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I excerpted portions of this post from naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s newsletter, which is timely as the U.S. Congress is about to vote on RFK Jr’s nomination for head of Health and Human Services (HHS). It is this naturopath’s wish list for Making America Healthy Again (MAHA). I am hoping this information gets to the attention of someone at HHS who can do something about this. Following are the excerpts from Dr. Smith:

“Based Supplements, a profile I follow on X had an interesting thought experiment… listing the things they’d ban if they ran the FDA:

  • Finasteride
  • Red 40 
  • Bright headlights
  • Ashwagandha 

Is it a good list? It’s okay. Based Supplements obsesses over DHT, so it makes sense why they’d want to make finasteride go away. Red 40? Yeah, dyes are no bueno. Bright headlights? I mean I don’t like it when they shine in my face, but okay. Ashwagandha is a surprise as I’ve been on about how this nightshade is actually awful for your long-term health, despite what “ancient doctors” would say about it.

What about me you’re wondering? What would I, Dr. Smith, ban if I were FDA commissioner? In no particular order:

  1. Glyphosate

The fact this was used as a descaling agent to clean out calcium and other mineral deposits in pipes and boilers of commercial hot water systems should be enough to make you run far away from this stuff. To add to that, this herbicide likes to bind to nutrients in food making them impossible to absorb once we eat them, making our body even more nutrient deficient. In terms of toxic “vitamin” A, glyphosate inhibits the breakdown of this toxin, making it harder than normal to eventually detox out.

  1. All fortification of foods

All fortified foods are a disaster, full stop! All we have to do is look at all the extra garbage that’s added to fortified foods. Here’s a short list:

  • Milk: Fortified with calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin B12
  • Eggs: Fortified with omega-3 fatty acids
  • Rice: Fortified with iron
  • Orange juice: Fortified with calcium and vitamin D
  • Sliced bread: Fortified with folic acid
  • Table salt: Fortified with iodine
  • Almond milk: Fortified with calcium, “vitamin” A, and vitamin D
  • Breakfast cereals: Fortified with iron, vitamin D, calcium, and B vitamins
  • Whole grains: Fortified with iron, folic acid, and B vitamins
  • Vegetable oils: Fortified with “nutrients”
  • Baby formula: Fortified with soy

Let’s not forget all the extra junk like Vitamin D3 added to dog food. 

If you’re following the Love Your Liver Program, the above foods aren’t going to be too much of a problem for you. But if you’re still eating like a normie who believes in the food pyramid, my plate, or whatever the government food program is these days, all I can say is watch out!

  1. Fluoride

Despite the myth that fluoride “supports” your teeth, fluoride is also a major factor when it comes to organ damage. There are plenty of studies online supporting how “excess fluoride” is a factor when it comes to damaging your liver, kidneys, reproductive organs, thyroid, pineal gland, and more. Many of the studies like to say “excessive” but let’s be real, if your liver isn’t dumping toxins like it’s supposed to, the “excess” fluoride won’t be going anyway, just accumulating in your tissues, adding one layer of problems on top of another. This garbage needs to go!

  1. Chemical pasteurization of food

This is an interesting one because most don’t know about it. According to the FDA, it is “…A process that uses chemicals to kill harmful bacteria and other pathogens in food while being a key part of food production and is required by the FDA for most foods.” This method of food treatment has been known to decrease heat-sensitive nutrients (Like B12), changing the taste of the food, and the potential for chemical residues. 

Maybe the worst part about this is how certain organic foods get a nice dose of this. Take raw almonds for example. Despite whether it is organic or not, this food is required by law to be chemically pasteurized. Does this mean to stop eating organic? Nope! Organic crops have their own “organic” method involving “organic” chemicals instead. 

There are more of course, but implementing these ideas first would be a great first start! Will this be happening under the upcoming FDA commissioner?

I would love to see it happen, but most likely not. That doesn’t mean you can’t take action to ban these problematic substances or methods from your life by eating right, encouraging proper detoxification, getting movement in, and something I should be talking more about, stressing less.”-End of excerpt

RFK Jr. Senate Confirmation Hearing Highlights

In another newsletter, Dr. Smith shared what he thinks of RFK Jr., referring to the confirmation battles between RFK Jr. and members of the Senate …

“Now, I’m no fan of the man, and I’m skeptical of his promises to “make America healthy again” (though I’d love to be proven wrong). But I have even less love for the senators who claim to have our best interests at heart—only to crumble under pressure, turning beet-red, raising their voices, and exposing their true colors for all to see. Let me show you what I mean.

Take this heated exchange between Elizabeth Warren (E.W.) and RFK Jr., where he calls her out for being a Big Pharma shill:

E.W.: I’m asking you right now—will you pledge not to personally profit from lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies?

RFK Jr.: I’ll comply with all ethical guidelines—

E.W.: That’s not the question—

RFK Jr.: You’re asking me not to sue pharmaceutical companies.

E.W.: No, I am not!

RFK Jr.: Yeah, you are. That’s exactly what you’re asking.


Seems the senator from Massachusetts isn’t too keen on removing the legal protections that shield Big Pharma from lawsuits—especially when those same companies have donated over $5 million to her campaigns.

But if you thought that was tense, check out this back-and-forth between RFK Jr. and Bernie Sanders (B.S.) when RFK Jr. calls out Congress for being in Big Pharma’s pocket:

B.S.: Mr. Kennedy, if we want to make America healthy, will you commit to guaranteeing healthcare for every single American—just like every other major country does?

RFK Jr.: I’m going to make America healthier than other countries—

B.S.: It’s a simple question. Yes or no?

RFK Jr.: Bernie, the corruption isn’t just in federal agencies—it’s in Congress, too. Almost every member of this panel, including yourself, has accepted millions from the pharmaceutical industry.

B.S.: Oh, no. No, no, no! I ran for president just like you. My donations came from workers, not pharma execs.

RFK Jr.: In 2020, you were the single largest recipient of pharmaceutical money—$1.5 million.

B.S.: Out of $200 million.

Bernie can spin it all he wants, but the numbers don’t lie and here’s the bottom line:  None of these politicians care about you. Even if RFK Jr. is serious about reform, he’s up against a pharma-backed political machine that won’t go down without a fight.

That means you need to take control of your health—because, as we’ve seen in this Washington circus, the system certainly won’t do it for you.”-end of 2nd excerpt.

This is why I, Christine, have been searching for decades for good and true information about nutrition and health. It wasn’t until March of 2023 that I finally came across Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program, an approach that makes so much sense, much more than anything else I’ve seen before, that I refer to it as the central, unified theory of good health.

Do Not Wait for Government to Change; You Lead the Change

When it comes to your health, I encourage you not to wait for the government to change , because you could be waiting a long time still. There will probably be many layers of resistance to change. It is YOU who must lead the change in your own life and in your family’s life. Lead the charge in your own circles of friends and family. It’s how we create the new world. I encourage to take some easy action steps, and if you haven’t already done so, please read my five (5) previous blog posts on this topic:

Please share and comment below, thank you!

Photo Attribution: Gage Skidmore

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Recently I came across four videos someone posted on Telegram on the flush Niacin and sauna detox protocol, the best of which I am sharing here. Please watch this short video through the 7 min 20 sec mark and I will explain what I see that’s missing for the ultimate detox … (that 99.99% of doctors and so-called “health and fitness gurus” have no clue about.)

Dr. Yu’s Niacin Sauna Detox Protocol

As you might know, I take Niacin (immediate release, flush niacin only, not niacinamide which is toxic and which is put in most breads and bread products because nothing much has changed yet, the food industry is still poisoning the public) along with activated charcoal. This is because Niacin is the fuel for detox, while the activated charcoal assures the toxins released into the small intestines actually stay in the intestines and go down the toilet, rather than being reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. 

Dr. Yu’s protocol in the first video does recommend activated charcoal tablets, but he tells you to take them AFTER exercise and AFTER the sauna. (To his credit, Dr. Yu does bring up both the skin and the G.I. tract as pathways of detox, which, it seems anyway, many doctors are oblivious to.) The other videos recommended the Niacin flush, but everyone is unaware of the importance of also taking activated charcoal along with it.

I learned from naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith, the Nutrition Detective channel on YouTube, that both exercise and heat trigger a bile dump. Your liver dumps bile (your liver’s waste) into your small intestine, which is full of toxins, to try to get rid of them. The Niacin helps fuel the detox, by increasing circulation and upping the releasing of toxins. So, it just makes sense that as soon as your liver dumps the bile into the small intestine, the moment those toxins enter your small intestine you want to have a binder already in there to soak those toxins up, rather than waiting until after your exercise and sauna. This is critical for a proper sauna detox. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is, but the following incident (that I wrote about in a previous blog post) proves my point.

Hot Yoga Heart Attack

Less than a year ago, a friend’s son-in-law, who lived in LA and was 44 years old, had a heart attack during a Bikram hot yoga session. Paramedics were able to revive him at the gym, but he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He left behind a wife and three teenage boys.

No, he was not vaxxed, received no boosters, and neither did he have any obvious pre-existing conditions. He was viewed, at least by the medical establishment and the people around him, as being healthy.

This demonstrates the point that toxins are much safer when they’re stored in the liver, as the liver is a filter and is designed for this, but if the liver dumps too many toxins into the bile all at once (intense heat and exercise both dump lots of bile), which then goes into the small intestine, some or most of those toxins are going to be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, where those toxins can wreak havoc as they go everywhere in the body, including your brain and heart. 

Toxins in the liver are okay, but those same toxins in the bloodstream, brain or heart wreak havoc, damage vital organs, and can cause death. (This is why some people die from the flu, which is the liver trying to get rid of a lot of toxins in a bile dump: too many toxins in the bloodstream causing damage, and an overburdened, sluggish liver from decades of poor food choices and frankly, bad nutrition advice.)

When to Take Activated Charcoal

This also demonstrates the point that taking activated charcoal AFTER his hot exercise session would have been already too late, as he had the heart attack DURING the hot yoga class. The only thing that would have helped is if he had a strong binder ALREADY in his intestines. Because when you take an activated charcoal drink consisting of, say, a teaspoon of activated charcoal powder in a small bottle of filtered water, it gets to your stomach and starts working within seconds, and about a half hour later it is already present in your small intestine, when you need it most.

Indeed, Dr. Garrett Smith advises an “activated charcoal sandwich,” which is taking some activated charcoal both BEFORE your exercise and / or sauna, and AFTER your exercise and / or sauna. Because after your exercise and / or sauna your body will continue to detox at an elevated pace for a short period, maybe an hour or two.

I am quite certain this heart attack would not have occurred if my friend’s son-in-law had drunk some activated charcoal water before his class (a teaspoon of activated charcoal in a glass of water is a good dose), or had a bunch of soluble fiber food such as a bowl of oatmeal in his digestive system to bind to the toxins and keep them in the intestines.

Important Point Number Two

This also demonstrates the point that the liver does indeed store tons of toxins, even the toxins present in a significant bile dump can cause major problems, and therefore should never be eaten. Nor should your pets eat liver or kidneys, either.

Your fat cells store toxins too, but not in as high concentrations as the liver. This is why Dr. Smith warns people never to eat liver or kidneys, and advises high soluble fiber foods, lean muscle meat protein (so your body makes RBP, retinol binding protein) and flush Niacin along with activated charcoal—the best binder of toxins bar none. 

Prove the Activated Charcoal for Yourself!

You can easily verify the efficacy of the activated charcoal by trying it out for yourself. If you go to the sauna, or do hot yoga or any intense exercise that gets you hot and sweaty (or even manual labor in the hot sun), try this experiment: Right before you go into the sauna or some intense exercise, drink a glass of water with a level teaspoon of hardwood activated charcoal***, then stay in the sauna your normal length of time. Then leave the sauna and notice how you feel. Do you feel better? Less woozy? Less like you’re going to pass out? This means the activated charcoal adsorbed a bunch of the toxins your liver released into the small intestine.

A few years ago, before I knew about activated charcoal and Dr. Smith’s program, I would usually stay in a sauna until I had at least 15 minutes of good sweating, normally around 30-45 minutes total (depending on how hot the sauna was). Then when I left the sauna, I often felt slightly woozy, dizzy, like I would (almost) pass out.

Recently, I started going to the sauna again, and I slowly upped my stay in the sauna to a full hour (getting more than 20-30 minutes of good sweating), and now when I get up out of the sauna, I do not feel even slightly woozy. (Most of my life my blood pressure was slightly on the low side, and I’d get slightly dizzy if I got up out of a crouching position, such as when weeding in the garden. This does not happen anymore.)

This means the activated charcoal is doing its job: binding to the toxins your liver released (which, anyway, are meant for going down the toilet) so they DO NOT get reabsorbed by your bloodstream, giving you symptoms of all sorts. (Your symptoms may be different than mine. This is where being in touch with your body and observing your symptoms is valuable.)

*** A good brand to get is Zen Principle activated charcoal powder. Start with 1/2 teaspoon once a day, and go up slowly every few days until you take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Additional instructions are given at Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program. (Taking larger amounts may constipate you and there’s a process to this detox, so don’t overdo it until you know exactly what you’re doing.)

Reabsorption of Toxins = Enterohepatic Recirculation

Enterohepatic recirculation is real, and Google AI gives a good explanation that you can look up. Most toxins are actually reabsorbed; on a standard American diet low in soluble fiber the research shows that 90-95% of toxins are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. Which means the liver has to filter them out again, then during the next bile dump tries to get rid of them again, putting them in the small intestines with the bile again, then they get reabsorbed back into the bloodstream again in a continuous negative loop / vicious cycle. This vicious cycle is a major cause of disease and aging. This is why daily soluble fiber and activated charcoal are super important.

I also found this paper on Enterohepatic Recirculation on the NaturopathicInstitute.org website and took the following quote from the first paragraph:

The liver is designed to dump toxins into bile, store it in the gallbladder and eventually eliminate the bile carrying toxins through the digestive system. When the diet lacks a source of soluble fiber to bind to the bile and eliminate it from the body, 95% of the bile including harmful toxins will absorb through the intestinal wall and recirculate back to the liver. This process is referred to as enterohepatic recirculation.

A side point: Niacin aka nicotinic acid is miscategorized as a B vitamin. The reason is that niacin is completely unlike any of the other B vitamins, and unlike the other B vitamins it is actually an amino acid, a derivative of tryptophan. This is why Niacin is beneficial: because it is a protein.

Folks, details matter. Being on target matters. Your emotions, not so much.

According to Dr. Smith and several others, most other vitamins are harmful, especially the fat-soluble ones. The fat-soluble “vitamins” get stored in the liver and the fat cells (liver and fat cells are storage depots for toxins away from vital organs.)

In my opinion, Dr. Smith is the best naturopathic doctor, bar none. Attend a livestream of his Tuesday mornings (starting around 9:15 or 9:30 am PST time) at his Nutrition Detective channel, search his archive for the topic of your choice, and check out his Love Your Liver program where you will get all the details for how to detox your body the correct way.  (Which helps immensely with weight loss as well, I mean true weight loss where you don’t gain the weight back so easily.)

I don’t care how many followers other doctors may have on their social media channels, their knowledge is limited, and their advice can sometimes be dangerous. I am sure my friend’s son-in-law thought he was doing wonderful things for his body sweating in that hot yoga class. It is unfortunate he was not aware of toxic bile theory and the benefits of soluble fiber and activated charcoal.

If you haven’t yet read my previous blog posts on this new, true science-backed approach to nutrition and health, here are the links to my previous posts:

1st post: Nutrition 3.0 and the Recovery of Health

2nd post: How to Avoid Cancer and My One-Year Detox Update

3rd post: Detox Like a Champ with Activated Charcoal

4th post: Take Back Your Health No Matter Your Age (Proves, with my dad’s blood tests, that it’s not too late to improve your health, even in your 80s!)

Thanks and have a wonderful new year!

Update January 13, 2025:

Yesterday I went to the sauna at the local gym and people there were talking about a woman who just minutes before had a seizure while in the sauna. She was helped out of the sauna and recovered in the pool area. It appears, to me anyway, that she was predisposed to having seizures and the higher concentrations of toxins that got to her brain from her bloodstream / bile dump caused her to have a mild seizure. Next time I go to the gym, I will let management know about this blog post. I’ve been telling people in the sauna about the activated charcoal, but it would be great if a wider group of people were made aware of this life saver.

Image by Fernando Zamora from Pixabay

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In this blog post, I am sharing irrefutable evidence of the significant health improvements you can achieve by following naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s “Love Your Liver” nutrition program … regardless of your age. If you are unfamiliar with this program, you may want to read, or reread, my previous three posts on this health topic: 1st post, 2nd post and 3rd post.

I have already shared my one-year health update in this blog post. But today I am sharing, with specific and measurable proof shown below, what can be accomplished by an 88-year-old male (my dad) in merely six months of making a few simple changes in his daily dietary habits.

That such significant health improvements can be accomplished by a person in their latter 80s in just six months time is proof of the validity and power of Dr. Smith’s toxic bile theory and Love Your Liver nutrition program. As we all know, the older we are, the harder it is to make significant positive changes in our health. The older we are, the more toxins we have stored in our liver and our bodies.

Anyway, I helped my dad reverse his total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood sugar, and the kidney disease markers Creatinine and EGFR. In fact, it appears that every serum marker got significantly better over the last 6 months, just by him following a few easy daily nutrition steps I learned from the Love Your Liver program. (And, it’s almost as if my dad is reverse aging!)

Here are the specific details. In the last six months, my dad’s:

  • Total cholesterol went down from 229 (marked as High) to 190
  • HDL cholesterol went down from 67 to 59
  • Triglycerides went down from 88 to 71
  • LDL cholesterol went down from 143 (marked as High) to 114 (still a bit High)
  • Non-HDL cholesterol went down from 162 (marked as High) to 131 (still a bit High)
  • Fasting glucose went from 112 (marked as High) to 101 (still slightly High)
  • Kidney function marker Creatinine went from 1.32 (marked as High) to 1.13
  • Kidney function marker EGFR went from 53 (marked as Low) to 63

For the last marker, the EGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is a test that measures the level of kidney function and determines your stage of kidney disease. An EGFR higher than 60 means you have at least 60% kidney function. Generally, the higher the number, the better the kidney function.

I have heard that reversing kidney disease is supposedly extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do. It’s true that Grant Genereux, the Canadian construction engineer, while he was in his 50s, reversed his stage 4 kidney disease completely on a super low “vitamin” A diet (meaning he avoided foods high in “vitamin” A). I discussed Grant’s experience in a previous blog post here, but an 88-year-old improving kidney function? How is that even possible?

Furthermore, what I find astonishing is my dad did not even follow the Love Your Liver program completely. He did not even follow 50% of it. I mean, you can probably understand that it is hard for an older person to totally change their eating habits. So, I only helped him make a few easy changes that he was (somewhat) willing to do. It was a slow process. (We started in April 2024 when I visited him.) He is still eating his daily Sam’s Club apple turnover, he’s still having a beer or a mixed drink, or two. He’s still eating too many sweets and indulging in pizza and chicken wings too often. Imagine what would happen if he had followed Dr. Smith’s program more completely. Imagine also the results a person a few decades younger would have if they were serious about following the Love Your Liver program.

By the way, it’s not just his lab values that improved; my dad is actually feeling better, too, including mentally and emotionally. He mentioned that he is no longer constipated, and he is no longer telling his children that he outlived his own parents and that it is time for him to go. My sister also shared with me that she noticed his better outlook as well.

So, you might be wondering … what changes did my dad actually make? In a nutshell, he is eating more soluble fiber foods (organic overnight oats, some psyllium in his oats, beans such as white or pinto beans), more lean muscle meat protein (chicken, turkey, some beef), fewer high “vitamin” A foods (from animal and vegetable sources), and he is taking one activated charcoal drink, before bed. (Maybe he will up his activated charcoal to twice a day, some day soon… Maybe he’ll take some minerals such as selenium, molybdenum or zinc … in their right forms.) For your health and enjoyment, I am including my overnight oats recipe at the bottom of this post.

Most Important Point to Understand

It is important to get that these positive changes did not happen by taking drugs or supplements to try to move the numbers, which is the standard of care in both allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. You know, they give you things to take, in order to try to move the numbers. My dad did not take any drugs or any supplements, period. He did not take any “vitamins,” not even once.

Rather, these positive changes were brought about by minimizing toxic foods in the diet, and eating more foods that help remove toxins from the diet. The one “supplement” that he did take, activated charcoal, did not add anything to his diet but actually helped remove toxins from his intestinal tract. (Activated charcoal is the best binder of heavy metals and toxins by far.)

The added protein in his diet also helped remove toxins, by there being more retinol-binding protein in his system that safely helps remove retinoic acids from his body. And the added soluble fiber foods, the organic oats, beans, barley and psyllium (that bind to toxins in his intestines) also helped remove toxins from his diet. I cannot stress this point enough.

It just goes to show what just a few easy tips I took from Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program (the best detox and nutrition doctor in the world!) will do. The proof is shown below for your examination.

Proof of Specific and Measurable Results

I covered up my dad’s identity information. The first page of data below is from May 2023 . (Date of blood tests shows 05/17/2023.)

The second page of data is from end of September 2024. (Date of blood tests shows 09/27/2024.)

Organic Overnight Oats Recipe (serves 2)

1 cup organic rolled oats (instant or regular; I prefer a mixture thereof)

2 tsp. organic ground psyllium husks (for extra soluble fiber)

1 tsp. ground dates (for sweetness, optional)

1 small banana, chopped

1 Tbsp. organic raisins (optional)

1-2 freeze-dried apple chips, crumbled into pieces (optional)

A few shakes of 50/50 salt (KCl and NaCl mixture, use pure white sea salt without added iodine)

–Put all ingredients into large bowl and mix well. Fill 2 glass jars with the mixture above. Fill to the top, a quarter inch or so above the oatmeal mixture, with filtered or RO water. (Experiment with how wet you like the oats.) Place in fridge overnight. In the morning, take the oats out and allow to warm up to room temperature for about an hour or so. Stir and enjoy!

Take your health back and prosper!

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In this blog post I am sharing some easy but effective health tips from naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s Love your Liver course that will help you—even if you choose not to go full gung-ho with this detox program. But first, if this is the first time you’re reading a post of mine about Dr. Smith’s program, you may want to get some background on this subject by reading about my initial discovery of Dr. Smith’s program here, and then read my one-year update on the program here, before continuing on with this blog post.

I totally understand that some people may not want to change their diet and lifestyle too much at first and may just want to get some easy tips that can still make a significant difference in their health. I know it is not always easy or practical to make big changes and not everyone is motivated in the same way. Although I am quite strict on the program, it is because I have a couple very significant health goals that will take some time to resolve, as well as something to prove.

“Something to prove”: this reminds me of 63-year-old construction engineer Grant Genereux, the person who has been on a strict, super low “vitamin” A diet the longest; it will be 10 years in August. During this time, Grant’s health has continued to improve, his testosterone has continued to increase, and his vision slowly but surely has continued to improve. His advanced kidney disease, eczema, jaundice and early dementia has been resolved years ago.

Grant has mentioned, more than once, that he definitely has something to prove: that “vitamin” A is not an essential nutrient—but a poison. (Engineers want to solve problems, it’s just our nature. This personality characteristic should not be held against us.)

Grant has the lab results to prove it, too: three (3) years ago, his serum retinol level was measured to be 0.1 microgram/dl. The typical range is 20 – 80 microgram/dl. This range is determined not by studying what the long-term ideal values should be, but by including the lab results of 95% of the people who are getting tested in the range. Grant’s lab results show he is “severely deficient in ‘vitamin’ A.” Compared to the current population being tested for this chemical substance, he is rock-bottom way off the charts on the lower end of the range.

Note that these test results do not in any way represent ideal nutrition levels or ideal health. Ideal nutrition and health for humans (and pets, too) is NOT the goal of the medical industry. The tests merely show test levels of the current population. (Many of whom may be sick. Well, is it not true, if they are getting tested, they may very well have health issues?)

Grant is hoping his 10-year test coming up around August 2024 will show to be 0.0 microgram/dL. According to the medical profession, he should be dead and blind, LOL.

You Can Make Slow Changes

Perhaps you’re thinking this is not the right time for you to make major changes, because of circumstances you have no control over. Or maybe your health is very good, and you don’t see any need for major changes right now. Or you just want to continue to enjoy certain foods occasionally without worrying about their toxin content. Or, you want to transition slowly, and as you see improvements, you will be motivated to continue further.

In fact, I myself did not change everything all at once. It took me about a month and a half to transition into the Love Your Liver program. For most people, it takes at least that long to get through the course materials and get their minerals right. Dr. Smith wants you understand why he is advising what he’s advising—his approach is backed up by “receipts” and scientific studies. You are much more likely to be compliant if you understand why you are doing what you’re doing.

The Activated Charcoal Detox “Hack”

So, how can you make a significant improvement in your health without getting super strict at first? One easy step (or “hack”) is to take activated charcoal daily.

Here’s a 7-minute video showing the amazing results of taking activated charcoal twice a day. Activated charcoal (as well as other good binders of toxins such as beans, psyllium and oatmeal, for example) is part of Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program.


The physician in this video (an M.D. of environmental medicine and M.P.H.) incorrectly states that all of his patient’s poisons are in her cells. Most of our body’s poisons actually accumulate in and are stored in the liver. Some poisons are in the cells, that is true, especially in the fat cells, but most toxins are filtered from the bloodstream by the liver and accumulate in the liver. This is because the liver is the body’s waste processing plant, chemical processing plant and waste storage depot. Toxins do not just go poof—and they’re gone. They need to be taken through actual physical pathways out of the body.

Let’s think this through. When you consume activated charcoal, it does not get absorbed into your bloodstream but stays in your digestive tract, right? So how is it supposed to latch onto the poisons that are contained in the fat cells around your stomach or hips? Obviously, the poisons made their way into her digestive tract somehow.

The activated charcoal in your digestive tract binds to the toxins it comes into contact with from the food you eat that day and also any toxins your liver manages to release into the bile that goes through the bile ducts into your small intestine. The toxins in the released bile will then strongly bind to the activated charcoal that moves slowly through your intestines, preventing them from being reabsorbed back into your bloodstream, and then escorted out of your body with your poop. This is how you detox: the toxins go out of your body and down the toilet! This is how your body’s toxin load will slowly decrease over time—and at a safe pace your body can handle.

This is why the woman in the video had such dramatic results in just a matter of weeks—because the activated charcoal took the heavy load of the detox work her body was trying to do but was unsuccessful with until then. If she had been told to sweat the toxins out through her skin, she would have aggravated her skin condition even more, because the skin was never meant to do the heavy lifting of detox that the liver and intestines are meant to do. (Neither are the kidneys designed to do the heavy lifting of detox.)

Why does this doctor not know this? Is it because “those in charge” don’t really want doctors to solve your health problems?

Your Results Will Be Different

Note that your results will be different because you have different issues. Maybe you don’t have psoriasis or hair loss. Maybe you have stomach or digestion issues, other kinds of skin issues, or other health complaints. It does not matter, really, because as you reduce your body’s toxin load, whatever condition you have will improve over time.

Activated charcoal will help in many different situations by slowly detoxing your body, which will begin to actually reverse illness, regardless of what illness you may have, even the “c” word that is ramping up in the population these days. The charcoal will grab onto the toxins your liver releases into your small intestine, keeping them in the intestinal tract and preventing them from being reabsorbed into your bloodstream. You may even see new hair growth, have less pain, and see other reverse aging effects.

Dr. Smith recommends activated charcoal powder twice a day, starting slowly at about half a teaspoon in a half glass of water once a day for a few days, then going to twice a day for a few days, then going up to one teaspoon twice a day. He recommends charcoal powder made from hardwood or bamboo instead of coconut. Coconut charcoal is made from coconuts that are often moldy.

I take my activated charcoal about 60-90 minutes after an early meal and 90-120 minutes after my evening meal (when I take my minerals).

Show Me the Receipts

This toxicity and chronic illness connection is recognized in a Scientific World Journal review study titled, Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review. The study concludes:

“Recognizing toxicant contributors to chronic disease and conducting research to evaluate chelation strategies and protocols to assess and address toxic metal bioaccumulation offer potential for inexpensive, safe therapies addressing important root causes of today’s most costly, prevalent chronic diseases.”

Root cause, they say! The scientists in the review study actually acknowledge that toxins have a root-cause role in disease!

By the way, the review paper above mentioned the effectiveness of soluble fiber, psyllium and activated charcoal in chelating heavy metals. However, the authors concluded that cilantro is about as effective a chelating agent as placebo.

It is clear that charcoal is a good adsorbent of heavy metals. But cilantro as an adsorbent? I’d love to see some proof, along with any information on how this green leaf is supposed to latch and hold onto heavy metals tightly. It does not.

Here’s a link to this heavy metal review study, in case you want to examine it in detail:


The Highly Recommended “Love Your Liver” Course

It is best to get the Love Your Liver program and read through the lessons. Make slow changes, as you are advised in the program to do. It will be easier than you think.

If you are motivated, you may choose to get a consultation package—which comes with hair and blood lab tests, a consultation with your lab results, 6 months of online office hours, and the LYL course included.

I can guarantee that you probably don’t even like many of the foods the Love Your Liver program advises you to avoid, but you’ve been eating them anyway because you were told they are healthy and good for you. Your children will love that they do not have to eat certain foods anymore, too.

Here’s where you can get access to the Love Your Liver course and the LYL network:


This is not an affiliate link and I do not get compensated in any way—except in knowing that I am helping my fellow humans to improve their health and reduce their health care costs.

Please share this blog with your friends and family, and feel free to comment below.

Photo credit: The featured photo, created by Anne’ Phillips, was compiled from Dr. Garrett Smith’s YouTube videos from January 2020 and May 2024, respectively.

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It has been a year since I have been following naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s “Love Your Liver” low toxin, high nutrition diet, so I am sharing an update about my results so far. If you have not read my blog post about discovering Dr. Smith’s health program, you may want to read it first, at the link below:

Nutrition 3.0 and the Recovery of Health

Before I get into my personal results though, I am sharing news regarding three people I have known personally in my life who followed the natural route for cancer treatments and despite their best efforts, still experienced disappointing outcomes.

Cancer Case #1

The first person I knew who followed the natural path for his cancer treatment was a fellow parent at the Mountain School preschool my children attended in the late 90s / early 2000s in Silicon Valley. Several parents at the school rallied behind him and brought to his home what he asked for: fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices from the local health food store. He told everyone he was going to make it; he had a positive outlook, he had the right attitude. But he did not last long and sadly, passed away quickly. (It actually shocked me how quickly he went after his diagnosis.) He was only in his 30s.

Cancer Case #2

The second person is a young boy my older daughter played with at around that same time. Both children were healthy 3-year-olds when I met the boy’s mother through a note she posted on a bulletin board at the local Whole Foods. Around that time, she was becoming a raw food chef, and became a serious devotee of the raw food lifestyle promoted by David “Avocado” Wolfe and numerous others. We lost touch with each other a few years later when she moved out of the area. That boy would have been 29 years old today—the same age as my oldest daughter.

About a year ago I looked her up online and found out her son had been diagnosed with cancer at age 13. She had collected donations from the raw food community so she could send her son to the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida for three weeks of natural cancer treatments. The boy received three weeks of raw fruit and vegetable juices, saunas, other therapies, and even wheat grass enemas. He came home from those treatments and died less than a week later. He was only 14 years old. WHY?!

Cancer Case #3

In February this year (mid-February 2024), I learned through a friend that homeopath and homeoprophylaxis practitioner Cilla Whatcott died from cancer at age 69. I had met her at a conference she put together on homeoprophylaxis in 2017. She was a friend of a friend.

Cilla was diagnosed with cancer, checked herself into a cancer clinic in Mexico to be treated with “natural therapies,” then came back home. The treatments in Mexico managed to hold the cancer off for a while, but then the illness came back even more aggressively. Why did the cancer come back more aggressively (as often occurs after pharmaceutical chemotherapy treatments) after she received “natural” treatments that were claimed to heal her?

Three Time’s a Pattern

For me, three occurrences make a pattern. It’s also the point when a clear and logical-thinking person would begin to question if “natural” should be the only driver of care in the alternative health community—because as you can see from the results above, it is clearly not working! Also, was the root cause—which I believe to be toxicity—ever really addressed? Surely, other relevant factors must be at play here, and this is where I introduce you to Dr. Garrett Smith’s toxic bile theory. “Natural remedies” are not effective or good enough. There are other factors and principles that come into the equation and Dr. Smith has already developed them.

I understand, after learning Dr. Garrett Smith’s toxic bile theory over the last year, that the root cause of the cancers above—toxicity—was never actually addressed. Also, I do not believe that traditional mainstream allopathic cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, “early detection,” early treatment, etc.) OR traditional mainstream naturopathic cancer treatments (raw fruit and vegetable juices, vitamin injections, antioxidants, “superfood” supplements, Rife machine treatments, magnets, etc.) reverse cancer or even remove any toxicity from the body. Although it is true that both allopathic and naturopathic solutions often have temporary results (when toxins are pushed deeper into the liver), the cancer always returns, often more aggressively than before (because toxins continue to be ingested and the liver can only take so much). This is because the ROOT CAUSE of disease—which is toxicity—is and was never addressed, either during the treatment or the “maintenance” period afterward.

It may seem hard to believe that toxicity levels are not reduced during naturopathic treatments. After all, one of the promises of natural therapies is the detox result. But why else would the outcomes be similar? Could it be that many of the natural therapies themselves are—unknowingly—toxic?

Over the last year, I have come to understand that many of the natural therapies themselves are quite toxic. We may think natural treatments are healthy when it’s possible they are nothing of the sort. According to toxic bile theory, many natural treatments are toxic to the liver / body. Just because something is “natural” or “plant-based” does not mean it is free of toxins / poisons. I will not get into the chemistry here as it is outside the scope of this post, but chemists do acknowledge that pro “vitamin” A substances in foods metabolize into retinaldehydes (and that aldehydes are toxic), then into retinoic acids (that are even more toxic), one of which is used as a chemotherapy agent. And this can easily explain the three disappointing cancer results above.

If you want to know more about the chemistry, read the short excerpt below.:

It doesn’t matter what the source of vitamin A is.  Beta-carotene (from carrots, for example) turns into retinol and retinaldehyde in the body in the presence of fat.  Retinyl palmitate from animals turns into retinol in the body.

All retinol will eventually be turned into (metabolized into) retinaldehyde, under normal conditions. All retinaldehyde would then be turned into different retinoic acids:

All-trans-retinoic acid (Pharma’s Retin-A)

9-cis-retinoic acid (alitretinoin, the chemotherapy drug)

13-cis-retinoic acid (Accutane, isotretinoin – A nasty drug that has many terrible side effects).

All of the vitamin A you take into your body, whether from food or creams on your skin or supplements, will eventually be turned into retinoic acid.  Proof of the chemotherapy effect is in the people who get cancer, binge on carrots and carrot juice, and their hair falls out.  It’s the 9-cis-retinoic acid from the carrots that makes their hair fall out and increases their overall toxicity.

Several years ago, I remember having a disagreement with a fellow Cornell alumnus who had studied biology about the large scientific study that showed that giving vitamin E supplements to study participants actually had a negative impact on their health. I argued that the vitamin E the participants were given was synthetically derived, which was the reason for the poor health outcomes. (After all, this is what many naturopaths, especially those selling supplements, were saying.) My friend, on the other hand, claimed it didn’t matter since they were chemically identical. Several years later, now that I have a whole new understanding of “vitamins” and toxins—thanks to Dr. Smith—I can get what my friend was trying to tell me.

Toxic Bile Theory

Toxic Bile Theory was developed by Dr. Garrett Smith over the last five and a half years. Dr. Smith has a naturopathic medicine clinic in Tucson, AZ about 15 years now. During first 10 years of his practice, he was disappointed with the results he and his patients were getting from what he had learned in naturopathic medical school. Then, five and a half years ago, he had a major epiphany, a rude awakening involving naturopathic medicine that caused him to make significant changes in his clinical practice. Since then, he developed toxic bile theory and is finally getting the results he and his patients have sought for a long time.

Dr. Smith is the only naturopath I follow anymore, as all the rest of them—99.99% in my opinion—are still under the complete influence of Rockefeller medicine. It does not matter that they are naturopaths, because vitamin science itself was invented by the Rockefellers and MERCK—and heavily influenced by them.

Over the last 30-plus years, I have followed a number of naturopaths, naturopathy was my health advice go-to, but I also was not all that thrilled with the results. And now I see that mainstream naturopathy consists of a bunch of lame, disjointed theories and often silly and dangerous fads. Contrast this to Dr. Smith’s toxic bile theory, which I believe is the central, unified theory for good health.

The answer to cancer (and any other illness or disease) is in toxic bile theory and Dr. Smith already knows what to do about it, too.  Below are links to two videos where you can learn about toxic bile theory. I believe toxic bile theory is the central, unified theory of good health.



Two Examples of Dr. Smith’s Contrarian Views

I will touch on a couple different ways Dr. Smith is a contrarian when it comes to mainstream health ideas. His contrarian views will either resonate with you, or they will not. This may help you decide whether Dr. Smith’s principles and views are for you.

Case #4 – A Heart Attack

Less than a month ago, a friend’s son-in-law had a heart attack during a yoga class. He was 44 years old and had not received the vax or any boosters. The heart attack came on during a Bikram hot yoga session. Paramedics were able to revive him, but he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He left behind a wife and three teenage boys.


Many “health gurus” promote the idea of hormesis, where you stress your body in different ways (such as with hot / cold thermal stress, physical exercise stress, stress from lack of food and fasting, of starving yourself, etc.). “Hormesis theory” says these stressors help to “jump start” your body’s functioning. My thinking is: Did God create a faulty system that needs to be prodded and pushed into working the way it should?

Dr. Smith does not promote hormesis and does not advise that you get any additional stress. He believes we have enough stress in our lives already, especially these days. Minimizing stress on the body is the goal, including stress on the body from toxic food and supplement toxins.

Muscle Testing

Another contrarian view of Dr. Smith’s involves the practice of muscle testing. He believes that muscle strength testing is not an accurate way of assessing whether a particular substance is good for your health in the long term.

This is because muscle testing measures muscle strength in that moment, not necessarily long-term strength. You can get a temporary, short-term boost in strength with substances that are harmful to your body over the long term. Short-term results do not necessarily equate to long term results.

Another reason is the test’s erroneous results. For example, when Dr. Smith was a patient of another doctor’s, he found that one month his muscle test showed he should avoid gluten. Then after avoiding gluten for a month, the following month’s test showed he could go back to eating gluten again. Then it was back and forth and back and forth, yes gluten, no gluten—like a pendulum. Really, who would use such a crappy test?

Instead of muscle testing, Dr. Smith advises a better measure of what is good for your body to be your body’s level of calmness. This makes complete sense. Several years ago, back when I followed naturopath Dr. Peter Glidden, he advised measuring your pulse rate after ingesting a test food (one food only at a time) and comparing it with your resting pulse rate before ingesting the test food.

The test would go like this: In the morning, before eating or drinking anything else except water, I was seated and rested for several minutes first, then measured my resting pulse rate. Then I ate the food I was testing (that was already at the table in front of me, as you are supposed to remain seated the entire time), measuring my pulse rate every 5 minutes for a minimum of a half hour after eating the test food. If your pulse rate goes up by 5 points or more after ingesting the test food, you are “sensitive” to that food. And the greater the variation in pulse, the more toxic the food you are testing is to you.

I remember doing this test twice, with eggs (a food high in “vitamin” A). Both times, my heart rate went up by more than 5 points. (For comparison, on another occasion you are welcome to do this test with a food most people are not “sensitive” to, such as a banana, apple, or chicken breast.)

Anyway, if these two contrarian views make zero sense to you, or annoy you (because you happened to learn something different or cannot accept that “health authorities” could have lied to you), Dr. Smith might not be right for you.

One Year on the Love-Your-Liver Program: Results

The following are some results I experienced so far after following Dr. Smith’s Do-it-Yourself Love-Your-Liver program for one year:

  • I have not used any lip gloss since around May of last year, as my lips are no longer dry or chapped, even in the winter.
  • Same for my elbows and heels; no lotion or moisturizer is needed. Elbows are smooth like a baby’s, no rough skin.
  • I have not had a single incident of indigestion in about a year. (Before Dr. Smith’s program, I would sometimes get an unpleasant feeling of indigestion, even when I ate single foods on an empty stomach. I noticed this with eggs, sardines, cheese, even goat cheese, and chlorella algae—which all happen to be high in “vitamin” A! No more indigestion since avoiding these foods!)
  • I notice I have more energy now, even when I do not get the proper amount of sleep.
  • My brain is clearer and less foggy, even on days when I get less sleep than usual.
  • My seborrheic dermatitis—especially recently—is starting to get much better. (This is significant as I had this dermatitis on my scalp, forehead and nose area since my late teens. My scalp has completely cleared up, and my face is almost there.)
  • Although I had some headaches initially when I began my detox last year, I have not had any headaches this year.
  • The older halves of both of my thumb nails are rougher and have more ridges than the newer halves. The newer halves (the last 3 or so months’ growth) look smoother, clearer and healthier than the older halves.

As I reduce the toxins in my liver and body I will see more and better health results, including the slow reversal of my Dupuytren’s Contracture. Dr. Smith has explained the root cause of Dupuytren’s in a couple of his videos, how it can be reversed, and it makes complete sense to me. Basically, your body will heal on its own—when it is low in toxins and receives the (only a few) minerals it needs.

Draining the toxins from your liver will take some time, especially if you are no longer in your 20s or 30s. But it is worth it! A year, or two, or three will pass by in no time anyway and you’ll be glad you’ve been following the detox program for that long. It does not matter what condition you have. It does not matter that your condition is considered by the mainstream to be “genetic” or “rare.” You can begin to reverse it by following the Love Your Liver program.

Lastly, Who Are You Following?

When Covid started, we were told, “be careful who you follow,” as we have been lied to for so long and our health has been under attack for a long time. Even investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Bush administration Catherine Austin Fitts, who was charged with repairing the department’s reputation in the aftermath of the savings and loan crisis, in an interview August 12, 2021 with Del Bigtree on the Highwire, stated that Covid is not about a virus, it is an agenda involving banksters, big money and reducing human life expectancy. (This is consistent with the narrative I have noticed recently being pushed by some individuals, including some doctors, that you should be happy if you get to be in your late-sixties—because that is considered old age.)

BTW, in March 2020 when I was sent home from work, I knew this. I knew the lockdowns were not about some so-called virus (viruses are not what they say they are anyway). Rather, it was an evil power grab.

This is why I am so glad to have found Dr. Smith as an ally and guide to truly better my health, and I am happy to be able to share my experiences with you.

Lastly, you may want to see a video of Dr. Smith from four years ago at this link below:

Video of Dr. Smith January 2020

Then compare it to Dr. Smith’s latest Nutrition Detective episode from yesterday. You can see for yourself that Dr. Smith appears to be aging backwards. He is currently 48.

Video of Dr. Smith April 2024

The featured image for this blog post was created by a fellow Love-Your-Liver program enthusiast who wishes to remain anonymous.

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In this post I am sharing something nutrition-related that I have been up to the last two months, since around March 7th. I believe you will be fascinated with this information—as I was when I first got introduced to it.

I have been seeking this information for at least 10 years now, for one specific health condition, much longer if I include other complaints I had, such as low blood sugar and dermatitis. You see, it is about 10 years ago that I wrote a blog post about trying to reverse my Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a tightening of the ligaments of one or more fingers. For me, it was affecting my left-hand ring finger. I believe I finally found my answer.

The last 10 years I tried the gluten-free approach as well as supplements that are supposed to help with arthritis (gelatin, collagen, minerals, etc.). I tried homeopathy and psycho-emotional release. The Autumn of 2020 I even tried a two-month-long smoothie and juice cleanse. The practitioner promised it would dissolve the calcium deposits and soften the tissue. But the opposite happened at the end of my eight-week “cleanse”: my Dupuytren’s contracted an additional two or three degrees. One morning I woke up, felt a tightening sensation in my ring finger, and witnessed it happen right in front of my eyes.

Family members were concerned. Why haven’t you had the surgery done? Why did you let this go on for so long? What is wrong with you?

How could I explain that something in me was having me hold out for discovering the solution to the reversal of this condition? Perhaps I could be the first person to actually reverse Dupuytren’s syndrome? After all, no one seemed to know anyone who was able to reverse this stubborn condition. Surgery and / or drug injections were the only treatments the conventional medical side offered, and the condition often reappeared because the root cause was not addressed. The alternative medical side did not have any real solutions, either.

What’s more, something in me also had the suspicion that us humans were being poisoned. I remember a conversation with my cousin last summer at her home. “What do you think is making people sick if it’s not the virus,” she asked. “Poison; people are being poisoned,” I said, to which she just laughed.

Well, I hope I don’t have to explain about some poisons. Everyone knows about glyphosates in foods, “fortified” foods, pharmaceuticals and fluoride in tap water, air pollution, heavy metals, experimental and not-so-experimental poky-jabs, and on and on. But I did not know at the time that there was a poison affecting us all, of which we were completely clueless.

Anyway, the beginning of this year, I prayed to God for an answer to my Dupuytren’s. I had tried everything. I did not know what else to do. Then one evening at the beginning of March, when I was on a Telegram group that I follow for news, a member posted a comment that piqued my interest. He commented with something like, I don’t think these people are open to learning about true nutrition.

I responded immediately and asked him, who do you recommend has true nutrition information? And this is how I found naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith.

Naturopath Dr. Garrett Smith’s New Paradigm in Nutrition

Dr. Garrett Smith is a 47-year-old licensed naturopathic physician in Tucson, Arizona. For the first decade-plus of his practice, he used all the tools that naturopathic medicine had to offer, including a variety of medical treatments, dietary approaches, supplements, and cleanses. He was open-minded and experimented with them all, trying everything on himself first, before offering it to his patients.

Yet when he was honest with himself, he was disappointed with the results. He found that nothing he did increased health in the long term, either for himself or his patients. There were some short-term benefits, as there usually are, but things just did not work all that well in the long term. (Exactly the way drugs lose their effects after taking them for a while.) Yet Dr. Smith would not give up in his search for the answers to true, long-term health.

A Canadian Engineer’s Astounding Health Recovery

About four years ago, after reading an interesting article a colleague had shared with him, Dr. Smith found what he was looking for in the form of an early-50s structural engineer who had reversed his kidney disease, full-body jaundice, and eczema. Four years prior, Grant Generoux was sent home by his kidney doctors to “make arrangements,” as their only option for treating his kidney disease was dialysis. They gave Grant a few months to live without it. If he went on the dialysis they recommended, he would get three to five years.

But Grant minded the eczema even more than the kidney disease, so he took a few hours to do some research in between appointments and created a spreadsheet of foods known to aggravate his eczema. This is when he discovered the common denominator in those foods: Vitamin A. And instead of the dialysis his doctors were recommending, Grant went on a super-low Vitamin A diet.

Grant has been on a super-low Vitamin A diet for over eight years now. His blood Vitamin A level has been below the detectable range for quite a while already. His health is improving all this time, as is his muscular strength. No more kidney disease, jaundice, eczema, and no more early dementia symptoms, either. His doctors have never seen kidney disease reversed, ever. Grant is currently 60 years old.

Grant’s noble goal is to be on his super-low Vitamin A diet for 10 full years, to prove that Vitamin A is not a vitamin, but a poison, and to remove its status as a vitamin. Amazing, huh?

Grant has a blog where he has kept track of his low Vitamin A journey. He also has three free eBooks you may download. Grant’s first book describes his health journey. The second one develops the ideas that Vitamin A is not a vitamin and that both Vitamin A and most drugs are poisons. Grant’s third book makes the case that breast cancer is the result of chronic poisoning, primarily Vitamin A poisoning. Here is the link to Grant Generoux’s blog:


Dr. Smith Develops the Vitamin A-is-a-Poison Hypothesis

Some years ago, a friend of Dr. Smith’s showed him an article about Vitamin A toxicity. Not long afterwards, he also learned about Grant Generoux’s kidney disease reversal. This is when Dr. Smith began to further develop the Vitamin-A-is-a-poison hypothesis into a comprehensive “toxic bile theory.”

Dr. Smith helps people detox from Vitamin A and other toxins as quickly and as safely as possible, so they can finally regain their health. He has helped people with their skin issues, chronic fatigue, infertility, autism, Lyme disease, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. He even reversed a client’s Type 1 diabetes. Pretty much every health condition out there can be helped on a low Vitamin A diet. Plus, people lose weight and inches off their midsection, and gain bone- and muscle mass without even trying. Earlier this week, Dr. Smith completed his 92nd weekly “Nutrition Detective” YouTube livestream.

You may subscribe to Dr. Garrett Smith’s YouTube channel where he does his weekly livestreams here:


You may also wish to sign up for Dr. Smith’s free online course, the Madness of Modern Nutrition. The link to his free course is below:


The Love-Your-Liver Paid Program

Or, like me, you may jump in and sign up for his paid online course, the Love-Your-Liver program (in the Membership tab on his website). This course is a complete and detailed do-it-yourself program. If you have any questions, you may ask them on his weekly livestream. Or you may wish to get more support and sign up for a consultation.

I started getting into Dr. Smith’s Love-Your-Liver program around March 7th. I still have not gone through the entire course, but have significantly changed my diet according to the program’s guidelines. I have a small testimonial to share about my experience so far:

“I have been following the ‘Love Your Liver’ guidelines for about six weeks now and already see improvements in my skin. It is no longer dry. In fact, in the winter I always applied lip gloss several times a day to keep them from becoming too dry, but recently went a few days forgetting to put it on. My lips and face are not dry, and the dry, scaly skin on my legs has gone away. Also, a pockmark from childhood chicken pox that was over the last few years constantly irritated from me picking at it (because it was expelling a bit of whitish material) is now healing. (OMG!) I am sleeping better, too. I know this program works and am looking forward to discovering other positive effects.”

About a couple weeks into the program though, after pouring over pages of reading material and watching hours of video, I decided to stop at a local health food store for a few items. The entrance was packed with mountains of super-high Vitamin A foods.

High Vitamin A foods
Photo from May 4th. Weeks ago, these Vitamin A foods were stacked much higher.
High Vitamin A sweet potatoes
High Vitamin A sweet potatoes at health food store entrance.

This is when it hit me. I walked around that health food store as though I were walking on the Moon. Both sides. Both sides of the medical system (conventional / alternative) have been duped, and whoever is in charge of this clown show has been doing, is doing, their utmost to make us sick.

This post is getting long so I will end it here. In my next post, I will go into the details of why I believe Dr. Smith’s program will reverse my Dupuytren’s, as well as increasing my general health. I hope you sign up for Dr. Smith’s free course and share this post with your friends and family.

Remember, light is shining more and more on this planet and people are finally re-membering (putting all the pieces together) how to heal themselves. The way I see it, God will not rob you of the incredible and empowering opportunity to do it for yourself, to pull ourselves up out of the hole we dug ourselves into.

God bless you and your family!

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