I excerpted portions of this post from naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s newsletter, which is timely as the U.S. Congress is about to vote on RFK Jr’s nomination for head of Health and Human Services (HHS). It is this naturopath’s wish list for Making America Healthy Again (MAHA). I am hoping this information gets to the attention of someone at HHS who can do something about this. Following are the excerpts from Dr. Smith:
“Based Supplements, a profile I follow on X had an interesting thought experiment… listing the things they’d ban if they ran the FDA:
- Finasteride
- Red 40
- Bright headlights
- Ashwagandha
Is it a good list? It’s okay. Based Supplements obsesses over DHT, so it makes sense why they’d want to make finasteride go away. Red 40? Yeah, dyes are no bueno. Bright headlights? I mean I don’t like it when they shine in my face, but okay. Ashwagandha is a surprise as I’ve been on about how this nightshade is actually awful for your long-term health, despite what “ancient doctors” would say about it.
What about me you’re wondering? What would I, Dr. Smith, ban if I were FDA commissioner? In no particular order:
- Glyphosate
The fact this was used as a descaling agent to clean out calcium and other mineral deposits in pipes and boilers of commercial hot water systems should be enough to make you run far away from this stuff. To add to that, this herbicide likes to bind to nutrients in food making them impossible to absorb once we eat them, making our body even more nutrient deficient. In terms of toxic “vitamin” A, glyphosate inhibits the breakdown of this toxin, making it harder than normal to eventually detox out.
- All fortification of foods
All fortified foods are a disaster, full stop! All we have to do is look at all the extra garbage that’s added to fortified foods. Here’s a short list:
- Milk: Fortified with calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin B12
- Eggs: Fortified with omega-3 fatty acids
- Rice: Fortified with iron
- Orange juice: Fortified with calcium and vitamin D
- Sliced bread: Fortified with folic acid
- Table salt: Fortified with iodine
- Almond milk: Fortified with calcium, “vitamin” A, and vitamin D
- Breakfast cereals: Fortified with iron, vitamin D, calcium, and B vitamins
- Whole grains: Fortified with iron, folic acid, and B vitamins
- Vegetable oils: Fortified with “nutrients”
- Baby formula: Fortified with soy
Let’s not forget all the extra junk like Vitamin D3 added to dog food.
If you’re following the Love Your Liver Program, the above foods aren’t going to be too much of a problem for you. But if you’re still eating like a normie who believes in the food pyramid, my plate, or whatever the government food program is these days, all I can say is watch out!
- Fluoride
Despite the myth that fluoride “supports” your teeth, fluoride is also a major factor when it comes to organ damage. There are plenty of studies online supporting how “excess fluoride” is a factor when it comes to damaging your liver, kidneys, reproductive organs, thyroid, pineal gland, and more. Many of the studies like to say “excessive” but let’s be real, if your liver isn’t dumping toxins like it’s supposed to, the “excess” fluoride won’t be going anyway, just accumulating in your tissues, adding one layer of problems on top of another. This garbage needs to go!
- Chemical pasteurization of food
This is an interesting one because most don’t know about it. According to the FDA, it is “…A process that uses chemicals to kill harmful bacteria and other pathogens in food while being a key part of food production and is required by the FDA for most foods.” This method of food treatment has been known to decrease heat-sensitive nutrients (Like B12), changing the taste of the food, and the potential for chemical residues.
Maybe the worst part about this is how certain organic foods get a nice dose of this. Take raw almonds for example. Despite whether it is organic or not, this food is required by law to be chemically pasteurized. Does this mean to stop eating organic? Nope! Organic crops have their own “organic” method involving “organic” chemicals instead.
There are more of course, but implementing these ideas first would be a great first start! Will this be happening under the upcoming FDA commissioner?
I would love to see it happen, but most likely not. That doesn’t mean you can’t take action to ban these problematic substances or methods from your life by eating right, encouraging proper detoxification, getting movement in, and something I should be talking more about, stressing less.”-End of excerpt
RFK Jr. Senate Confirmation Hearing Highlights
In another newsletter, Dr. Smith shared what he thinks of RFK Jr., referring to the confirmation battles between RFK Jr. and members of the Senate …
“Now, I’m no fan of the man, and I’m skeptical of his promises to “make America healthy again” (though I’d love to be proven wrong). But I have even less love for the senators who claim to have our best interests at heart—only to crumble under pressure, turning beet-red, raising their voices, and exposing their true colors for all to see. Let me show you what I mean.
Take this heated exchange between Elizabeth Warren (E.W.) and RFK Jr., where he calls her out for being a Big Pharma shill:
E.W.: I’m asking you right now—will you pledge not to personally profit from lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies?
RFK Jr.: I’ll comply with all ethical guidelines—
E.W.: That’s not the question—
RFK Jr.: You’re asking me not to sue pharmaceutical companies.
E.W.: No, I am not!
RFK Jr.: Yeah, you are. That’s exactly what you’re asking.
Seems the senator from Massachusetts isn’t too keen on removing the legal protections that shield Big Pharma from lawsuits—especially when those same companies have donated over $5 million to her campaigns.
But if you thought that was tense, check out this back-and-forth between RFK Jr. and Bernie Sanders (B.S.) when RFK Jr. calls out Congress for being in Big Pharma’s pocket:
B.S.: Mr. Kennedy, if we want to make America healthy, will you commit to guaranteeing healthcare for every single American—just like every other major country does?
RFK Jr.: I’m going to make America healthier than other countries—
B.S.: It’s a simple question. Yes or no?
RFK Jr.: Bernie, the corruption isn’t just in federal agencies—it’s in Congress, too. Almost every member of this panel, including yourself, has accepted millions from the pharmaceutical industry.
B.S.: Oh, no. No, no, no! I ran for president just like you. My donations came from workers, not pharma execs.
RFK Jr.: In 2020, you were the single largest recipient of pharmaceutical money—$1.5 million.
B.S.: Out of $200 million.
Bernie can spin it all he wants, but the numbers don’t lie and here’s the bottom line: None of these politicians care about you. Even if RFK Jr. is serious about reform, he’s up against a pharma-backed political machine that won’t go down without a fight.
That means you need to take control of your health—because, as we’ve seen in this Washington circus, the system certainly won’t do it for you.”-end of 2nd excerpt.
This is why I, Christine, have been searching for decades for good and true information about nutrition and health. It wasn’t until March of 2023 that I finally came across Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program, an approach that makes so much sense, much more than anything else I’ve seen before, that I refer to it as the central, unified theory of good health.
Do Not Wait for Government to Change; You Lead the Change
When it comes to your health, I encourage you not to wait for the government to change , because you could be waiting a long time still. There will probably be many layers of resistance to change. It is YOU who must lead the change in your own life and in your family’s life. Lead the charge in your own circles of friends and family. It’s how we create the new world. I encourage to take some easy action steps, and if you haven’t already done so, please read my five (5) previous blog posts on this topic:
1st post: Nutrition 3.0 and the Recovery of Health
2nd post: How to Avoid Cancer and My One-Year Detox Update
3rd post: Detox Like a Champ with Activated Charcoal
4th post: Take Back Your Health No Matter Your Age (Proves, with my dad’s blood tests, that it’s not too late to improve your health, even in your 80s!)
5th post: Sauna Detox: Top Tips for the Ultimate Detox
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Photo Attribution: Gage Skidmore
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Couldn’t agree more: Do Not Wait for Government to Change; You Lead the Change
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Thanks for your comment, Anne’ P!