Professor Knut Wittkowski was for 20 years head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design. He has been doing epidemic modeling for 35 years. This blog post shares his take on the pandemic.
I got a medical student online to transcribe an interview with Professor Knut Wittkowski. Then I proofread the document while listening to the interview. I will not post my summary here, as it’s good for you to read the interview and to come to your own conclusions. Yes, coming to your own conclusions is vital, especially right now.
Below is the link to a PDF of the interview. You may want to read the document while you follow along with the interview. A link to the video, if you want to see the video as well, is in the PDF.
Perspective on the Pandemic – Professor Knut Wittkowski April 1-2 ‘20 Interview NYC
Whatever you do, please continue connecting within to your higher guidance and continue learning. Don’t have an already-made-up mind, instead keep on learning. There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance in the world right now, and the key to putting the pieces together for yourself is having an open mind, strengthening your relationship with your inner guidance, and continuing on your learning path. Just like a child.
There’s lots of good information on the Internet from independent professors, doctors and citizen journalists who are not beholden to corporate funding or to the outdated corporate healthcare paradigm. (See post below for a few examples.)
Be well, and may God bless you.
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