Before 2020, have you thought about vaccines much? Have you ever felt even the slightest reluctance getting injected in your arm? Or did you simply go along with the popular, conventional view of the time? Right now, you may be thinking, why are you bringing this up, Christine? Who are you to have an opinion on a health issue? And what do vaccines have to do with the Great Awakening?
Some people (including medical doctors) believe that over a million people died due to coming into contact with a “contagious virus” called C-19, which we first learned about on mainstream news channels. Other people (including medical doctors) have alternative theories and points of view.
What does this have to do with your Spiritual Awakening?
How do you reconcile two opposing views? What are you to believe when you are not an expert in that field? Who do you trust? I believe it is the job of the individual to listen to the various experts, to weigh both points of view (or multiple points of view) internally and then, to choose the belief one wants to have at that particular point in time. To get to your decision, you may have to pray on it and ask God for guidance. You may have to listen internally to your body. Ultimately, it’s you who has to choose. This is because you have to own the decisions you make. If your goal is to become spiritually conscious, this is how you go about things.
So what made me question the conventional view? In high school biology, I remember learning that viruses were dead, that they were simply pieces of genetic material that could not reproduce on their own. Then around the age of 30, about 30 years ago, my husband and I were planning a trip to Thailand. We were going to trek through the jungles of Thailand, and vaccines were recommended by the medical community. Even my coworkers (electrical engineers) at a Silicon Valley electronics firm advised me to get the recommended vaccines before my trip. But I felt an internal resistance and we did not get any vaccines. And nothing bad happened on our three-week long trip, not even a stomach bug.
With this background, I will now share my personal experience and my perspective regarding C-19. Even though I am not an expert, I have been on a personal quest for truth, and can share my personal experience. So this is my thinking: If millions of people allegedly died of Covid, I would expect to have some friends and family or their friends and family (first- and second-degrees of separation of my friends and family) die of Covid. But there were none.
My personal Covid Survey
During the time that Covid was allegedly raging (all of 2020 and beginning of 2021, before the vaxes were available), I know one person who died.
1. The one person I know who died during the time Covid was raging was my daughter’s friend E., who was 22 years old at the time. Some say she died of a drug overdose, perhaps triggered by depression. Certainly, she did not die because of C-19.
Now I will list the people in my 1st– and 2nd-degrees of separation of family and friends who died after they received the C-19 injections.
1. My close friend L. (from Marshall Lane school, I have known her for over 15 years), her husband died at the beginning of March 2021, within one day of receiving his 2nd Moderna shot. L. told me that his doctors confirmed it was the vax that exacerbated the blood clots in his leg that caused his death. (He got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, then fell flat on his face dead.) L. was at my house the week before, telling me her husband was going to get his 2nd shot the following week. I told her to “watch out for that 2nd shot.” (It’s not like I consciously knew what was going to happen, I had no idea. I just kind of automatically blurted it out.)
2. My friend M. (who lives in my town in the Santa Cruz mountains, I have known her for over 10 years) knows a child (in the Santa Cruz area) who died after he got the vax. M. called me to tell me this sometime early this year. M. was one of the early ones to get the vax because her doctors recommended it, due to her medical condition, but got severely ill soon after. She got so ill after her vax that she said about her husband, he was going to get vaxxed “over her dead body.”
3. My friend and car mechanic, A. (I have known him for over 10 years), has a family friend in the Santa Cruz mountains who, at the beginning of March of this year, died all of the sudden in the middle of the night. He was only 34 years old. I only found this out because I was having dinner with A. and asked him what he was doing the next day. “Going to a memorial,” he said.
4. My friend, P. (I have known him for over 7 years), died on New Year’s Eve 2021 (Jan 1, 2022) at the age of 83. Although up in age, there was no reason for him to die. He was an active, healthy 83-year-old. He was going to live another 10 years, doing all sorts of projects, including daily exercise, collaborating with colleagues on the latest nutrition breakthroughs, and singing in a choir.
5-8. My friend S. (I have known her for over 2 years, she stayed at my house for a month during the Santa Cruz Mountain fires September 2020) has four members in her family (close blood relatives) who died in the last 8 or so months, after being injected. Three adults and one infant. (The infant was not vaxxed, but both of the parents were.)
9. In April of this year, I was at a store in Santa Cruz, looking for baking pans. I overhead two adults (they appeared to be in their late 50s, early 60s) talking about the injection and their health after getting it. They had bumped into each other at the store, and the woman told the man that she has all these new illnesses after her injection. The man told the woman he wasn’t going to get anymore injections. He had enough already. They also talked about a mutual friend who got so debilitated after receiving the injection, he is no longer able to work.
Regarding #4 above, contrast that to my own dad’s experience. My dad is now 86. I told him not to take the vax, and he followed my advice. However, eventually the doctor wore him down and convinced him to get the annual flu shot December 2021. Soon afterward he got super sick, so sick my niece who’s a nurse wanted to take him to the hospital. She was afraid of losing him. From 3000 miles away I said No. No way is he going to the hospital! Instead, I had my siblings give him Vitamin C, D, zinc and some Ivermectin that I overnighted. Three to four days after taking those supplements, he got out of bed. A week later, he was outside, shoveling snow. He still mows his own lawn today. I wrote about this in detail in a previous blog post. Here’s a photo I took of him on his 86th birthday at the end of August (just a few weeks ago). That’s my niece in the photo, as well as the English Trifle I made for his birthday.

Having said all this, I have a suspicion that the vaxxes that were distributed were not all equal. This is because there is no way the companies could have completed the necessary research and manufactured the billions of doses in the short amount of time they had available for this. So it’s likely some doses were either saline or flu shots. (This has been reported by various sources, and it rings true to me.)
I have heard of people who allegedly died from Covid, from online platforms such as NextDoor. However, I did not include these instances in my informal survey because these individuals were not in my 1st or 2nd degrees of separation of friends or family. (I did not know the people who claimed to know people who died of Covid.)
Talking about Childhood Vaccines with Florida friend A.
Last week I was talking to my friend A. who lives in Florida and the subject of vaccines came up. She brought up a memory she had about getting injected in grade school. I found her story interesting and am sharing it below:
Before my son was born 24 years ago, I did some research on “childhood injections” and his dad (a chiropractor) and I decided not to let our baby near those shots. It was the right decision. He was very advanced compared to other kids his age. By two he was able to read, add numbers, name all the presidents of the U.S., and more. He skipped Kindergarten due to his advanced development. We put him into Montessori school where he was able to do the curriculum according to his level instead of his age.
I believe his advanced development is actually normal and had nothing to do with him being unique. Rather, it is the result of his body and immune system being free of toxins. On the other hand, I’ve seen many of my friends’ kids who had been given those recommended doses and their development has been considerably different than my son’s.
About a year ago, after I returned from a trip to Europe, I had a memory flashback to my childhood. Like my son, I loved reading books and being able to remember everything I read. I could easily memorize long poems and song lyrics. One day (when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade) nurses came to my school and all the schoolkids got injected with something. At some point later I began to realize that I was unable to understand what I was reading and I could not memorize song lyrics or poems like I could before. It became harder to sit still for a long period of time. Studying became harder, and my grades began to drop. Lots of changes happened to me and as a young girl, I thought to myself that I had changed somehow. I didn’t know what was going on with me. Nor could I tie those two events together, not until my flashback last year …
I brought up this memory in a conversation with my mom and I could see a lightbulb go on in her eyes. She recalled the time the nurses gave the shots in school. She had become very upset the school had done that without parental consent. She also noticed that I had changed, but didn’t at the time tie those two events together. I also recall one of my classmates all of the sudden having seizures in class. She never had seizures before. Was it a coincidence? I don’t think so! In any case, I know for a fact that I experienced side effects from the shot that lingered with me for quite a number of years.
Luckily, I grew up where our diet was still low in toxicity, as we had our own fresh produce from the farm and our garden. Also, I never again after that got another injection, and have continued living as toxin free as possible. This may have helped me recover from the effects of those injections.
This post is getting long so I will end it here. In my next post (which I hope to publish in a couple weeks) I will continue sharing my personal experiences with these injections, as I have much more to share on this topic.
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Good information. I look forward to part 2. Your father is 1 year younger than me. Like him I have not been Vaxed or tested. I am very grateful I have not been in any situation that required a vaccination because that would have tested my resolve. I like to think I would have accepted the consequences and refused the jab.
Here is a excerpt from a book I think you might like to read –
Vaccination is widely acclaimed as one of the finest achievements of ‘modern medicine’; a view that is encapsulated by the WHO on the web page entitled Vaccines: A global health success story that keeps us on our toes, which asserts that, “It’s no secret that vaccines are considered one of the greatest global health achievements.” To this statement is added the claim that, “Every year they avert an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths.” Nothing could be further from the truth; these claims and assertions are entirely unfounded.
Lester, Dawn; Parker, David. What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong (p. 40). Kindle Edition.
This is from Chapter 2. Vaccinations: Ineffective and Dangerous
Thanks Jerry! I have not read that book, but it sounds interesting. I am happy that you are 87 yrs old, unvaxxed, and are doing well!
Thank you Christine, I really value your observations and sharing. Grateful that I was able to have the choice to not be vaccinated as I felt it would be very harmful to me as well. I spent many years recovering my children from vaccine damage that they suffered. Detox and rebuilding the gut biome was vital. Blessings to you as you process all that you’ve seen and experienced.
Thanks for your comment, Carolyn. It is good to hear from another like-minded person. I wish you many blessings in the near future!
Thank you Christine for this informative post.I have Diabetes 2 so took the jabs as advised they would protect me and the 1st two were AstraZenica which I was ok with. The 3rd was a booster and was Phizer and I was unwell for 10 days or so and had the most awful palpitations twice during that time and thought I might die. I eventually recovered but still occasionally have heart flutterings. I have been called to have another booster and soon but don’t want to have it. Your post has come at the right time to convince me not to have it.I asked the Universe to help guide me and your post is the sign I needed so again Thank you Christine.Sending Love to you and looking forward to 2nd part of your post. Linda Palfreyman
Thank you Linda, and thanks for your comment. There are ways to detox and get healthier. There’s more and more info coming out about that. Also, something major is a-brewing and it will be soon, like this year. Something people will not be able to deny. Then healing will come, afterward.
Dear Christine, thanks so much for your survey. I am 77 years old. I have been delivering Meals to the homebound for 16 years. I have never gotten sick from this exposure. We visited Our daughter’s family in Virginia last year. Our son-in-law was exposed and tested positive for covid the day after we got there. They and my wife are fully vaxed. I’m not! My wife was sick for 3 weeks. I took IVM 2 times a day for 5 days and then spent 3 hours mowing and weed-eating my yard in 90 degree heat with no problem!!!!
Dear Christine, Creation is vastly diverse and so is each human being unique (in many ways, including biology, chemistry, etc.). I work in healthcare and witnessed actual cases of morbidity due to C-19. I also had family members that passed away due to C-19. I have also followed up on reports indicating adverse reactions to vaccines leading up to death (although these are few and far between). We know the virus is real and categorized by strain type (whether natural or genetically engineered). The symptoms are very real and in some situations, long-lasting. A virus, much like bacteria, fungus or any other type of life form, seeks to perpetuate itself and I believe it to be a catalyst that is part of Creation for a higher purpose we have yet to understand. All things we deem to be bad, dark or evil exists to serve a higher purpose. Polarity, that is inescapable especially in this 3D reality. Since each human being is different, the best each free will person can do is practice discernment and rely on personal intuition, prayer, etc., regarding vaccination. Therefore, information should be presented in a neutral, balanced manner without attempting to sway anyone in one direction or another. Best regards.
Dear Al, I agree with you that everyone, including the medical industry, should present their information in a neutral, balanced manner, without attempting to sway anyone in one direction or another. As I explained, I am not a medical doctor, but am merely in my blog post presenting my honest, personal, first-hand experience. If you had actually read my blog post, you would have learned that I do not share your experience, because I do not have any family members that passed due to C-19. So it is false for you to claim, “I also had family members that passed away due to C-19.” Please reread my blog post carefully and let it sink in before you comment, as you are showing your ignorance.
Yes, there is a higher purpose to this plandemic, to every experience we go through, and it is to be “forged by fire,” so that we come out on the other side of this with more compassion, more understanding, more appreciation for life, as well as the capacity for more joy.
Blessings, Christine
[…] reading my blog! If you have not read part one of this two-part series on vaccines, you can read part one here. If you had questions, I hope that these two blog posts help you receive some answers. And if you […]