Last November I had a personal message and guidance channeled for me from the Counsel of Light (through Flo Aeveia Magdalena, who channels them). You might recall that I wrote an article on this guidance, on living from creation rather than survival, soon afterwards. Besides the advice to work on increasing the percentage of time I’m operating in “creation mode” from about 60% of the time to 70%, then 80%, then 90%, and so on, they asked me to begin two new blogs.
One of the blogs is to be for people who already know who they are and are ready to fulfill their higher purpose. The Counsel of Light said, “So the creative blog is for people who know who they are, and who want to bring that into the world.” The other blog is for “people who are finding themselves, who know nothing about their energy system. They don’t know about how their energy impacts the world around them. They don’t know what happens when they dry up, when they don’t know what to do, buy nolvadex online, when they’re at a loss for the next steps. They don’t know what direction to take, perhaps they’re indecisive. They’re not sure why they’re here in the first place. They’ve had a lot of things happen to them and they’re searching for their self; that self-searching is about finding one’s place,” the Counsel of Light advised me through channel Flo Aeveia Magdalena.
A Friend Inspires Me Early One Morning
Well, for a couple of months I wasn’t quite sure what the Counsel of Light wanted me to do. Nothing came to me. I felt uninspired. Then sometime early this year a friend of mine texted me, saying that she had just had another tiff with her teenage daughter and that we should write a book together on teenage girls, on the good and the bad of raising teenage girls. (She has heard many a story about my adventures in raising my two teenage daughters…)
It was around 6 a.m. and I was still half asleep when I texted her back, “Okay, let’s do it!” But then later when I had a chance to think about it, I realized I didn’t want to write any books at all right now. (No way! I really don’t want to.) Rather, I wanted to support my friend in writing that book and I thought I could start a blog for parents of teenage girls (one that would, at the same time, help my friend sell her book when it was done). Then as I thought about these things a bit more, I realized I didn’t want to do a blog at all (I already have this blog), but to have an online magazine. An online magazine would be the next best step for me.
So I am developing a magazine for parents of teenage girls, where at least half the content would be written by experts. A magazine that would teach parents skills so they could raise girls to be independent thinkers and leaders rather than followers, girls who will “come from their heart” and be conscious of the bigger picture of humanity’s journey.
So, that’s how my ideas have evolved from the guidance I’ve been given from the Counsel of Light last November. That blog that the Counsel of Light suggested I begin, the one for people “who are trying to find themselves, who are searching for who they are,” will be an online magazine for parents of teenage girls. I will take a niche that’s considered “mainstream” and bring more awareness and spiritual principles into it. It’s one way how I will integrate the spiritual with the mundane, and it’s how I will help spread more wisdom and depth of being into the mainstream. (That many spiritual messages lately have been urging light-workers to integrate their higher self into their daily lives, to integrate spirituality into the mainstream is not lost on me…)
Higher Guidance Is Never Set In Stone
When you receive guidance from higher beings, in the form of channeled messages or nudges from your spirit guides, the guidance is not usually exact and it’s never set in stone, I have discovered. Things are flexible and there’s always room for your creativity and growth.
So what have you been up to lately that brings spirituality into the mainstream? What projects are you working on that inspire you? It would be wonderful if you could share your insights and experiences with others in the comment section below. I know that many people have been disappointed that not very much has changed in the world since December 21, 2013, and sharing your ideas with others will help them see that things are in the process of transforming on this planet.
Are You An Expert On Raising Teenage Girls?
I would also love to hear from you if you or someone you know is an expert on raising teenage girls. I’m looking for expert contributors to my upcoming magazine (launching, hopefully, at the end of this month or the beginning of next month). Please send me a personal email if you’d like to contribute an article or if you would like to be a regular contributor (one article about once a month).
The Dalai Lama has said that, “The world will be saved by the Western Woman,” so I’m not waiting around for others to make it happen, I’m proactively playing a part in that future.
By the way, once I have the magazine started I will work on blogging more regularly (weekly) on this blog. Thank you for reading my articles, and for your support!
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All of the messages that I have been getting of late from all Light Sources indicate that we need to be setting intentions for what we want in the world. Intentions are a very powerful thing, once released they spread out around the world to manifest much like a virus. In this case a positive virus to overcome the negative darkness still manifesting itself around the planet. We have the power, we need to use it to manifest the Light.
Hi Steve, yes I agree, getting clear on your intention is the first thing, like getting clear on your mission. I saw that I did this with my magazine idea. I am also intending that it spread all around the world. I know that it will help my family and my relationship with my teens as well, in more ways than one. A win-win-win situation. Thanks for the reminder and for your input! Many blessings, Christine
Oh Christine, how great for you to post this topic. I read many progressive spiritual blogs including http://www.goldengaia.com and you are one of the few that asks for our input, our ideas, and intentions and for that I appreciate you and your readers and posters.
What I am doing is continually working to elevate my vibration whether it be by diet, meditation, reading, reflecting, daydreaming, or praying or even working. My life is focused on evolving and Ascension. I am so happy when I can KNOW that I am this 5th Dimensional being and not identify with the 3rd D being who is fearful and surviving and worried about bills, health, etc.
It helps me to connect with people like you and your readers. As I have told you before, I really appreciate how you respond to each post and idea presented to you on your blog. You are a blessing and…oh, that reminds me a few more things I am doing are;
1) Blessing each moment and place. Seeing each moment and place as sacred especially when in nature. Recently I was “directed’ by spirit to build a hot pool in the earth. So I did I got the stones, concrete mix, and labor to help me do this and what it did was get myself and my wife outdoors much more than we would normally be outside. This is getting us more connected to nature and more connected inside of ourselves, and raising our vibration
2) And of course appreciation…this is so wonderful. The power of gratitude. I was directed (there’s that word again) by spirit somewhere to remember rather than attempting to feel a connection to be grateful that I have the connection already. This is very powerful.
3) And last to believe in and look for and expect SYNCHRONISTIC happenings. This I learned from James Redfield’s writings on the Celestine Prophecy.
4) And another one is to talk about this with others especially those that we can influence. Those who are on the fence and open to new possibilities. And when my heart is in it I have an impact on them.
Think that is all. I look forward to reading what others have to say,
With warmest of feelings,
Thanks Christopher for your valuable input. Yes, we already have the connection. If we did not we wouldn’t be alive, we’d be dead. But I remember clearly that I felt disconnected even a dozen years ago (even though in reality, I think I was more connected than most and I was told I was more connected than most). But I felt disconnected because of the state of my life and that was my reality.
Our connection with spirit is always there, but for the vast majority it is dormant, weak, ignored, it is not cultivated. Strengthening the connection so that it’s palpable daily involves reconnecting with your higher self and aligning your life with your higher self, following through with inner guidance === all this which I call “integrating with your higher self.”
Regarding tip #3, Yes, I have noticed synchronistic events for decades now, but before I learned to connect with my inner guidance and follow through, they were few and far between. After I followed through with my intuition, my inner guidance, I experienced them pretty much daily. Particularly when I was working on a project that spirit supported me in.
I love the hot pool idea in the earth! I am definitely spending more time this year outdoors. I am looking forward to the coming few months… Many blessings to you. Hugs, Christine
About teenage girls- My approach to my daughter, 17 yr old, is to love her, to accept her, and to pray for her. As per James Redield, prayer fields are the way to go. I visualize her higher self above and behind her and I send white, blue, or yellow light to her higher self. I don’t attempt to influence her behavior. I help her connect with her higher self through this powerful visualization and she does the rest. I TRUST in her relationship with her higher being and this gets her through everything. And she can feel this trust and love and this has great impact on her.
Warmth again,
Hi Christopher,
thanks for your wisdom on this. I agree that love and prayer and visualization are important. (These can be put into the “vertical” connection, the connection with the higher self/divine.) And I would also add communication and teaching and being an example are also important(which I would put into the “horizontal” 3D connection, which includes how we act, how we respond in the world). Both the vertical connection and the horizontal connection are important, the goal being our vertical connection guiding our horizontal behavior (rather than the media, TV shows, Madison Ave, Wall St, peer pressure, dogma, etc).
I don’t really read or follow blogs, but I did join The Shift of 2012 movement and read that on Facebook whenever I see a post. I am retired and live in a small town. I have been getiing this silent message that I should do something to encourage the education of Black kids who have been falling by the wayside. The message I hear is do something similar to what the wife of Chris Rock (Comedian) is doing in Brooklyn taking high achieving kids to South Africa as a reward. This is dauting. Just don’t know where and how I begin such an ambitious program, how do I get the school system and parents to sign on to this. This is not a rich area, so how do I raise funds. Perhaps I can get some guidance from folks out there. We have a program in town called “Learning in Retirement” sponsored by the University for folks 55 and older and it is fully autonomous. I want to lead a class in the fall dealing with our world — from its beginning leading through Antiquity and all the civilizations. Another of the Grand ideas that popped into my head during my quiet time when I try to reach inward and connect with my Higher Self.. I have collected a lot of material, now it is a matter of putting things in order to make a proper presentation. Many of the people I will be speaking to have “PhD” after their names.. I trust Our Creator will implant the wisdom to carry this project forward to completion. Maybe I will also be getting Spiritual Guidance on my bigger project.
Hi Hubert!
This sounds like a wonderful project! It may sound daunting (just like I thought writing a book was) but if you take one step at a time things have a way of working themselves out, and things you have no idea how to do right now you will know 6 months from now! That’s how it happened for me. It seems like your first step is to get that class registered and prepared so that come Fall, you will deliver it to a classroom full of interested parties. Keep following your inner guidance and you will experience amazing synchronicities that forward your project. Your project will evolve, it will not be exactly as you visualize it now, but it will grow and evolve to possibly something even bigger–if you keep following through.
Keep us informed of your progress, and let us know please when your class is available, and where.
Many blessings on your path,
Hi Christine, your knowledge about teenage daughters would come in very handy for me…I have an almost 17 year old daughter and an almost 11 year old. The younger acts more like a teenager now while my eldest is working and revising hard for school exams. Just this week I’ve had to take a few days off work due to illness, and I have realised how much I needed this space as my work has a lot of negative energy in it at the moment and it was really getting me down. Since then I have felt a lot of support and encouragement from angels around me which have reminded me about my spiritual side, when I had been very bogged down with the 3rd dimension. I’ve had time to prepare properly for my teaching which I do, and so I can give my clients more thought. Next week though, I’ll be brought back down to earth going back to work, and I’m not looking forward to it at all!
Hi Becky,
Three of my 15 year old’s best friends have had some very challenging things happen to them over the last year or so, real crises, and that is piled up on top of the disappointment she has felt over my choices (writing my books, etc, which has not really brought in income for me). It’s time for me to “step up to the plate” and create something that more than a few people will benefit from, while at the same time raising the world’s consciousness.
There are things you can do and attitudes you can adopt so that you’re not so affected by the unpleasant things happening around you at work. Getting more in touch with your higher self will help over time. Thanks for sharing yourself here on this blog!
Many blessings,
Thank-You Christine coming out of the closet so to speak on who iam on the inside must go to the outside last oct I suffered an on the job injury .You might say that work was in survival mode as I”d spent nearly all my early retirement income channeling ones who had passed and who needed medical treatment.Recently cleared the way of the dead you might say as it was just to much and costly.You spoke of the council of light well they came in ounce what really surprised me was they were sitting around a table speaking to me but had trouble interpreting what was being said.In the last few months I”ve been receiving messages from our space familys so I feel im in transition and looking for inspiration. Blessings Blkfoot
Thanks Edward for your contribution. The inspiration will come, look within and be the best you can be.
I would like to first express appreciation for this blog and the chance to share such valued feelings and practices. I certainly resonate with the other posters regarding the importance of intention setting and light work.
You’re absolutely right about a transformation that is happening since the 2012 shift, and i’ve actually seen a radical change. People are waking up, all at their own different pace but still happening nonetheless, and taking our own power back. Keeping yourself around others who resonate positively, and together making a collective effort to change the structure for the better.
My recent endeavors of my spiritual journey have led me to healing body and energy work, particularly massage therapy and reiki. I support my local holistic and metaphysical shops, attend reiki shares, drum circles, energy circles, group meditation, yoga. Anything to offer intense shots of healing into and around the Earth. I’ve always felt like a warrior for the Earth, protecting her especially in these current times when she needs it the most. Practicing sustainability, eco-conscious, educating and encouraging myself and others to care for nature.
Continuous learning and experiencing, growing and expanding.
I recently began practicing massage at a local spa with a salt cave, and soon starting reiki at Harrisburg’s first reiki center! It’s quite exciting, and a beautiful beginning of light work and healing (personally and globally) With the opportunity to integrate it as a profession. I’ll continue to support those on the path, living the truth of kindness and compassion. Also following astrology, particularly the moon and planetary cycles have greatly assisted in the journey and flow of energy.
As for your blogs, I always look forward to reading them. I felt like I resonated with message of a “creative blog” because i’m certainly there, and ready to rock! May I suggest some of my inspirations – Patricia Hawse of http://www.karmafest.com/, also Doreen Virtue and Josephine Wall. I noticed that following those on the path of ‘enlightenment’ helps bring out the creativity and inspiration within, and seems to magnify the beautiful energy being dispersed.
Thank you again, Christine, for sharing your experiences and allowing us readers to do the same. With light and love, Blessed Be ~
Thank you for such a beautiful message Alicia!
You are definitely well on your path. Healing is very important, as well as changing that habits that brought on the need for healing in the first place! Practicing sustainability, being eco-conscious, educating others, all these are very important. Sharing our wonderful results with others.
I have listened to Doreen Virtue, I really like her. I have not heard of the others and will check them out.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration here on this blog!
Many Blessings,
Hi Christine,
I so appreciate you and your writings! They’re sincere, down-to-earth and
quite meaningful.
Regarding the disappointment from folks about “no change!” about 12-21-12,
I think they missed the boat on that. Perhaps they were expecting an outward
change in the world? Change always comes from within, you know. 🙂 Change
also happens in “the background” when we aren’t looking. I have great faith in this.
I continue to spread the Light in my own way.. gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness, working on releasing old patterns (not so easy), but nonetheless..
And, it really does make a difference when I choose to trust and have faith in the world, instead of bringing myself down with old 3 D paradigms.
Thank you for all you do, Christine. 🙂
Hi Susan,
*We* are being the change that we want to see in the world, right? And by doing this we at the same time learn valuable things that will help us SUSTAIN a Golden Age. So all this is absolutely necessary! (Those who are disappointed should “try on” viewing things this way).
Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to share here. Looking forward to hearing more form you.
Many blessings,
Christine 🙂
P.S. At the start of your blog, Christine, when I read you are in contact with
Flo Aeveia Magdalena, my eyes grew wide at this piece of serendipity..
“Aha!” I said to myself. For you see, I recently ordered Magdalena’s book,
“I Remember Union”.
That’s a great book, Susan. You will enjoy it immensely! (I read it about 12 years ago.)
My intuition/heart guidance tells me that focusing on teenagers, both girls and boys, is a very important and timely endeavor right now as we move full force into this shift. After all, our young people have come in at this time for the very purpose of taking their piece of the puzzle as adults and reconstructing our world and it’s systems into the beautiful 5th dimensional Earth we envision. Our young ladies will be bringing in the much needed feminine energies as leaders within the newly created structures and organizations, and our young men will, for the first time in centuries, honor their female partners and realize that masculine and feminine aspects are meant to work together in a balanced, cohesive manner for the good of all.
I was a high school business/career guidance teacher back in the 80s & 90s. In the late 90s, I left teaching and began my second career as a law firm administrator and title company owner. I found myself in industries dominated by men–the attorneys and administrators I worked with were men, and my business partner was a man. It was a wonderful experience as I learned how to maneuver successfully as a female leader in a man’s world.
I have now come full circle and know that it is time for me to re-enter the teaching arena and share what I have learned about masculine and feminine working together in balance. I am currently working on a career guidance course that will begin with helping teenagers “rediscover” who they are–their unique gifts and talents they came in to share with the world–and then guiding them into career fields that align with their Heart. This is a very different approach to career guidance, but it is possible to help teenagers discover who they are on a spiritual level and then guide them in their discoveries–even in a public school arena–it’s all about the approach and terminology.
I work with teenagers on a daily basis, and all they really want is for the adults in their lives to listen to them without judgment, “see”, accept and honor them for who they really are, and love and support them as they make their choices–standing alongside them as they celebrate the “good” choices and learn lessons from “the not so good” ones. It sounds simple, but with teenagers, it’s not always easy.
I feel there can be no greater service than to help our youth find their unique puzzle piece–their Heart purpose–and support them as they move into their roles as the future adult leaders and “builders” who will be implementing the massive changes that are taking place in our world at this time.
Joanna I could not have said it any better! Our youth can benefit a great deal from learning a new approach to career selection. It is all about approach and terminology as you say and they will “get it” sooner than the adults. Finding our unique puzzle piece that we are here to contribute (our higher purpose / heart purpose) is so much different than simply “choosing a marketable career.” Thank you for your comment and I would love to hear more from you on this topic in the near future.
Many blessings to you,
Hi Christine,
Another wonderful synchronicity of your blog which I read on 9th May and same day that I had reflected about my 14 year old girl. I did not have time to comment and share my experiences then. I had messaged my sister that same day after another exhausting mother-daughter incident, of how my relationship with my girl is like a roller coaster, hot and cold ride of varying temperatures similar to spring, summer, autumn and winter…and all within a day’s work of parenting. It is precisely because she is a loving, yet sensitive and vulnerable girl that her reactions tend to be aggressive, explosive and rebellious, making her seem like a walking time bomb to all in the family. At other times, that angelic sweet face I know will smile and hug and kiss the same all in the family.
I actually cut and paste what I had written earlier to note pad, in the hope I can be a contributor to your magazine for parents of teenage girls, to share my experiences with others and to learn from other parents.
When nothing happened on 21th Dec last year, I took it as ‘no news is good news’. If it had been end of world, it would be bad news. Perhaps this end of world scenario did not come to pass eventually because there were and are so much love vibration on earth due to more people awakening that it was averted, and that timeline was changed?
Now that we are still here, and are in this very present moment of living and breathing, we can take action, however big or small, to spread more love, understanding, wisdom of forgiveness and awakening to heart’s energy of love and light and learning to be mindful of and manage this thingy called ego. Give ego its time and attention to air its grievous and scheming but considering heart’s message of love, to take the road to light.
I considered many various forms of projects but none align with my first priority to my kids. Recently, I had an offer to be a student care centre supervisor and senior teacher but I rejected it after spending a sleepless night to ponder and consider. The job does not allow me to take leave or time off to meet teachers of my three kids nor to look after my kids if they fall sick as the leave days entitlement was 14 days in a full year. I will have to rush and most likely be late often to pick my child from childcare on a daily basis and be penalized. I remembered why I quit my well paid office jobs in the first place. And this student care offer is paid not even one third of my last drawn pay. I might as well go back to office job and endure the same challenge!
It was strange but after I made the decision to reject and slept for remaining couple of hours before sending my son to childcare as per usual routine, the sun, the sky, the leaves of trees, the roadside flowers suddenly seem so much more vibrant and alive and warm that day….I knew I made the right decision. To me, my project now is my three wonderful kids whom I want to be the one whom my kids laugh with, cry for and even argue with over dinner! I will continue to find a way to earn some income to help my husband.
Be the change we want to see in this world. For me, it starts with me, to nurture three young souls for the future of this world.
Hi Sandra,
Your message is beautiful and I feel so much warmth emanating from it. It has stirred my soul.
I also have been raising daughters that have been demanding, explosive, and rebellious. Yet I know that they will have a lot to contribute in a few years, when they find their way in the world. I look forward to what each new day brings…
You did make the right choice about not taking that job, and you have received some “feedback” in the form of inner peace, and an extra brightness, light bounding off all objects all around you. Thanks for that great example that will no doubt be helpful to others.
Thank you again for your comment on this blog, and I will contact you via email about contributing to the magazine.
Many blessings,
Hi Christine, I hope I find you well ? I am here for you and offer you my services and insight ! Let me first start off by saying that I have no children of my own or just yet…I am not a parent……but I was a basketball coach for both boys and girls for about two decades….Comprising a feeder system of 4th thru 8th leading to high school. I have a perspective of what your children think that they do not share with you. I do not think I can offer specifics, however if queried, I’m sure I could add insight into whatever topic someone might be working on.
I also carry another perspective between PARENT + CHILD. I was the Co-founder of this organization in 1985. Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors of Homicide Victims. It served Eastern Ohio + Western PA and still does. Enough said!
What I do feel I’m an expert in is psychic synchronicity. The first half of my life , I had to figure what was happening me. Back then , most people barely new what a psychic was.!? When my brother was murdered….I sort of had a leg up on the situation…..I was never turning back now from something that frightened me. I don’t plan on convincing anyone about my gifts in this ditty… I will gladly speak with you by phone….However for those that are experiencing strange tingles, pains , tightness, tickles in certain areas of your body. YOU ARE PSYCHIC !!! Depending on or rather in which chakra you experienced it ,that will let you know what is about to come into consciousness. Your life is about to manifest what you just felt. When you finally experience it in your crown chakra…..That is conformation….and it will be.! We like to label things as good + bad but they are neither. So pay close attention to what you physically feel on your head… My teacher told me to journal it… I carried with me at all times , one of those tiny notebooks….Needless to say I have a few decades of tiny books around my home with a unique shorthand that I developed….I can tell you what certain things mean. So those of you who would enjoy the enlightenment bestowed to me that at times was sheer torture because of the autodidact nature of this subject.. I will be here for you to enjoy your journey.!?………..With Light and Love + Wit and Wisdom………………..Roj GODSPEED !!!
I think it is all very interesting here but I think I am too fearful and survival led to understand quite what you are all explaining. I am not sure I like the idea of all the different dimension stuff as last time I tried connecting with my higher self it didn’t go too well and kinda put me off. I hope one day I will be brave enough to try again.
In terms of what I have been doing to help people, I have been doing some charity work this year. So maybe I am on some sort of path but I think I still have lots of breadcrumbs to follow yet!
I have been feeling a bit lost lately. I hope I figure out who I am soon. I like the idea of helping people. I know I don’t want to be a waitress forever as it’s very stressful where I work and the customers can be horrible! My mum says I am meant to be there to cheer everyone up! It’s very draining though!
Has anyone got any quick ideas to help me?
Would be much appreciated.
Emma x
(Thanks for giving us a chance to share Christine x )
Hi Emma,
No worries; it took me quite a while, a number of years, to “figure things out,” but don’t worry that you haven’t done that yet! (It’s not about learning information, rather, it involves new, direct experience, so be patient with yourself.) The important thing is that each day, you learn and discover a little bit more about yourself and about the process of life on this planet so that it all comes together for you.
You might want to read my free report and meditate a couple of times a day, once in the evening and once when you wake up and do the things in the report. Take baby steps when following your inner guidance and observe what happens. Sooner or later you will see that you are on the right path.
Thanks for commenting here and I hope to hear from you again!
Just scrolling, saw Joanna’s post. Maybe you would have some heart-led career advice for me Joanna? I am physically nearly 25 in age but I am a teenager inside I think!
Emma x
Hi Emma,
I hope you hear from Joanna, I’d be interested in the terminology she uses with young people and how they respond to the new ideas. Thanks again for joining us, Emma!
Hey Christine! It’s been so long since I have blogged and read other blogs at all because of such a busy schedule. But what a wonderful post to come back to. I think you’ll be great at this! There are so many teenagers and parents that are having trouble these days. It seems that so many parents are not equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle it. I think this magazine would be such a great way to give them hope. Many blessings in your endeavor!
For myself, I plan to keep plugging away at The Spirit of the Scripture. Will also be trying to finish my first children’s chapter book aimed to bring a spiritual message to young kids. Take care!
Hi Joshua,
so glad to hear from you again! Yes, I have witnessed a lot of challenging things happening with my daughters’ peers and friends and my kids have always “kept me on my toes,” beginning from when they were babies, actually. I am reminded of the time I put my younger daughter in a bouncy seat on the kitchen counter, a broad counter, by the way. She was just over 3 months old and I was unloading the dishwasher. So I’m putting dishes away in the pantry and I hear a little baby “yelp” sound, like a sound she’d make if she were going down a roller coaster. I spin around 180 degrees and see her and the bouncy seat, tummy side down, bounce off the top rack of the dishwasher, straight into my arms.
Can you imagine how I felt then?
Anyway, I guess my kids are helping me with the magazine in their own special way…
Glad to have you back! Good luck with writing the children’s book! Let us know when it’s finished!
I think quite a lot is changing since December 21, 2012. It’s just that many aren’t going to “feel it” for a little bit. What I’m seeing is a steady decay of old value systems, and a re-emergence of some time-honored ones. There are of course, hiccups, but that’s the main theme of what I see thus far.