Category: <span>Inner Guidance</span>

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Did you know that you can save money, time and energy by following your inner guidance? If the answer is yes, are you taking full advantage of it? In my last blog post, a reader named Charli (who’s been reading my articles for a while now) wrote in the comment section of this blog that following the promptings of her higher self has “always saved her time, or money, or energy.” I copied and pasted her comment below:

“I have found that small miracles happen to me so often now that I don’t write them down anymore.  I follow the promptings I get and within minutes or the next day, something happens that just blesses what I followed.  Things like, changing  an appointment, and then someone calls and invites me to a lecture I want to hear at the time the appointment WAS.   Or getting the prompting to stop by the mall (to which I haven’t been in months) and what I needed just “happened” to be on sale.   Following promptings from my higher self have always saved me time, or money or energy.”–comment from Charli

I love this comment from Charli because it confirms what I have experienced for years. In fact, I had written in my memoir (which was printed near the end of 2007) that whenever I needed something to further my purpose, I would receive it, usually within 24 hours of becoming aware of what it was that I needed next. This happened daily, and I became used to it–as if this is how life was supposed to be like.

And the following example shows that it still is that way: Just last week I was prompted to go to Marshall’s while I was food shopping at Trader Joe’s nearby. I found the perfect volleyball shorts for my younger daughter–at less than half the regular price. (Volleyball shorts are almost never found on sale, and Marshall’s rarely, if ever, carries volleyball shorts. But my inner guidance told me to go look for volleyball shorts!) The bonus is that my daughter loves them, too.

When you’re doing your higher purpose the favorable synchronicities will happen daily, and even more than once a day.

Sometimes they’re big synchronicities, sometimes they’re amazing, and sometimes they’re small. And if you haven’t yet done so, after you read this short post, read my last blog post about some pretty amazing synchronicities that happened to a friend of mine when he followed through with his inner guidance. I can’t think of a better way for the Universe to show you that you really are on the right path than to bless you daily, can you?

Now, when you get the “ball rolling” with reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance, it does not mean that your life will all of a sudden become easy, or that you’ve arrived and are “done.” Rather, what I have experienced is that it will become easier to go forward in your life, to grow, and to fulfill your higher purpose—which is what will help create the Golden Age for yourself and for your community. In conclusion, it’s absolutely true … following your inner guidance helps save you money, time and energy.

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Have you ever followed through with your inner guidance and something amazing happened as a result? In my last blog post I promised to share what happened to a friend of mine within a month of reading my first book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. I want to share this example with you to demonstrate the power of learning by example, the power of the “copy-cat” approach–as opposed to the learning of theory. But first, let me summarize the how-to (the method) for connecting and integrating with your higher self:

How To Connect With Your Higher Self

  1. Cultivate a relationship with your higher self (using quiet time in contemplation, daily meditation, taking a minute or two to “check in,” to focus on your sacred space several times a day)
  2. Learn to recognize and distinguish your inner guidance from your mental conditionings, your wants and outside influences
  3. Ask your higher self for guidance (e.g. ask specific questions, ask for clear guidance)
  4. Follow through on the guidance promptly and consistently (this part might require a bit of faith and courage at first)
  5. See what happens as a result, and begin to put the “puzzle pieces” together one by one

Don’t worry about step number 5 as this “synthesis” is done automatically. (Your mind will get it automatically. You will begin to see the bigger picture automatically.)

By following the steps above, you will discover who you really are and what you’re truly capable of. You will discover your unique contribution, your potential, your unique gift that you are to share with the world. The method described above is the best way to teach yourself, to discover all these things, as well as the best way to do the “emotional clearing” work (“energy clearing” work) that we’re all being asked to do right now as part of the shift in consciousness on this planet.

How long will all this take? That depends on your higher self’s plan. However, it doesn’t have to take long to achieve some results so that you’re encouraged to continue on this path. The following is a real-life example of what happened to a friend of mine within a month of reading my first book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening.

A Friend Follows Through With His Inner Guidance

G. is a parent at my younger daughter’s school and works hard as a deck builder for homeowners in Silicon Valley. Years ago, G. had given up on his dream to own a vacation home in the Sierra foothills because he knew he couldn’t afford one. But after reading my book, he planned a camping trip to Bear Valley with his family…and visited a realtor while there.

The realtor informed G.’s family that there weren’t any properties available within their budget. But as they left the realtor’s office, G.’s inner guidance told him to look around on his own. They drove around…and came across a house with a “Sale Pending” sign on the front lawn. G.’s inner guidance told him to get out of the car and look around. He listened, even though it didn’t make any sense to him.

The property seemed perfect, everything G. and his family could have hoped for. G. knocked on the door and introduced himself to the owner, who welcomed them in and explained that despite what the sign said, the house was up for sale again. He explained that the deal had fallen through earlier that day, which put him in a terrible bind. (He had just bought a house in Oregon.) “Make me an offer,” he told G.

G. and his wife made an offer that was considerably below the owner’s asking price. “I can’t give you what you want for this house,” G. told the owner, “but I can give you my word I’m good for this much.”

The owner accepted G.’s offer. The following week G. and his wife found a mortgage with good terms. Then while working on a deck for a client, G. was offered a Viking stove, dishes, pots and pans, appliances, almost everything he needed to furnish his new kitchen…because he happened to mention that he had just bought a new vacation home. (And G.’s client just happened to be remodeling her kitchen at the time.) Then a friend of G.’s called to say that he was moving and needed to sell his furniture. So G. was able to furnish most of his vacation home for about five hundred dollars.

All this happened within one month of reading my book. G. told me that he attributes everything that happened to his feeling “in tune with himself” after reading my memoir.

This wonderful example happened a few years ago, but I spoke to G. about a month ago and he and his family are doing well…and enjoying their vacation home in the Sierras.

As you begin to see the results from following through with your own inner guidance (favorable synchronicities, new insights, “signs” from the universe, a sense of greater cooperation in life, etc.), your confidence and trust in your higher self (and in divine plan) will grow. It will continue to grow until you begin to trust your higher self more than anything or anyone outside of yourself. Having this kind of trust in your higher self will help you make huge strides in your personal development and in your unique contribution to your family and your community–which will help bring about the “Golden Age” much more quickly. This is the Divine Plan.

Look, your higher self wants you to learn to trust your inner guidance so that you fulfill your higher purpose here, so that you fulfill your potential. This is why more often than not, you will be richly rewarded when you follow through with your inner guidance. (It motivates you to keep going.) So then…are you finally ready to connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance?

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More and more people are beginning to realize that the next step in their process of spiritual growth and evolution (and the “Ascension” of their consciousness) is to connect to their higher self and seek within for their own guidance, rather than to look to other people or to channeled messages for guidance…regardless of which “ascended master” the message is coming from.

In fact, I received an email from a subscriber earlier this week in response to my last blog post titled, “Is Channeling On the Decline?”  Pat-Anjali Kennedy let me know that she and all the Channels she knows have recently been guided from within to pull back and stop enabling the people who are not yet seeking for themselves…because it’s urgent that each individual seeks his or her own guidance from within. (This may explain why medium Geoffrey Hoppe–who channels Adamus St. Germaine–did not channel during his “annual predictions” event earlier this year. Instead, he and his wife Linda gave listeners practical advice for the year.)

Pat-Anjali Kennedy was guided through her Source-Being: “It is time for humanity to begin seeking now to find it for themselves …It is urgent everyone does so, as they will not seek it as long as there are posted messages that serve to distract, delay, and enable them to become co-dependent upon Channeled messages….They must find it for themselves now. This now time is crucial.”

But at the same time, we hear that we are already connected to our higher self and are already receiving guidance. So then, what is the difference between someone who is in the later stages of their awakening and ascension and someone who feels they’re just a beginner? What is it exactly that we are to do in order to advance, since it’s true that we are already connected to our higher self/soul? What is going to make a real difference?

It’s All About Confidence

In a nutshell, the difference has to do with 1. the level of confidence you have in your ability to distinguish your inner guidance from your wants and mental conditionings and 2. your level of confidence in the guidance itself, which helps you to promptly and consistently follow through with your guidance, even if it’s inconvenient for you to do so. Following your inner guidance is particularly challenging when your intuition is prompting you to follow through with something that’s outside your comfort zone (or that challenges your beliefs).

When you’re a beginner, or experiencing a personal crisis, or really long for something to happen, or just unsure of things, it’s not that easy to distinguish your inner guidance from your mental conditionings or personal desires and move forward on your path. I’ve been there and I know what that’s like. It can be a personal hell, and I’m not surprised that some people, even those who consider themselves light-workers, are procrastinating, waiting for something, even though they know they ought to be taking action now.

In the beginning stages of my process, when I wasn’t sure that I was correctly interpreting my guidance, I’ve had to resort to trying different things, to creative problem solving. I even asked the Universe to give me blatant signs. I figured that given that a lot was being asked of me, the least the Universe could do is provide me with real signs that I could not ignore. Well, the Universe promptly delivered. I shared several of these “signs that I could not ignore” and how I asked for them in my memoir. (Which must have annoyed my first book editor to no end…because she crossed out all of that content with ink. So then I was forced to look for other editors that were not so closed-minded.)

And Confidence Comes from Creating Results

You start from where you are, and you take baby steps. And when you follow through with your guidance and something amazing happens as a result, you learn to have even more confidence in yourself the next time. This is the gist of it.

Here’s an example that’s short, sweet and simple to understand. About two and a half years ago, I was hiking in the Los Gatos foothills when all of a sudden I received guidance to call an acquaintance. I had promised to help with a project, and I wanted to let him know I could be counted on.

I realized I didn’t have his number in my cell phone contact list, but as I was hiking up the hill, I remembered I had called him recently. So I looked through my call history for a (650) area code number and dialed the first (650) number I came across.

An unfamiliar man’s voice answered, “This is KZSU and you’re the winner. “Can you hold?”

“Yes, I can hold,” I said, blown away, realizing I had just “by accident” called the radio station where my friend hosted a weekly radio show, wondering if the current host was going to ask me questions I couldn’t answer, or how I was going to explain that I wasn’t listening to this guy’s show at the moment.

Well, it turns out I won a pair of tickets to the Monterey Jazz Festival (and he did not ask me any questions I couldn’t answer). Even though I had been very confident in my ability to discern and follow through with my guidance by then, this amazing result amplified my confidence even more. (It’s nice to receive such positive feedback from the Universe.)

Notice that I did not hesitate to follow through with my guidance. Even though I knew I didn’t have my friend’s number, I looked for another way to call him. Notice also that there was a very small “window of opportunity” for getting this particular result. If you wait too long to follow through with your intuition, your window of opportunity will pass you by. This window also holds true for your ability to experience the Great Shift in consciousness occurring now on this planet.

We often learn by example. Some people don’t know that certain things are possible…until they learn about it from others (the “copy-cat” approach). In my next blog post, I will share what happened to a friend of mine within a month of just reading my memoir.


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