To help you with your spiritual awakening and transformation, you’ll want to read my book, Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir (this is the Kindle title; the hardcover title is What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening). It contains helpful tips, practical examples, and is enjoyable to read. In fact, you could make huge strides in your spiritual awakening process … just by reading this book!
Here’s a review from another publisher, North Atlantic Books:
“An Ivy-League scientist’s life is thrown into a crisis by unsettling events. This memoir tackles the question of what the “great shift in consciousness” is really about. A personal memoir and a no-nonsense guide, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening explores the steps needed for developing trust in our intuition despite societal expectations, accessing Interconnectedness, and understanding our soul’s bigger plan.”
To purchase the book in Kindle version, click the link below:
Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir on
To purchase the book in hardcover, click the link below:
What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening
Update Aug. ’21: I don’t know why Amazon is charging $59 for my hardcover when it was always $25 or less. The distributor should simply get more copies from me …
So if you want to pay less than what Amazon is charging, and want a signed copy, send instructions for signing (addressed to whom?) and a check for $29.00 ($25 plus $4 for shipping) made out in my name to:
P.O. Box 67458, Scotts Valley, CA 95067
Thank you!
Christine Hoeflich
P.S. One more thing: I don’t offer any expensive programs, just a couple of books. But just reading my spiritual awakening memoir will help you strengthen your relationship with your higher self and do more for your intuition and spiritual awareness than many meditation or spiritual workshops.
So don’t wait, order today! You’ll want to experience the benefits of spiritual awakening (greater intuition, the magic of Interconnectedness) sooner rather than later!