Recently, I had my chiropractor and her partner, let’s call him Aaron, over for dinner. Among other topics, we discussed what happened during the California CZU “August Lightning Complex” fires that began August 16, 2020, in the small mountain towns near Santa Cruz, California.
I lived in Saratoga, CA at the time, and took the photo above on August 19, 2020, from Saratoga. The photo is pointed at the Los Gatos / Santa Cruz mountains. You can see the heavy smoke in the air that afternoon.
Aaron and his partner live in Bonny Doon, a small town with around 2700 residents. Bonny Doon and Boulder Creek are two towns that sustained the most fire damage in the Santa Cruz mountains area. I imagine that a fair few homeowners have already had people like SunFire Defense come out and fire-proof their homes but, still, it must have been pretty terrifying having to evacuate and not be sure what state their properties would be in when they were eventually allowed to return.
Aaron said that rather than evacuating the area, as all residents were instructed by local officials to do, he stayed behind to make sure his home would not burn down. He may also have looked up various restoration services that could help him in this regard. Anyway, he wetted the area around his home with a garden hose, then began putting out small fires that started in his neighborhood, small fires that jumped from the fires raging nearby. (I am sure that Aaron’s intuition told him to do this, and he had the courage to follow his intuition.)
Later that evening, a firetruck with several firefighters came by and stopped near his house, lifting his spirits temporarily. Probably, he may also have contacted fire and smoke remediation experts for extra precautionary measures. However, instead of getting out of their truck and helping him protect the homes from the fires, they started filming him putting out fires, from the comfort of their truck. He went to ask them why they weren’t helping. They said they didn’t have enough resources.
“What do you mean you don’t have enough resources,” asked Aaron. “You’re here now, you can help.” But instead of getting out of their truck, they asked for Aaron’s signature on a release form, giving them permission to use the video to request more resources from the government. Aaron declined their request, and the firefighters drove away without stepping outside their truck. They said they were dispatched to Saratoga, to wait there and make sure the CZU Lightning Complex fires didn’t jump into the town of Saratoga. (On the other side of the Santa Cruz mountains, toward Silicon Valley.)
A couple of days later, Aaron was still fighting fires in Bonny Doon, making sure his home and neighboring homes did not catch fire. On his way to get more water, he noticed several firetrucks parked on the side of the road, with firefighters sleeping inside. This was around 4:30 in the morning. He woke them up, warning them that the fire was about to jump the road, telling them he needed their help. The firefighters asked which side of the road the fires were on, then rolled up the window and went back to sleep. It wasn’t “their area,” they said. The firefighters were from Los Angeles.

Help From Other Areas Declined
Although local news had reported that fire-fighting crews from other areas were on their way to help fight the CZU fires, it is questionable how much help actually arrived. In May of this year, a friend of mine went to Las Vegas for a couple days, for a bit of gambling. He came across a few Nevada firefighters at a table, with whom he started chatting. The firefighters told him that authorities in California did not want assistance from Nevada firefighters. Therefore, no help arrived from Nevada.
In the end, 86,500 acres burned and 911 homes (interesting number, right?) were destroyed by the CZU Complex fires, according to San Jose’s Mercury News.
Visions in My Mind’s Eye
I am writing this blog post because over a month ago, in my mind’s eye as I was waking up from sleep one morning, I saw an image of a car fire, with fir trees burning down all around it. Getting images on the inside of my eyelids is something new to me. But the image was clear, and it’s the second time recently that I’ve seen some type of image on the inside of my eyelids. Perhaps this increased visual ability is due to the juice cleansing I’ve been doing recently, or the chiropractic adjustments I’ve been receiving, or maybe it’s part of the increased abilities we are all developing during this time of the Great Awakening?
Today, over a month later, several areas in California are experiencing major fires. The Caldor Fire near Lake Tahoe is particularly out of control, and residents have been told to evacuate their homes. I pray that real help is already on the ground and that rains come soon.
Ties to U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals?
I am not 100% sure about the details, but I recall that sometime in 2020 the researcher Amazing Polly, in one of her informational videos, discussed the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals. (Another term for this policy is Agenda 2030, or Agenda 21.) Apparently, it is the U.N.’s goal to move people out of rural areas and into the cities, where they can be more easily controlled. I anticipate that lots of information about Agenda 2030 will come to light in the next few months and years.
Which brings me to a blog post I published last year: In April of 2020 I received an intuitive insight / a “sign from the Universe,” that the bigger war humanity was fighting was already won, and that we should expect “Bright Futures.” However, what I also intuited is that people will still need to fight “the lower levels” in their local areas. This is because many people in local city and county governments have been influenced, either they were paid off to look the other way, or they actively promote an agenda that doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
How do you fight locally? Well, parents show up to school district meetings, and residents attend town and city council meetings. Everything and everyone needs to be examined: Local CPS, sheriffs, judges, school and “health” officials, etc.
Writing letters is a good start, but not always sufficient to get the job done. Letters can be ignored and thrown in the trash. If you are in a wheelchair, writing letters is fine, but as I have been saying for a long time, you must do what you are capable of doing, what your intuition is calling you to do.
It’s Now Time to Take Back Your Power!
The latter part of August, I visited my dad in Cheektowaga, New York. There are no mask mandates in stores. Some people still wear masks, but many do not. On August 25, my dad and I were driving on errands. That day, Cuomo was done with office, and I heard on the news that at the last minute, he bestowed to individual counties the power to dictate their own health guidelines for the new school year. (Apparently, the new governor does not hold the same powers.)
My dad listens to AM talk radio, so I heard the Erie County school guidelines press conference as we’re driving. In a nutshell, Erie County is mandating masks and social distancing for teachers and children. How they’re going to do this distancing during sports and PE, they fumbled around that issue. They also said teachers will be Contact Tracing everyone, including the children. Then, right before Q&A, the press conference was interrupted by a fire alarm and everyone evacuated the building. The radio announcers broke into hysterical laughter.
I must say, this is truly a circle of clowns we’re dealing with. Please take back your power. It will not be all that hard.
Update 9/25/2021: Here’s an inspirational lady at a school board meeting in Illinois:
Inspirational presentation at Illinois school board meeting
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