Last month, I had a dream where I popped into a bright, white meeting room where a few other people were assembled around a large conference room table. But as soon as I was noticed by the others, I got the feeling they were thinking, what in the world are you doing here? So I made myself wake up, to get away. Strange, too, is that this dream happened at the beginning of the night, soon after I fell asleep, rather than in the morning when most of my dreams usually occurred. It felt so real, it has a lasting impression on me, still to this day.
My intuition says I popped into a room where what’s happening on this planet, and what’s next, was being discussed. But clearly, they didn’t want me there to listen in. At least not yet.
I’m curious if anyone else had a similar experience, or if you have any insight on this. If so, please leave a comment below!
Anyway, this dream inspired me to update an article on remembering your dreams that I wrote back in March 2011 …
Back then, a reader had emailed, asking what he should do so he could remember his dreams. “Can you give me some insight into dreaming? I do not and cannot remember my dreams. I was told this is not normal. Why can’t I remember my dreams?” he asked.
I understand his frustration. Earlier in my life, I usually wouldn’t remember my dreams, either. And when I did remember a dream, usually it was only the last part of it. And even then, I wouldn’t notice the details that other people claimed to be able to notice—details like color, for instance.
But then, as I began to reconnect to my higher self, I began to pay more attention to my inner feelings, and this is what helped develop my capacity to remember my dreams. (Connecting to your higher self develops you in a number of ways. Remembering your dreams is one of them.)
Besides reconnecting to your higher self (which I will not discuss in this post, as I’ve already written on this topic extensively on this blog and in my two books), I recommend the following tips for remembering your dreams.
5 Tips for Remembering Your Dreams
- Anticipate that you will have dreams and that you will remember them. To this end, get yourself a notebook specifically for your personal growth: your new insights and dreams. Keep this notebook by your bedside, along with a pencil or pen and be ready to write in it when you wake up with a dream, even if you only remember a few things.
- As you retire for the night, ask your higher self for guidance while you sleep. (Do this nightly.) Ask your higher self a question about a problem you are dealing with, or about something bothering you at the moment. For example, “How do I solve that thermodynamics homework problem? Give me some insight into setting up the solution.” Then relax and fall asleep, knowing that your higher self is working on the solution while you sleep.
- When you awaken in the middle of the night with a new or helpful insight, put the light on and write it down in your notebook. Do not miss the opportunity to develop the capacity to make new neural connections and capture new insights. More often than not, you will not remember the new insight in the morning. Write it down, promptly.
- When you are dreaming and you begin to notice that you’re dreaming, it usually signals that you will soon awaken from your dream. Do not try to awaken; don’t even move. Just go over what happened in your dream, over and over again, until you find yourself fully awake.
- Then, while still in bed, pick up your dream journal and write in as many details about your dream that you can remember. Do not put off writing in your dream journal until later in the day. Do it right away!
Regarding tip number 1 above: intention and anticipation may seem to be the same, but I came to experience that anticipation had more power in it than intention. For example, years ago, rather than intending that I receive guidance from my higher self, I anticipated it—I paid attention and looked out for it and then I followed through when I received the guidance. When describing what works to get the “ball rolling,” anticipation is more accurate than intention. Anyway, would Carly Simon have written a song called Intention? I seriously doubt it.
Reconnecting to your higher self and following the tips above will help you develop your capacity to not only remember your dreams, but to experience dreams that are more meaningful to you, dreams that guide you to solve a particular problem or to advance you in some area of your life. Because the truth is, your dreams are one way your higher self (and your spirit guides) use to guide you on your life path, to give you insight.
Now for Some Important Guidance
Are you actively involved in the awakening that is happening all over the planet? If not, it is time to step up! As I have said numerous times before, everyone has a role in this fight, including you. If you don’t have a role yet, and are looking to be useful, I would recommend Tore Says on Telegram (app on your phone, and her most active channel). Tore Says is also on Facebook and Twitch. Some of her videos show up on YouTube, too.
I consider Tore to be most knowledgeable of what’s going on in the U.S. government today, and world, for that matter. That’s because she worked with some top officials and wrote some of the scripts being played out today. Here’s a link to see her various channels:
I’ve written before that we must fight, in our local areas, using the laws that are currently in place. Tore has an army of people writing letters, filing Writs of Mandamus in their local states, attending local school board meetings, getting together and getting stuff done. Connect with this army on Telegram, including the local state groups. It is making a difference.
I have also impressed upon you that now’s the perfect time for you to be a hero. You are being given a chance, a once in a many-lifetimes opportunity to give it your all. We are all on a hero’s journey. Please step up not only for your family and fellow man, but for YOU.
Original article can be viewed here: https://EzineArticles.com/6084089

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