If 2020 hasn’t been crazy enough for you, events in 2021 have escalated to a whole new level. This is why it’s high time to strengthen your connection with God, trust yourself in that connection, and awaken to the bigger picture, the Great Awakening.
The last few weeks, the world seems to be spiraling more and more out of control. For example, are you aware that the Italian government has just collapsed? Are you aware that Italy and NATO were involved in rigging elections in the U.S.? Have you heard that Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel has stepped down? Are members of the Dutch government resigning? Has Estonia’s prime minister already resigned? Is Putin rewriting Russia’s Constitution? Did Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict receive the C0r0navirus vaccine? And I wonder: Will it be announced in the near future that both popes have passed away, not long after the vaccine was administered?
I caught the news about the popes getting the C0VID vaccine from a local California TV news network at a friend’s house a couple of nights ago. My friend happened to be surfing the channels, searching for a game show to watch as the news headline about the two popes spread across the screen. (I’ve avoided watching the TV news, particularly lately, but managed to catch that gem.)
Is the news getting to be too much lately? Is it enough to make your head spin? Well, I’m writing this blog post to share that when you don’t know whom to trust or what to believe, that’s your cue to go within, pray, and strengthen the connection you have with God. So that you can connect with the truth within, awaken to the bigger picture, to your inner power, and to your role at this time in the Divine Plan.
I have a bit of an advantage at this time in this “Great Awakening” as I’ve gone through a spiritual awakening more than 13 years ago and have written two books on that subject. My first book is a personal account, a memoir of my awakening experience, and the second one is a how-to book. It explains in plain, simple language how to strengthen the connection with your soul, your “higher self,” which is your direct connection with God, with the Christ within, with Christ consciousness. My second book shares what I’ve learned from my awakening experience, and how I began to “innerstand,” to see things differently, ever since.
You see, my world began to spiral out of control soon after the dawn of the new millennium, the year 2000. I sought answers to my crises and discovered that ultimately, the answers would need to come from within myself. Feeling that there was nothing or no one that could help me, I knew that I needed to help myself, by finding the truth within.
It was a lonely path, with years of loneliness and unease. My path was being shown by my inner connection and occasionally (about three times a year for about seven years), I would receive a channeled message over the phone from the Counsel of Light that helped me connect more deeply and gain more confidence in that inner connection.
The channeled messages helped strengthen that inner connection. I was given a “heart and soul” meditation to practice, and learned to follow my inner guidance. In fact, in the beginning, when I didn’t have a lot of confidence in that inner connection, my higher self “activated” my heart before receiving an important insight. The “preview” feeling of upliftment helped me pay attention to the guidance that soon followed.
Over the years, I discovered that when I paid at least as much attention to my inner guidance as I did to the outside world, that was when “critical mass” occurred. That’s when I began to “spiral upwards,” awaken spiritually and receive favorable synchronicities and blessings from “the Universe” as positive reinforcement, as well as confirmation that I was on the right path. You may call this path the hero’s journey. The hero’s journey is how we discover our contribution to the Golden Age, and how we build a new world.
I’ve written over 150 articles and blog posts on spiritual awakening (many of which you can find on this blog). I’ve worked hard to share my message, but haven’t reached many people. Hopefully, my work can now provide comfort to many more people during this time of turmoil.
Remember that the truth is within you, and God is within you. Yes, there will be heroes and heroines in the world, but even if you have no idea what’s going on right now you are not just a victim. You are here for a reason. You helped plan this human journey way back when, which means the answers to its fulfillment are within you. You can help yourself and help others. Rise up now and help the world.
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Hello Christine, It is remarkable that I should receive this mail from you today. Just 3 days now I have begun reading “Access The Power of Your HIGHER SELF” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
I open my e-mail a minute ago and the very first item is from you. Thank You and Much Thanks Great Spirit for this Connection.
Hi Christine ,
Thank you for this beautiful message .
Its my hope as well that we collectively find out way through this . With love , peace and trust in ourselves.
We will , rise up and shine .
I am currently fighting cancer at a center in Tijuana, Mexico. I have had much time to go “inside” and connect with my higher self. Several days ago I received a life altering epiphany the has changed my life. I cannot explain how deep this was nor how personal. I now know that it is of utmost importance that we all CONNECT!
Interesting and timely post Christina, especially as my stress peaked this evening, had to drop everything and go by the ocean… then I read your post and felt some relief! -nice timing 💕
Crazy times indeed -I’m finding it so challenging. . You’re so right, hang in there – meditation is key to keeping up with the new frequencies of light and truth. I’m so glad you seem to have gotten through most if not all of the purging after k-awakening!
I haven’t had any major insights for a few nights. Though on Friday I did get an image (before waking up) off a vessel (pitcher) with the most beautiful astral water pouring out from the spout from above me , and the energy of it felt like such a blessing!
I believe the purifying energy of Aquarius (the celestial water bearer) is certainly flowing!
Other insights I have had recently relate to massive truths which will be revealed in due course, which can no longer be held back.
Also, that humanity needs to reclaim its wildness (in the sense of reclaiming our innate connection /balance with the natural world) , which will happen as more density is purged from our bodies.
It’s interesting also to read about the symptoms people are attributing to C-vir such as brain fog, smell of burning in the nose, lots of appetite & in serious cases feeling so weak yet at peace , -certainly, seem like symptoms of ascension I’ve experienced over the years!
Thanks again for your posts!
Hi Christine
Lovely to hear from you. I bought one of your books a while back and it was Brilliant 😃
We had some conversations and it was nice to know that we are both Engineers so we don’t take ‘hocus pocus’ stuff too lightly.
Would love to stay in touch. I am hoping President Trump can overturn the De*ep Sta*e and rid our Beautiful Planet of these monsters.
Creator will help us overcome with Love and spirituality.
Hope you and your family are all Safe, Well and Happy.
Take Care
Kindest Regards
Trevor 💕
I know that some conspiracies are real, but tend to be sceptical about most. One thing that is true is that spirituality is not just individual but social. The compassion and love we have for others when times are truly tough is the light that brings us through – and it seems like humanity may be in very deep trouble in our own lifetimes, and certainly that of our children to come. So I resonate deeply with the broad sweep of what you are experiencing and your understanding of it, and find myself quibbling with the nitty-gritty smaller details. And that is a good thing, not a bad thing. Love and Light! <3 <3 <3
Thanks for your comment Alex! It’s great to have you here.
I’m 100% sure about one thing: that when all this is over and after all is said and done, we will all be surprised.
Take care, Christine