To learn about or purchase my newly released book, The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light (released January 2017) please go to by clicking the link below:
The Spiritual Awakening Process on
Here’s a description of the book:
“Are you ready to take the plunge into full knowledge and power? Do you want to unlock your energy and wisdom? Would you like to start living the life you really want to live? With this essential guidebook, you’ll discover the true meaning of the Great Shift in Consciousness and the transition from the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light. This comprehensive book will not only help you understand, but also fully engage in, the worldwide spiritual awakening, and return to Christ consciousness, currently taking place.
“Although humanity has reached a defining point in our spiritual history, the fact that our world is changing from the Age of Darkness to the Age of Light at this very moment is not yet widely known. This transition comes on the heels of generations devoid of the intuition and internal powers that can be activated within ourselves by using both sides of the brain in tandem. The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light explores and supports our individual journeys towards consciousness and helps us claim our birthright of vital shamanic powers and deep, intuitive wisdom.
“In our own nation’s history, the Age of Darkness has corrupted the moral integrity of what our Founding Fathers stood for. The outcome is a bleak world of corporate greed, the enrichment of a few at the expense of the many, the destruction of the Earth, and a departure from our divine purpose. Nothing less than a return to our divine destiny is the cure.
“Vibrant, evocative, and carefully detailed, The Spiritual Awakening Process speaks to the shaman in all of us, guiding us towards our divine purpose so that we may each become the master of our lives and by so doing, usher in a world of peace, harmony and joy.”
Here’s that link to Amazon again:
The Spiritual Awakening Process on
Thank you!