Some channeled messages that have promised events that did not not transpire have caused some channels to abandon channeling as well as some readers to stop reading and/or believing in channeled messages. A good recent example: Steve Beckow’s failed tryst with “Grener, the President of the Intergalactic Council.”
Does this mean that channeling is on the decline? I’ll do my best to try to explain why it’s actually a good thing that channeling is on the decline, even though channeling isn’t completely done with yet and messages will still be channeled that will be truly helpful to many.
One reason why channeling is on the decline is that we are to reconnect with our higher selves and receive our guidance directly. Ultimately, we are to receive our guidance directly from Source. We are not supposed to follow this channel or that channel, but to get our guidance and our insights from within–as much as is possible.
Another reason is that enough has been channeled already to transform this whole corner of the galaxy many times over. And yet not much has actually transformed in people’s personal lives and in the larger world.
That’s because channeling isn’t the cause of transformation. Channeling only works when people put into practice the helpful information that was channeled.
A third reason is that in some cases, the spirit guides of highest consciousness are transmitting fewer messages, or are simply leaving, because of the low quality of the questions being asked. This is true when spirit guides are being asked questions of a lower (e.g. victim) consciousness such as: When will Disclosure happen? When will First Contact occur? Why didn’t Steve Beckow’s journey to the stars take place? When will my soul mate show up?
In other words, instead of people asking really important questions such as: How do I transform myself? How do I connect to my higher self for guidance? How do I assist humanity during these very difficult times? How do I discover my gift that I am to contribute to the world? people are asking dumb questions about sightings or disclosure, or else they want to be given dates or “divine deadlines.” In such cases, the medium may find herself having to “wing it” on her own.
I guess I must have asked the right questions because the Counsel of Light transmitted to me a lot of helpful information that I still don’t see being channeled 10 years later. The Counsel of Light never discussed Disclosure or sightings of spaceships with me. I (mostly) kept to the topics they considered of extreme importance, topics I knew were most important–meaning personal transformation and understanding what’s going on here.
Channeling does have its purpose. For example, the Counsel of Light said that it’s important for people to receive a daily spiritual message. I found this to be true. During the time I was writing my books, I found it helpful to read Russ Michael’s daily spiritual newsletter (most of which was channeled). Reading the newsletter helped me to keep going on my book projects at a time when I wasn’t getting a whole lot of support from the outer world. In fact, I looked forward to the daily readings even though parts of the messages did not ring true for me at all. (However, I had no problem with that because I knew that the information transmitted must to some extent filter through the medium’s mind. And I had confidence in my ability to discern truth from fiction.)
Many of the channeled messages I have read over the years spoke about how important it was for light-workers to keep going, to keep on with their work. These messages helped me by encouraging me. Also, there were many hidden messages, some written “between the lines,” that affirmed my new understandings–and this further motivated me.
There will still be mediums who channel some good stuff, but really, isn’t it time you learned how to follow your own inner guidance? Because it’s time for you to take the next step in your own growth and evolution.
The light does not increase on this planet, or in your personal life, because of channeling. It increases when you connect with your Higher Self and become confident enough in your connection to follow through with your guidance promptly and consistently. Channeling is on the decline because it is Divine Plan that this be so. It’s time for the next step (to reconnect with your inner guidance), and it’s time for human beings to step up…and become spiritual adults.
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Hello Christine,
Thank you for this post. I completely agree with you about the necessity of connecting with your highest self…I have hired many psychics over the years and while some of those experiences were helpful most often times I felt unsatisfied and confused by the readings…And then spent YEARS waiting for the so called “fated” events to transpire. I wish I had put the money spent on some of these experiences toward purchasing equipment that could bring my long held heart’s desire into the physical world. The next time I feel compelled to hire one of these people, i will do just that…
So, I have a question for you that I want to get your take on. I am under the impression that every person has a team of spiritual guidance available to them. This is different than the entities being channeled to the masses. Can you please comment on this? Thank you.
Hi Jema,
Here is an article I wrote about psychic predictions that you may find helpful:
And yes, every person has a team of spiritual guidance available to them. (Spiritual advisor Pamela Leach says most people have 3 guides.) This team helps the individual with learning what they had planned on learning and fulfilling the roles/contribution that were planned as well. (Planned before the incarnation of the person.) This team guidance that each person has is different from the entities being channeled for the masses.
Thanks for your response. So then, when you are seeking guidance for something, who do you ask: guides or high self?
Years ago the Counsel of Light got me on the path to connect with my higher self. So I would ask my higher self–one’s direct connection to Source. Your guides are the “middlemen.” (And recently I learned that my guides have “stepped back,” since at some point, you don’t need these “middlemen” anymore.)
This info is a bit beyond where I like to go, since I like to focus more on the practical how-to information. Which is what’s really important now. We will not win any prizes by taking multiple-choice written exams. We are here to experience and to grow through experience.
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It really is rare to find advised persons on that issue, however you seem like you understand exactly what you are sharing! Cheers
Wonderful weblog, I absolutely await fresh news from you.
And where is the facebook like link ?
Hi Ronny, look at the title of the article you’re reading E.g. “Is Channeling on the Decline?”. Underneath the title is the date, and under that you will see a little box with a checkmark and “like” word in it. If you click the box, that article will automatically post on your facebook wall. The other way to do it is to copy the link and post it on your wall. You can also google+ it and tweet it with the buttons to the right of that. Thank you!