Many people are experiencing more vivid dreams lately, so I am republishing an old 2011 article of mine from ezinearticles on how to interpret your dreams. I am aware that humanity is going through an intense period of awakening, and one of the ways that Spirit speaks to you and guides you through this awakening is through your dreams.
My last blog post focused on remembering your dreams. You might want to read that post first, and follow the tips in it. Once you are able to remember your dreams, you will want to interpret them, and understand them better. So, what are the keys to understanding your dreams?
The main key to understanding your dreams involves strengthening the relationship you have with your higher self and cultivating a deeper, clearer, and more real relationship with that inner part of you. If you are like most people, you probably paid little attention to your “higher self” as you learned to fit in and play your role in society. (No worries about that though; there is a point to everyone playing their role, which we will learn in due time.)
But now, at this time of the Great Awakening, becoming more conscious of your higher self and confident in that inner connection is the key. This inner connection will become super valuable and important, especially when you see societal systems collapsing around you, and you see that you can no longer rely on them. Let’s put it this way: the time ahead will be A LOT easier for you if you are confident in your connection with your higher self (your direct connection to God) and experience regular confirmation of that connection.
Anyway, back to interpreting our dreams. I have previously shared that before I reconnected to my higher self, I was not good at remembering my dreams and had a hard time interpreting them. (I would remember, maybe, only the last parts of my dreams.) But after I became more connected to my higher self, my dreams became clearer and more vivid. Also, I could remember details about them that I considered relevant to what was happening in my life at the time.
The following is an example of a dream I had in 2005. I include this dream here because it has some significance to the time of awakening that we are going through right now. The following dream is an excerpt from my spiritual awakening memoir:
“At the end of January 2005, I awakened from a dream where I was scrambling across a craggy landscape that looked like the aftermath of a mountain explosion. Large boulders and slabs lay all around me in disarray, as though they had fallen from the sky. Crevices wide enough to fall through stymied your path; you had to watch your every move. I was stepping through the wreckage, hopping from boulder to boulder, headed towards a city that looked like ancient Rome. When I entered the city through the front gates, I saw lions living among the people. Lions loitered in the courtyards, on the piazzas and the verandas. The people hummed about the city guardedly—quite understandable, given that you could never be sure what a lion might do. I too walked around feeling guarded, and slipped away to a safe place while still going about my normal business. I was with a Hispanic woman. She had been stopped for questioning at one of the city’s checkpoints—a common thing. And as I was waiting for her, I awakened from my dream.
“After I recorded this dream into my journal, it occurred to me that the people had learned to live with the lions; the two had coexisted. And perhaps after a few generations, it became the only way they knew how to live. They had learned how to walk, what to do, what to feed the lions. They went about their daily business taking certain precautions and thus, were relatively safe. And then, the lions did not seem so much like lions anymore. They mostly lazed around, swishing their tails.”—End of excerpt.
Back in 2005, when I awakened from this dream, I interpreted it to mean that I had a decent handle on things, and that I was supposed to keep going with my mission while “coexisting” with my fears. Later, I saw an additional meaning in this dream: that I have learned my lessons and have learned to coexist with my biggest fears to the point where they no longer blocked me from doing what I was here to do. My fears have been transformed. In fact, what I discovered is that my biggest fears turned out to be the catalysts that helped me discover my unique contribution toward this important time in humanity’s history.
Your spiritual awakening (strengthening your connection with your higher self, your connection with God / the Universe) is an important step in your journey. It is why you are here, on this Earth, at this time. And even though the events we will go through will be extremely challenging, if your connection with your higher self is strong, your fears will not have the same hold they had on you in the past. (Yes, I do believe that world events will get rockier before they get better.)
To summarize, one of the ways that Spirit speaks to you and guides you in your life is through your dreams. This is why it’s worth the effort to remember your dreams, to try to understand them, and to strengthen your relationship with your higher self.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6128690
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