A recent blog post on spiritual awakening symptoms claims that symptoms of spiritual awakening will intensify and accelerate this year as Ascension draws near and that humanity will continue to be thrown temporarily out of balance.
James Tyberonn states that the spiritual awakening symptoms predicted to increase this year include, “mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy, apathy and fatigue.” Other spiritual teachers have their own lists of symptoms, which may include headaches and other body aches and pains, emotional rollercoaster rides, angry outbursts, sweating, changes in energy levels, sleep patterns, jobs, and relationships, and gaining or losing weight. (All this doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.)
James Tyberonn channels,
“We have told you that the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, whether it is understood by mankind en masse or not, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of transition speeds into reality more quickly today than it did yesterday on the linear and Omni-Earth….Each advancing energy will require physical, emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.”– Archangel Metatron channeled through James Tyberonn.
In other words, we will need to respond to and adjust to each event or challenge that comes up in our life. (This is how I feel about the state of my life right now: I am making an effort to respond to each challenge that comes up, despite the challenges showing up one right after the other.)
Archangel Metatron encourages,
“Do not despair, for the symptoms will pass quickly, and the benefits are a stronger ‘you’.”– Archangel Metatron channeled through James Tyberonn.
I do agree that those symptoms actually catalyze our personal growth–because when you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms, you are more motivated to take action and to follow your inner guidance. However, the symptoms will not pass by quickly all on their own. You absolutely will need to be proactive about each one of your symptoms.
Sometimes I see people on Facebook asking about their Ascension symptoms–e.g. “Should I do something about this ache and that pain or are they Ascension symptoms?” (As if one or the other condition were true, but not both.) But following your inner guidance and being proactive is the best way to deal with any of your awakening symptoms, be they spiritual or physical.
An example: You may find that your mysterious aches, pains and skin issues disappear when you eliminate gluten and dairy from your diet. A colleague of mine named Shasta Tierra (a licensed acupuncturist in San Jose, CA) is teaching Natural Health Makeover classes that have her clients totally eliminate gluten, dairy and GMO foods from their diet, for a period of 6 weeks. (GMO foods should be eliminated completely.)
People who have taken this class have had pains in their arms, swelling in their feet, skin irritations and back pains disappear within several days of following the healthy diet she recommends. One lady who could not sit for more than 45 minutes without experiencing excruciating back pain found herself sitting at work all morning without having to get up and stretch! But when she went back to her normal diet, her back pain came back in a couple of days! (Gluten and dairy cause inflammation in the body and GMOs damage the liver and kidneys–important organs of detoxification. And remember that what affects your body also affects your mind…)
We are not supposed to ignore these so-called Awakening Symptoms. Rather, when we take the steps to be proactive and follow our inner guidance with regard to our symptoms, that’s when we have our Awakenings!
Anyway, I have my own list of what I understand to be essential and relevant signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. The following is a list of nine “symptoms” I experienced during my process of awakening:
- Painful life changes you can’t explain or know how you’ll get through. (This helps motivate you to look deep within for the answers. Because that’s where the guidance that will actually place you squarely on the path of your awakening is.)
- Synchronicities that are meaningful to you. (These help point you in the right direction on your path or help spark an important new insight.)
- Intense inner contemplation including questioning and/or reexamining of beliefs and events, especially at 3 or 4 in the morning. (This is often triggered by happenings or events you can’t explain using your current belief system or knowledge.)
- Receiving “secret messages” from people who may or may not be aware that they’re relaying special messages to you. (Spirit works in interesting ways.)
- Having the same thing (especially something that’s unusual) happen to you 2 or 3 times in a relatively short period of time, like, say, 24 hours. (This assures that you actually notice what your higher self wants you to notice.)
- Waking up in the middle of the night feeling intense confusion. (This means your beliefs and the foundation they are based on are being adjusted. Before you become clear and solid in your new awakened state, you will no doubt find yourself mucking through a period of deep confusion.)
- Intense, vivid dreams that seem to point you in a certain direction. (The further along in the process you are, the clearer your dreams will be and the more your dreams will help guide you in your daily life. The dreams will be in metaphor form, often in metaphors that make sense to you.)
- Favorable synchronicities that happen regularly. (You can expect these to occur after you regularly follow through with your inner guidance.)
- Finding yourself laughing more often. Sometimes you will wake up in the middle of the night, in pops a new, freeing insight about one of your beliefs or an event from your past, and then you laugh your head off. Don’t worry about this. It just shows that your higher self has a good sense of humor. (Or, you have just had a really good edible from a website like https://buymyweedonline.net/edibles/!)
Experiencing any (or all) of these signs means that you are deep into your spiritual awakening and ascension process.
Remember, the fast track to spiritual awakening does not depend on how much fame or fortune you possess, or on how many advanced degrees you have, but on whether you’re willing to (temporarily) forgo your comfort zones for the noble purpose of personal and spiritual growth.
Your individual growth is of utmost importance right now, and the signs and symptoms you experience aren’t just signs or symptoms. They are actually catalysts designed to assist you in your spiritual awakening process.
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