My sister’s friend asked about yoga helping connect her with her higher self. This article explores how effective taking a yoga class is for strengthening your connection with your higher self and developing your intuition.
You may want to reconnect with and strengthen the relationship you have with your higher self so that it becomes more evident and real to you. Your meditation practice should help you with this goal. However, as with most things in life, some meditations are more effective than others. If your relationship with your higher self isn’t where you want it to be and you want to know what kind of meditation is effective for accessing your higher self and developing your intuition, read on …
Let’s begin with the basics first. To strengthen your relationship with your higher self, it’s not how you sit or how you breathe that’s all that important. And it’s not whether you have the “right” mantra. What’s important is whether your meditation helps you connect to that “higher self” part of you as directly as possible and whether you then hear and allow that sacred part of you to guide you daily in your life.
I’ll explain what I mean by “as directly as possible.” But first, I’ve found that for the fastest, easiest and best results in any area of life-doesn’t matter whether you’re baking a cake or grouting your kitchen tiles or connecting with your higher self-it helps to follow a good “recipe.” You’ll get better results when you accurately follow a proven mixing ratio (recipe), rather than just being “in the ball park.” The cake will come out light and tasty and the grout will have maximum strength and performance if you follow a good recipe. This also holds true for connecting with your higher self.
A Meditation … From the Counsel of Light
Over 14 years ago, the Counsel of Light gave me a meditation they said was a “shot in the arm” for connecting with my higher self. (Channeled for me by Flo Aeveia Magdalena of Soul Support Systems.) In this meditation, they had me place my left hand on my heart and my right hand on my “soul seed.” They called this area my “sacred space.”
They said the heart in my meditation symbolized my current life and the soul seed symbolized my infinite life (my higher self, soul, which never dies). During the meditation they had me imagine that I was doing a figure 8 (the infinity sign) around my hands. In essence, the meditation integrated my current life (heart) with my infinite life (soul, higher self). During the meditation, I was mixing the two areas together, integrating them.
Activating Your “Sacred Space”
After I got into this meditation practice, I noticed that this area of my body they called my “sacred space” would get warm and tingly just before I’d get an important guidance. In fact, sometimes I’d get this warm, intense glow in the center of my chest close to my heart even when I wasn’t paying any attention to this area.
I could be driving my car, for example, on some mundane errand, when all of a sudden I’d feel this intense warming up at the center of my chest. I’d feel a warm, peaceful, uplifting glow even when my life was in chaos and I felt scared, sad, and disconnected.
Moments after feeling this warm glow, I’d notice that I’d get a new insight, or some sort of inner guidance-guidance that helped me resolve specific problems in my life at the time. Having this warm feeling helped me at a time when I wasn’t yet confident in my ability to correctly distinguish my true guidance from my mental conditionings, fears, hopes, or imaginations. It also helped me recognize which inner guidance was important for me to follow.
Listen up … if your higher self gives you guidance it deems important, even critical for you to follow (so that you fulfill your higher purpose), wouldn’t it make sense for you to receive a sign that would be hard for you to ignore?
Touching Your Sacred Space Also Helps Calm You …
Placing your hands on your body as described above while lying down actually helps to calm you, to reconnect you to your true self. (Try it for a while and see.)
Furthermore, this kind of meditation also affirms that your power is within you, not outside of you, and that this is your direct connection to the Divine.
Yoga and the Martial Arts Provide Health and Physical Benefits
The Counsel of Light distinguished between connecting to one’s life force through the practice of martial arts and yoga (which increase the body’s well-being and energy level) and connecting to one’s higher self through the sacred space.
They said martial arts and yoga can connect you to your life force (your chi). Practicing yoga stretches in the morning and martial arts is a way to connect to and increase life force-to heal the body and increase the energy level and general well-being. That makes sense, doesn’t it?
However, they also said that the heart and soul meditation would provide more of an “instant wisdom hit,” for my purpose here wasn’t so much to “work with my chi but to work with the wisdom that comes from universal chi.”
In other words …
Yoga and the martial arts are best at increasing your body’s strength, life force and well-being …
While the heart and soul meditation is best at strengthening your connection with your higher self, accessing its wisdom and developing your intuition. (So that when you act by following your inner guidance, you have Divine will behind that action.)
In summary, yoga will help you focus on your breathing, calm your mind and may even help you reflect on your life, but will it activate your sacred space? If you want to strengthen your connection with your higher self and develop your intuition as quickly and easily as possible, you’ll want to use a meditation practice that connects you to your higher self as directly and as effectively as possible.
Photo credit: Anne’ Phillips Photography, based in Tampa, Fla.
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