The following is an email I received from raw food and fitness guru Roger Haeske on New Year’s eve. (I’m on his mailing list.) It was so interesting I read the entire email on my phone, ignoring the New Year’s eve festivities around me.
“Last night I was talking to my friend Rama about an email I planned on writing. I told him that I wanted to share his insight about what destroyed the legion of Light Workers, Ascended Masters, and Indigo children sent here to bring in a new age of peace, joy and abundance.
“Saying my friend Rama is highly intuitive would actually be an understatement. I could, for instance, tell him a name of someone and just from the name he can immediately do a soul analysis and start to see this person’s characteristics and traits. Unfortunately, he usually doesn’t like to do this because what he sees in a majority of people these days is horrifying.
“And what’s really scary is this. Rama told me many times that the Light Worker movement was destroyed by the dark forces of the Cabal / Illuminati / New World Order including the “elite” banksters that are destroying the global economy. In fact, he said, had the Light Workers NOT been defeated we’d have had a much better planet by ,buy accutane now. We would have been liberated from the black magic forces of the Cabal long ago. In short, we would be living in paradise. Nothing like what life is on Earth now.
“So … Would you like to know how the Light Workers were defeated by the forces of evil?
“It was by rampant drug use in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and of course even now. And this was very intentionally planned by the negative forces of the Cabal. The Cabal were the ones who encouraged the hippie movement and made sure plenty of drugs were freely available to destroy and enslave the Light Workers.
“According to Rama, taking drugs, even alcohol, actually disconnects your spiritual antenna and attunes you to the dark forces of the Cabal.
“Now you may find this email a strange topic for me. But in truth this is really a BIG part of what I’m all about.
“I can’t confirm all of the information that Rama has shared with me from my own knowledge. I’m relying on Rama’s insights. But at the very least I think you’ll find it entertaining.
“Apparently there were hundreds of thousands of Light Workers (Crystal, Rainbow, Indigo children etc.) sent down to Earth to help usher in a new age of happiness, abundance and Divinity. But almost all of them were defeated by drug use.
“This included legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes as well as cooked food which is actually laced with intentional drugs by food manufacturers. Now you know why a Twinkie has those weird and unpronounceable ingredients in it. Those are often drugs, my friend.
“Luckily Rama was not suckered into taking drugs. And many years ago, he became a raw foodist. He told me it takes many, many years and constant spiritual and bodily healing work to defeat the negative influences of drugs in the body. Even if you’re not using them anymore. Countless of these special souls have been lured into taking drugs and that was their downfall and destruction.
“They were told that taking drugs was the way to enlightenment but nothing could be further from the truth.
“I personally know of one powerful Light Worker who died due to drug use earlier this year. I also have other people in my life who were supposed to be Light Workers too, but they were totally co-opted by the negative forces by the simple fact they were heavy drug users at one time in their lives. Even years after not doing drugs they’re still being influenced by the negative forces because of it. They just can’t tune into their own Divinity anymore. And at this point, they serve the Devil or negative powers rather than God.
“To give you an idea … Rama can remotely look into your body (from thousands of miles away) and know whether or not you’ve taken drugs recently, or even at all.
“He can also look into your body remotely with his spiritual X-ray vision and see if you’ve been eating cooked food or not. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of his telepathic abilities.
“He has detailed memories of many of his past lives. But he also has detailed memories of the past lives of other people, myself included. Which I currently have no recollection of.
“Rama told me many times that I’m one of a handful of Light Workers who was not destroyed by drugs. And if I were a Light Worker that would make total sense because I’ve never taken any illicit drugs in my life. And I quit drinking alcohol before I turned 21. And I don’t have a history of taking a lot of prescription drugs either, which are also just as problematic. I’m one of the very few who has survived the multi-pronged onslaught of the Cabal.
“Rama also told me of famous saints and spiritual figures from previous incarnations who have been totally destroyed by the use of drugs. Some of these people were famous in our lifetime. One of them he said was Bob Marley. Marley didn’t come anywhere close to living up to his potential as you can now imagine as he was famous for using drugs.
“The Cabal has so many weapons against the positive forces of the LIGHT. It’s not just drugs. It’s definitely the school system and Universities. It’s definitely the brainwashing BS or “programming” they put on TV and in movies. It’s the “fake news” mainstream media which many Americans are finally starting to realize is riddled with propaganda. And it’s the chemicalized, processed and refined cooked food.
“I mean, why would 80% of the American population look like beached whales if there wasn’t something terribly wrong with the foods that most people eat?
“The truth is that the food companies actually put in all sorts of drugs into cooked, processed food. By heating different substances together, you can make a food more addictive and increase appetite. That’s chemistry for ya. Cooked food changes your mood because it’s a drug, too.
“Why is bread called the staff of life? It should be called the staff of death. Wheat is known to make people passive and weak and to make them sick. Gluten intolerance, anyone?
“So when you’re sick and weak minded you’re much more easily controlled by the forces of Evil that don’t want you to know they’re secretly controlling your life.
“So now you know why, when I told Rama about the email I wanted to write, that he rhetorically asked me, “Is it just me or is this place a f-ing train wreck?”
“And the train wreck he’s referring to is the human inhabitants of planet Earth (not the animals) that have been so warped and perverted by the Cabal that many of their spiritual antennas are turned upside down. Rama said that I really have no clue what true humans are like. The vast majority have been turned into sub-humans by the nefarious actions of the Cabal.
“The bad news is … Humanity right now is nowhere near the realization of its full potential.
“The good news is … you can easily reverse this trend by aligning yourself with Nature and the higher laws. And it starts by making your body healthy and full of LIGHT with Raw Foods. This is a fast and safe way to purify your body of drugs and toxins from all sources … illegal, legal and from the many mood altering chemicals in cooked / processed food itself.”
What I want to add to this post is that it’s always darkest right before the Dawn, and it isn’t Dawn yet as not too many Light Workers have been fulfilling their higher life purpose. (Or maybe, it just appears that way.) But I am confident in the Divine Plan.
In my eBook on 2012 and the shift in consciousness (which I’m updating at the moment with a new title and some added info, to be released this month) I discuss the importance of increasing your health with diet and lifestyle changes and I gave a few names of health experts to follow, including Roger Haeske. (It’s not my area of expertise, although I probably understand more about what constitutes good nutrition than most MDs.)
What do you think about Roger’s email? What insight do you have about the “state of the Light Workers” at this time? Please share your insights in the comment section below. And thanks for your insight!