Tag: <span>Christ Consciousness</span>

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In the past, I have published the words of teachers who I feel speak the truth about walking “The Way” according to Jesus Christ and activating your spiritual awakening. For example, I’ve shared the words of Juan O Savin here. Recently, I found another wonderful teacher of the Way of Christ, on being sovereign and not being controlled by either government nor religion. His name is Ethan Lucas and he has a website and channel on Rumble; links are at the end of this blog post. I am sharing this because Lucas has good news of the freedom and liberty in Christ.

I have written about my own journey to that understanding in my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening (hardcover). I published the eBook version of that as the title Reconnected: a spiritual awakening memoir. This journey, I am sure, is one reason why rejecting the recent government mandates came so natural to me.

In the paragraphs below, I share some of Lucas’ words. (He refers to his understanding of 1 Corinthians 15 verse 20 through the end of that chapter in the Bible.)

Ethan Lucas’ Message of Hope

“As people are waking up, society is changing, and people are becoming more sovereign. Do you realize part of the problem, part of the reason why evil was allowed to flourish in this world is not only because it is profitable, but it is profitable because the majority of people do not view themselves as sovereign? That is the biggest problem. Because if the majority of the people did, then most of the systems that exist, that allow for the corruption and the secrecy and the power over other people, the manipulation would not even exist. That is what the kingdom of heaven is. It is a kingdom of sovereigns, where there is only one king, and that’s King Jesus, Christ consciousness. And everybody minds their own #@*&-ing business. Right? People stop trying to manipulate and control others and have power over others because it is not even profitable. It is counterproductive at that point. And I know you and I see eye to eye on a lot of those things when you’re talking about an anarchic system, which people have confused with chaos and violence and criminality. And it is actually quite the opposite. The word anarchy actually means without ruler, without rulers. No ruler, no master!

And in fact, in my opinion, and I have a lot of evidence to back this point of view up, I believe that’s precisely what the majority of our founders in the United States, how they felt, and what they set up as a Republic, it was actually a form of anarchy, disguised as a government, so as to try to keep that form that was still ruling over people’s minds and emotions for the time being, until a time such as this, where people could see past even the facade of the need for that social structure to rule over them, to where they could become self-governing. The fact that our founders talked about being self-governing gave away the fact that they were anarchists. And you can actually have an anarchic Republic. And I believe that is what we are supposed to have …

Jesus has repeatedly in the Scripture said over and over, that you’re not going to ever see a literal Second Coming. That was never the plan. And if anybody ever says to you, that Christ has returned, believe them not. So what I want, and I mean I can ask this question until I’m dead and probably never get an answer, How the fvck? Pardon the French. But I’m sorry, it pisses me off to no end when all we have to do is just read what it says. And they’ve come up with these fantastical ideas that have misled people, and I think this is why I think there’s something nefarious behind it. Because these kinds of ideas on Oh, just wait for Jesus to come back flying down out of the sky on a white horse like Lone Ranger dogs and 747s. That kind of sh*t has caused people, even when Christ gave us, commissioned us, to have dominion and authority over the earth, and it’s up to us. That kind of teaching has caused people to sit back and do nothing. And that’s my personal belief, that’s where it started.

And it’s easy for people to get wrapped up in that, because a lot of people easily succumb to the Savior syndrome. And again, I’m not saying that Jesus was not a savior. There’s a difference between saying Christ is your Savior because that’s simply the quantum entanglement, that’s the Christ spirit, the logos, that’s you being connected and one with Christ, which he said I am the only way to the Father, to Source. Of course he is, because there’s this unbridgeable gap that we talked about last time. But that’s not a savior syndrome. That’s oh, I recognize that one plus one equals two. And if somehow we lose that second one, to add to the other one, which is you, you lose the Christ, the one Christ, and then the one you, you’re not going to get to two. It is math. It is not a savior syndrome. Savior syndrome is thinking that somebody is going to come here, both in the political world and the spiritual world, and they’re going to wipe your ass for you from now until the day you die. Guess what, if you never wipe your own ass, you’re gonna end up with a really crusty ass and a bad infection because nobody’s coming to wipe your ass. That was never the plan.

Here’s the good news. And I posted this on my Telegram a couple of days ago. Here’s the good news. It’s up to you. Here’s the bad news. It’s up to you! This is the thing with free will. And as soon as people get their head around this concept of free will and wake up and realize, oh shit, this whole experience is entirely up to me! I am responsible for my own life, no one is coming to save me. Jesus already did everything, not some of the things, already did everything that he needed to do and could do. The rest of it is up to you and me. It is our responsibility. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left. You think about that.

By the way I want to finally once and for all time make sure people understand when I say “who you are in Christ, “ there is 0% religiosity to that, there’s nothing religious actually about Christ. I know that’s a radical concept for people to swallow. But when you take the Bible seriously, instead of religiously, then you understand there is nothing religious about it. They used it to create a religion. They twisted it out of context and made it into a religious thing. And it never was. And in fact, the ultimate irony of it, is that what Jesus did, and one of his main goals, was to destroy the bondage of religion over the minds and souls of men and women once and for all time. So when we talk about being free in Christ, one with Christ, everybody has been programmed to think every time you hear Christ and being one with Christ and being free with Christ, they automatically go to these religious concepts. They think church, religion, this guy’s religious. No, no! Christ is anti-religious; anti-Christ is religious! People really have to let that sink in. Some people are gonna have to let that sit for a long time to fully sink in. Get it out of your head that anything about Jesus or about Christ is religious because it is not. There is 0% religion involved with Jesus Christ.

Because it is all about Christ’s consciousness, that word Christ comes from the concept of Christos, it’s a geometric spiritual metaphysical concept of quantum physics concept of reality. It’s scientific, it’s human psychology. There’s 0% religion to it. And I know it’s so hard to separate because we’ve been programmed since the day we were born, and it’s everywhere in society. We’ve been swimming in this big soup of religious garbage from day one. And it has permeated every aspect of our thinking and our being. That’s the Romans 12:2 we got to get hold of, being not conformed to the world, the religious world, but rather be transformed by the renewing of the mind. Get the new download, understand that religion is garbage. Religion is evil.

The word religion literally means to return to bondage. And that Jesus Christ, and the Christ consciousness that is imparted unto us, through Jesus Christ has zero to do with religion. All he did was come here, show us how it’s done, correct the record and said, Hey, follow me. It is, you have been deceived, stop doing all this stuff. Stop believing all this stuff. This is your true identity. It’s not religious at all. There’s no religion to it at all. In fact, all the animals out there, and if you were to go way up north in Canada out in the wilderness, 1000s of miles away from any civilization, you would find that all of the animals out there are doing what’s called Christ consciousness, which is nothing more than just being in touch with their natural existence, who they really are, their natural identity, instead of all of these convoluted manmade concepts that have twisted the minds of people and kept them in bondage. There is no freedom in religious concepts.

What Jesus started was an ecclesia, a political body, people who were free and sovereign in every sense of the word. People who have broken the chains of government control. People who have broken the chains of religious control. Because they had returned to their true identity. They weren’t like Eve anymore who questioned her identity in the Garden.

Religion has programmed and kept people’s minds in such bondage that they can’t even walk away from the most simple form of control. And they continually use gaslighting, and other psychopathic tactics to keep people locked into it. It is crazy, absolutely insane.

So with that being said, yeah, Paul said, If you are therefore with Christ within, meaning you’ve woken up to your true identity, now you’re done with religion, you’re done with tyrannical government control, why therefore then do you still continue to follow the ordnances and doctrines of man?

The excerpts above are taken from the following video, which is from the Rice TV channel:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU3QJ-_yyCs&t=1s

I agree with Ethan Lucas’ message above. Understanding will come from “doing” Christ consciousness (and “ascending” in our consciousness), not simply from book learning. (“We can’t just tell you and you’ll get it; we had to show you.”) Jesus taught his followers to walk “the Way.” Remember, even Jesus’ own disciples had difficulty understanding him at first.

Following in Christ’s footsteps will free humanity from religious programming. That is why his believers were persecuted, because they could not be controlled by either government or religion.

Miracle Case in the Supreme Court – Raland Brunson Case

Recently, I learned about a case moving forward in the Supreme Court (Brunson vs. Adams case number 22-380) that is on the docket for the beginning of 2023. This case has the potential to restore honesty and truth in our elections and government, as well as unite the people of the United States. (This is not a partisan issue.) Furthermore, it will help the people bring forth the kind of government our founding fathers originally had envisioned, a kind of government perhaps even Jesus Christ could get behind.

I urge you to listen to the following December 2, 2022 interview with one of the plaintiffs, Loy Brunson. It is extremely important, as well as hopeful. You can be a part of this, and you can help. (A couple of easy actions you can take to help create this future are shared in this interview.)


What I really like about this case is multi-fold:

  1. The court case is pro se. (No lawyers are involved; the plaintiff is not a lawyer and represents himself and U.S. citizens.)
  2. The plaintiff is an ordinary citizen (like yourself) doing an extraordinary service. (Proves my point, and the point of my books, that you really don’t know what you are potentially capable of, what your higher purpose is, until you begin following your inner guidance, higher self, Christ consciousness.)
  3. This case will help educate American citizens (and the world) in our Constitution.
  4. This case is non-partisan and has the power to unite our country in a common, noble goal.
  5. This case has the potential to turn our country and world around for the better.

You may receive a copy of the case for a $1 donation here (there are three cases available for purchase, the Raland Brunson case is the one on the SC docket):


And if you want to hear more of Ethan Lucas, here’s a link to his show: https://rumble.com/c/EthanLucasShow

Thank you for reading my post. Please share and comment below.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIn this blog post I share a bit about my Catholic background, how my views of Christ and Christianity have evolved over time, my insights about what it really means to follow Christ’s example, and how this fits with the Great Shift in Consciousness.

I am clear that humanity will save itself not by believing in Jesus Christ’s existence, but by following Christ’s example. What this means is that each individual will “save” him or herself (which includes clearing his or her karma) not by merely believing that Christ is our personal savior, but by personally following his example. (And because Christ is the one who’s showing you the way, I suppose you could view him as your savior. It’s just that you have to take action and follow his example, because prayer and meditation aren’t enough.)

I am also clear that you have within you the capacity to do what Jesus did 2000 years ago–to cultivate a strong, unbreakable connection with your higher self, which has a direct connection to Divine Guidance (to Source, God). Part of cultivating this connection requires that you not just connect with your higher self / higher consciousness through quiet time and meditation, but that you actually follow your inner guidance–even when it goes against the preachers and religious and cultural institutions of this time. (By the way, what a great example of this Jesus was…)

Some Christians may question people’s ability to connect with their higher consciousness, but this has nothing to do with truth and everything to do with what they were taught to believe. It’s certainly not my truth. I’m clear that I have cultivated a direct connection to God / Source and I know that others can do the same. Furthermore, I am clear that Jesus Christ was here to teach us, to be an example for all of us to follow. We are here to follow his example, not merely to believe in him. (As a child who was raised Catholic, my impression was that following in Jesus’s footsteps was the right path … which however some had interpreted as having a calling as a Priest if you were a man, or a Nun if you were a woman.)

Many misconceptions about Jesus, his life, and Christianity exist. Some of these I learned over a decade ago from Father Charlie Moore, a former Catholic priest who was dismissed from the Church for teaching hidden truths about the origins of humanity and religions. The rest was heard during a discussion with a Catholic friend who had studied the religion deeply in order to excel in Continuing Education for Clergy and similar university courses. From what I understand, Jesus was not at all fond of organizations, and he never founded the Christian Church. It was Constantine who founded the Christian Church – in the year 325 A.D. Constantine needed an army to invade other lands–so that he could acquire their wealth. (Does this remind you of anything still going on today? Is humanity finally waking up to all of this?)

Jesus taught his disciples how to attain direct access to God (to Divine Guidance, to higher consciousness, to Source). However, not all his disciples had a deep understanding of Jesus’s teachings. The level of their understanding was a reflection of the level of their courage in following through with their own inner guidance rather than what they were taught to believe. (Naturally, the easier, more common path was to deny their own connection with Source as they had been programmed to do and to place their trust in some Messiah to do it all for them. This path of course did not allow them to grasp Jesus’ true message, did not allow the shift in consciousness that Jesus was.) According to Father Charlie Moore’s findings, the books written by the disciples who had a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings were excluded from the Bible. I am clear that the writings of those disciples who I understand were closest to Jesus and most involved with his mission were excluded from the Bible.

Around 2003 I received a message from the Counsel of Light (channeled through Flo Aeveia Magdalena) that I had “Christ consciousness.” But it wasn’t until I connected with my higher self and followed through with my inner guidance promptly and consistently (which, by the way, deepened my understanding of Jesus’ story) that I finally accepted their assertion.

Jesus was a rebel and a threat to the powers that be. He taught that there was no such thing as sin, according to Father Charlie Moore’s research. The idea of “sin” was introduced by the powerful elite so that the people would be obedient to their (man-made) laws.

Jesus didn’t believe in sin; he nurtured innocence. He pointed the way back to our original innocence when he said, “The kingdom of heaven is within.” By connecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance, you will receive favorable synchronicities and new insights that will help you understand the bigger picture of your life and how it fits in with Divine Plan. Furthermore, you will fulfill your part of the Divine Plan. And this is what will clear your karma.

Jesus taught how to use the power that you were given, to get in touch with higher consciousness, with your intuitive powers. Jesus taught how to get in touch with God through your higher self–the “holy spirit,” the higher consciousness within you.  Father Moore would say, “Instead of worshipping God, use the powers you were given. Be the glory of God. And help everyone else be the glory of God!”

Jesus was not meant to be an intermediary between the people and God. Rather, he was to be an example, someone who through tremendous struggle had found the way by finding Divine Guidance within. Through his example the people would be able to find God within.

Father Moore would also say that masters never tell you what to believe, or to believe in them. They only help you to figure it out for yourself by helping you to get in touch with the higher consciousness within you. Jesus was indeed a master.

The powerful elite took over Jesus’ teachings and perverted them. They turned Jesus into a mediator, in the tradition of the priest-gods of the Old Testament that mediated between the people and God. They co-opted Jesus’ teachings, twisted them to support their own agenda, so that they would continue to gain power over the people.

The true followers of Jesus were not called Christians; they were called  “followers of the way,” according to Father Moore. I understand the way; it’s the journey that reconnects and integrates you with your higher self, with your higher consciousness, with Christ consciousness. The journey of higher consciousness is a journey into truth. Are you ready for the truth?

If you would like to learn more about how to reconnect with your higher self from someone who’s been there, who gives detailed, concrete information in plain English, please check out my eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity by clicking the link below.

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

If you would like to further explore Scripture and the hidden meanings of the Bible, please check out The Spirit of the Scripture blog of Joshua Tilghman. (Joshua is very supportive of my work.)

Another resource I recommend for those ready to evolve their Christianity is Nancy B. Detweiler’s blog, The Way of Love Blog, and her website Pathway to Ascension. Nancy is a Minister (M. Div.) who helps bridge the gap between mainstream Christianity and the emerging spirituality that’s based on the revelation of a much fuller knowledge of Cosmic Truth.Share this