascension or any other topic you seek.  That is just the way it is!

The Choice is yours to make!”–Patricia

So … when it comes to “going within,” how do you actually “run, not walk?”

My answer: You begin today (not tomorrow, not the next day) to cultivate a clearer, deeper relationship with your higher self. You do not have to do anything special about your past; you can begin where you are right now. So what you do (in the evening before you go to sleep and in the morning, if possible) is connect within with a meditation that works like a “shot in the arm” for connecting with your higher self and then, you begin to pay attention to your “sacred space.”

One way to “pay attention” is to “check in” to your sacred space several times a day, to anticipate the receiving of subtle guidance and inner promptings.  Because we are so used to ignoring or dismissing our inner guidance and the subtle feelings associated with our sacred space, it will take a bit of effort and re-learning to get into the habit of paying attention to that part of ourselves.

You then make note of what you feel or any guidance you receive and you “align with” and / or follow through with whatever guidance you receive as promptly and as consistently as possible. When you do this, what happens is that you get on the “upward spiral” that is Ascension. Another way to say this is: you spiral upwards when you listen to the spirit within you. Because if you ignore your higher self / sacred space, how can you ever expect to be happy or fulfilled?

Usually, your higher self will have you take baby steps at first, until you gain more confidence in yourself and in the process. For example, you may get a hunch to call a friend at a certain time. If you follow through and if a “synchronicity” occurs, you will have greater confidence to follow through with your inner guidance the next time.

An example: About five years ago, a friend of mine had gone on a road trip from the San Jose area of California to Alaska for several weeks. He stayed mostly at campgrounds in his van and spent some time in an area of Canada that was sparsely populated. About two weeks into his trip, I got a nudge to call him on his cell phone, to ask him how his trip was going.

He answered his cell phone and asked me whether I had tried to call him earlier.

“No, this is the first time that I tried to call you since you left for your trip,” I said.

“Well, that’s interesting. This is the first time in about a week that I’m able to get cell phone service. I have to tell you that you have good timing,” he said. At the moment I called, he was staying at a campsite in Northern Canada that actually had cell phone reception!

So then what you do is you allow your higher self to play a bigger and bigger role in your life until your higher self gets at least as much attention as the physical world around you. This is an important milestone because it’s the “critical mass point” when your higher self really gets activated in your life. This is when you can expect to experience the “gifts” of following through: favorable synchronicities happen regularly, you have perfect timing, there’s much more flow in your life, the questions you ask the “Universe” often get answered within 24 hours, and you experience a greater sense of fulfillment and cooperation in life.

As you continue this process over time, your higher self will continue to inform and transform your life, including your outer world and experiences, so that you fulfill your potential and higher purpose. In summary, connecting and integrating with your higher self = the Ascension Process = the upwards spiral.

To discover the how-to steps of this process in detail, including two very powerful and relevant meditations, practical daily steps to take, and how to reduce your fear around the process (because the process is much more difficult when you’re afraid), please click on the link below. On that page you can access the eBook Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity.

Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarity


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Thursday morning I awakened from a strange dream. In the dream I was upset because I had realized that my daughter had parked my car in the ocean. I stood on the shore looking at my car; it wasn’t that far away, maybe a hundred meters or so, and it was not the only car out there: there were about a half dozen other vehicles parked in one neat row off the shore.

A storm was brewing and the cars were getting a beating from the waves but that is not why I was upset. I was upset because my car being out in the ocean was a weird, unexpected oddity and also, I didn’t have access to my vehicle and didn’t have any idea how to get it back! So I looked for my daughter and demanded that she get my car right back.

After hearing my complaint she left to see someone, perhaps the “ocean valet,” and a few moments later, my car was being delivered to me on some kind of mechanical platform that delivered cars, one by one. Before awakening from the dream, I remember thinking that all I had to do was ask, and it was delivered.

I believe the storm is a sign of the tumultuous times we’re living in right now, and the ocean signifies our spiritual world (our inner world). I’ve been feeling a bit of anxiety lately in my “body vehicle,” and my other “vehicles”–my car and my computer–have had their issues as well. My car’s problem (the ignition lock) has been recently fixed, and my laptop (still under warranty) most likely has a hard drive failure that ought to get fixed shortly. (I asked a friend for his assessment and was relieved to hear that it most likely is a simple hard drive failure having nothing to do with me.)

One of the lessons here is to ask for what you need. Many “lightworkers / warriors” are used to plowing through on their own and forget to ask others to help them. Sometimes reaching out and asking those who can help can take a bit of courage, but it’s the next step in your personal growth. Sometimes you need to ask the “ocean valet” (God, the Divine, our spirit guides) for help and guidance.

There’s another dream that has been on my mind quite a lot lately. I had the dream in 2005, but am being guided to share it here, to help change the direction of the path humanity is on. The following dream is excerpted from my memoir What Everyone Believed:

“At the end of January 2005, I awakened from a dream where I was scrambling across a craggy landscape that looked like the aftermath of a mountain  explosion. Large boulders and slabs lay all around in disarray, as though they had fallen from the sky. Crevices wide enough to fall through stymied your path; you had to watch your every move. I was stepping through the wreckage,  hopping from boulder to boulder, headed towards a city that looked like ancient  Rome. When I entered the city through the front gates, I saw lions living among the people. Lions loitered in the courtyards, on the piazzas and the verandas.  The people hummed about the city guardedly–quite understandable, given that you could never be sure what a lion might do. I too walked around feeling guarded, and slipped away to a safe place while still going about my normal business. I  was with a Hispanic woman. She had been stopped for questioning at one of the  city’s checkpoints–a common thing. And as I was waiting for her, I awakened  from my dream.

After I recorded my dream into a journal, it had occurred to me that the people had learned to live with the lions; the two had coexisted. And perhaps after a few generations, it became the only way they knew how to live. They had learned how to walk, what to do, what to feed the lions. They went about their daily business taking certain precautions and thus, remained relatively safe. And then, the lions did not seem so much like lions anymore. They mostly lazed around, swishing their tails.”–End of excerpt.

Back at the time of my dream (which was for me … divine guidance), I had interpreted it to mean that I was to keep going with my mission while coexisting with my fears. Furthermore, I saw the fears being tamed, and the “lions” out in the world could also be tamed.

What about you? Is your fear still blocking you from doing what you’re here to do? Perhaps you’ll discover that your fears and anxieties (if you examine them and move through them) are the catalysts that allow you to discover your unique contribution at this important time in humanity’s history. Dreams are a form of divine guidance and a way your higher self uses to get through to you. And when you connect and integrate with your higher self, you will have clearer dreams that guide.

To learn the how-to steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (including how to release your fears), click on “eBook on 2012” in the main menu.

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I am convinced that the fastest way to spiritual growth (and personal success) that’s available at this moment in time is to connect with the part of you known as your higher self and to follow through with your higher self’s guidance, consistently. I also assert that at this moment on planet Earth, it shouldn’t take longer than a few weeks to receive some positive feedback from the Universe so that you’re clear that you’re on the right path.

Why only a few weeks? Why two to four weeks? Let me illustrate with an allegory.

I know an acupuncturist who teaches people how to lose weight and detox the body. I’ve conducted some research on nutrition for her and assisted with two series of 10 week classes we’ve put together this year.

We had the pleasure of having 8 participants in one class and about 20 in another and what we’ve found is this: those who stuck with the program we proposed (that eliminated / limited certain foods, not calories) not only lost weight within the first 2-3 weeks, a majority also lost pains in their bodies they’ve had for months, in some cases for years. (We have to admit we really didn’t expect that result.)

For example, one woman was used to getting up and stretching every 45 minutes because her back pain would get too intense to continue sitting. About two and a half weeks into the program, she found herself sitting at her job all morning, into lunchtime, before she realized that she had forgotten to stretch! (However, when she went on vacation and returned to her previous food habits, her back pain came back quickly, in about three days.)

The point being made here is this: if you follow some nutrition program, or if you follow the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (which is the fastest way to spiritual growth and your success), you should expect some positive results within a month, or less. Then you will know you’re on the right path; you have the results to prove it!

Of course it’s not all that easy to change your habits and follow the steps for connecting with your higher self consistently, just as it’s not that easy to give up bread or wheat products, for example. But if you’re sick of the way things are and you yearn for your life to be better and you make that last ditch effort, you will succeed.

Frankly, I am understating the results, as some people who followed the connecting and integrating process the Universe had “shown me” have communicated that they have received amazing feedback within the first week of following the program, in some cases just by reading about it. (But … I am conservative in some ways, an engineer-type, and I tend to understate results.)

A good friend of mine has recently found herself needing to make some changes in her life, one of which is to move out of her current apartment. About two weeks ago, she was about to sign a one-year lease for another apartment at her current complex when her inner guidance “told” her to go check out another apartment complex nearby. What she found was that the amenities at the new apartment complex not only excelled, her rent was $200 less a month for basically the same square footage.

I have another amazing example of an acquaintance who was blown away by several results he manifested within a month of just reading my story. (A vacation home in the Sierra foothills and everything he needed to furnish it–all at bargain prices.) If you’re new to this blog, you may want to read about G.’s story in an earlier post titled, An Inner Guidance Example: A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance. (I have to admit I really didn’t expect that result.)

What kinds of results can you expect from following through with your higher self’s guidance? Anything from favorable synchronicities, new insights, “signs” from the universe that help show you the way (particularly helpful when you’re too tense to hear your inner guidance), a sense of greater connection and cooperation in life, more flow in your life, and more.

As you connect within, follow through with your higher self’s guidance and manifest the kinds of results listed above, your confidence and trust in your higher self will naturally grow. And it will continue to  grow until you begin to trust it more than anything or anyone outside of yourself. (Which is what it will take to “graduate” from this realm, by the way.)

Can you see that having this kind of trust in your higher self will help you make huge strides in your spiritual growth, personal development, accomplishments and inner confidence?

How long will it take to manifest your success? That depends on your higher self’s plan, your commitment and your level of consistency, of course. However, it should only takes a few weeks to achieve some results so that you know you’re on the right path.

Want to access an eBook that shows you all the steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self? Please click the link below:

How to Connect and Integrate with your Higher Self

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