I am very happy to share what I believe will fix the Gordian knot our country is in and save our country. I have transcribed a recent Tore Maras video (August 2, 2022, from 2hr:43 min on) and am sharing it below. Please read this as if your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren are on the line, as they are.
This also confirms what I’ve been sharing here on my blog. After you read Tore Maras’ message below, you may go here, to read a blog post that confirms what I’ve been saying here all along. (That you have a role in this awakening, and that it begins with you, at the individual and local level.)
So here is Tore, talking about how to save yourself, your family, your community and your country …
What will save you? Be the change you want to be and take hold of your damn counties because as they come down from the top, remember the top is the pyramid. The base is what holds it up. At the base, you’re the one there. And the minute you step out of line, that whole fvcking pyramid collapses. So when they come for you and your base is strong, your county is strong and you have taken back your county’s sovereignty, your city’s sovereignty, your state sovereignty, they can’t do anything. It’s bottom up, not top down.
And this is the problem, and this is why I have a problem with influence operations among influence operations giving you a leader when you don’t need one. All you need is each other. On a micro scale, you are the base of the pyramid. And if your base is strong and you own your base and you all say, look, I don’t give a shit. Okay. You identify as whatever the fvck you want. You have that right to identify as whatever the fvck you want, just like I do. So let’s all get together and remove these clowns and see, why are they spending so much money on this? Why are they getting federal dollars for this? Why are they doing this? Why are we supposed to be subscribing to some kind of idea when that’s not helping our community? Uh, we have potholes. Where’d that money go? Oh ya, oh ya, you know, it’s expensive …
Okay, you’re out. So let’s get into this… Why do we have potholes? Okay. Where was this money allocated? Where was it done? You know what? Fvck this. Federal government, you say I have debt. Fvck you. Come get it. I’m not giving you shit. Hey, people, we’re gonna be doing this tax. We’re gonna be doing it like that. Wait a minute, are we getting funds from the federal government for education? Are you guys okay with it? Are they forcing us? Are there any stipulations to get this money? Do we have to force CRT? Do we have to hire specific teachers? You know what, that’s not gonna work in our county. Bye! We’re gonna work amongst ourselves. This is how you make change!
When you realize that the words be the change you want to be are at the core of it. And so, as we sit here in a world of a Gordian knot, not being able to find the beginning or the end of the string to pull it, to get it loose, what do we do? We just say, fvck it. Fvck your knot; we don’t wanna play with your knot. We’re just gonna cut it up, and it’s over. And the way we can do it is two ways, a two-pronged approach. One, in your counties, you could get all these clowns removed in a heartbeat. And I am so jealous of people that live in counties that actually have people that are collectively together.
And how do you do that? Well, you need elections. So what do you do? Do what Texas did. Texas has literally done this. In five counties, I believe, and counting. Every single county, they filed contestation, do not use the machines. We are not using the machines. We are not using the machines. Huh? Oh, so that county’s not using them. So, they’re having fair elections; that county’s not using them. Wait a minute, how many counties do you have in your state? I have 88 in mine. If 88 of my counties refused on a county level to take those machines, Frank Larose can go blue in his face and he’s not gonna get shit done. He can’t force those machines … unless he can pull a federal law that says they’re actually federalized and they have to, uh-huh, but then he would have to declassify documents and then you have to question, why do we have classified documents when it comes to elections when it should be transparent? Go figure.
See, this is how you fix things. You don’t say, oh, we need to do this. No, you need to focus on what cuts the knot. Focus on the sword. That sword is saying, you know what? This knot is really fvcked up and nobody can solve it because you can’t untie it. So just get rid of it. How do you get rid of it? Cut it up. Say, fvck your knot. That’s how you do it. That’s how you move. That’s how you make change. Not what these influencers are telling you: Come vote, give us money, do this, do that, buy my shit, do this. No! It’s hey, get together, have some potlucks, work together. Let’s do this. I mean, I am actually very jealous because there are so many people astray that prescribe to all these ideologies; rather than see that they are the fvcking change they look to someone else to give them the change, or to take something completely broken.
It’s like one of those, you know, what is it? Those house shows where they flip houses and they take something completely fvcked up and they wanna rebuild it and they buy it for cheap. And then they see the foundation’s all shot. So then they gotta take it all down and redo it again. Why are you taking something that has corrupt foundations thinking that you can change that and make it better? Fvcking get rid of the Gordian knot! Cut it! That’s how you do it. That’s how you do it. Ah, that’s how you do it!
You stand up for yourself, with your neighbor that you may not like, that maybe is a “Joanna.” Didn’t they say that “Anna people,” people that end with Anne, like Dan, Anna, Joanne, I know all of them, have like a certain facial feature? Get with the people that you may not like. Look, you don’t have to like everybody, but you guys all have to agree that you have rights. And that is it. Because the more I hear people, “We need to do this.” Fvck you! That’s not gonna help you. It’s like Hydra, another head comes out. Take that head off, another one will just grow back. These people have one foot in the grave. You think they don’t have successors? You’re looking at them, they’re your influencers. They’re the ones telling you how they’re gonna save your nation. These alleged Republicans, fvck the Republicans! They don’t stand for us. They don’t stand for anybody but themselves. Pretentious. Liars.
And the reason is, they keep you on that fvcking hamster wheel. Give us your money and we can help, cuz we have influence. We have money. See, look at what they did to my campaign. They’re just draining me for money. Who’s going to pay me back? I can’t even sue them for that. Cause it’s “their right” to contest me. So, I can’t sue and say there’s malicious whatever. Right? But if anything, take the hits and the slaps against the face that I have as an example of how hard they come at you. They literally broke the law. But see, I like games. They lost. And sometimes you have to sacrifice a queen and there she goes, pfft. Take it, hit me, smack me, do it, and the people will see you. Cause sometimes when you see them get flogged, it’s almost like if you didn’t see Christ get crucified, you would’ve never known that he was Christ. Think about that for a second. It would’ve just been one person saying that he educated them and told them about love and did all these miracles. But if you hadn’t seen him crucified, you wouldn’t know he was Christ.
You have to think about that. Kind of like you wouldn’t have known the corruption if President Trump didn’t step inside to take those slings and arrows so you can see it. And like he said, and I say, too, if they’re doing it to me, they’re gonna do it to you. So, anyone out there thinking that this just happens to people with big mouths, right. Or people with a lot of money that want to change the system, or someone that doesn’t have enough money to change the system, you’re wrong. They’re gonna come for every single one of you. You are simply, you are simply feeding the alligator hoping it will eat you last. So for anyone out there that believes in real freedom, in actual Liberty and actual transparency, take note from all the people that have been, that have stepped into the circle and have gotten teared down. Remember Julian Assange, well, we’re gonna talk about that tomorrow.
You know, everyone says Snowden is a hero. Ha ha ha! No, he’s not! I actually saw a post from the team Entheos that said, well, why don’t we use the HRC test? Hillary Clinton said Assange should be killed. Hillary Cohen said Snowden was a confused messenger. I think that tells you everything you need right there. So then you would ask yourself, why are all these people that supposedly are on the side of truth, that want to help the people, pandering on things that Snowden says, or promote him?
Ah, spy versus spy, like that film intro we saw. Hmm? Spy versus spy. Well, there are some spies that are better than the spies. There are some spies that are … just like 1 Kings 22. And there you go… It comes full circle. So in this day and age of confusion, as you see the headlines of us, Oh, she went to Malaysia, you know, tensions rise over possible Taiwan visit, but we’ve been following her plane cuz we need to make her a martyr. We need to catch it on film that she got assassinated.
Well, I don’t know. We’re running the metrics through the computer right now. Will that help us? I mean, she’s dead, anyway. She got everything they gave her. She should have listened to them. Her overlords of the CFR and Atlantic Council already gave her orders. And she’s like, well, who are you to give me orders? And some of them can’t answer cuz they don’t even know who they’re taking orders from. Ha-ha! You know, the actual people that I work with… But you know, while we’re doing that, let’s talk about the J6 people. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, we should talk about… Well, forget Ukraine for now because we got caught there. So let’s just move it along …
Oh, and by the way, while Biden was in Saudi Arabia, Gavin Newsom goes to the White House, to have a meeting. What’s the meeting for? Is it gonna be Gavin? Is it gonna be Pete? How are we gonna close in from the east to the west and bring home monkey pox? Almost looks like smallpox, maybe monkeypox, but then we throw in a dab of Reston, monkey, Ebola. That’ll only take those. And it’s like, whoooo. But in the meantime, we’re also gonna bomb some terrorists so we could show people that we’re doing shit.
How confusing! That sounds like a big mashup! Like that sounds crazy and completely psychotic, but exactly what your headlines are: We killed an Al-Qaeda leader (that we created and paid for). And South Korean Amazon is protesting (boiling pot conditions) and Pelosi (she’s in Malaysia, not Taiwan, even though we’re following her plane really closely, pay attention). And oh, Grinder’s Russian trial should be over. We should take this transgendered athlete and swap it for a terrorist (cuz it makes sense, right?)
And then the man who stormed the capital with a handgun was jailed, for seven years. Like, okay? And El Chapo’s attorneys are representing J6 people. What? Wait, what? Huh? I, what? Yeah. Kansas votes on abortion rights, more bodies have been found in a flood-ravaged Kentucky, fresh as rainstorms hit. Trump endorses an Eric in Missouri, but doesn’t say which Eric. Hmm. Oh, the big guy is this guy. Oh yeah. Pertaining to that email, but everybody knows who the big guy is. Taiwan is like, yeah, Nancy’s gonna come. Like, first of all, why would you do that? If they’re saying that they’re gonna shoot, and you’re just gonna go fly into the mouth of the beast? Get out of here! See, this is how dumb they believe you are.
And you’re just playing along, following along and sharing that shit rather than paying attention to how you’re gonna destroy this Gordian knot. Almost schizophrenic news, schizophrenic, fvcking influence operation. Be like, oh, no truth, not allowed. And you know what sucks? Rather than have an actual start, middle and finish show, unfortunately, because of the way your brains have been trained, it can’t happen. It can’t be one coherent 10-minute talk, two-minute talk. It’s gotta be the talk where you sit down and you kind of just think about it to yourself. Wait a minute, that makes sense. Wait, I’ll go back two years; that makes sense. I go back, that makes sense. Now it makes sense. See, that’s the way your brain was treated, like a jigsaw puzzle.
Because they store information in little places, hoping you don’t find the missing pieces. Therefore, how do you deprogram a programmed mind, to hide pieces of information? You play the same damn game. Only this time, you start from the middle and not from the corners. And that is how you deprogram. Now, I guess you’ll have to listen to that a few times. Just like you’ll have to understand, if you’re seeing Joe Biden go down, it’s because a deal was struck. And so now what you have to think is, if a deal was struck for Trump not to run, who made that deal? I don’t know, maybe you should ask your influencers and all these amazing Republicans that are supporting you. That’s what you should think of. That’s what you should think of.
What you need to be focusing on is getting to your counties. Some of you have charters within your counties that give you the right to remove people within like 10 days. And yet you’re sitting there with your thumbs up your ass; what do we do?
We should save the children. Sure. So you hang Epstein, you hang Weinstein. You hang, what? Hillary? Bill? Which one will satisfy you? Cause you know they’ve got people in the back doing the same-ass shit. I would just take ’em all out. Will you though, really? You’re gonna take out the thought of evil from people’s minds? No. You control how to do it. And I don’t know how many times I have to say it. You guys need each other, in person, to look at what you can do on your local level. (Big breath.) That’s all.
Because if you look at today, any climate, that’s it. I guess I wasn’t supposed to say that, I’m being choked up. I’ll keep my mouth shut now. So on that note, while you are dabbling in the land of confusion, embrace it. Say, all right, I’m in this knot. I’m this knot right now. I’m the knot. So how do I do it? Do I fail for so many years to untie this damn knot? Or do I just take my sword and say, fvck the knot. That’s where you need to sit on. Yes, this is a land of confusion, but in order to not be confused, I just cut the knot, and I focus on things that I can control. And I embrace those that I cannot. You can’t control what’s going on in the federal government. You can’t control what’s going on in Taiwan. You can’t control what’s going on in China. Once you control what you can, well, there you go. That’s your answer. That’s ALL you have to focus on. — End of Tore Maras excerpt
So yeah, local action and local responsibility, beginning with your own self.
That’s the attitude I had when this plandemic came about: Fvck your masks! Fvck your social distancing! Fvck your vakseens! Liars! I actually had a guy blast his megaphone at me at Costco, reminding me to social distance, to which I turned around and promptly showed him the finger. Perhaps, if only a few percentage of people had my point-of-view, my attitude, we would have never had to go through with this nonsense. (I usually am a polite person, and diplomatic. It’s just that I could not go along with the BS.)
But, as I’ve been saying for many years now, we need to learn certain things firsthand, so it is etched in our brains, so it is etched in our experiences. So it never, ever happens again. So your understanding will be deep. So your compassion and appreciation and joy will be deep, and real. There’s a good reason they call this the Great Awakening.
I encourage you all to get on Telegram and follow ToreSays+, and watch her videos on Rumble. There are ToreSays+ local and state groups working on projects (locally driven), such as what Texas has accomplished. Here is the link for her Rumble channel: Tore Says Show. Tore is also running for Ohio Secretary of State on the independent ticket. Please check her out.
I’m here to help people strengthen their connection with God, with their higher self, and develop their inner guidance. I blog about the spiritual awakening process and reduce people’s fear around that. But Tore has extraordinary, high-level understanding about our government, our past, and where we are headed. Because of her, our world is blessed.
You’ve got the key, the shortcut and the clarity now. Please share this post with your family, friends, wherever you can. Share your insights below, and get to work doing your part!
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