When I was cat sitting at a friend’s house at the beginning of December, something unusual happened, which I intuitively viewed as a kind of tipping point. It was December 1, and as I sat in the kitchen that evening, I noticed how unusually warm it was in the house compared to previous days. A couple of hours later, around 10:00 at night, I went outside. It was a balmy 70 degrees outside!
I checked the weather app on my phone and the temperature was 46 degrees where I lived in Felton, just several miles away. Then I checked the temperatures in the nearby towns of Saratoga, Campbell, San Jose and even downtown Los Gatos. The temperatures were at least 20 degrees cooler than where I was. So weird.
So, I spent some time outside that night, enjoying the warmth, looking up at the stars, half-expecting to see a UFO or something. But I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in the night sky.
The next morning it was still around 20 degrees warmer outside compared to other towns nearby. I had my coffee outside on the deck and took a screenshot of my phone.

You can see a 20-degree difference between my location in Los Gatos (I was in the Los Gatos mountains) and central Los Gatos just a few miles away.
I texted my friends, the homeowners, about the temperature anomaly, but they didn’t have any answers for me. “Wow, enjoy the miracle,” she said.
Later that day, I came across an image of the date on social media. It was December 2, 2021.

I discovered that the date December 2, 2021, when viewed in digital form, is a both a palindrome and an ambigram. Which means you can read the date from left to right, from right to left, and also when flipped upside down.
I took this as a sign of a shift in the energy, a flipping of the energy, a positive sign for the world, a positive sign for humanity! And the epicenter appeared to be near my friend’s house! It made my day! (If you’ve followed my writing for any length of time, you may know I’m big on signs and synchronicities.)
A couple of weeks later, I noticed that the terms “tipping point” and “flipping” were the topic of a few videos of people I follow who discuss the Great Awakening that’s occurring at the moment. For example, Clif High, in his “Revealing Woo” video of 12/19/21, says that, “The load is lightening already. Things have turned already; it’s getting a little easier.”
He goes on to say that, “the light at the end of this is a little brighter, every step we take gets us that much closer, every action you take gets you that much closer. Don’t stop; keep going. It is being revealed to us every day.”
Soon after, my friend Salini Teri Apodaca, who is a healer and Reiki master who helps people heal from SRA and PTSD, said on her channel that, “It’s time to act boldly.”
Then on January 5, 2022 David Nino Rodriguez interviewed Juan O’ Savin, where Juan gave an update on the current situation. The video is titled, “The Year of the Tipping Point.”
I am also sure that Tore Says has a lot to do with the tipping point, with the people gaining ground against our oppressors / the globalists, with wins that are happening because of actions taken earlier last year, and sooner. (Follow ToreSay+ on Telegram.)
I wrote the paragraphs above in a Word document, then prepared myself for a trip to Buffalo, New York I was doing on the 12th of January. More good news was soon to follow …
Supreme Court Ruling on Government Health Mandates
On Thursday January 14 the Supreme Court of the United States, in a 6 – 3 vote, ruled that the vaccine-or-testing mandate is both illegal and unconstitutional. This is very good news! This ruling from the highest court also sets a precedent that will affect all vaccine mandates, all across the board.
I believe this SCOTUS ruling is a huge tipping point and that from this point on, we will see positive changes happening in the world, and they will occur faster and faster. That is, after an intense (but hopefully brief) period of chaos, confusion and disbelief on the part of those who are still married to the mainstream narrative. And if you are observant, you will notice the narrative (“matrix”) is currently falling apart.
If you live in a big city, or a city known for its “peaceful protests,” you might want to lay low for a while. This is when having a few weeks’ worth of food and supplies in the house will come in handy.
We’re in for some Intense Spiritual Awakening!
I am reminded of the chaos and confusion in my own life 20 years ago, and how it eventually led to my spiritual awakening and subsequent understanding of what’s going on right now. (I have written about this in my spiritual awakening memoir. A year and a half later, I wrote a how-to book on the spiritual awakening process.)
Even though the world appears to be super messed up and chaotic right now, I know from personal, firsthand experience that the driving force behind this process is God, and that eventually, we will be in a much, much better place. As I’ve said for many years, the faster you awaken and follow your inner guidance, the faster you will get there.
Remember, we hypnotized ourselves so we could play the Earth “game” for some highly noble reasons: so we could learn through personal, firsthand experience and become more compassionate, understanding, loving, sovereign, evolved human beings in the process. And since we each had a say in the creation of this “matrix,” each of us also has the capacity to awaken from it and fulfill God’s plan, by connecting with our higher self and following through with our inner guidance. (Which is what Christ did; we are just following Christ’s example. We are not waiting for Christ to save us, we are following Christ consciousness.)
And now, I’d like to share the following, most recent personal experience:
Sharing Good News about My Dad and Ivermectin
My 84-year-old father, who lives near Buffalo, New York, has been doing fine all throughout the plandemic. My cousin and I had coached him to steer clear of any C0VID injectables, which he’s done. But then in December my dad’s doctor convinced him to get the annual flu shot. He got so sick at Christmas, with horrible muscle pains and bad flu symptoms, and he sounded so horrible, that my niece who’s a nurse wanted to take him to the hospital. I said, NO WAY is he going to the hospital at Christmas! (I had heard of many old people being left to die in hospitals, especially in states such as New York. Me being paranoid of this, I did not want him to go to the hospital and suffer the same consequences.)
Luckily, I had ordered some Ivermectin a month before and tracking showed that my package was already in the U.S. After I received the Ivermectin two days later I overnighted my dad some of it. On the 4th day of taking the Ivermectin (costs less than a dollar a pill), he got out of bed to watch television. A couple of days later he was walking up and down the stairs. He says his taste buds are the only thing that isn’t back to normal yet. Yesterday, I took a photo of him working on a puzzle at the dining room table. I am happy to be visiting him at the moment, and thrilled that he has his health back!

In case you want to know, I ordered my Ivermectin from the following link: https://brooksagnew.blog/ivermectin-report/
I ordered an “Ivermectin report,” which got me 100 “samples,” or enough for at least 10 adults. According to the seller, shipping to the U.S. usually takes 4-6 weeks. It took about 5 weeks to receive my package. (Note Jan 24 updated shipping info: Now that Christmas season is over, shipping is only 2 – 3 weeks.)
My cousin who lives in Michigan received his in only 3 weeks. (And he got his in perfect timing for his bout with some kind of lung infection / bronchitis. After taking high doses of Ivermectin, Vitamins C, D3 and zinc, his wife said he was totally healed on the 4th day.) I have read, in forums where people comment, that Ivermectin helps in all stages of illness, though of course the sooner, the better.
According to several sources who are MDs, Ivermectin also helps people detox from “injected thingamajigs” that they might have second thoughts about being exposed to, as well. However, as part of a good protocol, some “Frontline” doctors advise taking Patented Detox Supplements such as Vitamin C, D3 and zinc before thinking of Ivermectin for detoxing. Please do your own research so you feel comfortable that you have the best protocol for you.
You might also want to listen to the Saturday, January 8th episode of Mike Bara’s show, where several people share their personal experiences with Ivermectin. Here’s the link to Mike Bara’s website: https://mikebara.blogspot.com/
Please take good care of yourself and have no fear, no matter what’s happening around you. Trust that God’s got this, and that your connection with God will get you through!
Update for January 17, 2022 in Cheektowaga, NY … My dad working the snowblower.

Image of dominoes by FirminoGennarino from Pixabay
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