Tag: <span>Golden Age</span>

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Humanity is winning, it's the Divine Plan.

Back in 2000/2001, my life was increasingly in crisis. In fact, I had the distinct feeling that I was being set up, that the people around me, including my husband, were setting me up. Crazy things were happening: people were encouraging me to write a book (though I was not a writer and didn’t know what I was supposed to write about), my husband acting strange and distant, another man trying to get my attention, and a terrible, sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach that I was in deep, deep trouble.

Furthermore, I had the inner knowing that no one or nothing outside of myself could help me or heal me. I knew only I could save myself. I needed to do the inner work (of reconnecting with my soul, my higher self) and get to the bottom of it.

To make a long story short, I did get to the bottom of things and here’s what I’ve discovered. We go through crises in order to discover through first-hand experience who we really are and what we’re truly capable of. (Crises have a way of bringing out the best in humanity.) We also go through crises so that we can become more:

  • Loving
  • Compassionate
  • Understanding
  • Real
  • Joyful

The following is an excerpt from the first article I published (August 3, 2008), after I published my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening. (The Kindle title is Reconnected: a spiritual awakening memoir.)

The article explains the Divine Plan, why it’s so important that you reconnect with your soul (higher self) right now, follow your inner guidance, and stop watching all the mainstream news, which will only make you crazier.

If you knew that your soul / higher self (your connection to the Divine, to God) had planned your life experiences so that you would grow, so that you would come to know yourself as “one who rose to the challenge,” would that give you some comfort at this time? And, because your higher self had planned everything in your life, including your biggest challenges, it has the capacity to complete those challenges successfully. All you have to do is to reconnect with your higher self, develop a stronger relationship with it, so that you can hear its guidance (your intuition) and trust it enough to follow through promptly and consistently.

As you begin to do this, you will glimpse into your soul’s original plan. Your life will begin to make more sense to you, and you will begin to understand how it fits into the larger “Earth game,” or Divine Plan.

On a collective level, if we knew that each of us had a role in planning this Earth game, and if we remembered why we agreed to “play the game” in the first place, we would view the world’s crises as opportunities rather than dreadful things to be avoided. We would know that we had the power within to complete our challenges successfully.

From my own experience of “trying to get to the bottom of things,” I came to understand that we created this Earth game a long, long time ago, and with good intentions, too: so that our souls would learn and grow. As new souls, we yearned to discover who we really were, and the best way to know ourselves was through firsthand experience. For variety, we created variety on the earth, including a variety of belief systems. Things got interesting when some of us agreed to be the “good” guys, and some the “bad.” Sometimes we reversed roles so we would know what it was like on the other side. We did all this for each other, knowing that this Earth Experiment would be instrumental in helping us evolve as quickly as possible. Although we knew that some of our experiences would be extremely difficult, we knew this was the quickest way to spiritual growth. We also knew this time in “duality” would be temporary. At some point, while we were in the process of learning our final lessons (like right now), we would remember that this was “just” a game we had once created. We would be able to complete the game successfully, and create a new, more loving world, a “Golden Age.”

Now, we won’t remember planning this game, this “fall in consciousness” (in the sense that we have conscious memories of it). In order to have been able to play the game correctly, we needed to forget that we had planned it. Forgetting was required for playing the game “for real.”

Buying into the belief systems that each of us bought into was also required. If we had known that we had made those up, we might not have played this game with complete conviction, which would have derailed the learning experiences our souls really wanted. But our souls are powerful, so powerful that we have created an illusion—and then lived it as if it were real—in order to accomplish larger, much more noble goals for ourselves.

In facing my own life challenges, I came to understand that each and every person on this planet had agreed to play the game of duality. (You can call this game “dark versus light,” or “learning through contrast,” if you wish.) If your higher self hadn’t agreed to play this Earth game, you simply wouldn’t be here at this time. Furthermore, you have a unique life purpose, an individual contribution that will help fulfill the game. “Fulfilling your soul’s purpose” is another way of saying, “rising to the challenge.” That’s when can you consider yourself “awakening from the dream.”

Which means that humanity did not actually “fall from grace” as we were led to believe, but intentionally planned this “falling” as if it were real … so that we would be able to learn, grow, and experience ourselves rising back up again. This implies that you are much more powerful, and good, than you may know yourself to be. Realizing the extent of your power helps you take effective action, but you may not know yourself as powerful unless you experience yourself being powerful, which means beginning to resolve your current life challenges. You resolving your challenges then helps resolve the crises on this planet.

Rising to the challenge takes something, of course. A commitment to develop a relationship with your higher self is required. Courage is also required, because your wisdom and inner guidance will, most likely, go against the collective conditioning.

Once the relationship with your higher self is at least as important and as real to you as any of your other relationships, once you trust it enough to follow through on its guidance promptly and consistently, you experience what I have termed “critical mass.” This is the point when the Universe begins to cooperate like never before, because you are now “aligned with” the Divine Plan. This is also when you begin to discover your hidden gifts, by tapping into that part of you that’s been around forever—your soul.

Each of us has our own contributions based on our individual gifts and talents. Human beings have both a common purpose (to learn, to grow, to be more loving, etc.), as well as a specific purpose based on individual identity.

So, while you don’t need to feel like you’re attempting the impossible, you do need to make a commitment and get serious about your soul’s purpose. Because that’s when the Universe will support you; that’s when you’ll receive what you need in order to fulfill your purpose. The Universe will respond to your questions, favorable synchronicities will occur regularly, and you’ll know without a doubt that you’re on the right path.

The world is the way it is, and circumstances are the way they are, so that we can discover who we are, including who we are when times get tough. You have the capacity to fulfill your deepest dreams by following your inner guidance and expressing from your soul.

We can’t fail if we follow this guidance. If we can begin to see from the soul’s perspective, if we can view this time as an opportunity, we can be vehicles for truth and freedom; we can triumph. The power of your soul, expressed through your psyche and body, is what will turn this planet around, and nothing else. This is the truth about spiritual awakening.

To “fast track” your spiritual awakening, read my spiritual awakening memoir. Just click on the “Spiritual Awakening Memoir” tab in the main menu.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinRecently I came across a five minute video of Catherine Austin Fitts talking about her experience of speaking at a spiritual conference to which she was invited. For those not familiar with Catherine Fitts, she has served as managing director and member of the Board of Directors of a major Wall Street investment bank and as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration. Ms. Fitts has been extensively interviewed on KPFA radio, an alternative media outlet, and is currently the publisher of The Solari Report. (Access the video here.)

I found what she shared in the video (uploaded May 30, 2013) about her experience interacting with participants at the spiritual conference extremely compelling, enough to make it the focus of at least a couple of articles on my blog. Ms. Fitts stated,

“I have been asked by a friend to speak to a group called Spiritual Frontiers Foundation. They have a conference once a year where they explore how they can help our society evolve spiritually. They’re very committed to a higher spiritual life. And I have been asked to give a speech called “How The Money Works In Organized Crime” which later became a very funny, a famous article, “Narco-Dollars for Beginners.”

So I’m in the middle of the speech talking about how the U.S. Congress had had hearings about allegations of narcotics trafficking by the intelligence agencies into South Central L.A. It’s called the so called “Dark Alliance Allegations.” At that time the Department of Justice had told a reporter who I was working with that the U.S. Economy launders five hundred billion to a trillion dollars a year in illegal money. That’s not just narcotics trafficking, it’s financial fraud, illegal gambling, everything. So I said to this wonderful group of spiritually evolved committed people, “What would happen if we stop being the global leader in money laundering?”

They said, “Well, you know, it would be a problem because that money would not go to the New York Stock Exchange. If we stopped, you know, the money would leave and go to Hong Kong or Zurich and we’d have trouble refinancing the government deficit.”

So I said, “Well, let’s pretend there’s a big red button up here on the lectern. And if you push that button, you can stop all hard narcotics trafficking in your county, your community, your neighborhood, your state, your country, tomorrow, thus offending the people who control not only a half a trillion to a trillion dollars a year of dirty money but the accumulated capital thereon. Who here will push the button?” And out of a hundred people dedicated to evolving our society spiritually only one would push the button.

I wouldn’t let him answer so I said to the other ninety-nine, “Why would you not push the button?” And they said, “We don’t want our IRA and 401(k) to go down in value. We don’t want our mutual funds to decline and we don’t want our government checks to stop because we don’t, you know, if you had trouble financing the government deficit, our government checks would stop or our taxes would go up.”

And so I said, “So you want the powers to continue to market drugs to your neighbor’s children to keep your taxes low and your 401(k) up.”

And they said, “Yes, that’s right.”

And what was interesting, the epiphany I had that day was that everyone was so afraid to face that, or talk about that, that we couldn’t get to a point where we could do what I call, “turn the red button green.” Because the right question is not, “How do we push the red button? The right question is how do we make money pushing the red button? How do we turn the red button green?” Because if you can make money pushing the red button, then you can push the red button. And no one feels safe enough or comfortable enough to talk about this.

It’s a little bit like…when you take methadone. Methadone or drugs makes your body weaker and weaker and weaker so it can’t possibly be profitable. It’s the same with an economy. The more the economy depends on criminal enterprise the more you’re making money at things that make you economically stupid. Okay? Because you’re doing, you’re getting good at criminal enterprise. You’re getting good at financial fraud instead of getting good at things that really are useful and have some real economic productivity to them. So you’re making your body politic weaker and weaker the more dependent you get on this money. So it can’t lead to anyplace good.

So there is a way to turn the red button green but it starts by being honest with each other. And one of the reasons I wrote the article “Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff” is, we’ve got to face this. We’ve got to look at that if we’re going to turn the red button green. In that sense we have all been complicit because we’ve been letting the leadership draw us in a more and more perverted and criminal way and as we’ve done it we’ve made the body politic weaker and weaker and weaker because we’re all spending our time doing things that are making us stupider instead of spending our time making things that make us healthier and stronger.”

Ms. Fitts posed those questions to the audience in the spiritual conference during the Summer of 2000, and it is my hope that in the Summer of 2013 (13 years later, and after 9/11) that there are more than just one in 100 “spiritually conscious” people that are not only willing to talk about how to “turn the red button green,” but are actively pursuing ways in which to do so.

Is it actually true that for our economy to prosper, we need to turn a blind eye to the illegal drug trade, we need to hook the neighbors’ kids on drugs? No way! It’s like saying we need to keep selling land mines otherwise our way of life and our economy will collapse, we need to sell more weapons. The truth is, selling land mines is extremely profitable for the manufacturer of land mines and those directly involved in land mine sales, but certainly not for the average Joe Public.

It is my hope that 13 years later, more and more people are acknowledging the lies, more and more people are realizing that the fears that were keeping them aligned to the old systems and the old ways of being are based on false assumptions, propaganda and downright lies.

And it’s not just the illegal drug industry that is full of lies, many other industries are as well: the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry, the defense industry, the energy industry, the processed food industry, among many, many others.

It is my assertion that “spirituality” is about becoming socially and spiritually aware, becoming conscious to the lies we bought into, and taking the steps necessary to fulfill our higher purpose. In fact, fulfilling our higher purpose is how we “turn the red button green.” Everything else is just fluff. (Find my latest article on fulfilling your higher purpose here.)

No matter what happens around you it is not the end of the world, it is just a transition and each one of us has a unique contribution to creating a world that works for everyone, a “Golden Age.” Getting that message out and sharing helpful real-life experiences and insights via my books and my blog has been my main focus for the last several years, and it seems to have made some difference. Thirteen years ago, when Ms. Fitts was speaking at that spiritual conference, the possibility of turning the red button green was not even in the conversation, not even on the radar, but now it is. And that is indeed progress.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinFrom the videos and blog posts I’ve been coming across it is apparent that many people (including many light-workers) are experiencing a lot of pain and suffering lately, both the emotional as well as the physical kind. How do you effectively reduce the pain and suffering you’re feeling? This article shows how to reduce your pain and suffering the “Divine Plan” way and is inspired (again) by my friend Joshua Tilghman.

In a recent “Spirit of the Scripture” blog post Joshua wrote, “What you once thought were the worst moments of your life can be the catalysts for your greatest triumph.” This is exactly the same conclusion I came to when I was going through a chaotic and intensely painful time in my life around a dozen or so years ago, before I began writing my book, What Everyone Believed.

What I find interesting are the words Joshua uses here, namely “catalyst” and “triumph.” As soon as I connected with my higher self and asked for guidance, even when I hadn’t yet seen a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel, the words “catalyst” and “triumph” began to drop into my consciousness regularly. Kind of strange, don’t you think?

In fact, a blissful, triumphant feeling in my heart accompanied by the thought / word “triumph” would interrupt, quite regularly, my then prevalent state of confusion and pain, even when my problems were not yet resolved and my pain without the tramadol was intense. The pain relief was so effective but when I didn’t take any, the pain was just unbearable. I had never felt pain like it before! Luckily, I actually found a great website that told me the street value of Tramadol, so that saved me some money. As you can probably tell, I was getting through a lot of tramadol! Kind of baffling, huh? But this is when I knew I was onto something, and it’s what encouraged me to continue doing what I was doing (meaning, connecting with and following my inner guidance), even though I didn’t know the outcome of this path.

So how can what I wrote above help people reduce their pain and suffering? Well, I’ve realized that the solutions to our problems cannot be found simply by looking to what’s already available outside of ourselves. But that’s because we are being “pushed” by “higher powers” to look within ourselves, to discover something new, to create something new, to fulfill our “higher purpose.” Because of course it’s high time for that.

Our life plans are not conscious to us. If we were conscious of our soul’s plan, if we had been conscious of what was in store for us, we would not have gotten ourselves into the situations that promised us the most growth; we would have avoided them as much as possible. We would have avoided situations that demanded that we grow. And, like it or not, this world is all about growth.

So here’s a clue as to how to reduce the amount of pain and suffering you experience from now on–consciously connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance. In other words, take the steps that your higher self is nudging you to take for your own growth. Don’t resist or ignore or prolong the situation. If you ignore your inner guidance, the same issues will come up for you over and over again. (And it will probably get more painful.)

Really hard times (with all the chaos and confusion) catalyze us to look within for the solutions, to develop a relationship with the Divine within us. Developing a real relationship with your higher self is how you will find solutions that are unprecedented, solutions that will not only help yourself but the larger world as well. Furthermore, this is how your deepest heart’s desires will be fulfilled. It’s how we will create the “Golden Age.”

In summary, understanding the following spiritual principles will help reduce your pain: 1. Your life situations are chosen by your soul for maximum soul growth, not because you’re bad or wrong or because there’s something wrong with you, and 2. Following through with your inner guidance will speed up your growth and things will get considerably easier for you. The Universe will cooperate more, and you’ll place yourself in favorable synchronicities that help you progress and assist you with fulfilling your higher life purpose. Why? Because by doing so you support the Divine Plan to finally create a lasting Golden Age for all of humanity.

Viewing your problems and challenges this way (instead of the “normal” way, such as, “there’s something wrong with me” or “there’s something wrong here”) can reduce considerably the fear and pain you’re feeling and can motivate you to make changes in your life that you know it’s high time you make. So, rather than having an attitude to your challenges as something bad, view them as freakin’ gifts bestowed upon you from the Divine–so that you can finally, with the help of Grace, realize your potential.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinA recent email I received from a  reader showed her loss of faith and disappointment over the “non-event” that was December 21, 2012. The following is her email:

I have to say I feel like I’ve really lost faith in so many things but most of all I’ve lost my faith.  I feel so disrupted with everything that I’ve read and or learned and feel like nothing has changed.  Now to hear that it’s only to be worse before getting better and even more disheartening is to know it will be difficult through this lifetime never unveiling this so-called golden age.  I feel as if we were fooled.  December 21 2012 was yet another great public ploy.  Everything supposedly led up to this date…………… Nothing.   I feel angry and frankly let down.  I don’t know what to believe and what not to believe.  People may say, “all your guidance comes from with in and you must learn from that”.  To the contrary I went to school to be a nurse, I didn’t just listen from within during meditation and get a job the following day.  Is it not taught we must also learn from those teachers who inspire, who are more enlightened than others?  Are there not those who spread false information for nothing but financial or selfish gains strictly for themselves?  Who do you believe? This all seems so transparent right now.  I feel as if I simply no longer believe.

I can understand a side of those who believe in nothingness.  Life is nothing more than a game of luck and chance.  The cards you get cannot be changed.  And the only being looking out for you is you.  I suppose that would called atheism. And for the first time in my life, I feel this.

I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but it all seems false at this moment.  I’m tired of being told stuff that is in hindsight is ridiculous. The world is getting worse, our pollution is horrible, this list goes on.  It seems to me that all verbiage is changed when an event does not occur.  A new date is set.  New “prophets” emerge.  All keeping us hooked until the next day of nothingness.  I’ve read the books.  I’ve done research in which so many conflicting points of view weaved nothing but a giant web of confusion leaving the student more dumbfounded and lost.

Truly a different tune for a different day.

Just my viewpoint and feelings on this. Read this with a grain of salt as life is subject to change :)–Cynthia

Dear Cynthia, I love your email and I’m sure there are many who feel the same. You have stated that there are many conflicting points of view and yes, this is a major source of the confusion right now. I have done my best to let my readers know that nothing particularly “magical” was going to happen on December 21, 2012, and that the “magic” occurs when the individual follows their inner guidance and experiences amazing, favorable synchronicities–as signs from the Divine that they’re on the right path, as well as real, tangible support for their path.

I used to be confused as well, even with a dozen long, channeled, personal messages from the Counsel of Light behind me (channeled from early 2001 through mid-2005). It was only after many months of consistently following my inner guidance (meaning, taking courageous action when I was so prompted) that the puzzle pieces finally began to be pieced together in my conscious mind. The taking of those courageous actions and the insights I received from doing so was necessary to develop the kind of understanding that would no longer be manipulated by others. (This is the major advantage of having a deep understanding that comes from deep engagement and profound personal experience–as compared to having superficial, “book” knowledge.)

Once I published my first book in 2008, I was ready to start writing articles about what I discovered. As part of this process, I read other people’s articles, blog posts and channeled information. I discovered then that much of the information, even information from the big gurus, did not resonate with me; it didn’t resonate with what I had experienced. But even before then, I already knew that I had a huge job (and burden) ahead of me, and that much of what I would share would not necessarily be liked.

I would also not be liked because I knew this “great shift in consciousness” would not be an easy process for anybody to go through, and I knew that no beings were coming to physically help us in any way. I knew that if they helped us by doing things for us, they would cheat us out of discovering for ourselves who we really were and what we were capable of–which was necessary for us to experience firsthand if we were to create a Golden Age. How could we even sustain a Golden Age when the population has not experienced self-actualization and true self-esteem? But of course very few people wanted to hear this.

None of these things made me very popular. Neither my books nor my articles made me popular with many bloggers, reviewers, or readers. I was the brunt of some nasty comments, even from “spiritual” book reviewers, and different forms of online sabotage. In fact I still am.  (My friend and personal psychic Pamela Leach says I couldn’t get a better confirmation that I’m on the right track. But that isn’t such a great consolation…) Not long ago another reader commented that she was surprised, considering the quality of my writing, why I wasn’t more popular. Well, there you have some reasons.

I am also disappointed in the non-event that was December 2012, but not because I expected great events to occur. I am disappointed because so few people had actually awakened to the truth, so few people had really “gotten it,” and it was my job to help people awaken, to help them fulfill their higher purpose.

We are indeed entering a Golden Age, but it’s us, as individuals, who are creating it–one step at a time, through our efforts and by following through with our inner guidance. (Which, by the way, helps us deepen the knowledge we have, including knowledge we received in the various schools and programs we attended. We just don’t throw out everything we’ve learned, rather, we gain a deeper understanding of things, including of the process of life.)

Even though it will take some time to transform the entire world, once you as an individual get “on your wave” (and that does not have to take too long), you will have faith in yourself and your life will be transformed. The feelings of despair will dissolve because your understanding of the process going on in your life and in the world has been transformed. (Which will help you have faith in others and the world as well.) All this will help keep you going even though you may still have a rough day now and then.

Of course, having personal experiences of the magic of this process is one thing, and believing it’s true just because someone says so is another. (People say all sorts of things, and much of the information out there is meant to confuse and distract.) This is why I promote my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A memoir of intuition and awakening, not because I make a little bit of money when I sell a copy (although it helps put food on the table)–but because a detailed account of someone’s personal, real life experiences of the process (and the incredible, amazing synchronicities and learning experiences I went through) does offer the seeker much more (in terms of real and tangible support) than someone’s theoretical information, or their promises / predictions, or channelings. Through sharing my personal experiences I offer hope and faith and an understanding that helps others go through their own process with much less pain and more grace and ease.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinThis past Wednesday I had a message from the Counsel of Light channeled for me through Flo Aeveia Magdalena. The gist of their message, if I could put it in a single nutshell, is: Live from creation and not from survival and struggle. In other words, if we want to manifest a Golden Age, it is high time to begin living from creation, consistently.

As some of you may know, it’s been quite some time since I had Flo Aeveia channel a personal message for me. It’s been several years, in fact, the last time during the Summer of 2005. But I felt, with my move back to the house I lived over nine years ago, that this move was significant and an opportunity for a new focus for me–and also that the moment was urgent. And indeed, I received the message that it is time to much more consistently live from the creative mode and less from survival.

Oh yes, I admit to not being so consistent. Even though I write these blog posts on reconnecting with your higher self and following through with divine guidance in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently), I have made many choices that I would consider a reaction to the world around me rather than living from the creative potential. (Particularly in certain areas of my life, such as family relationships and personal economics.) In other words, rather than operating from the creative realm consistently (the vertical connection, the connection with Source), I was reacting to the struggle around me from the normal human operating mode, making choices from fear and outer circumstances and the manipulations of the outer world.

In the channeling the Counsel of Light advised me to be more consistent, to increase the time I’m living in creation compared to living in survival from a ratio that right now approaches 50:50, to 60:40, then to 75:25, and to keep increasing that ratio. This means being in the creative mode in all areas of my life more and more consistently, until that’s the only mode I’m operating from.

They advised me to get that vertical connection really strong first (the connection with Source, with Origin actually) so that the “horizontal begins to spin.” What they mean is, I am feeling that excitation and that strong excitation I’m feeling in my heart is what drives my horizontal connection, is what drives me, is what drives my choices and actions in the outer world. Because that is how one attracts whatever one needs, whatever resources one needs to fulfill one’s purpose.

I have to agree with them. While I was writing my 2 books, I felt that excitation really strongly. I was in creation mode consistently, the resources were flowing, and I experienced many amazing synchronicities daily that furthered my book projects along. Universal cooperation and flow happened consistently on a daily basis.

I experienced flow and amazing synchronicities while writing many articles and blog posts, and when I moved my place of residence near the end of September. (To see a recent example of what is possible when living from the creative potential, please read my blog post from a few weeks ago titled, Following Your Intuition in the Moment Makes Overwhelming Projects Manageable). But at the same time, I see that I have been operating from fear and struggle in other areas of my life (which I am sure caused a damper in what I was able to create and/or manifest around me).

I am reminded of what the Counsel of Light told me several years ago, something like, “Don’t worry about what you need to do next week, don’t worry about tomorrow, even. Just take care of what you’re being called to take care of today.”

Regarding the moving example, I am reminded of another amazing thing that happened that illustrates the above beautifully: I had been trying to sell a heavy, solid wood entertainment center for a few weeks on Craigslist. A few people came in to look, but no one bought. On the last day of my move around 5 pm, after I okayed with the landlady that the new tenants could begin moving in their things, I got an email from a woman who told me that she wanted the entertainment center and could come over in 20 minutes. The buyers and the new tenants arrived around the same time, and the guys moving their furniture in helped the people who bought the entertainment center load it onto their truck. (It was very heavy, too heavy for only two guys to lift up onto a truck.)

I know some of us get glimpses of the magic of living from that sacred space and the creative energies that are possible, but do we actually dwell in that place for any length of time? Do we live from that place consistently? Look around you, look at the state of the world, and you will have your answer. Does it look to you like we’re on the brink of a Golden Age?

Yes, I understand that I have not been as consistent as I could have been. And yes, I am ready to live from that place consistently, I’m ready to live from that vertical connection consistently, from that connection with Source, with Origin, that’s accessed through the higher self, consistently. I will be sharing what I experience as well as parts of the Counsel of Light’s message in future blog posts because I feel many will benefit from their message. Will you join me in this endeavor?

In the meantime, I invite you to strengthen your relationship with your higher self, and if you haven’t already, please take a look at the resources on my Connecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will not created by the wave of someone’s magic wand or just by meditating in our retreats, but by our living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinI had two interesting conversations on the topic of channeled messages this week. One person, with whom I conversed with online, had a negative view of channeling and was “filled to the gills with the false definition of ascension and the disinformation around it.” She had had enough of ETs, the Galactic Federation of Light, and other such topics as well. She seemed disappointed.

I can understand where she’s coming from. When she had heard channeled messages promising a better world for humanity, promising at times visits and help from our galactic brothers and sisters, she may have felt herself uplifted–at first. However, if she had understood from the get-go that the ascension process was about her lifting herself up and that ETs coming here to save us was never part of the plan, she would have disregarded most of those questionable promises, worked more committedly on her own personal growth instead, created some fantastic outcomes that she had not even expected as a result, and not have been disappointed when the promises made by extra-dimensional beings did not transpire.

In fact, she would have been thrilled that the ETs had not yet arrived–because she had been able to experience from within something truly liberating and empowering, to experience firsthand who she really was and what she was capable of when given the right opportunity.

While I was writing my first book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening (published January 2008) I came across a few channelers online who were  spreading the information that our space brothers and sisters were going to visit us “soon.” Some even claimed that this would happen in 2008.

However, I have had several conversations with the Counsel of Light–who never once mentioned to me that they were going to visit the Earth anytime soon, and I never thought to ask them. The topic just never came up; the focus of our interaction was on my mission. (The Counsel of Light spoke to me through medium Flo Aeveia Magdalena.)

I remember hiking alone one day around 2008, talking out loud to the Counsel of Light (well, they had let me know that they were always around me …). I told them that if they were to actually visit the Earth anytime soon, that would screw things up big time for humanity. It would rob a lot of people of some incredible experiences, of discovering their true power within and discovering who they really are. (I threw in a swear word here and there as well.)

Ever since I considered the topic seriously, my feelings have been that our Galactic brothers and sisters would not reunite with the Earth until after we have entered our Golden Age. But of course one can never be 100 percent sure about such things, and also, so many mediums with large followings were channeling otherwise.

I do not channel, per se. I had gotten my information from what was channeled for me, and from what I had personally experienced and learned from following certain “guidelines” that were given me. Lately, more and more channeled messages have been emphasizing that we are the ones who will do the work and we are the ones who will create the Golden Age on Earth. But from what I have been sensing and seeing recently, many people don’t see this as a privilege and the incredible opportunity it is, but as an impossible burden that they have no idea how to make right.

The other conversation I had this week was with friend and spiritual advisor Pamela Leach. Pamela asked me some questions about my experiences with the channelings of the Counsel of Light and my opinion about the timelines I was given and what actually transpired.

I told Pamela that if the Counsel of Light had told me that it would take me 10 years to get to where I am now (2 books, a blog, finally getting more than just a few people interested in what I have to say, family finally coming back around, life getting more comfortable …), I would have felt an incredible burden placed on me that would have been too much for me to handle, given everything else that was happening in my life at the time. It was much more humane for the Counsel of Light to string me along, to tell me, as they did in 2002, that I was “close … so close” to getting it. That “the blinders would be off real soon.”  When in reality, I felt that I had experienced my blinders coming off a couple years later. And then would come the hard work of pulling it all together in a book. And then the work of getting the information out into the world ….

However, the daily synchronicities and insights I received regarding my work and the regular progress I made motivated me to keep going–for over 10 years now. So when I read the word “soon” in some channeled message, I have a good sense of what that really means.

Life on Earth isn’t going to transform overnight, even after December 21, 2012 comes and goes. But if you make a commitment to fulfill your potential (your higher purpose), the favorable synchronicities, new insights and regular progress you make will have you inspired, motivated and even sometimes completely enthralled.

To discover the incredible opportunity available to you at this time, please click the link below to learn about my eBook Activating 2012:

Activating 2012: A practical guide for navigating 2012 with confidence and clarityShare this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinDo you trust that the Divine Plan will manifest a Golden Age for humanity? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance and stability even as the world’s institutions seem to spiral out of control? How does the Divine Plan for a Golden Age fit in with all the corruption that’s being exposed in the world right now?

I have just read an article by David Wilcock titled, The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History that summarizes the extreme level of corruption the biggest banks in the world (including the Vatican Bank) are (and have been) involved in and the outrageous level of control a very small number of corporations exert on the world’s economy . According to David Wilcock, personnel at the financial investigation branch of the U.S. Department of Justice are responsible for exposing much of this incredible information and the U.S. federal Marshals are the personnel that will enforce the law on behalf of the Department of Justice. (If you have not read Wilcock’s article, I would recommend that you do so. It’s long, but worth it.)

As of this moment these scandals have not yet received much attention in the U.S. mainstream press (and I can imagine there’s much more to come) but how will you respond when the ramifications are actually felt? Do you trust yourself to keep your balance during times of extreme uncertainty and confusion? Will you trust that regardless of what it looks like on the outside, the Outcome will be a world that works for everyone–not just for the few?

A particularly confusing and chaotic time of my life several years ago caused me to “look within” for the answers and the uncomfortableness of my situation pushed me to follow through with the inner guidance I received. Following through in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently) activated for me the “power of now,” such that shortly after I recognized my guidance and followed through, I experienced incredible, favorable synchronicities and eye-opening insights, one of which was that the Outcome is assured. In other words, when you connect with your higher self and follow through with your inner guidance in the moment (because windows of opportunities come and go), you will eventually come across an experience that will show you without a doubt that the Outcome is assured; that your Outcome is assured. This epiphany / understanding / moment of truth will then help you to keep going in your higher purpose and remain in balance, even when the world appears to fall apart. (In my memoir published early 2008 I wrote that “the outcome is assured,” and this personal epiphany has helped me deal with so much ever since…)

With so much misinformation and confusion out in the world, it’s really crucial to have a personal, firsthand, palpable experience that the Divine Plan is indeed working (regardless of what’s happening in your personal life and what you see in the news reports) and that you as an individual are on the right path. Connecting with the Divine Plan and fulfilling our role is something that’s required of all of us right now. Furthermore, it’s how the Golden Age is to come about.

In the following important message (channeled by Suzy Ward), Mathew says that learning to trust our inner guidance will help not only to reduce our fear, it’s a necessary step in our spiritual growth and evolution right now:

“Ask within and trust your intuition to tell you what is true and what is not. Developing discernment and learning to trust the messages from your soul to your consciousness not only will eliminate unnecessary feelings of fear, they are upward steps in soul evolvement.” Mathew’s message, channeled by Suzanne Ward, July 4, 2012.

Can you see how receiving personal, positive feedback from the Universe that the Divine is indeed working in your life can help to support you right now? Can you also see that a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan (one that’s clear and makes both intuitive and logical sense) will support you during these uncertain times? No one can give this experience to you (some things you just need to experience for yourself), but I can share with you what I learned in my process so that you can get to that important point faster and with greater ease.

To learn the how-to of receiving consistent feedback from the Universe and to attain a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan, please click on the link below:

Connecting with your Higher Self and Understanding the Divine Plan

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