In this blog post, I am sharing irrefutable evidence of the significant health improvements you can achieve by following naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s “Love Your Liver” nutrition program … regardless of your age. If you are unfamiliar with this program, you may want to read, or reread, my previous three posts on this health topic: 1st post, 2nd post and 3rd post.
I have already shared my one-year health update in this blog post. But today I am sharing, with specific and measurable proof shown below, what can be accomplished by an 88-year-old male (my dad) in merely six months of making a few simple changes in his daily dietary habits.
That such significant health improvements can be accomplished by a person in their latter 80s in just six months time is proof of the validity and power of Dr. Smith’s toxic bile theory and Love Your Liver nutrition program. As we all know, the older we are, the harder it is to make significant positive changes in our health. The older we are, the more toxins we have stored in our liver and our bodies.
Anyway, I helped my dad reverse his total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood sugar, and the kidney disease markers Creatinine and EGFR. In fact, it appears that every serum marker got significantly better over the last 6 months, just by him following a few easy daily nutrition steps I learned from the Love Your Liver program. (And, it’s almost as if my dad is reverse aging!)
Here are the specific details. In the last six months, my dad’s:
- Total cholesterol went down from 229 (marked as High) to 190
- HDL cholesterol went down from 67 to 59
- Triglycerides went down from 88 to 71
- LDL cholesterol went down from 143 (marked as High) to 114 (still a bit High)
- Non-HDL cholesterol went down from 162 (marked as High) to 131 (still a bit High)
- Fasting glucose went from 112 (marked as High) to 101 (still slightly High)
- Kidney function marker Creatinine went from 1.32 (marked as High) to 1.13
- Kidney function marker EGFR went from 53 (marked as Low) to 63
For the last marker, the EGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is a test that measures the level of kidney function and determines your stage of kidney disease. An EGFR higher than 60 means you have at least 60% kidney function. Generally, the higher the number, the better the kidney function.
I have heard that reversing kidney disease is supposedly extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do. It’s true that Grant Genereux, the Canadian construction engineer, while he was in his 50s, reversed his stage 4 kidney disease completely on a super low “vitamin” A diet (meaning he avoided foods high in “vitamin” A). I discussed Grant’s experience in a previous blog post here, but an 88-year-old improving kidney function? How is that even possible?
Furthermore, what I find astonishing is my dad did not even follow the Love Your Liver program completely. He did not even follow 50% of it. I mean, you can probably understand that it is hard for an older person to totally change their eating habits. So, I only helped him make a few easy changes that he was (somewhat) willing to do. It was a slow process. (We started in April 2024 when I visited him.) He is still eating his daily Sam’s Club apple turnover, he’s still having a beer or a mixed drink, or two. He’s still eating too many sweets and indulging in pizza and chicken wings too often. Imagine what would happen if he had followed Dr. Smith’s program more completely. Imagine also the results a person a few decades younger would have if they were serious about following the Love Your Liver program.
By the way, it’s not just his lab values that improved; my dad is actually feeling better, too, including mentally and emotionally. He mentioned that he is no longer constipated, and he is no longer telling his children that he outlived his own parents and that it is time for him to go. My sister also shared with me that she noticed his better outlook as well.
So, you might be wondering … what changes did my dad actually make? In a nutshell, he is eating more soluble fiber foods (organic overnight oats, some psyllium in his oats, beans such as white or pinto beans), more lean muscle meat protein (chicken, turkey, some beef), fewer high “vitamin” A foods (from animal and vegetable sources), and he is taking one activated charcoal drink, before bed. (Maybe he will up his activated charcoal to twice a day, some day soon… Maybe he’ll take some minerals such as selenium, molybdenum or zinc … in their right forms.) For your health and enjoyment, I am including my overnight oats recipe at the bottom of this post.
Most Important Point to Understand
It is important to get that these positive changes did not happen by taking drugs or supplements to try to move the numbers, which is the standard of care in both allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. You know, they give you things to take, in order to try to move the numbers. My dad did not take any drugs or any supplements, period. He did not take any “vitamins,” not even once.
Rather, these positive changes were brought about by minimizing toxic foods in the diet, and eating more foods that help remove toxins from the diet. The one “supplement” that he did take, activated charcoal, did not add anything to his diet but actually helped remove toxins from his intestinal tract. (Activated charcoal is the best binder of heavy metals and toxins by far.)
The added protein in his diet also helped remove toxins, by there being more retinol-binding protein in his system that safely helps remove retinoic acids from his body. And the added soluble fiber foods, the organic oats, beans, barley and psyllium (that bind to toxins in his intestines) also helped remove toxins from his diet. I cannot stress this point enough.
It just goes to show what just a few easy tips I took from Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program (the best detox and nutrition doctor in the world!) will do. The proof is shown below for your examination.
Proof of Specific and Measurable Results
I covered up my dad’s identity information. The first page of data below is from May 2023 . (Date of blood tests shows 05/17/2023.)
The second page of data is from end of September 2024. (Date of blood tests shows 09/27/2024.)
Organic Overnight Oats Recipe (serves 2)
1 cup organic rolled oats (instant or regular; I prefer a mixture thereof)
2 tsp. organic ground psyllium husks (for extra soluble fiber)
1 tsp. ground dates (for sweetness, optional)
1 small banana, chopped
1 Tbsp. organic raisins (optional)
1-2 freeze-dried apple chips, crumbled into pieces (optional)
A few shakes of 50/50 salt (KCl and NaCl mixture, use pure white sea salt without added iodine)
–Put all ingredients into large bowl and mix well. Fill 2 glass jars with the mixture above. Fill to the top, a quarter inch or so above the oatmeal mixture, with filtered or RO water. (Experiment with how wet you like the oats.) Place in fridge overnight. In the morning, take the oats out and allow to warm up to room temperature for about an hour or so. Stir and enjoy!
Take your health back and prosper!
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