Tag: <span>Your Higher Purpose</span>

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Many people are experiencing more vivid dreams lately, so I am republishing an old 2011 article of mine from ezinearticles on how to interpret your dreams. I am aware that humanity is going through an intense period of awakening, and one of the ways that Spirit speaks to you and guides you through this awakening is through your dreams.

My last blog post focused on remembering your dreams. You might want to read that post first, and follow the tips in it. Once you are able to remember your dreams, you will want to interpret them, and understand them better. So, what are the keys to understanding your dreams?

The main key to understanding your dreams involves strengthening the relationship you have with your higher self and cultivating a deeper, clearer, and more real relationship with that inner part of you. If you are like most people, you probably paid little attention to your “higher self” as you learned to fit in and play your role in society. (No worries about that though; there is a point to everyone playing their role, which we will learn in due time.)

But now, at this time of the Great Awakening, becoming more conscious of your higher self and confident in that inner connection is the key. This inner connection will become super valuable and important, especially when you see societal systems collapsing around you, and you see that you can no longer rely on them. Let’s put it this way: the time ahead will be A LOT easier for you if you are confident in your connection with your higher self (your direct connection to God) and experience regular confirmation of that connection.

Anyway, back to interpreting our dreams. I have previously shared that before I reconnected to my higher self, I was not good at remembering my dreams and had a hard time interpreting them. (I would remember, maybe, only the last parts of my dreams.) But after I became more connected to my higher self, my dreams became clearer and more vivid. Also, I could remember details about them that I considered relevant to what was happening in my life at the time.

The following is an example of a dream I had in 2005. I include this dream here because it has some significance to the time of awakening that we are going through right now. The following dream is an excerpt from my spiritual awakening memoir:

“At the end of January 2005, I awakened from a dream where I was scrambling across a craggy landscape that looked like the aftermath of a mountain explosion. Large boulders and slabs lay all around me in disarray, as though they had fallen from the sky. Crevices wide enough to fall through stymied your path; you had to watch your every move. I was stepping through the wreckage, hopping from boulder to boulder, headed towards a city that looked like ancient Rome. When I entered the city through the front gates, I saw lions living among the people. Lions loitered in the courtyards, on the piazzas and the verandas. The people hummed about the city guardedly—quite understandable, given that you could never be sure what a lion might do. I too walked around feeling guarded, and slipped away to a safe place while still going about my normal business. I was with a Hispanic woman. She had been stopped for questioning at one of the city’s checkpoints—a common thing. And as I was waiting for her, I awakened from my dream.

“After I recorded this dream into my journal, it occurred to me that the people had learned to live with the lions; the two had coexisted. And perhaps after a few generations, it became the only way they knew how to live. They had learned how to walk, what to do, what to feed the lions. They went about their daily business taking certain precautions and thus, were relatively safe. And then, the lions did not seem so much like lions anymore. They mostly lazed around, swishing their tails.”—End of excerpt.

Back in 2005, when I awakened from this dream, I interpreted it to mean that I had a decent handle on things, and that I was supposed to keep going with my mission while “coexisting” with my fears. Later, I saw an additional meaning in this dream: that I have learned my lessons and have learned to coexist with my biggest fears to the point where they no longer blocked me from doing what I was here to do. My fears have been transformed. In fact, what I discovered is that my biggest fears turned out to be the catalysts that helped me discover my unique contribution toward this important time in humanity’s history.

Your spiritual awakening (strengthening your connection with your higher self, your connection with God / the Universe) is an important step in your journey. It is why you are here, on this Earth, at this time. And even though the events we will go through will be extremely challenging, if your connection with your higher self is strong, your fears will not have the same hold they had on you in the past. (Yes, I do believe that world events will get rockier before they get better.)

To summarize, one of the ways that Spirit speaks to you and guides you in your life is through your dreams. This is why it’s worth the effort to remember your dreams, to try to understand them, and to strengthen your relationship with your higher self.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6128690

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If 2020 hasn’t been crazy enough for you, events in 2021 have escalated to a whole new level. This is why it’s high time to strengthen your connection with God, trust yourself in that connection, and awaken to the bigger picture, the Great Awakening.

The last few weeks, the world seems to be spiraling more and more out of control. For example, are you aware that the Italian government has just collapsed? Are you aware that Italy and NATO were involved in rigging elections in the U.S.? Have you heard that Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel has stepped down? Are members of the Dutch government resigning? Has Estonia’s prime minister already resigned? Is Putin rewriting Russia’s Constitution? Did Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict receive the C0r0navirus vaccine? And I wonder: Will it be announced in the near future that both popes have passed away, not long after the vaccine was administered?

I caught the news about the popes getting the C0VID vaccine from a local California TV news network at a friend’s house a couple of nights ago. My friend happened to be surfing the channels, searching for a game show to watch as the news headline about the two popes spread across the screen. (I’ve avoided watching the TV news, particularly lately, but managed to catch that gem.)

Is the news getting to be too much lately? Is it enough to make your head spin? Well, I’m writing this blog post to share that when you don’t know whom to trust or what to believe, that’s your cue to go within, pray, and strengthen the connection you have with God. So that you can connect with the truth within, awaken to the bigger picture, to your inner power, and to your role at this time in the Divine Plan.

I have a bit of an advantage at this time in this “Great Awakening” as I’ve gone through a spiritual awakening more than 13 years ago and have written two books on that subject. My first book is a personal account, a memoir of my awakening experience, and the second one is a how-to book. It explains in plain, simple language how to strengthen the connection with your soul, your “higher self,” which is your direct connection with God, with the Christ within, with Christ consciousness. My second book shares what I’ve learned from my awakening experience, and how I began to “innerstand,” to see things differently, ever since.

You see, my world began to spiral out of control soon after the dawn of the new millennium, the year 2000. I sought answers to my crises and discovered that ultimately, the answers would need to come from within myself. Feeling that there was nothing or no one that could help me, I knew that I needed to help myself, by finding the truth within.

It was a lonely path, with years of loneliness and unease. My path was being shown by my inner connection and occasionally (about three times a year for about seven years), I would receive a channeled message over the phone from the Counsel of Light that helped me connect more deeply and gain more confidence in that inner connection.

The channeled messages helped strengthen that inner connection. I was given a “heart and soul” meditation to practice, and learned to follow my inner guidance. In fact, in the beginning, when I didn’t have a lot of confidence in that inner connection, my higher self “activated” my heart before receiving an important insight. The “preview” feeling of upliftment helped me pay attention to the guidance that soon followed.

Over the years, I discovered that when I paid at least as much attention to my inner guidance as I did to the outside world, that was when “critical mass” occurred. That’s when I began to “spiral upwards,” awaken spiritually and receive favorable synchronicities and blessings from “the Universe” as positive reinforcement, as well as confirmation that I was on the right path. You may call this path the hero’s journey. The hero’s journey is how we discover our contribution to the Golden Age, and how we build a new world.

I’ve written over 150 articles and blog posts on spiritual awakening (many of which you can find on this blog). I’ve worked hard to share my message, but haven’t reached many people. Hopefully, my work can now provide comfort to many more people during this time of turmoil.

Remember that the truth is within you, and God is within you. Yes, there will be heroes and heroines in the world, but even if you have no idea what’s going on right now you are not just a victim. You are here for a reason. You helped plan this human journey way back when, which means the answers to its fulfillment are within you. You can help yourself and help others. Rise up now and help the world.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinManifesting ResultsHave you been meaning to write a book or begin a health and fitness plan? Do you have an idea for a small business that you’d like to start, but you haven’t yet gotten into action with your project? How do you make a commitment to your project or higher purpose so that you’re fully empowered to get it done? How do you keep going and not stop at the first significant obstacle that presents itself? How do you become unstoppable?

This last weekend I spent in a workshop given by a successful, heart-centered, conscientious business coach in California named Bill Baren who shared how he made sure that he would go full forward, not procrastinate, and not dilly-dally, with a business idea he wanted to have succeed.

Bill Baren graduated with a degree in computer science and Russian literature from Stanford University. After college he could have easily gotten a job in computer engineering and made good money with that, but Bill wanted to go into the music industry and start a record label. However, this is not what his parents, who were Ukrainian immigrants who had known true poverty and struggle, wanted to hear.

So how was Bill going to enroll his parents into his project in a conscious, responsible, adult way, so that both parties would be empowered with it?

He decided to have a conversation with them and tell them about his business project. He laid the what, the why, the when and the how of the business plan all out on the table in detail. And then he asked for their commitment that during the first two years, they would not criticize him or talk him out of his project. “You are not allowed to talk me out of it, or to criticize me, or to nag me about the project,” he told them.

It was a two-hour conversation, but in the end they agreed he’d have a two-year no-nagging zone. And after the conversation was over, it became apparent to Bill that he had just bound himself into an invisible contract. “Holy shit!” He said to himself. “Now I’m going to have to make this happen! There’s no back door and no way out. There’s no plan B. Anyway, that’s it. I did not have a plan B.”

And make it happen he did. Within two years he produced an album that was highly successful. And then, like a serial entrepreneur, he went on to his next project …

Going out on a limb and telling others about your project is a way of making sure you stick to it, to make sure there’s no way out and there’s no plan B, to make sure you manifest results. In fact, it’s how I got my two book projects done as well. But my story is a bit different …

So what happened was, I was going through some crises at the time and attended a spiritual workshop that I thought would help me solve my crises … only as a result of the workshop I was told that I’d write a book about what love really is and how life really works here on this planet. And I was told that what I learned over the next few years I was to share with others through these books. (This was a channeled message from the Counsel of Light, channeled by Flo Aevevia Magdalena.)

Over the next year or two I explored the idea and mustered up the courage to begin this book, even though I had no idea what it was that I’d write about. Still, I told a few important people in my life that I’d write a book and that they could count on me for that, even though I didn’t know yet about what and was absolutely terrified of the idea. I just knew my mission had something to do with the promises I had made to myself and others in the spirit world before I incarnated into my body, the Plan sanctioned by “Our Father Who Art in Heaven.” I’d have to try to “remember” that plan.

I had a sense by then that I’d just have to follow my intuition, and I wasn’t going to give myself a way out. I did not have a plan B. The Counsel of Light had stressed that my mission was way too important to ignore and that I was the one who could accomplish it.

So I made the commitment, I closed the back door and moved out of a relatively safe situation at the time, even though I still didn’t know what I was going to do or write about. I did not have any clarity about my book project. And that’s because many of the things that ended up in my book happened after I made the commitment.

But you know what? My commitment was my biggest ally. When my Mom called me several months later to beg me to go back to my safe home situation, because she was worried and scared for me, I was able to tell her, “Don’t worry Mom, everything will be okay. I will do it. It will all be okay,” even though I was scared about that myself, as my book was yet unformed and so much more was going to happen that would later clarify my project. But after that conversation with my Mom, I realized I had no choice but to complete this project after all …

So it really is like that Himalayan expedition quote:

“Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative or creation, there is one elementary truth … that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man would have believed would have come his way.

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.”—W. H. Murray

So don’t wait. Begin your book, health program, spiritual awakening, new business idea, or higher purpose empowered to manifest results, the way Bill Baren recommends and the way that worked for me, too. And while you’re at it, get my free spiritual awakening Quick Start Guide that will rev up your intuition and help you awaken to a whole new perspective about life on this planet.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinYour Higher SelfThere are many good reasons to connect with, and strengthen your relationship with, your higher self. As you’re probably aware, your higher self is also known as your soul, your true self, your authentic self, your inner being, and your access point to God, Spirit, Infinity, the Divine. The top ten reasons to connect with your higher self, in no particular order of importance, are listed below.

1. To discover your higher life purpose.

Everyone has a higher life purpose that we are to fulfill during this time of rapid spiritual awakening and transformation. The way you discover your higher purpose is by developing a deeper, clearer and stronger relationship with your higher self. The “map” or “blueprint” to your higher life purpose is within you and your higher self will guide you on whatever your next step is.

2. To rev up your intuition.

Nothing increases your intuition better than connecting with and paying attention to your higher self. Your higher self will help guide you on your daily path, and you’ll experience more favorable synchronicities. This means whatever you need so that you can fulfill the next step of your higher life purpose will show up for you.

Want to gain confidence in your intuition? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to activate your spiritual awakening? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to see glimpses of your higher life purpose? Cultivate a strong relationship with your higher self. Want to gain confidence in yourself? … You get the picture.

3. To gain access to your wisdom from all time.

Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You’ve probably had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom you’ve acquired by reconnecting within and paying attention to that inner part of you.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to receive in the present moment the wisdom from all your past lives, all aspects of yourself, and your innate wisdom will become increasingly available to you now.

4. To clear your karma and make sense of your life and “soul contracts” with others.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll begin to understand your life and your soul agreements with others from the perspective of the higher self–which will heal and transform your life. You will then be truly, authentically grateful for having gone through your process (your life path and how it helped you grow). Almost nothing feels better than gratitude when it’s authentic.

5. To restore inner balance, wholeness and peace.

Your soul is the place from where you restore right- and left-brain balance and wholeness (“lower level” human consciousness comes together with “higher level” or “divine” consciousness). After you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll also notice the constant chattering in your head will diminish greatly (if not completely) and the battles that sometimes occur in your mind will diminish.

6. To finally realize your potential.

The energy of your soul is the energy of your potential. (Your potential includes your innate wisdom, and your unique gifts and abilities.)  When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll create a life that you’ll actually love to live.

7. To access Interconnectedness and all its gifts.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll connect with Interconnectedness and receive its gifts. This means you’ll experience more flow in your life, more favorable and amazing synchronicities, a sense of perfect timing, greater cooperation with the people in your life, as well as new insights that help increase your understanding of life. These are considered the gifts of Interconnectedness. And when you benefit, so will everyone and everything else around you–as everyone and everything is connected to you through the Interconnectedness.

8. To jump start your spiritual awakening and “Ascension process”

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll raise your awareness, awaken spiritually, and expand (“ascend”) your consciousness.  In fact, you’ll begin to see the world from a higher perspective, as if you had the perspective of God. After all, your higher self is a fragment of God.

When you begin to see the world from this higher perspective, your behaviors and habits will change, even those habits you’ve had a hard time changing up until that point.

9. To work with more than just your will alone.

When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll be working with more than just your will alone. You’ll have the support of Divine will. Which means that miracles and magic will occur that aren’t possible through your will alone.

Your higher self has access to the larger Divine Plan. By fulfilling your role in the Divine Plan (by fulfilling your higher life purpose), you’ll help bring about the Golden Age for humanity.

10. To finally experience true happiness.

It’s true. When you strengthen your relationship with your higher self, you’ll finally experience true happiness. And that’s because your higher self will be getting expressed in the world. (If your soul doesn’t get expressed in the world, you won’t experience much happiness.)

Plus, when you begin to understand what’s really going on here on Earth, the higher perspective of what’s going on, God’s view, that alone will bring you tons of joy.

So these are the top 10 reasons why it’s worth your while to strengthen your relationship with your higher self.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinRecently I came across a five minute video of Catherine Austin Fitts talking about her experience of speaking at a spiritual conference to which she was invited. For those not familiar with Catherine Fitts, she has served as managing director and member of the Board of Directors of a major Wall Street investment bank and as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration. Ms. Fitts has been extensively interviewed on KPFA radio, an alternative media outlet, and is currently the publisher of The Solari Report. (Access the video here.)

I found what she shared in the video (uploaded May 30, 2013) about her experience interacting with participants at the spiritual conference extremely compelling, enough to make it the focus of at least a couple of articles on my blog. Ms. Fitts stated,

“I have been asked by a friend to speak to a group called Spiritual Frontiers Foundation. They have a conference once a year where they explore how they can help our society evolve spiritually. They’re very committed to a higher spiritual life. And I have been asked to give a speech called “How The Money Works In Organized Crime” which later became a very funny, a famous article, “Narco-Dollars for Beginners.”

So I’m in the middle of the speech talking about how the U.S. Congress had had hearings about allegations of narcotics trafficking by the intelligence agencies into South Central L.A. It’s called the so called “Dark Alliance Allegations.” At that time the Department of Justice had told a reporter who I was working with that the U.S. Economy launders five hundred billion to a trillion dollars a year in illegal money. That’s not just narcotics trafficking, it’s financial fraud, illegal gambling, everything. So I said to this wonderful group of spiritually evolved committed people, “What would happen if we stop being the global leader in money laundering?”

They said, “Well, you know, it would be a problem because that money would not go to the New York Stock Exchange. If we stopped, you know, the money would leave and go to Hong Kong or Zurich and we’d have trouble refinancing the government deficit.”

So I said, “Well, let’s pretend there’s a big red button up here on the lectern. And if you push that button, you can stop all hard narcotics trafficking in your county, your community, your neighborhood, your state, your country, tomorrow, thus offending the people who control not only a half a trillion to a trillion dollars a year of dirty money but the accumulated capital thereon. Who here will push the button?” And out of a hundred people dedicated to evolving our society spiritually only one would push the button.

I wouldn’t let him answer so I said to the other ninety-nine, “Why would you not push the button?” And they said, “We don’t want our IRA and 401(k) to go down in value. We don’t want our mutual funds to decline and we don’t want our government checks to stop because we don’t, you know, if you had trouble financing the government deficit, our government checks would stop or our taxes would go up.”

And so I said, “So you want the powers to continue to market drugs to your neighbor’s children to keep your taxes low and your 401(k) up.”

And they said, “Yes, that’s right.”

And what was interesting, the epiphany I had that day was that everyone was so afraid to face that, or talk about that, that we couldn’t get to a point where we could do what I call, “turn the red button green.” Because the right question is not, “How do we push the red button? The right question is how do we make money pushing the red button? How do we turn the red button green?” Because if you can make money pushing the red button, then you can push the red button. And no one feels safe enough or comfortable enough to talk about this.

It’s a little bit like…when you take methadone. Methadone or drugs makes your body weaker and weaker and weaker so it can’t possibly be profitable. It’s the same with an economy. The more the economy depends on criminal enterprise the more you’re making money at things that make you economically stupid. Okay? Because you’re doing, you’re getting good at criminal enterprise. You’re getting good at financial fraud instead of getting good at things that really are useful and have some real economic productivity to them. So you’re making your body politic weaker and weaker the more dependent you get on this money. So it can’t lead to anyplace good.

So there is a way to turn the red button green but it starts by being honest with each other. And one of the reasons I wrote the article “Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff” is, we’ve got to face this. We’ve got to look at that if we’re going to turn the red button green. In that sense we have all been complicit because we’ve been letting the leadership draw us in a more and more perverted and criminal way and as we’ve done it we’ve made the body politic weaker and weaker and weaker because we’re all spending our time doing things that are making us stupider instead of spending our time making things that make us healthier and stronger.”

Ms. Fitts posed those questions to the audience in the spiritual conference during the Summer of 2000, and it is my hope that in the Summer of 2013 (13 years later, and after 9/11) that there are more than just one in 100 “spiritually conscious” people that are not only willing to talk about how to “turn the red button green,” but are actively pursuing ways in which to do so.

Is it actually true that for our economy to prosper, we need to turn a blind eye to the illegal drug trade, we need to hook the neighbors’ kids on drugs? No way! It’s like saying we need to keep selling land mines otherwise our way of life and our economy will collapse, we need to sell more weapons. The truth is, selling land mines is extremely profitable for the manufacturer of land mines and those directly involved in land mine sales, but certainly not for the average Joe Public.

It is my hope that 13 years later, more and more people are acknowledging the lies, more and more people are realizing that the fears that were keeping them aligned to the old systems and the old ways of being are based on false assumptions, propaganda and downright lies.

And it’s not just the illegal drug industry that is full of lies, many other industries are as well: the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry, the defense industry, the energy industry, the processed food industry, among many, many others.

It is my assertion that “spirituality” is about becoming socially and spiritually aware, becoming conscious to the lies we bought into, and taking the steps necessary to fulfill our higher purpose. In fact, fulfilling our higher purpose is how we “turn the red button green.” Everything else is just fluff. (Find my latest article on fulfilling your higher purpose here.)

No matter what happens around you it is not the end of the world, it is just a transition and each one of us has a unique contribution to creating a world that works for everyone, a “Golden Age.” Getting that message out and sharing helpful real-life experiences and insights via my books and my blog has been my main focus for the last several years, and it seems to have made some difference. Thirteen years ago, when Ms. Fitts was speaking at that spiritual conference, the possibility of turning the red button green was not even in the conversation, not even on the radar, but now it is. And that is indeed progress.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinMy last post, “The Bigger Picture And Divine Plan – It’s Not What You Think It Is,” which is about the importance of fulfilling your higher purpose as well as the idea that you won’t consciously know what your individual, specific higher purpose is (and you certainly won’t be able to understand the bigger picture)–not until you have made it a practice of following through with your inner guidance daily and then seeing what happens over a period of time–generated a few comments from people thanking me for the reminder for them to make it a practice of meditating daily and listening to their higher guidance. (Whew! That was a lot to cover in one sentence!)

My friend Joshua Tilghman, who is the force behind The Spirit of the Scripture blog, wrote,

“Good post, Christine. I just wanted to add that the process can be sped up a little by living in the NOW and daily meditation.”

Another person shared that she wishes she could make daily meditation a habit, instead of doing it once or a couple times a month.

I agree that daily meditation is the place to begin. However, it is worth examining what your intention behind your daily meditation is. Is your intention behind meditation about receiving higher guidance for your daily life that you will then follow? Or is it because meditation is part of our pop culture now and a “spiritual” thing to do? Or is your intention something else altogether?

Most people have to learn to meditate, they have to learn to focus on hearing that inner guidance, that still, small voice within. Daily meditation (a deliberate and intentional connecting with your higher self / higher guidance) is often needed in order to overcome the very strong inertia and habit of ignoring our inner guidance. (I know this because before I made a conscious commitment over a decade ago to meditate and then follow through with my inner guidance consistently I ignored much of it. And then I noticed that what often happened is that I would feel regret or remorse that I had ignored it; I would regret not having followed through with my intuition in the moment, regret having ignored it or put it off due to simple procrastination or the habit of “remaining small.” And the reason I regretted it is that I realized I had lost some kind of an opportunity that would have given me and those around me joy, or else I got myself into some sort of trouble that made my life more complicated.)

So what did I do to overcome that powerful inertia? Besides making it a practice of meditating 10 to 15 minutes right before I went to sleep at night and right after I awakened (I did the heart and soul meditation described in a post I wrote early on in this blog), several times a day I stopped what I was doing (just for about 30 seconds to a minute) and focused on what I was feeling in my “sacred space” at the moment. What was my heart feeling? Was I feeling or sensing anything different in the center of my chest? Was there any guidance for me to follow at the moment? I had already by then made the commitment to follow through with my inner guidance and now was “checking in” with my higher self, learning to pay attention to subtle feelings, learning to anticipate guidance so that when it came, this time I’d be “on it,” this time I’d follow through. There would be no regrets.

Meditation does not have to be hard, you don’t need to be a “pro” at it, and you don’t need to do it the “right” way, i.e. sitting Indian style with fingers in the right place. It’s not about that at all, I discovered. I tried it the “traditional” way years before and it didn’t work for me and then I “meditated” in bed lying down, right before I fell asleep at night and a little when I woke up. That (and the strong desire to hear and follow through with my higher guidance) was all I needed to finally get things rolling, meaning, experiencing favorable, sometimes amazing synchronicities, new insights, new inspired actions, new connections, plenty of personal growth, as well as feelings of joy and expansion, regularly. In other words, you are being the change you want to see in the world. (Isn’t this why we meditate?)

When you hear the inner voice and you DON’T follow through, well that’s not helping you go forward at all, you’re just remaining stuck in the same old place.

Regarding “Living in the Now,” being connected to that divine part of you and following through with your guidance NOW (promptly, in the moment) is what “Living in the Now” is about. It’s about not worrying about the future because you know that by taking care of what there’s to take care of today you’re transforming your future and you’re being the change you want to see in the world.

What will you do today that will help you be the change you want to see in the world? Don’t put it off any longer!

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIn my blog posts I keep coming back to the importance of fulfilling one’s higher purpose (one’s soul mission and unique contribution) as a prerequisite for understanding the bigger picture of humanity’s journey on this planet. That’s because I keep coming across other blog posts and articles that imply that Disclosure and information about the extent of control the “powers that be” have had on this planet is the Bigger Picture. The belief is that recorded history and hidden documents and other hidden information accurately portray the Divine Plan / the Bigger Picture and spreading this knowledge is how we will finally transform our world. But this view is extremely short-sighted and couldn’t be further from the truth.

No amount of reading or absorbing of information, no matter how seemingly monumental or how revealing, will help you understand the bigger picture of your life (and consequently, the bigger picture of our collective journey here on this planet) if you personally do not apply what you’ve been reading and learning during this great shift in consciousness towards actually fulfilling your own higher purpose.

You do not fulfill your higher purpose or understand the bigger picture by having access to the vast assemblage of hidden or classified information about humanity’s history. You do not have to have special security clearance or spend years studying this information to know what the heck is going on. Viewing hours and hours of “re-education material” on the true history of the world on your television or computer screen will not finally help you understand the Divine Plan / Bigger Picture. Rather, you will discover what the heck is going on on a deeper, visceral, and experiential level when you’re well on your way to fulfilling your soul’s higher purpose.

So how do you discover your higher purpose? How do you learn what that is? I maintain that you do not know what your higher purpose is, and neither does anyone else know what your higher purpose is, no matter how psychic they are. Do you really think that you know what your higher purpose is?

Your ego mind (normal consciousness mind / socially conditioned mind / only-10%-of-the-brain accessing mind) does not know what your higher purpose is. How can it? Only your soul / higher self knows what your higher purpose is, and your conscious mind doesn’t have access to that, at least not all at once. Rather, the way it works is like this: you access your higher purpose one little teeny baby step at a time, by following through with your inner guidance and paying attention to what happens as a result. (Your higher self will not reveal your higher purpose if you’re not ready to follow through, if you haven’t cultivated a deeper relationship with the Divine such that you trust the guidance you’re receiving, which means following through with it promptly and consistently.) So what happens when you follow your guidance one time, what will you have then? You will have one little baby clue, one little insight.

When you have aligned your life with your deepest being and followed through with that guidance promptly and consistently for weeks and months on end, what happens is that the little clues, synchronicities and insights you have experienced begin to come together in such a way that you now have a better idea of what your higher purpose may be. You feel as though the puzzles pieces are coming together. You’re experiencing new insights almost daily. You have some amazing results and you feel “in tune” with your higher self. During this time, you also notice that some of your beliefs have changed and that your mind feels like it’s being “rewired.” In fact your mind has felt confused at times and sometimes you didn’t know how much more of this you could take but you chose to keep going anyway because it’s actually been exciting and you’ve been learning to trust your higher self and the Divine Plan. (And you’ve stopped looking to the night sky or other places for “proof” or motivation to go on.)

So how do I know this? It’s not because someone told me this or because it was channeled. It’s what I actually experienced when I made a commitment to reconnect to my higher self and follow through with my inner guidance and it’s what I came to understand over months and years of following my inner guidance. My book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, is an account of my experiences, many of which were recorded pretty much as they happened. In fact, I was asked by “higher beings” to keep track of things as they happened, so that my account of the reconnecting process would be more accurate than if I had written it months or years after the fact.

Understanding the bigger picture is not about adding more information to your repertoire; rather, when you are well on your way to fulfilling your higher purpose (which will be very exciting and rewarding for you and result in long-term happiness and satisfaction) you will finally understand the bigger picture on the deepest level. Then and only then will you be able to appreciate fully what the “powers that be” have done in service to you, to this planet, and indeed to the Universe. (And only then will the Golden Age come about.)

It’s not special information that has the power to transform our world. It’s you who have the power to transform your world, and this–when added to the millions of others who are also transforming their world–will result in the transformation of the world.Share this

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinIt’s been a while since my last post and a good place to restart my blog is by examining how far we’ve come since a few short years ago, and indeed even how far we’ve come since the December 21, 2012 Solstice just six months ago. (I’ve been busy with one daughter graduating from high school, another daughter flying to Germany for a few weeks, as well as getting some necessary home repairs done, amongst other things.) The Great Shift in Consciousness is indeed upon us. The following are just a few top ideas that show our progress regarding our understanding of the Great Shift.

1. Your transformation is not going to be automatic, but requires your individual, active and diligent participation.

I remember emailing a draft of my eBook Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to an acquaintance who was a life coach and active in the spiritual community and receiving not the best feedback from her. In fact I sensed she was somewhat upset with what I claimed in my manuscript. She had taken issue with my assertion that the Great Shift that we’ve been all waiting for would not be automatic but would require our individual work and effort. Real work and real effort, I emphasized. “But what about the photons that are bombarding us from Galactic Center that will transform our DNA?” she insisted.

Well, of course there was greater Light (consciousness, insight, etc.) coming from “the heavens” that would transform our inner essence but we had to tap into that consciousness through meditation and then to act on (to test) that consciousness by seeing what happened (the results) after that consciousness was actually applied. Real learning and real understanding is realized only after we apply our knowledge (i.e. test the theories).

I would propose that today, few people believe that the process of individual or societal transformation is automatic but that it requires diligent and right effort on the part of individuals (some of which turns into “grass-root” efforts). Furthermore, no one will be able to gloss over fulfilling their own individual contribution toward this Great Shift. (This was not a popular position to hold a few years ago, but it’s increasingly accepted these days…)

2. The Galactic Federation is not coming to save us. No one is coming to save us. We will save ourselves by following through with our inner guidance as opposed to just going along with the crowd, the status quo.

I don’t think very many people believe anymore that our space brothers and sisters will come to our rescue. In fact, I would think that people are more open to the idea that we are doing a huge service for our space brothers and sisters, by attempting to work out the most difficult problems of the Universe through our work here on this planet.

Well, I do hear some people still believe that of course they won’t do it FOR US, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t work TOGETHER with us. But they’re just fooling themselves, because our guides are ALREADY working together with us (and have been for ages), by already guiding us. We just need to listen and follow through with the guidance, and to see what happens as a result of our efforts.

I remember receiving emails from more than a few disappointed souls, who actually believed that some savior or saviors (in the form of a Messiah, or the Galactic Federation) would come to this planet to finally make things right here. (When in reality, what will make things right is you as an individual listening within and following through with your inner guidance.) Yes, we’ve certainly come a long ways with regard to these beliefs.

So when do I think they will finally come? My understanding (which came to me after some eye-opening personal experiences that I share in my book, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening) is that they will come when we no longer need them to. Which means there’s no good reason to wait for anything or anyone anymore. It’s high time to connect to your inner being, your higher self, and to follow through with your inner guidance.

3. We are making real progress; the tides are shifting. The “north pole” of the planet is shifting toward greater awareness and consciousness (greater “Light”) and we have passed the “tipping point” of December 21, 2012. “All” we have to do now is to act on our inner guidance and we will succeed.

I have communicated in the past that the Great Shift will happen (relatively) very fast for us because there’s so much useful information and tips available to us at the press of a button, i.e. via an internet connection from one of the many internet providers out there (which was not true in the past).

For example, in May of this year Portland, Oregon voters rejected fluoridating their water, despite a 3-to-1 advantage in money spent by the pro-fluoride groups.This was the fourth time Portland residents were asked to vote on this issue since the 1950s.

Individual and grass-roots efforts will win because when properly informed and aware, the vast majority of the public will do the right thing. Awareness is also spreading, even in the mainstream news, about the truth of GMO foods and the problems associated with the consumption of our highly-hybridized wheat. CBS recently aired an interview with Dr. William Davis, MD, a cardiologist who called modern wheat a “perfect, chronic poison.” (And of course I’m much more apt to see things this way after what I personally experienced experimenting with avoiding wheat for a couple of years now….)

So, where are you being led? What issues are you being guided to work on? I can assure you this: The faster you connect with that inner guidance and muster up the courage to follow through, the faster your world will transform and the faster the outer world will transform. Things are going in the right direction, but the actual speed of change, how fast your life transforms for the positive, is totally up to you. I don’t know about you, but to me this is most obvious.Share this

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The last several years there was a belief going around in the new age community that extraterrestrials are going to help humanity create a new age of peace, love and justice on this planet. This idea has now shifted and what’s going around presently is that most of the work of planetary transformation will be done by those individuals who happen to have a strong extraterrestrial connection–which is yet another distraction to fulfilling our higher purpose of creating a new world.

Everyone has a unique higher purpose

Everyone on this planet has a unique contribution that they are being led from within to fulfill. Some roles may be larger, others smaller, but there are no exceptions. You have a unique contribution, a higher purpose that only you can fulfill. Furthermore, everyone’s soul has had extraterrestrial experiences, meaning experiences outside of this planet. You do not get to discount the importance of your contribution just because you don’t consciously remember those experiences. (And by the way, no one does.) Basing your commitment to fulfilling your higher purpose on feelings of connection with extraterrestrials is short-sighted.

Extraterrestrials among us

I have received channeled messages from the Counsel of Light where I was told that I hadn’t lived many lifetimes on this planet; I was told that in fact I’ve had very few lifetimes here. The Counsel of Light also said that my soul origin was not from this galaxy. (Supposedly, most of the souls incarnated on this planet are from this Milky Way galaxy.) Another reader of my Akashic Records (the soul’s records) suggested that I am Arcturian, that my soul is known “throughout the galaxies,” and that I was commissioned to be here right now at this important time. But what was I supposed to DO with this information, other than relegating it into the category of interesting trivia that I stored on the back-burner of my mind?

I don’t see myself as anyone special; in school I happened to score high in left-brain topics such as logic but I was not born with any special psychic abilities and I’ve had to learn how to trust my inner guidance just the same as anyone else. In fact over a decade ago when I had learned of these extraterrestrial things and when it was time for me to begin my mission in earnest, I experienced a lot of chaos in my life, confusion and fear. If the Divine really wanted me to make changes in my life and take action towards this “mission,” I needed signs from heaven, I demanded. Like a child, I pleaded and I demanded signs from the Universe that couldn’t be misinterpreted. So how is this different than the difficult positions many individuals find themselves in today?

However, I did not dwell on my supposed extraterrestrial nature, I focused on connecting with the Universe by connecting with my higher self, by focusing within. Actually, what I really did was focus on my higher purpose by asking for guidance on what my next steps were, and then making sure to follow through with those steps as best as I could. (I wrote about what I did in detail in my memoir on reconnecting.)

The extraterrestrials (“angels”) help us through our higher guidance. They help guide us. They can’t inject courage into you, but if you take one baby step at a time following your inner guidance you will experience amazing synchronicities and create results and this will help grow your confidence and courage.

And here is a big tip: by taking steps to resolve the big issues that are slamming you right now you will learn and grow and then be able to share what you learned with others. When you experience amazing, fulfilling results because of following through with your inner guidance, you will learn to trust yourself. Your issues could be most anything: your https://ampills.com/mens-health/viagra-professional/ health, your relationships with family members, your financial situation, your involvement at work or in the community, and so on.

How are you to discover who you really are and what you’re capable of in the face of challenge and adversity if some savior on a white horse saves the day? How can we even have a Golden Age if the majority of people don’t yet know who they are, who see themselves as victims? We may want things to change on their own without our contribution but that’s not the Plan and it’s not going to happen that way.

The question of free will

We have heard that our ET friends cannot violate our free will, while the free will of the few who are perpetrating outrageous crimes against the many prevails. But it’s not so much about ETs “violating our free will” as it is about them keeping to the Divine Plan (the Divine Plan that all of our higher selves signed onto; meaning your higher self’s free will–as opposed to what our short-sighted human “egos” want at this moment). If they interfere by doing the work that we signed onto FOR US, they will cheat billions out of incredible, empowering, and amazing experiences that are right around the corner for those who follow through with their inner guidance (experiences that our human “egos” will also love and appreciate). This by the way is the remedy that is guaranteed to those who have played the role of victims. Our ET friends will not interfere, definitely not now when humanity has come so far and we’re so close. It is our soul’s free will to empower ourselves. They will not violate that promise to us.

Each of us here on this planet has a role in creating a new world of peace, love and justice (including loving ourselves; truly loving ourselves is how we begin). You learn what that role is by asking for guidance from your higher self and then following through promptly and consistently on that guidance. Focusing on discovering the degree of your “extraterrestrial connection” is just another distraction to fulfilling that higher purpose.

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FacebooktwitterlinkedinFacebooktwitterlinkedinA couple of my readers contacted me about the OPPT, the One People’s Public Trust that seems to be getting some attention in the alternative press recently, brought forward by OPPT author-lawyer Heather Tucci-Jarraf and a couple of other founders. The OPPT is basically a lawful declaration of freedom and independence for every individual on the planet and a “foreclosure” on the world’s corporations, legal entities that in some cases seem to have enjoyed more rights than human individuals. (As a side note, grass roots organizations and environmental groups have been educating the public for decades about the crimes against the environment and humanity that corporations were legally getting away with.)

I have paid little attention to the OPPT thus far. However, from the little I have heard I can understand the part of the OPPT that declares that each and every individual on this planet is free, because in fact every individual’s higher self / soul is sovereign and free. But I do not at this point resonate with the part of the trust that suggests that large monetary payouts will be made to each individual on the planet.

Ron Van Dyke has been paying attention to what’s been happening with the OPPT, and I have relied on his short videos to summarize for me what’s been going on, while I tidied my kitchen in the morning. Yesterday morning, he stated that the OPPT is not clear on how the funds will be accessed in the physical world.

Well I am not surprised, and would like to offer my perspective on the funding. It’s not because I think there won’t be any willing benefactors to help fund the OPPT, but rather, I don’t think that’s how it’s going to work. Where would be the growth for the masses of humanity? How would you for example discover who you were and what you were capable of in the face of hardship and difficulty if your financial problems, or any other problems, were simply solved for you? This planet is a planet of intense learning, particularly right now when so much empowering information and so many resources are available to the public at the press of a computer button.

So how do I think the positive changes will occur on this planet? How do I think individuals that are on the path of their higher purpose will get funded? How will you get funded for your service towards humanity and the planet? It’s simple: by offering a product or a service that the public wants and / or has a need for and being recompensed for that product or service. Also, by each individual voting with their dollar for what they want to fund, for what they want to see more of in the world.

By the way, your CVAC  (“Creator’s Value Asset Center”), a term used in the OPPT, is you and your higher self. When you take the input of your higher self (your intuition, your higher guidance), the input of your surroundings, “marry” them together within you and then work on what you’re inspired from within to work on, this is your higher purpose.

An Example of How Positive Change Will Occur

Let me illustrate with an example of a huge vested interest that I feel operates without the people’s best interest at heart: the pharmaceutical industry (with annual sales at least in the hundreds of billions of dollars). How will this industry be transformed?

I don’t think the industry will voluntarily change its practices or transform itself, at least not in the beginning. Rather, the way I see change occurring on this planet is that individuals will connect in with their inner guidance as well as better educate themselves such that they make changes in their habits, lifestyle and nutrition. In other words they will vote with their dollars, they will empower themselves by taking greater responsibility towards their health and well being.

In this regard I consider myself a good example. I avoid xanax pharmaceuticals of all types and frequent the farmers markets for fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and other items. I have taken charge of my health; I have read the alternative literature and listened to my body and my intuition.

Regarding my intuition, for example, whenever I would hear about someone’s cancer story, I would always wonder if the person with the cancer would have been better off if they hadn’t known, rather than going through all the trauma (and the expense of) treatment. It seemed, at least to me, that bankruptcy and / or death so often quickly followed diagnosis. Well, just last week I listened to a video lecture of Dr. Randy Tent. Dr. Tent in his lecture titled, Surprising Review of the Literature spoke of a Swedish breast cancer study published in the November 12, 2011 issue of the prestigious journal The Lancet that concluded that most breast tumors will spontaneously regress.

I posted this finding on my facebook wall and received some thoughtful comments. One reader commented that he had worked with AIDS patients, and that he had noticed how quickly their health went downhill–once they were diagnosed (read: treated).

There’s a lot to learn about illness and health and you can’t go wrong by listening to Dr. Tent’s lectures and subscribing to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s health newsletter, for example. After listening to a few of Dr. Tent’s lectures you will begin to notice a pattern (and you’ll learn how Dr. Tent fired his pediatrician when he was 15). Once you notice a pattern you will be able to make wiser healthcare choices–and help fund (“give energy to”) the CVACs that supply the goods and services and projects that create positive change in the world. We change the world by changing ourselves first.

By the way, it has been the pharmaceutical industry’s job to be part of the “dark,” to be an “obstacle.” But not because being an obstacle is their ultimate purpose, but because experiencing a variety of challenges and hardships is the fastest way to humanity’s learning and spiritual growth. Ultimately, it’s for the greater good of the Universe. (That’s why other civilizations are “watching” to see what will happen here.) I have discovered that when you get past the obstacles, you will realize that they were actually necessary for learning something valuable: to see something in a new light, to provide something that wasn’t possible before, to increase the scope and power of what you’re working on, and so on. In fact, obstacles are really stepping stones to humanity’s greatness, a greatness that will be shared with the rest of the Universe once we’ve achieved it. And achieving it is definitely part of the Divine Plan.

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