Tag: <span>Connecting with Your Higher Self</span>

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Humanity is winning, it's the Divine Plan.

Back in 2000/2001, my life was increasingly in crisis. In fact, I had the distinct feeling that I was being set up, that the people around me, including my husband, were setting me up. Crazy things were happening: people were encouraging me to write a book (though I was not a writer and didn’t know what I was supposed to write about), my husband acting strange and distant, another man trying to get my attention, and a terrible, sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach that I was in deep, deep trouble.

Furthermore, I had the inner knowing that no one or nothing outside of myself could help me or heal me. I knew only I could save myself. I needed to do the inner work (of reconnecting with my soul, my higher self) and get to the bottom of it.

To make a long story short, I did get to the bottom of things and here’s what I’ve discovered. We go through crises in order to discover through first-hand experience who we really are and what we’re truly capable of. (Crises have a way of bringing out the best in humanity.) We also go through crises so that we can become more:

  • Loving
  • Compassionate
  • Understanding
  • Real
  • Joyful

The following is an excerpt from the first article I published (August 3, 2008), after I published my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening. (The Kindle title is Reconnected: a spiritual awakening memoir.)

The article explains the Divine Plan, why it’s so important that you reconnect with your soul (higher self) right now, follow your inner guidance, and stop watching all the mainstream news, which will only make you crazier.

If you knew that your soul / higher self (your connection to the Divine, to God) had planned your life experiences so that you would grow, so that you would come to know yourself as “one who rose to the challenge,” would that give you some comfort at this time? And, because your higher self had planned everything in your life, including your biggest challenges, it has the capacity to complete those challenges successfully. All you have to do is to reconnect with your higher self, develop a stronger relationship with it, so that you can hear its guidance (your intuition) and trust it enough to follow through promptly and consistently.

As you begin to do this, you will glimpse into your soul’s original plan. Your life will begin to make more sense to you, and you will begin to understand how it fits into the larger “Earth game,” or Divine Plan.

On a collective level, if we knew that each of us had a role in planning this Earth game, and if we remembered why we agreed to “play the game” in the first place, we would view the world’s crises as opportunities rather than dreadful things to be avoided. We would know that we had the power within to complete our challenges successfully.

From my own experience of “trying to get to the bottom of things,” I came to understand that we created this Earth game a long, long time ago, and with good intentions, too: so that our souls would learn and grow. As new souls, we yearned to discover who we really were, and the best way to know ourselves was through firsthand experience. For variety, we created variety on the earth, including a variety of belief systems. Things got interesting when some of us agreed to be the “good” guys, and some the “bad.” Sometimes we reversed roles so we would know what it was like on the other side. We did all this for each other, knowing that this Earth Experiment would be instrumental in helping us evolve as quickly as possible. Although we knew that some of our experiences would be extremely difficult, we knew this was the quickest way to spiritual growth. We also knew this time in “duality” would be temporary. At some point, while we were in the process of learning our final lessons (like right now), we would remember that this was “just” a game we had once created. We would be able to complete the game successfully, and create a new, more loving world, a “Golden Age.”

Now, we won’t remember planning this game, this “fall in consciousness” (in the sense that we have conscious memories of it). In order to have been able to play the game correctly, we needed to forget that we had planned it. Forgetting was required for playing the game “for real.”

Buying into the belief systems that each of us bought into was also required. If we had known that we had made those up, we might not have played this game with complete conviction, which would have derailed the learning experiences our souls really wanted. But our souls are powerful, so powerful that we have created an illusion—and then lived it as if it were real—in order to accomplish larger, much more noble goals for ourselves.

In facing my own life challenges, I came to understand that each and every person on this planet had agreed to play the game of duality. (You can call this game “dark versus light,” or “learning through contrast,” if you wish.) If your higher self hadn’t agreed to play this Earth game, you simply wouldn’t be here at this time. Furthermore, you have a unique life purpose, an individual contribution that will help fulfill the game. “Fulfilling your soul’s purpose” is another way of saying, “rising to the challenge.” That’s when can you consider yourself “awakening from the dream.”

Which means that humanity did not actually “fall from grace” as we were led to believe, but intentionally planned this “falling” as if it were real … so that we would be able to learn, grow, and experience ourselves rising back up again. This implies that you are much more powerful, and good, than you may know yourself to be. Realizing the extent of your power helps you take effective action, but you may not know yourself as powerful unless you experience yourself being powerful, which means beginning to resolve your current life challenges. You resolving your challenges then helps resolve the crises on this planet.

Rising to the challenge takes something, of course. A commitment to develop a relationship with your higher self is required. Courage is also required, because your wisdom and inner guidance will, most likely, go against the collective conditioning.

Once the relationship with your higher self is at least as important and as real to you as any of your other relationships, once you trust it enough to follow through on its guidance promptly and consistently, you experience what I have termed “critical mass.” This is the point when the Universe begins to cooperate like never before, because you are now “aligned with” the Divine Plan. This is also when you begin to discover your hidden gifts, by tapping into that part of you that’s been around forever—your soul.

Each of us has our own contributions based on our individual gifts and talents. Human beings have both a common purpose (to learn, to grow, to be more loving, etc.), as well as a specific purpose based on individual identity.

So, while you don’t need to feel like you’re attempting the impossible, you do need to make a commitment and get serious about your soul’s purpose. Because that’s when the Universe will support you; that’s when you’ll receive what you need in order to fulfill your purpose. The Universe will respond to your questions, favorable synchronicities will occur regularly, and you’ll know without a doubt that you’re on the right path.

The world is the way it is, and circumstances are the way they are, so that we can discover who we are, including who we are when times get tough. You have the capacity to fulfill your deepest dreams by following your inner guidance and expressing from your soul.

We can’t fail if we follow this guidance. If we can begin to see from the soul’s perspective, if we can view this time as an opportunity, we can be vehicles for truth and freedom; we can triumph. The power of your soul, expressed through your psyche and body, is what will turn this planet around, and nothing else. This is the truth about spiritual awakening.

To “fast track” your spiritual awakening, read my spiritual awakening memoir. Just click on the “Spiritual Awakening Memoir” tab in the main menu.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinDiscover Your Life PurposeI was inspired to write this article by reading Tommie’s Spiritual Elevation Blog, namely his first blog post titled, “What on Earth Am I Here For?” It’s about his experience trying to discover his deeper life purpose by reading the second best-selling nonfiction book of all time, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? It reminded me of my own similar, experience.

The first time I considered the idea that each of us is born with an individual, specific life purpose was in the mid-eighties, at an electronics company on Long Island. I had just graduated from college with an engineering degree, and a new friend from work named Dave suggested I check out his church, so that I could discover God’s “will for my life.”

This suggested that everyone has their own unique and specific plan, and I wanted to know mine. (Up until then, I had assumed the generic Catholic view that it’s the priests and nuns who get to have special vocations, everyone else just has a job. And that God wasn’t giving out any special assignments in this day and age.)

Before Dave revealed this new idea to me, I wasn’t aware that God had specific, detailed plans for individual people’s lives. The idea intrigued and startled me. I thought perhaps if I knew my true life plan, I’d make fewer mistakes and avoid the disasters that seemed to haunt my life.

For example, I was disillusioned with my job as a process engineer. And I was trying to let go of a bad college relationship. And the old, used Datsun I purchased for my move to Long Island had begun to break down. Plus, it had also been broken into twice, when I left it at the Huntington train station on my way to New York City. The second time the thief shattered the auxiliary window on the driver’s side and made off with my main source of entertainment then—my knitting project. (The radio had already been stolen.) Then, as if that weren’t enough, during a heavy snowstorm driving home from work my car’s windshield wipers stopped working. So I pulled over to the side, and drove my car straight into a three-foot ditch. Luckily for me, I hadn’t managed to get too far from work so I could walk there to get help. Besides all that, I didn’t have close friends or family nearby, and I wasn’t comfortable where I lived. I seriously thought it was high time to do something about my sorry car and the sorry state of my life—get a brand-new car and a brand-new life, perhaps one with a greater purpose.

But, I thought back then, just because all this bad stuff was happening didn’t mean I was going to promise to follow God’s plan precisely. I didn’t know what God had in store for me. But I was curious and open, and I thought that simply knowing this plan would make life easier and more rewarding.

Some months later, Dave shared another astonishing thing—that he was intuitive and knew I would help a lot of people someday by doing something new. The idea intrigued me—helping others seemed so admirable—but I wondered how that was going to happen given the current state of my life. Well, I had a new car by then, but other things were the same.

Besides, I didn’t know anything about this new thing I would supposedly do, so how could he, who barely knew me? Also, it’s a little disturbing when others claim to know things about you that you yourself don’t know. You wonder how and why this information has been kept from you, and if it is real. You become afraid to hear more, in case of bad news, though ultimately you know it can’t be true. But Dave seemed so sure, so smug about his prophecy.

Anyway, I developed a passion to learn more about myself and why my life was such a struggle. So out of sincere motivation to discover my true life plan I attended a few evangelic Protestant services that Dave recommended. But after a few services, after rereading the Bible with new interest and studying a couple booklets offered to me on the topic of God’s plan for individuals’ lives, my enthusiasm fizzled.

For one thing, I didn’t seem to be any closer to discovering my life plan. Also, the experience didn’t lift up my heart, and I wasn’t moved. I must sound like an awful stickler, but I remember thinking that some passages in the Bible seemed to be confused, as if something were missing. Having lived through eight years of Catholic grade school with its daily mass and religious classes, I just had expected more. After all, as people learn and grow, they’re ready for more truth and more wisdom.

The other thing was, where was the sense of humor? Biblical characters—including Jesus himself—must have had a huge sense of humor to keep themselves from going mad, and this sense of humor was completely missing.

Anyway, after not learning anything about my life purpose through Dave’s suggestions I kind of gave up on trying to discover it through the Bible, or through religious books or services. Instead, I started to attend a few personal development courses. I also quit my job on Long Island and found a job in Munich, Germany for a while. And for the first time in my life I began to feel more free, more adventurous and open. And I put the idea of discovering the “life purpose that’s sanctioned by heaven” out of my mind.

That idea remained dormant until about 15 years later, when, in 2001, I again began to experience some major challenges in my life. This time I had a family, too: a husband and two small children. And this time I could not afford to be casual in my search. Too much was at stake. I demanded real answers from heaven. I expected signs from the Universe that could not be misinterpreted. And crazy, amazing things began to happen, and consistently, when I actually followed through with my inner guidance.

I wrote two books about what I learned once I began to connect to the divine and follow through with my inner guidance. My first book came out in early 2008 and it’s a memoir of my reconnecting experience. My second book came out late in 2009, and was a “how-to” ebook on the spiritual awakening process, including how to fulfill your higher life purpose. I updated the “how-to” book recently and put it up on Amazon earlier this year. I’m sure that’s what the Divine had planned for me to do (and what Dave somehow knew, even though he didn’t know the details about it).

The following are several things I learned about our purpose, in a nutshell:

  1. Humanity has a generic higher purpose and each one of us also has our own individual, specific purpose.
  2. Our generic higher purpose on this planet was to have a fall in consciousness so that we would experience huge challenges and then, by rising above those challenges by connecting with our dormant higher consciousness and learning spiritual and life lessons through firsthand experiences we’d become true masters of our lives. This Earth experiment / experience was designed to have a noble purpose: so that we would become as compassionate, as appreciative of life and each other, and as creative (in addition to other good qualities) as is humanly possible, as quickly as possible.
  3. Our soul plans our individual higher purpose before we are born (I agree with Robert Schwartz’ work, Your Soul’s Plan) but this plan is not set in stone. It is a fluid plan, and depends on the generic divine plan and humanity’s progress with it.
  4. Most likely, we have little to no idea what our individual higher purpose is, not until we spend some time connecting with our higher self and following through with our inner guidance promptly and consistently. For example, with a degree in materials science & engineering and a master’s in environmental studies, I did not consciously plan to write books on spiritual awakening. That came later, after I experienced some huge life challenges, began to seek answers from my higher self, and had some amazing things begin to happen regularly as a result of this connection with the Divine.
  5. The Universe will offer you signs that help you find your higher purpose. That is, if you ask for them and you pay attention. (Doing this can help you distinguish your higher guidance from your ego’s desires.)
  6. Much of the guidance you receive will be on a moment-to-moment, need-to-know basis.
  7. It takes courage to find your higher purpose and fulfill it. It’s easier to simply be a cog in the wheel of the economy and just go along with things as they are. It takes courage to make changes, even those that will put humanity on the right path. But that’s what it takes for us to become true masters, such as the master that Jesus Christ was.
  8. Keeping a journal and recording your thoughts, dreams and the things that happens when you follow through with your inner guidance will help you discover your higher life purpose. And as you search for your higher purpose, your life will become more and more interesting and significant.

After going through my spiritual awakening process and viewing personal as well as world events in a new light, I am happier, more optimistic, much more at peace, and have much more compassion and understanding toward my fellow humans, as well as myself. And I definitely feel better prepared to face new challenges.

I encourage readers to begin their journey today by strengthening the relationship with their higher self and gaining confidence in that connection. The rewards are immeasurable.

Please share your experience with trying to discover your higher life purpose in the comments below.Share this

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Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir really does reconnect, according to “Hall of Fame, Top 1000” Amazon Reviewer Dr. Joseph S. Maresca. Dr. Maresca goes on to say that, Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir by Christine Hoeflich is an excellent book on the mechanics of tuning into the spiritual domain. Christine explains the inner self, accessing intuition and showcasing creativity.”

Reconnected explores the steps needed for strengthening the relationship with, and developing trust in, the higher self, in intuition, despite societal expectations. It lays the foundation for how readers can understand their soul’s bigger plan, and how to access Interconnectedness.

Christine said that she discovered on her journey that when people work with more than simply their will alone, they gain the support of the divine, helping miracles and magic to occur that might not have been possible through their will alone.

This Kindle book is available today, Wednesday November 2, 2016 until midnight PST time at no cost. Readers may download the eBook onto their Kindle, laptop or smartphone for free. (Amazon.com has free downloadable apps for reading Kindle books on laptops and smartphones.)

The following excerpt is just a small sample of what’s in store for the reader, from the “Superconductor” chapter:

After what had happened in merely a matter of months, I was only motivated to connect further to become an even clearer conduit of creative energy, to see what would be possible continuing on this course of listening within for guidance. I had a sense this was only the beginning and I wanted to see what was next, and how far I could go.

With a pounce onto my chest, our kitten awakened me from a dream the day I was revising this chapter. I was on my way to Alaska as a passenger in what looked like a new, comfortable European-style city bus. In my dream, I was aware that I’ve never been to Alaska, only to Canada, and I was thinking that going to Alaska would be just as easy as going to Canada.

The bus traveled through a picturesque, green valley in between beautiful snow-capped peaks, maybe ten miles from one side to the other. It reminded me of the area around Davos, Switzerland, still snowy in the higher elevations though it was almost summer. The bus meandered, switchbacking up an incline, went here and there, stopping for passengers to get on, taking its time. Impatient, I asked a woman sitting next to me how long this trip to Alaska would take.

“It’ll be around four hours,” she said.

Four hours? That was way too long for me! I wanted to get there sooner! I explained to her that if I drove my own car, it would take me only two hours. So I decided to get off public transportation and drive my own vehicle. I pulled the signal to stop and got off the bus. That’s when the cat woke me up.

So if the key to memory and the key to dreams is metaphor, was this dream telling me to forgo mass transportation or public direction and follow my own, to power up my vehicle and drive up the spiral of evolution? Furthermore, I got that Alaska doesn’t have to be viewed as some destination or end point because in reality, once you get to Alaska, there’s a whole new, big wonderful state to explore.

With a new level of enthusiasm I began to do a second meditation (a grounding meditation) to strengthen my connection with the heavenly dimension and with my environment, so as to help clarify and completely unveil my mission for this lifetime. (The “heart and soul” meditation described earlier in this book connects you to your inner core, while this grounding meditation helps to further strengthen the “vertical” connection of the above with the below.)

At least twice a day, I practiced a simple three-to-ten minute exercise for this purpose, an exercise slightly modified from one I had learned in the Soul Recognition Workshop.

Standing with my feet shoulder-width apart, my hands hanging loosely at my sides, my knees slightly bent, my eyes closed, and exhaling slowly, I’d imagine energy or sunlight flowing from the sun (or source, or the dimensions above) down to the top of my head, entering my body at the crown of my head and going down through my body in a line as straight and as coherent as a laser beam, down my spine all the way through to the bottom of my feet, to the core of the earth. Then inhaling slowly I’d imagine this energy reflect back up from the center of earth, through the bottom of my feet and the rest of my body to the top of my head and back up to the sun, or the higher dimensions. I would repeat this several times, imagining the energy or light flowing up and then down; inhale energy going up, exhale energy going down, with a short pause at each endpoint, and sometimes as long as I could hold it. (Alternatively, I sometimes imagined this energy going out to the universe with each out-breath and coming back into my inner core with each in-breath.)

I’d do this exercise expecting the connection to both my physical environment and to the heavenly or angelic realms strengthen and the energy to flow in between with more clarity and ease. This grounding exercise, as well as paying attention to my inner voice throughout the day, helped deepen the connection to the interconnectedness and made the inner guidance clearer. It was a simple practice I could do anywhere, but it seemed to do the job. –excerpt from Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir

Christine is seeking more awareness and more reviews for her book, and the Amazon eBook free day is one way to help spread that awareness.

Dr. Joseph S. Maresca finishes his review by writing, “Overall, Christine’s book covers the intuitive side of being in a way that few psychology, philosophy or theology books succeed in doing rationally.”

Go to the following Amazon link today, November 2, to get the eBook, Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir for freeand remember to write a review!


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My sister’s friend asked about yoga helping connect her with her higher self. This article explores how effective taking a yoga class is for strengthening your connection with your higher self and developing your intuition.

You may want to reconnect with and strengthen the relationship you have with your higher self so that it becomes more evident and real to you. Your meditation practice should help you with this goal. However, as with most things in life, some meditations are more effective than others. If your relationship with your higher self isn’t where you want it to be and you want to know what kind of meditation is effective for accessing your higher self and developing your intuition, read on …

Let’s begin with the basics first. To strengthen your relationship with your higher self, it’s not how you sit or how you breathe that’s all that important. And it’s not whether you have the “right” mantra. What’s important is whether your meditation helps you connect to that “higher self” part of you as directly as possible and whether you then hear and allow that sacred part of you to guide you daily in your life.

I’ll explain what I mean by “as directly as possible.” But first, I’ve found that for the fastest, easiest and best results in any area of life-doesn’t matter whether you’re baking a cake or grouting your kitchen tiles or connecting with your higher self-it helps to follow a good “recipe.” You’ll get better results when you accurately follow a proven mixing ratio (recipe), rather than just being “in the ball park.” The cake will come out light and tasty and the grout will have maximum strength and performance if you follow a good recipe. This also holds true for connecting with your higher self.

A Meditation … From the Counsel of Light

Over 14 years ago, the Counsel of Light gave me a meditation they said was a “shot in the arm” for connecting with my higher self. (Channeled for me by Flo Aeveia Magdalena of Soul Support Systems.) In this meditation, they had me place my left hand on my heart and my right hand on my “soul seed.” They called this area my “sacred space.”

They said the heart in my meditation symbolized my current life and the soul seed symbolized my infinite life (my higher self, soul, which never dies). During the meditation they had me imagine that I was doing a figure 8 (the infinity sign) around my hands. In essence, the meditation integrated my current life (heart) with my infinite life (soul, higher self). During the meditation, I was mixing the two areas together, integrating them.

Activating Your “Sacred Space”

After I got into this meditation practice, I noticed that this area of my body they called my “sacred space” would get warm and tingly just before I’d get an important guidance. In fact, sometimes I’d get this warm, intense glow in the center of my chest close to my heart even when I wasn’t paying any attention to this area.

I could be driving my car, for example, on some mundane errand, when all of a sudden I’d feel this intense warming up at the center of my chest. I’d feel a warm, peaceful, uplifting glow even when my life was in chaos and I felt scared, sad, and disconnected.

Moments after feeling this warm glow, I’d notice that I’d get a new insight, or some sort of inner guidance-guidance that helped me resolve specific problems in my life at the time. Having this warm feeling helped me at a time when I wasn’t yet confident in my ability to correctly distinguish my true guidance from my mental conditionings, fears, hopes, or imaginations. It also helped me recognize which inner guidance was important for me to follow.

Listen up … if your higher self gives you guidance it deems important, even critical for you to follow (so that you fulfill your higher purpose), wouldn’t it make sense for you to receive a sign that would be hard for you to ignore?

Touching Your Sacred Space Also Helps Calm You …

Placing your hands on your body as described above while lying down actually helps to calm you, to reconnect you to your true self. (Try it for a while and see.)

Furthermore, this kind of meditation also affirms that your power is within you, not outside of you, and that this is your direct connection to the Divine.

Yoga and the Martial Arts Provide Health and Physical Benefits

The Counsel of Light distinguished between connecting to one’s life force through the practice of martial arts and yoga (which increase the body’s well-being and energy level) and connecting to one’s higher self through the sacred space.

They said martial arts and yoga can connect you to your life force (your chi). Practicing yoga stretches in the morning and martial arts is a way to connect to and increase life force-to heal the body and increase the energy level and general well-being. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

However, they also said that the heart and soul meditation would provide more of an “instant wisdom hit,” for my purpose here wasn’t so much to “work with my chi but to work with the wisdom that comes from universal chi.”

In other words …

Yoga and the martial arts are best at increasing your body’s strength, life force and well-being …

While the heart and soul meditation is best at strengthening your connection with your higher self, accessing its wisdom and developing your intuition. (So that when you act by following your inner guidance, you have Divine will behind that action.)

In summary, yoga will help you focus on your breathing, calm your mind and may even help you reflect on your life, but will it activate your sacred space? If you want to strengthen your connection with your higher self and develop your intuition as quickly and easily as possible, you’ll want to use a meditation practice that connects you to your higher self as directly and as effectively as possible.

Photo credit: Anne’ Phillips Photography, based in Tampa, Fla.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinYour Higher SelfThere are many good reasons to connect with, and strengthen your relationship with, your higher self. As you’re probably aware, your higher self is also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, and your access point to God, Spirit, Infinity, the Divine. The top ten reasons to connect with your higher self, in no particular order of importance, are listed below.

1. To discover your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of rapid spiritual awakening and transformation. The way you discover your higher purpose is by developing a deeper, clearer and stronger relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you and your higher self will guide you on whatever your next step is.

2. To rev up your intuition.

Nothing increases your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your higher self will help guide you on your daily path, and you’ll experience more favorable synchronicities. This means whatever you need so that you can fulfill the next step of your higher life purpose will show up for you.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your spiritual awakening? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. To gain access to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You’ve probably had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom you’ve acquired by reconnecting within and paying attention to that inner part of you.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to receive in the present moment the wisdom from all your past lives, all aspects of yourself, and your innate wisdom will become increasingly available to you now.

4. To clear your karma and make sense of your life and “soul contracts” with others.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to understand your life and your soul agreements with others from the perspective of the higher self–which will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. To restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll also notice the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battles that sometimes occur in your mind will diminish.

6. To finally realize your potential.

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential. (Your potential includes your innate wisdom, and your unique gifts and abilities.)  When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. To access Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll connect with Interconnectedness and receive its gifts. This means you’ll experience more flow in your life, more favorable and amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights that help increase your understanding of life. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness. And when you benefit, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

8. To jump start your spiritual awakening and “Ascension process”

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll raise your awareness, awaken spiritually, and expand (“ascend”) your consciousness.  In fact, you’ll begin to see the world from a higher perspective, as if you had the perspective of God. After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.

When you begin to see the world from this higher perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until that point.

9. To work with more than just your will alone.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll be working with more than just your will alone. You’ll have the support of Divine will. Which means that miracles and magic will occur that aren’t possible through your will alone.

Your higher self has access to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan (by fulfilling your higher life purpose), you’ll help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

10. To finally experience true happiness.

It’s true. When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll finally experience true happiness. And that’s because your higher self will be getting expressed in the world. (If your soul doesn’t get expressed in the world, you won’t experience much happiness.)

Plus, when you begin to understand what’s really going on here on Earth, the higher perspective of what’s going on, God’s view, that alone will bring you tons of joy.

So these are the top 10 reasons why it’s worth your while to strengthen your relationship with your higher self.Share this

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Noah St. John, author of the Book of Afformations, recently wrote about Prince’s belief in himself and in his vision: Prince’s belief in himself was so strong that he signed a recording contract at the age of 19.  Then he fought for—and got—total creative control over his first three albums. (Which is kind of unheard of in the record industry.)

Noah writes about Prince’s belief in himself, “I believe in myself and understand my vision better than any of you do. So I’m going to do things the way I want to do them.”

Then Noah asked his community, What about you? Do you believe in yourself? Have you stood up for your vision?

In this article, I’m sharing an example of how signs from the Universe helped me stand up for my vision, and how you can harness the power of Prince for your vision, too.

So, early in 2007, I hired a top-rate editor in the spiritual niche to edit a book I was writing. Although she was tops in her field and I was open to her input, I knew my book needed a “light” editing—meaning language and grammar and tense—rather than content editing. I was confident my book was a memoir of my spiritual reconnecting process as the Universe had supported the writing of each page. What I mean is that crazy amazing, favorable synchronicities happened almost daily that became content for my book, once I had tapped into the reconnecting / creative process. It’s how my book got written.

(Read on, a sample of one of those amazing synchronicities is coming up shortly …)

My editor recommended I write a “how-to” book instead, rather than a memoir of my process. After all, she explained, you’re an unknown. (So was Prince, by the way, before his albums went platinum.)

We exchanged a few email conversations and I finally convinced her I needed to do it my way. This was a book on intuition; I had tapped into intuitive flow; it only made sense to honor my intuition, my higher self’s guidance, I had explained. It’s how my book got written. She finally agreed.

But then, rather than honoring her word to edit my manuscript as we had agreed, she spent hours rewriting it. She deleted my wonderful, true-life examples and repeated a bland, Buddhist-inspired message over and over again that I wasn’t even in agreement with—exactly what I asked her not to do. Then she sent me a big fat invoice.

Well, since she hadn’t honored her agreement, I could only use maybe half of her work. I sent her a letter explaining the issues, including references to our previous emails, and paid her slightly more than half of the invoice. I thought I was both generous and fair.

Adamant that I pay every penny, she threatened legal action against me. But I chose to stick to my convictions. I knew I was in the right.

Two months later, I received a letter from a collection agency. Further research on standard industry practices confirmed I had a decent case. I wrote the agency a letter explaining the matter.

Then she wrote the agency, stating that in her 38 years of service, nobody had ever taken issue with any of her invoices, or advice.

I wrote another letter in rebuttal, thinking that would be the end of that.

But the case wasn’t closed. About a month later, at the end of June 2007, I received a letter from a law firm in San Francisco. Too upset to even look at what was inside, I shoved it unopened in between the seats of my car.

But then a few days later, while working on polishing my manuscript and listening to music over the radio online, I got an intuitive message to go get the letter out of my car. (I usually didn’t listen to the radio while writing as it’s distracting, but I was “inspired” to do so that day. Just following my intuition, I was …)

Walking back from my car with the dreaded letter in hand, I was informed that if the balance of the editor’s bill wasn’t paid immediately, a lawsuit would be filed against me. Furthermore, additional amounts would be owed in the event of litigation.

I have never been sued before, so this was disturbing and upsetting. Furthermore, I was now risking lawyers’ fees in addition to the original balance, and I only had a small sum of money to launch my book project.

I trudged back into my house disheartened, heading towards my bedroom, back to my computer, my spirits crushed. Nobody believed in me. And not only did my editor not believe in me, she was now going to sue me …

But as I walked into my bedroom, the first words I heard were: She a-howlin’ about the front rent, she’ll be lucky to get any back rent, she ain’t gonna get none of it!–of course sung by “Bad to the Bone” George Thorogood.

I knew this was a sign from the Universe as these sorts of things happened to me almost daily, sometimes several times a day, when I was writing my book!

I felt inspired immediately and wrote a letter to the law office explaining exactly why I wouldn’t be paying the balance. And I’m telling you, I haven’t heard from the lawyers or the editor since.

I self-published my book so I could have it the way I wanted it, the way the Universe was showing me to do it, and later it was recognized by conventional publisher North Atlantic Books as one of four “notable spiritual awakening memoirs” of the last several years, along with Eat Pray Love, The Happiness Project, and Star Sister.

Now … what about you? Do you have a vision for your life, a vision that comes from your heart and soul, but not a whole lot of support from the people around you? I’m here to tell you that when you reconnect with your higher self and follow your inner guidance, the Universe itself will show you it supports you. Your stronger relationship with your higher self will empower you and charge you up with the power of Prince. And that’s because the Universe supports the dreams that arise from your soul.

Do you want support for your vision from the Universe? Get my free spiritual awakening Quick Start Guide and follow the simple instructions. It’s time you manifest YOUR vision in the world.

Have a similar story? Please share YOUR story or your dream in the comments below.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinconnect with your higher selfLast weekend, at a New Living Expo expert panel discussion on cultivating conscious awareness, a gentleman in the audience asked, how do you connect to your higher self?

From the responses of the panelists, it’s obvious to me that when it comes to understanding the higher self and what it means to connect to one’s higher self,  we’re still really not all that advanced. I’ll explain why.

First, let’s examine the question asked by the gentleman in the audience: “Can you tell me how we can connect to our higher self?”

Well, the truth is, you’re already connected to your higher self. If you weren’t, you’d be dead.

So the real question he asked goes beyond simply being connected to his higher self, because he already is connected.

So why do you suppose he asked that question?

Most likely, the real reason he wants to connect to his higher self is that his life isn’t working all that well. Maybe he’s experiencing challenges in his personal relationships, or at his job, or maybe his life isn’t as fulfilling as he’d like it to be.  Maybe he’s looking at the state of the world (and the state of his world) and it depresses him. Maybe his relationship with himself isn’t all that hot, either, and his hope is that by connecting with his higher self, he’ll receive the insight and the guidance that’ll begin to turn things around for him. (Why else do people want to connect to their higher selves, anyway?)

So the question the man asked the panel isn’t really about how he can connect to his higher self, is it? No. The real question is, how does he connect to his higher self so that he feels connected and he experiences being connected and his higher self guides him in his life daily and he experiences the manifestation of this higher power / higher consciousness in his life daily and his life gets transformed as a result of this connection.

So the real question is: how does he strengthen the relationship he has with his higher self so that it becomes as real to him as any of his other relationships?

The panelists responded to his question, “How do you connect to your higher self?” but I can’t see how the answers they gave him could have helped him all that much: Go within, was one answer. Get into a state of deep consciousness.

It has to do with sound frequencies, was another answer.

Tune your antennae, was another answer.

You have a connection between your heart and your brain. The heart helps you access it, was another response.

You access it with your emotional state, yet another response.

(Answers we’ve all heard a million times before–which means they’re not all that effective at actually helping you gain access to that higher consciousness.)

I think we all can agree that it takes more than just meditation or tuning into special sound frequencies to effect life transformation.

True, it does begin with having a certain level of awareness and yes, you do want to have an effective meditation that connects the heart with the soul (your current life with your infinite life, respectively), and yes, there are important steps you take after that. Such as, paying attention to a certain area in your body (your “sacred space”) and following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently.

And there’s more you you should be aware of. For example, how are you going to gain the courage to follow through with your intuition promptly and consistently if your inner guidance doesn’t make logical sense to you? Or if it’s inconvenient for you to do so? Or if you don’t know what’s possible when one follows through with one’s intuition as you don’t have a whole lot of real-life examples of this and all of this is new to you?

Or what if you don’t even recognize your inner guidance, or can’t distinguish it from your mental conditionings or fears? (Most people have ignored their inner guidance / intuition for so long that the connection is very weak.)

The truth is, every time you ignore your intuition you weaken your relationship with your higher self, give up your power, and possibly, place yourself in some kind of trouble. (This is probably what prompted that gentleman to ask his question.)

Don’t do that. Get my free Quick Start Guide (the opt-in box is located near the top of the right-hand column) and begin the journey that revs up your intuition, gives you back your power, and transforms your life.

And please comment below! (Thank you!)Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIt’s been a while since my last post and a good place to restart my blog is by examining how far we’ve come since a few short years ago, and indeed even how far we’ve come since the December 21, 2012 Solstice just six months ago. (I’ve been busy with one daughter graduating from high school, another daughter flying to Germany for a few weeks, as well as getting some necessary home repairs done, amongst other things.) The Great Shift in Consciousness is indeed upon us. The following are just a few top ideas that show our progress regarding our understanding of the Great Shift.

1. Your transformation is not going to be automatic, but requires your individual, active and diligent participation.

I remember emailing a draft of my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to an acquaintance who was a life coach and active in the spiritual community and receiving not the best feedback from her. In fact I sensed she was somewhat upset with what I claimed in my manuscript. She had taken issue with my assertion that the Great Shift that we’ve been all waiting for would not be automatic but would require our individual work and effort. Real work and real effort, I emphasized. “But what about the photons that are bombarding us from Galactic Center that will transform our DNA?” she insisted.

Well, of course there was greater Light (consciousness, insight, etc.) coming from “the heavens” that would transform our inner essence but we had to tap into that consciousness through meditation and then to act on (to test) that consciousness by seeing what happened (the results) after that consciousness was actually applied. Real learning and real understanding is realized only after we apply our knowledge (i.e. test the theories).

I would propose that today, few people believe that the process of individual or societal transformation is automatic but that it requires diligent and right effort on the part of individuals (some of which turns into “grass-root” efforts). Furthermore, no one will be able to gloss over fulfilling their own individual contribution toward this Great Shift. (This was not a popular position to hold a few years ago, but it’s increasingly accepted these days…)

2. The Galactic Federation is not coming to save us. No one is coming to save us. We will save ourselves by following through with our inner guidance as opposed to just going along with the crowd, the status quo.

I don’t think very many people believe anymore that our space brothers and sisters will come to our rescue. In fact, I would think that people are more open to the idea that we are doing a huge service for our space brothers and sisters, by attempting to work out the most difficult problems of the Universe through our work here on this planet.

Well, I do hear some people still believe that of course they won’t do it FOR US, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t work TOGETHER with us. But they’re just fooling themselves, because our guides are ALREADY working together with us (and have been for ages), by already guiding us. We just need to listen and follow through with the guidance, and to see what happens as a result of our efforts.

I remember receiving emails from more than a few disappointed souls, who actually believed that some savior or saviors (in the form of a Messiah, or the Galactic Federation) would come to this planet to finally make things right here. (When in reality, what will make things right is you as an individual listening within and following through with your inner guidance.) Yes, we’ve certainly come a long ways with regard to these beliefs.

So when do I think they will finally come? My understanding (which came to me after some eye-opening personal experiences that I share in my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening) is that they will come when we no longer need them to. Which means there’s no good reason to wait for anything or anyone anymore. It’s high time to connect to your inner being, your higher self, and to follow through with your inner guidance.

3. We are making real progress; the tides are shifting. The “north pole” of the planet is shifting toward greater awareness and consciousness (greater “Light”) and we have passed the “tipping point” of December 21, 2012. “All” we have to do now is to act on our inner guidance and we will succeed.

I have communicated in the past that the Great Shift will happen (relatively) very fast for us because there’s so much useful information and tips available to us at the press of a button, i.e. via an internet connection from one of the many internet providers out there (which was not true in the past).

For example, in May of this year Portland, Oregon voters rejected fluoridating their water, despite a 3-to-1 advantage in money spent by the pro-fluoride groups.This was the fourth time Portland residents were asked to vote on this issue since the 1950s.

Individual and grass-roots efforts will win because when properly informed and aware, the vast majority of the public will do the right thing. Awareness is also spreading, even in the mainstream news, about the truth of GMO foods and the problems associated with the consumption of our highly-hybridized wheat. CBS recently aired an interview with Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist who called modern wheat a “perfect, chronic poison.” (And of course I’m much more apt to see things this way after what I personally experienced experimenting with avoiding wheat for a couple of years now….)

So, where are you being led? What issues are you being guided to work on? I can assure you this: The faster you connect with that inner guidance and muster up the courage to follow through, the faster your world will transform and the faster the outer world will transform. Things are going in the right direction, but the actual speed of change, how fast your life transforms for the positive, is totally up to you. I don’t know about you, but to me this is most obvious.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinFrom the videos and blog posts I’ve been coming across it is apparent that many people (including many light-workers) are experiencing a lot of pain and suffering lately, both the emotional as well as the physical kind. How do you effectively reduce the pain and suffering you’re feeling? This article shows how to reduce your pain and suffering the “Divine Plan” way and is inspired (again) by my friend Joshua Tilghman.

In a recent “Spirit of the Scripture” blog post Joshua wrote, “What you once thought were the worst moments of your life can be the catalysts for your greatest triumph.” This is exactly the same conclusion I came to when I was going through a chaotic and intensely painful time in my life around a dozen or so years ago, before I began writing my book, What Everyone Believed.

What I find interesting are the words Joshua uses here, namely “catalyst” and “triumph.” As soon as I connected with my higher self and asked for guidance, even when I hadn’t yet seen a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel, the words “catalyst” and “triumph” began to drop into my consciousness regularly. Kind of strange, don’t you think?

In fact, a blissful, triumphant feeling in my heart accompanied by the thought / word “triumph” would interrupt, quite regularly, my then prevalent state of confusion and pain, even when my problems were not yet resolved and my pain without the tramadol was intense. The pain relief was so effective but when I didn’t take any, the pain was just unbearable. I had never felt pain like it before! Luckily, I actually found a great website that told me the street value of Tramadol, so that saved me some money. As you can probably tell, I was getting through a lot of tramadol! Kind of baffling, huh? But this is when I knew I was onto something, and it’s what encouraged me to continue doing what I was doing (meaning, connecting with and following my inner guidance), even though I didn’t know the outcome of this path.

So how can what I wrote above help people reduce their pain and suffering? Well, I’ve realized that the solutions to our problems cannot be found simply by looking to what’s already available outside of ourselves. But that’s because we are being “pushed” by “higher powers” to look within ourselves, to discover something new, to create something new, to fulfill our “higher purpose.” Because of course it’s high time for that.

Our life plans are not conscious to us. If we were conscious of our soul’s plan, if we had been conscious of what was in store for us, we would not have gotten ourselves into the situations that promised us the most growth; we would have avoided them as much as possible. We would have avoided situations that demanded that we grow. And, like it or not, this world is all about growth.

So here’s a clue as to how to reduce the amount of pain and suffering you experience from now on–consciously connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance. In other words, take the steps that your higher self is nudging you to take for your own growth. Don’t resist or ignore or prolong the situation. If you ignore your inner guidance, the same issues will come up for you over and over again. (And it will probably get more painful.)

Really hard times (with all the chaos and confusion) catalyze us to look within for the solutions, to develop a relationship with the Divine within us. Developing a real relationship with your higher self is how you will find solutions that are unprecedented, solutions that will not only help yourself but the larger world as well. Furthermore, this is how your deepest heart’s desires will be fulfilled. It’s how we will create the “Golden Age.”

In summary, understanding the following spiritual principles will help reduce your pain: 1. Your life situations are chosen by your soul for maximum soul growth, not because you’re bad or wrong or because there’s something wrong with you, and 2. Following through with your inner guidance will speed up your growth and things will get considerably easier for you. The Universe will cooperate more, and you’ll place yourself in favorable synchronicities that help you progress and assist you with fulfilling your higher life purpose. Why? Because by doing so you support the Divine Plan to finally create a lasting Golden Age for all of humanity.

Viewing your problems and challenges this way (instead of the “normal” way, such as, “there’s something wrong with me” or “there’s something wrong here”) can reduce considerably the fear and pain you’re feeling and can motivate you to make changes in your life that you know it’s high time you make. So, rather than having an attitude to your challenges as something bad, view them as freakin’ gifts bestowed upon you from the Divine–so that you can finally, with the help of Grace, realize your potential.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinMy friend Joshua Tilghman writes about the hidden truths found in the Bible and Jesus’ life in his “Spirit of the Scripture–Uncovering the Hidden Meanings of the Bible” blog. About a week ago, a reader of Joshua’s blog commented that she found it interesting that the Hebrew names of both Jesus Christ and of Satan / Lucifer mean “Messiah,” according to a particular ancient Hebrew interpretation. I found this interesting.

I have also linked the two together, but for different reasons. Specifically, I understand Jesus Christ to be the physical incarnation two thousand years ago of the ancient soul / higher self of Archangel Lucifer. This idea isn’t something I have come across or read in some book or article somewhere (frankly, I haven’t seen the two connected this way anywhere), but it’s what I have pieced together when I was writing my first book, “What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening” (published January 2008, and based on some heart-rending personal experiences I’ve had and the insights resulting from those experiences). To this day, I still maintain these ideas.

I am not in any way a Bible scholar. My individual path has much more to do with the practical application of spiritual principles and wisdom, so I cannot back up my claims using Scripture. However, I could agree that taking bible study online or offline can help understand these matters in depth. As for my knowledge, I have a basic, “Catholic” understanding of the Bible. However, I do understand that both Archangel Lucifer and Jesus Christ are “Bringers of the Light,” in fact the name Lucifer has been interpreted as, “bringer of the light.”

I also understand that Archangel Lucifer’s name was sacrificed on the “Cross of Duality,” the “ethereal” cross in the heavens related to the Precession of the Equinoxes, and it makes sense that Lucifer’s physical incarnation on Earth, Jesus Christ, would be sacrificed on the physical cross. (By the way, the Cross of Duality is the cross in the “heavens,” the cross in the Milky Way Galaxy that we have just intersected December 21, 2012).

Before the fall in consciousness, Archangel Lucifer agreed to “represent” everything that was not God, everything that was not Love–so that humanity could play the “game” of duality and grow spiritually as quickly as was possible, so that we could have the experiences we needed in order to grow the fastest spiritually and personally. He agreed to do this “as long as it took,” until the time that humanity ascended in consciousness and his name would again be cleared. Well, I’m writing this article to help clear his name.

Lucifer made all this possible, including humanity experiencing the gifts of duality that we have yet to discover, but that are “coming” soon. Jesus Christ his physical incarnation fulfilled it by showing his followers “The Way,” but back then Jesus’ messages were easily co-opted and deliberately misinterpreted by those in power. However, the time has come for real change to finally manifest. We have crossed the line where the internal compass of the planet points to the beginning of a Golden Age, and only a few vested interests–and simple inertia–are still maintaining the status quo.

So the one who made duality possible is now the “bringer of the light,” the one who shows “the way”–the way to ascension, “salvation,” your higher purpose–by showing you that the “Kingdom of God is within you.” By helping you connect with your higher self, your direct connection with the Divine / God so that your higher self drives and steers your life rather than your lower, “ego” self (that bought into all kinds of strange, false beliefs, and that’s sometimes referred to as “Satan”). Anyway, who else BUT Lucifer’s own could have fulfilled this extremely important task? Things HAVE to come full circle!

So what are you to do? What is your role? It’s simple. You are to connect with and integrate (merge) with your higher self so that your “lower nature” (physical self) “gets behind” the agenda / plan of your higher self. Exactly as Jesus had done in the Desert when he said “Get thee behind me, Satan.”Share this