Thursday morning I awakened from a strange dream. In the dream I was upset because I had realized that my daughter had parked my car in the ocean. I stood on the shore looking at my car; it wasn’t that far away, maybe a hundred meters or so, and it was not the only car out there: there were about a half dozen other vehicles parked in one neat row off the shore.
A storm was brewing and the cars were getting a beating from the waves but that is not why I was upset. I was upset because my car being out in the ocean was a weird, unexpected oddity and also, I didn’t have access to my vehicle and didn’t have any idea how to get it back! So I looked for my daughter and demanded that she get my car right back.
After hearing my complaint she left to see someone, perhaps the “ocean valet,” and a few moments later, my car was being delivered to me on some kind of mechanical platform that delivered cars, one by one. Before awakening from the dream, I remember thinking that all I had to do was ask, and it was delivered.
I believe the storm is a sign of the tumultuous times we’re living in right now, and the ocean signifies our spiritual world (our inner world). I’ve been feeling a bit of anxiety lately in my “body vehicle,” and my other “vehicles”–my car and my computer–have had their issues as well. My car’s problem (the ignition lock) has been recently fixed, and my laptop (still under warranty) most likely has a hard drive failure that ought to get fixed shortly. (I asked a friend for his assessment and was relieved to hear that it most likely is a simple hard drive failure having nothing to do with me.)
One of the lessons here is to ask for what you need. Many “lightworkers / warriors” are used to plowing through on their own and forget to ask others to help them. Sometimes reaching out and asking those who can help can take a bit of courage, but it’s the next step in your personal growth. Sometimes you need to ask the “ocean valet” (God, the Divine, our spirit guides) for help and guidance.
There’s another dream that has been on my mind quite a lot lately. I had the dream in 2005, but am being guided to share it here, to help change the direction of the path humanity is on. The following dream is excerpted from my memoir What Everyone Believed:
“At the end of January 2005, I awakened from a dream where I was scrambling across a craggy landscape that looked like the aftermath of a mountain explosion. Large boulders and slabs lay all around in disarray, as though they had fallen from the sky. Crevices wide enough to fall through stymied your path; you had to watch your every move. I was stepping through the wreckage, hopping from boulder to boulder, headed towards a city that looked like ancient Rome. When I entered the city through the front gates, I saw lions living among the people. Lions loitered in the courtyards, on the piazzas and the verandas. The people hummed about the city guardedly–quite understandable, given that you could never be sure what a lion might do. I too walked around feeling guarded, and slipped away to a safe place while still going about my normal business. I was with a Hispanic woman. She had been stopped for questioning at one of the city’s checkpoints–a common thing. And as I was waiting for her, I awakened from my dream.
After I recorded my dream into a journal, it had occurred to me that the people had learned to live with the lions; the two had coexisted. And perhaps after a few generations, it became the only way they knew how to live. They had learned how to walk, what to do, what to feed the lions. They went about their daily business taking certain precautions and thus, remained relatively safe. And then, the lions did not seem so much like lions anymore. They mostly lazed around, swishing their tails.”–End of excerpt.
Back at the time of my dream (which was for me … divine guidance), I had interpreted it to mean that I was to keep going with my mission while coexisting with my fears. Furthermore, I saw the fears being tamed, and the “lions” out in the world could also be tamed.
What about you? Is your fear still blocking you from doing what you’re here to do? Perhaps you’ll discover that your fears and anxieties (if you examine them and move through them) are the catalysts that allow you to discover your unique contribution at this important time in humanity’s history. Dreams are a form of divine guidance and a way your higher self uses to get through to you. And when you connect and integrate with your higher self, you will have clearer dreams that guide.
To learn the how-to steps for connecting and integrating with your higher self (including how to release your fears), click on “eBook on 2012” in the main menu.
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