Did you know that you can save money, time and energy by following your inner guidance? If the answer is yes, are you taking full advantage of it? In my last blog post, a reader named Charli (who’s been reading my articles for a while now) wrote in the comment section of this blog that following the promptings of her higher self has “always saved her time, or money, or energy.” I copied and pasted her comment below:
“I have found that small miracles happen to me so often now that I don’t write them down anymore. I follow the promptings I get and within minutes or the next day, something happens that just blesses what I followed. Things like, changing an appointment, and then someone calls and invites me to a lecture I want to hear at the time the appointment WAS. Or getting the prompting to stop by the mall (to which I haven’t been in months) and what I needed just “happened” to be on sale. Following promptings from my higher self have always saved me time, or money or energy.”–comment from Charli
I love this comment from Charli because it confirms what I have experienced for years. In fact, I had written in my memoir (which was printed near the end of 2007) that whenever I needed something to further my purpose, I would receive it, usually within 24 hours of becoming aware of what it was that I needed next. This happened daily, and I became used to it–as if this is how life was supposed to be like.
And the following example shows that it still is that way: Just last week I was prompted to go to Marshall’s while I was food shopping at Trader Joe’s nearby. I found the perfect volleyball shorts for my younger daughter–at less than half the regular price. (Volleyball shorts are almost never found on sale, and Marshall’s rarely, if ever, carries volleyball shorts. But my inner guidance told me to go look for volleyball shorts!) The bonus is that my daughter loves them, too.
When you’re doing your higher purpose the favorable synchronicities will happen daily, and even more than once a day.
Sometimes they’re big synchronicities, sometimes they’re amazing, and sometimes they’re small. And if you haven’t yet done so, after you read this short post, read my last blog post about some pretty amazing synchronicities that happened to a friend of mine when he followed through with his inner guidance. I can’t think of a better way for the Universe to show you that you really are on the right path than to bless you daily, can you?
Now, when you get the “ball rolling” with reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance, it does not mean that your life will all of a sudden become easy, or that you’ve arrived and are “done.” Rather, what I have experienced is that it will become easier to go forward in your life, to grow, and to fulfill your higher purpose—which is what will help create the Golden Age for yourself and for your community. In conclusion, it’s absolutely true … following your inner guidance helps save you money, time and energy.
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