In this post I am sharing something nutrition-related that I have been up to the last two months, since around March 7th. I believe you will be fascinated with this information—as I was when I first got introduced to it.
I have been seeking this information for at least 10 years now, for one specific health condition, much longer if I include other complaints I had, such as low blood sugar and dermatitis. You see, it is about 10 years ago that I wrote a blog post about trying to reverse my Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a tightening of the ligaments of one or more fingers. For me, it was affecting my left-hand ring finger. I believe I finally found my answer.
The last 10 years I tried the gluten-free approach as well as supplements that are supposed to help with arthritis (gelatin, collagen, minerals, etc.). I tried homeopathy and psycho-emotional release. The Autumn of 2020 I even tried a two-month-long smoothie and juice cleanse. The practitioner promised it would dissolve the calcium deposits and soften the tissue. But the opposite happened at the end of my eight-week “cleanse”: my Dupuytren’s contracted an additional two or three degrees. One morning I woke up, felt a tightening sensation in my ring finger, and witnessed it happen right in front of my eyes.
Family members were concerned. Why haven’t you had the surgery done? Why did you let this go on for so long? What is wrong with you?
How could I explain that something in me was having me hold out for discovering the solution to the reversal of this condition? Perhaps I could be the first person to actually reverse Dupuytren’s syndrome? After all, no one seemed to know anyone who was able to reverse this stubborn condition. Surgery and / or drug injections were the only treatments the conventional medical side offered, and the condition often reappeared because the root cause was not addressed. The alternative medical side did not have any real solutions, either.
What’s more, something in me also had the suspicion that us humans were being poisoned. I remember a conversation with my cousin last summer at her home. “What do you think is making people sick if it’s not the virus,” she asked. “Poison; people are being poisoned,” I said, to which she just laughed.
Well, I hope I don’t have to explain about some poisons. Everyone knows about glyphosates in foods, “fortified” foods, pharmaceuticals and fluoride in tap water, air pollution, heavy metals, experimental and not-so-experimental poky-jabs, and on and on. But I did not know at the time that there was a poison affecting us all, of which we were completely clueless.
Anyway, the beginning of this year, I prayed to God for an answer to my Dupuytren’s. I had tried everything. I did not know what else to do. Then one evening at the beginning of March, when I was on a Telegram group that I follow for news, a member posted a comment that piqued my interest. He commented with something like, I don’t think these people are open to learning about true nutrition.
I responded immediately and asked him, who do you recommend has true nutrition information? And this is how I found naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith.
Naturopath Dr. Garrett Smith’s New Paradigm in Nutrition
Dr. Garrett Smith is a 47-year-old licensed naturopathic physician in Tucson, Arizona. For the first decade-plus of his practice, he used all the tools that naturopathic medicine had to offer, including a variety of medical treatments, dietary approaches, supplements, and cleanses. He was open-minded and experimented with them all, trying everything on himself first, before offering it to his patients.
Yet when he was honest with himself, he was disappointed with the results. He found that nothing he did increased health in the long term, either for himself or his patients. There were some short-term benefits, as there usually are, but things just did not work all that well in the long term. (Exactly the way drugs lose their effects after taking them for a while.) Yet Dr. Smith would not give up in his search for the answers to true, long-term health.
A Canadian Engineer’s Astounding Health Recovery
About four years ago, after reading an interesting article a colleague had shared with him, Dr. Smith found what he was looking for in the form of an early-50s structural engineer who had reversed his kidney disease, full-body jaundice, and eczema. Four years prior, Grant Generoux was sent home by his kidney doctors to “make arrangements,” as their only option for treating his kidney disease was dialysis. They gave Grant a few months to live without it. If he went on the dialysis they recommended, he would get three to five years.
But Grant minded the eczema even more than the kidney disease, so he took a few hours to do some research in between appointments and created a spreadsheet of foods known to aggravate his eczema. This is when he discovered the common denominator in those foods: Vitamin A. And instead of the dialysis his doctors were recommending, Grant went on a super-low Vitamin A diet.
Grant has been on a super-low Vitamin A diet for over eight years now. His blood Vitamin A level has been below the detectable range for quite a while already. His health is improving all this time, as is his muscular strength. No more kidney disease, jaundice, eczema, and no more early dementia symptoms, either. His doctors have never seen kidney disease reversed, ever. Grant is currently 60 years old.
Grant’s noble goal is to be on his super-low Vitamin A diet for 10 full years, to prove that Vitamin A is not a vitamin, but a poison, and to remove its status as a vitamin. Amazing, huh?
Grant has a blog where he has kept track of his low Vitamin A journey. He also has three free eBooks you may download. Grant’s first book describes his health journey. The second one develops the ideas that Vitamin A is not a vitamin and that both Vitamin A and most drugs are poisons. Grant’s third book makes the case that breast cancer is the result of chronic poisoning, primarily Vitamin A poisoning. Here is the link to Grant Generoux’s blog:
Dr. Smith Develops the Vitamin A-is-a-Poison Hypothesis
Some years ago, a friend of Dr. Smith’s showed him an article about Vitamin A toxicity. Not long afterwards, he also learned about Grant Generoux’s kidney disease reversal. This is when Dr. Smith began to further develop the Vitamin-A-is-a-poison hypothesis into a comprehensive “toxic bile theory.”
Dr. Smith helps people detox from Vitamin A and other toxins as quickly and as safely as possible, so they can finally regain their health. He has helped people with their skin issues, chronic fatigue, infertility, autism, Lyme disease, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. He even reversed a client’s Type 1 diabetes. Pretty much every health condition out there can be helped on a low Vitamin A diet. Plus, people lose weight and inches off their midsection, and gain bone- and muscle mass without even trying. Earlier this week, Dr. Smith completed his 92nd weekly “Nutrition Detective” YouTube livestream.
You may subscribe to Dr. Garrett Smith’s YouTube channel where he does his weekly livestreams here:
You may also wish to sign up for Dr. Smith’s free online course, the Madness of Modern Nutrition. The link to his free course is below:
The Love-Your-Liver Paid Program
Or, like me, you may jump in and sign up for his paid online course, the Love-Your-Liver program (in the Membership tab on his website). This course is a complete and detailed do-it-yourself program. If you have any questions, you may ask them on his weekly livestream. Or you may wish to get more support and sign up for a consultation.
I started getting into Dr. Smith’s Love-Your-Liver program around March 7th. I still have not gone through the entire course, but have significantly changed my diet according to the program’s guidelines. I have a small testimonial to share about my experience so far:
“I have been following the ‘Love Your Liver’ guidelines for about six weeks now and already see improvements in my skin. It is no longer dry. In fact, in the winter I always applied lip gloss several times a day to keep them from becoming too dry, but recently went a few days forgetting to put it on. My lips and face are not dry, and the dry, scaly skin on my legs has gone away. Also, a pockmark from childhood chicken pox that was over the last few years constantly irritated from me picking at it (because it was expelling a bit of whitish material) is now healing. (OMG!) I am sleeping better, too. I know this program works and am looking forward to discovering other positive effects.”
About a couple weeks into the program though, after pouring over pages of reading material and watching hours of video, I decided to stop at a local health food store for a few items. The entrance was packed with mountains of super-high Vitamin A foods.

This is when it hit me. I walked around that health food store as though I were walking on the Moon. Both sides. Both sides of the medical system (conventional / alternative) have been duped, and whoever is in charge of this clown show has been doing, is doing, their utmost to make us sick.
This post is getting long so I will end it here. In my next post, I will go into the details of why I believe Dr. Smith’s program will reverse my Dupuytren’s, as well as increasing my general health. I hope you sign up for Dr. Smith’s free course and share this post with your friends and family.
Remember, light is shining more and more on this planet and people are finally re-membering (putting all the pieces together) how to heal themselves. The way I see it, God will not rob you of the incredible and empowering opportunity to do it for yourself, to pull ourselves up out of the hole we dug ourselves into.
God bless you and your family!
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Thank you Christine for sharing Dr Smiths program s for reversing health issues. I will certainly look into this. I would never have thought of Vitamin A as toxic before reading your article. My wife and I have a number of health issues that might benefit. I’ll let you know how it goes. God is always there to guide us when we seek him. Praying for the rest of your recovery.
Thank you for your comment Robert. I believe Dr. Smith’s program will help your, and your wife’s, health. Keep us informed of your progress.
Many blessings, Christine
Thank you so much for this!! It’s not something at all you would even think of but this resonates with me so much. When looking at the low A list alot of those foods I have naturally been incorporating into my diet and now I have somewhere to go to try with healing my gut issues, I have done mostly raw, vegan foods, water fasts, juice fasts but not been able to fully fix everything and have been seeking guidance myself. Bless you for sharing! 🙏
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in several bodily functions, including maintaining healthy vision, supporting the immune system, and promoting the growth and development of cells and tissues in the body. It is also important for healthy skin, teeth, and bones.
Vitamin A comes in two forms: retinoids and carotenoids. Retinoids are found in animal-based foods, such as liver, eggs, and dairy products, and are preformed forms of vitamin A that the body can readily use. Carotenoids, on the other hand, are found in plant-based foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach, and are converted into vitamin A by the body.
Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of vitamin A-rich foods is the best way to ensure adequate vitamin A intake. In some cases, supplements may be necessary, but it is important to consult a healthcare provider before taking vitamin A supplements, as excessive intake can be harmful.
What you wrote about Vitamin A is what the mainstream believes. People can continue to believe that Vitamin A is a vitamin, but the truth is, Vitamin science was invented by the Rockefellers and MERCK. Now with the incredible work and experience of engineer Grant Generoux, naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith, and biochemistry researcher Dr. Anthony Mawson the public has another view of “Vitamin A.”
Thank you for a well-researched article and well-written also. What foods do you recommend people eat? My diet is already so limited I don’t know what’s ok anymore. I am off meat, gluten, wheat, grains, sugar, coffee, alcohol but still have some dairy(eggs and a little cheese) for protein. I can no longer eat solid foods and can only have smoothies, veggie juices and soups. I can’t drink fruit juice(too much sugar) and I can’t have cooked vegetables. So what can I eat?
Hi Salini, thanks for your comment!
This is where the Love-Your-Liver program, and Dr. Smith’s weekly livestreams, are helpful. It explains how to detox as quickly and as safely as possible, which foods are fine and which are not (and why). Like yourself, some people cannot tolerate certain foods at first. But they find they can as they heal. Once you attain health you don’t have to be as strict, as your liver can process small amounts of toxins no problem. And you will also know what to avoid at all costs. (e.g. liver).
I will private message you,
Hi Christine,
Interesting article! This is something I will relay to my daughter Carina since she has eczema and it has not gone away since childhood. However, she loves sweet potatoes, eggs, cheese, and butter, so what are the substitutions? I also eat eggs and cheese on a regular basis once a week. Even watermelon has vitamin A and lots of C which she will definitely not give up.
What do you recommend?
Hi Lydia,
all the info is in the Love-Your-Liver program, including food lists and what you need to watch out for. While you are regaining your health and clearing your skin, it’s a good idea to be strict about your food choices, so you can detox and regain your health ASAP. However, you will not have to be super strict forever. Here is a explanation from Dr. Smith that I really like:
“The high level of strictness in the diet list isn’t forever. Get yourself better first, notice how you feel, then you will get to decide what you do about adding potentially problematic foods back into your diet, or not. You can eventually try whatever you want. It is likely you will be more in touch with your body by that time and you might notice that you either don’t like or want it, or that it doesn’t feel as good as you were hoping, or that a bit here and there is OK, but too much is not so good.”
Watch the following short testimonial to get one woman’s experience about the strictness of the program (her Crohn’s, cancer and eczema are all in remission, including numerous “minor” compaints):
It is definitely a learning experience. For example, for carrots, you can substitute white carrots. I bought some white carrots at Trader Joe’s today (found a bag where there were mostly white carrots. Will try them tomorrow.) Some foods I will probably never eat again. Some Vitamin A foods I can easily do without. I could care less if I ever have sweet potatoes again in my life. When you have integrated all the valuable info, you can make better choices.
Many blessings,