Many people are experiencing turbulence and highs and lows in their states of consciousness and subsequent emotions, recently, as news, rumors and allegations of all sorts (in the political and other arenas) enter their consciousness. Even social media influencers with YouTube and Bitchute followings, even those who consider themselves psychic, are not immune to the white knuckle, nail-biting moments experienced when one looks to sources outside themselves, rather than to their inner connection with God, for the truth happening right now on this planet: a spiritual awakening on a momentous level. A Great Awakening.
I am qualified to discuss this topic as I was “lucky” to have experienced much of my spiritual awakening in the two decades before this C0V1D operation came into existence. I don’t mean to say I’m up on everything that’s going on. Far, far from it. But I am confident my connection to God, my subsequent intuition and the understanding I gained about the Earth Experiment through the past decades is solid. I also assure you that humanity will win this time. There is no question about that.
I place the word “lucky” in parentheses because while there are many on an awakening path these days, when I went through it, it was incredibly lonely. It also required some navigating between two worlds, some walking of fine lines in relationships, finances and situations, including some ginned-up legal situations. It’s only recently that I actually consider myself lucky to have gone through what I’ve gone through, years before.
My 20-Year Anniversary
I’m writing this blog post around the time of the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 because for me, it marks the time that I started to take my spiritual awakening and “higher purpose” seriously. You see, about a month before the 9/11 event happened in 2001, I met a woman who walked up to me at a Music-in-the-Park in Los Gatos (Silicon Valley) and said, “You’re an author, aren’t you?”
She had no idea that inwardly, I was troubled, trying to make a decision about whether I should pursue my spiritual path, which included writing books I had no idea of the topic, or whether I should view the channeled advice I had received months before from the Counsel of Light as manipulation and brainwashing. I had worked as a materials engineer, the thought of writing terrified me.
If that was simply just that, I might have blown the whole thing off. But because the advice from the Counsel of Light and this Silicon Valley stranger was coupled with my world falling apart around me, I could not ignore it. I knew I had to do something different. Intuitively, I knew I had to look deeper within for the answers. I knew I had to discover my higher purpose. And so, eventually, I did!
You are Your Own Savior
Anyway, to get back to the present, it appears that some people in YouTube-land have had their hopes dashed recently when they discovered that perhaps Trump was not our savior. (This “news” came from another person attempting to pose as our savior, LOL.) But, by now you must have gotten a clue: even if Trump were the second coming of Christ, he would still not be our savior.
Trump has a large role, yes. I agree he has a much larger role than most of us. A “YUGE” role. But you, too, have your own role! You are not simply to sit on your butt waiting for someone else to tell you what to do! You are supposed to find it (truth) within.
“Finding it within, looking within”: An idea that took me many months, in fact years, to get clarity on, as it involved much more than meditating. Well, here’s an article written in 2010 over at EzineArticles.com that I titled, Looking Within—What it Means to Look Within.
I will try to migrate, and update, the 144 articles I have at EzineArticles over to my blog. Those articles are buried, and no one, not even myself, can even find them in a Google search. I will work on that …
How to Discover Your Role in the Great Awakening
Rather than getting impatient with what you may perceive as the lack of progress happening in the world, it would be helpful, as well as self-empowering and deeply fulfilling, to immerse yourself in your role in the Great Awakening and help bring about our new world.
So, how will you know that you’re on the right path? It’s very simple: when you’re on the right path, you will receive positive reinforcement from God / the Universe in the form of favorable synchronicities, new insights, and an increase of creative flow in your life. Often, this will result in win-win-win situations for all parties involved. And you will spiral upwards.
Once you receive that positive reinforcement, you simply keep doing what you’re doing. As you get more and more positive reinforcement, your confidence in your inner guidance will grow. Keep doing this. It will grow to the point where your confidence in your inner knowing becomes stronger than any other input coming from outside yourself. I consider this the point of critical mass.
This is important as ultimately, if you are to “graduate” from this Earth Experiment / dimension, it is you who needs to decide the course of your life. Not any so-called experts, not anyone else, but you. You, as a sovereign.
My two books have tons of real-life examples that will help you on your spiritual path. They will reduce your fear and increase your confidence. They will help you to remain calm (when the “chit hits the fan,” as my Chilean friend would say) and know that, you’ve got this!
For info on my books, click the main menu at the top of this page. One book is a memoir (see “Spiritual Awakening Memoir”), the other a how-to book (“Spiritual Awakening Process”) in the main menu. Or go to Amazon and type my name, Christine Hoeflich, into search.
It’s going to be tough going the next few months. This is an understatement. But know that once we get through this tough time, it will be absolutely glorious for humanity!
Some Encouraging Words from Juan O’ Savin
I watched Michael Jaco’s interview with Juan O’ Savin last Sunday (Sept. 19) that Michael titled, “Juan O’ Savin’s most epic reveal will blow you away and leave you uplifted.” I picked a couple gems from Juan to share with you here.
“America’s future is bright. We’re going to go through what’s going on here. It’s going to be very dramatic over the coming months. But you know what? It’s going to be fantastic, too. … A lot of things are going to come to a head, including McAfee’s stuff, including the way taxes are collected. There are all sorts of revelations that are coming in the coming months, and even couple of years, that are going to be shocking. They’re going to change the way things are done in America, who does them, who gets to stay in power, even. So, we’ve got some beautiful stuff ahead for us.”-Juan O’ Savin
When I heard Juan say this, it reminded me of the “Bright Futures” sign I received from God / the Universe last year. I wrote about this sign in two blog posts. Read this first, then read this.
Juan O’ Savin also said,
“Pray for real. God is as serious as you are. If you need answers, if you need help, if you need guidance, God is as serious as you are. And He will give you answers if you’re serious in the questions and ask with a sincere heart.”
“There’s going to be a lot of people doing gut-checks and it’s going to be very wrenching. I understand that. I’m not trying to be trite. But there are a lot of answers here that can only come from that still small voice of God to you personally.”
“Enjoy the show? Yes. Chew your fingernails? Please don’t. It’s hand-wringing but it is not the end of the world. It is the end of the world as you know it. Take a deep breath. We are going to get through this. As long as you don’t get the jab, you’re going to get through this.”
I encourage you to watch the 2.5-hour video. The link is below:
If you don’t have 2.5 hours, Jetson White took out important excerpts and shared them in this 16-minute YouTube video:
If you live outside the U.S., remember that all this applies to you, too. And don’t lose heart: as America goes, so does the rest of the world.
Update Sept. 28: This is a great read about the C0VID situation / agenda:
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