Tag: <span>Your Higher Purpose</span>

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When it comes to finding your purpose, I have discovered that the Universe (God, Source) often intervenes, sometimes in very interesting ways, when you’re ready. In this blog post, I share how a chance encounter with a complete stranger helped me find (and fulfill) my purpose in life. But first, a little bit about my background.

Around the beginning of 2001 (and even before then), I began to feel increasingly anxious about my purpose in life. I had worked for several years as a materials engineer, received a master’s degree in environmental studies, and had two children. And whenever I thought about what I was going to do about my career after my children began school, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

That dilemma and a few painful, crazy events that occurred around the same time caused me to search for answers, which led me to a workshop on Soul Recognition with Flo Aeveia Magdalena, including a message she channeled from the Counsel of Light. I wanted to discover my higher purpose in life.

Through Flo, the Counsel of Light said that I would write books on how life works here and about what Love truly is, and they said that I would become quite a popular writer.

A popular writer. How nice. All that sounded fine and good, but the only problem was, I didn’t have any plans to write any books of any kind. I had no idea what I could even write about, I wasn’t sure that I had anything interesting to say about Love, and I didn’t consider myself competent as a writer. Regarding the channeling, I really didn’t know what to believe.

But increasingly, strange things began to happen in my life and one day, I met a woman at a “Music in the Park” concert that I attended with my children and my husband.

Make a commitment, and the divine intervenes in mysterious ways

The following describes the chance encounter at the concert and is an excerpt from my memoir, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening:

It was at one of the concerts where I experienced another interesting encounter. My children met a little girl and they danced and played together. Then the little girl’s mother came over and introduced herself as Jahde, “But you can call me Jed,” she said. Then she said something that caught my attention: “You’re an author, aren’t you?

“Well, not exactly. I just started thinking about it earlier this year when I did a spiritual course. The leader and a few participants recommended that I write, but I haven’t written anything yet.” I didn’t mention to her the Counsel of Light’s prophesy, which I thought might be viewed a bit too far out.

“Maybe we can support each other in writing our books. I need someone to organize my material,” she said. (It was true that if motivated, I could organize things quite well.)

I didn’t know how this woman could have known this. I asked her. She said that she just knew that she’d meet an author that day.

I don’t know about these things. People don’t just hop out of bed in the morning thinking they’ll meet an author that day… Anyway, I took Jahde’s perception of me as a mystical sign. I think sometimes you are shown the way by signs and symbols such as these. Her idea of me also boosted my unsure inner state and not long afterwards, I decided to go for it…

It turns out that the things I needed to write about were either happening in the moment, or else they hadn’t happened yet. And, once I became serious about my higher purpose, things began to get interesting enough consistently enough to warrant me writing a book about it. (In fact, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been “set up” by the Universe and by some people in my life to take this new path, even though if you had asked them, they would have denied this, and their personality selves didn’t really want me taking any new paths…)

In hindsight, I was very fortunate to be advised by the Counsel of Light beforehand to pay attention to what was happening in my life and to record it. Because this allowed me to create a fairly accurate account of the events as they occurred, including what I did to “activate” my inner guidance and what happened after I followed it.

Anyway … the Counsel of Light’s prophesy turned out to be true, because here I am several years later, the author of two books! (That many people have found helpful, as well as amazing, by the way.) But listen up: they didn’t hand me the books on a silver platter. Rather, I made the commitment to write the books, and they made sure, through synchronicities and other mysterious ways, that I would experience plenty of interesting things to write about.

So what can you learn from this article? A few things:

  1.  Most likely, you have no idea what your higher purpose in life is (so don’t pay too much attention to what your limited human consciousness thinks it is)
  2. The Universe will offer you signs that help you find your purpose. That is, if you’re ready to go for it and if you pay attention. (This can help you distinguish higher guidance from your desires)
  3. The guidance you receive will be on a moment-to-moment, need-to-know basis
  4. It takes courage to find your higher purpose and to fulfill it
  5. Get yourself a journal and write your thoughts. As you search for your higher purpose, your life will become more and more interesting and significant

To learn the steps I took to find my purpose, you may wish to get my how-to eBook, Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity. I distilled the important information I learned in my process in this easy-to-understand eBook. Just click below:

Activating 2012: A Practical Guide for Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity

The next few months leading up to December 2012 will be challenging, but increasing your understanding about what’s going on and what to expect will help make things much easier.

And if you would like to read the memoir of my process, What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening (available through Amazon), please click the link below, then click on the Amazon button.

What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening

Thank you and bless you for reading my work!

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Many people are waiting for a shift to occur, one that’s designed by the divine to bring freedom and prosperity to the world. This shift includes, but is not limited to, important changes in the power structures of the planet. People are waiting for an “Event” to happen that will finally prove without a doubt that real changes that benefit all of humanity are underway. (The “Event” here refers to, among other things, the arrests of those members of the powerful elite who have committed great crimes and fraud against humanity and the planet.)

Last week, those who have been receiving updates on these issues through the perspective of an insider connected to the military / Pentagon named Drake were urged to vote at the request of the powerful elite. The voting was to determine whether that small segment of the population was open to the elite’s surrender (which would grant them slightly more leniency, I’m assuming), or whether the preference was to fight them to the very end. (Which the elite claimed would reduce the population of this planet by two-thirds.) From what I understand, the vast majority of voters preferred the elite’s peaceful surrender over war with them. (There’s no surprise there.)

The problem I had with this vote is that only a very small percentage of the population was aware of it. Since the powerful elite own the media, it would have been a cake walk for them to have many millions of people vote. But really, why do you need our vote? Why not just surrender? (You don’t need our permission.)

Anyway, according to Ben Fulford, high-level meetings, allegedly to discuss the terms of the surrender, are scheduled from the 15th to the 20th of June. (June 21 is the date the powerful elite have been given for their surrender, according to various sources.)

For those who aren’t aware of this development, this may sound like incredible news. But for others who have been following alternative / spiritual news for months or even years, things seem as though they’ve been dragging on forever…

Another Month … Nothing New

There are of course many kinds of reactions to these developments. Blossom Goodchild’s latest post titled “Another Month … Another Post … Nothing New” reflects her disappointment at the promises of positive change that were given for so long, particularly these last few weeks where real action by real people in real organizations (not channeled) was promised, and yet we’re halfway through 2012 and there’s very little tangible evidence that anything on this planet is changing for the better. She has also been getting many emails from readers who are similarly disenchanted.

I can understand her frustration because I too have been expecting larger changes in the world by now. (However, I also remember 11 years ago when the Counsel of Light, through a medium named Flo Magdalena, instructed me to write books on how life works here. It took me what seemed like forever to get the momentum going. But even though my first book took me longer than I thought, eventually I did get it completed. So I have faith in the future…)

Another reaction: a blogger named KiboDabi wrote an Open Letter to Drake, Cobra, Fulford, et al, where he rejects the 2 options given us and calls for a vote for “God” instead.

I would agree with KiboDabi if by “God” he meant “Divine Plan” or “Source” (which each individual has access to through their higher self), except that he refers to “God” as a “He” and brings up Galactic ships, Ascended Masters, Jesus, Mohammad, and Buddha. In other words, the same old tired babble of being saved by “higher beings”–which anyone who’s hip to the the Divine Plan and the Ascension / Awakening process knows will not happen. (These “higher beings” are only “higher” because they experienced a shift in their consciousness–which anyone can do, by the way. And now it is your turn.)

Want God?

To me, “God” is the Divine Plan that’s already in place, and has been in place since the beginning of time. It’s a plan that makes a lot of sense–from the perspective of the higher self. However, each one of us must connect to the Divine Plan by connecting to our higher self and mustering up the courage to follow through with our inner guidance. This is how we will get pieces of the Divine Plan and it’s how we play our part.

I have been / am doing my part of the Divine Plan–which is helping people realize the importance of connecting with their higher self and developing the confidence and the courage to follow through with their inner guidance promptly and consistently. It took courage for me to leave the life I previously had so that I could follow my higher purpose, and it still takes daily effort to continue on this path. Anyway, confidence and courage are necessary to complete your part in the Divine Plan.

This doesn’t mean we all have the same role or responsibilities. The grandma down the street may not have a thing to do with the arrests, but her higher purpose may be to share information on GMOs and processed foods with her community for example, even though her family may own the local supermarket chain. What I mean is that it doesn’t matter who you are or how important or unimportant in the grand scheme of things you may think your role in the Divine Plan is, it will require a heck of a lot of courage to finally get things rolling in the right direction. But this is how we will learn who we really are.

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How do you pray in such a way so that your prayer is heard? What makes a prayer effective? This blog post discusses how to pray so that your prayers are answered–regardless of whether you’re asking God, the Universe, or beings in the higher realms to respond to your request.

I have found that prayer has worked much more effectively for me not when I ask God (or Jesus, or the Universe) to do things for me, but when I ask for guidance on how to resolve the situation I’m in and I follow through with the guidance I’m given. The kind of praying that we’ve traditionally been taught in religions (such as the ritualistic repetition of someone else’s words, asking God or higher beings to do things for us, to sweep the problems away) does not work much anymore, if at all. Much more is expected of us now than ever before. We’re being encouraged to raise our consciousness and become the masters of our lives. We are supposed to look out for our loved ones. So, prayers for teenage sons or daughters can provide God’s intervention and direction for their betterment.

I am clear that only those prayers that ask for empowerment within the Divine Plan will be answered. (This is one reason why the “Law of Attraction”–as it’s superficially understood–hasn’t been working.) Rather than praying for divine intervention to fix a problem for us, we ask for guidance and insight and understanding into the problem so that we can resolve it.

When we beg mindlessly, we inadvertently block the help we could receive if we included ourselves as active participants in the solution. In other words, only a supernatural prayer asking for empowerment, insight, and understanding can receive answers. This is particularly relevant now, as we’re being challenged to raise our consciousness and view ourselves as co-creators of a new world that benefits everyone. Our own insight, inner awareness, and self-empowerment are the means by which we can save ourselves.

So rather than imploring or repeating the words of others (as if prayers written by others have more power than our own words sincerely spoken), it makes sense to spend more time listening (receiving inner guidance, or God’s input), and then to integrate this guidance into our lives (by making changes that are congruent with it, by following through with the guidance).

The following is an example of a memorable prayer I spoke one night about 13 years ago when my car was stolen. What happened is that my husband’s teenage cousin had borrowed the car to go sightseeing in San Francisco and parked it at a train station in Sunnyvale (ironically one of the lowest crime rate cities of its size in the U.S.). When she returned that evening, the car was gone. The following is an excerpt taken from my book, What Everyone Believed: a memoir of intuition and awakening:

“Right before I went to sleep that third night [after the theft] I was inspired to say a prayer: I thanked God for having given me such a wonderful car; it had been so dependable for so long. I told God that the person who stole my car probably did so because he had met some unfortunate set of circumstances and couldn’t see another option for himself. And if that car wasn’t going to turn up, I asked that it provide for the new owner the same kind of reliability that it had provided me.

That was it; I was done with my prayer. I went over to W. who was working late on the computer, gave him a hug and a kiss, and went to bed feeling serene.

I didn’t know it clearly then, but this is what it means to say a prayer: you speak what is in your heart, you let things go (you become detached to the outcome), you send it off into the Universe (by simply having that intent), and then you allow the prayer to do the rest. (This is especially true in the case when there’s nothing you yourself can do about the outcome, i.e. you can’t just go out on your own looking for your stolen car.)

Around one in the morning the phone rang and I spoke with an investigating officer from the Mountain View Police, who informed me that my car had been found about 2 hours earlier (right around the time of my prayer). I listened as the officer explained that the car thief had asked a couple of unsuspecting youths for assistance in pushing my car to a gas station as it had run out of fuel. Then when a police car turned the corner and headed in their direction, the thief got out of the car in a flash and ran off, leaving the youths standing with my stalled car. Wow, I thought as I put down the receiver.

I suppose I stand corrected on my “problem-free” car–my fuel gauge had been reading inaccurately for some time. But the thief, of course, had no way of knowing this, and neither could he have known just how reliable to me my car really was…”

The interesting details of what happened were not lost on me–the fact that it was stolen in low-crime “Sunnyvale,” and found by the “Mountain View” Police. My car being found soon after I said my prayer. And the fact that what got me my reliable car back was my dysfunctional fuel gauge.

My understanding of prayer has increased since then. The way to pray so that your prayer is heard is to speak your own words from your heart and ask for guidance, listen to the still small voice within you, and muster up the courage to follow through with your guidance when you receive it. Know that you absolutely do need to be proactive about your higher purpose (your unique contribution to the new world) and that the feedback you receive from God / the Universe is what will help prevent you from being discouraged on your path.

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To some extent we all know that the year 2012 represents a time of great transformation and change on this planet, and for the beginning of the Golden Age. But what is the catalyst for this transformation and change? And what motivates you to grow and change the most in your life?

I read a comment on another blog recently that was pure wisdom and I’ll share it with you here. But first, I have been saying for years that things will get worse on this planet before they get better, and I’m still saying that. But that’s because all the bad stuff being exposed motivates us to make real and significant changes in our world…changes that will contribute to the larger 2012 transformation. (I feel the tide will begin to turn sometime later this year.) Anyway, Katie’s comment:

Humans by and large are moved toward growth and expansion by trauma. What is more outwardly traumatic than the world we live in today? This overtly corrupt world is helping to open the eyes of many, readying them for connection with their own inner Source and power.  And help is always readily available on the inner planes. Would as many be waking up if the Enlightened Ones were softening the blows?–Katie

I like to call this growth and expansion “The Big Test” that each individual is going through.The Big Test involves discovering for yourself what you’re truly capable of, getting in touch with your inner power by applying it daily, getting your manipulated human mind (brainwashed by years of disempowering messages such as, “You’re not good enough,” “You’re incapable,” “Who do you think you are, anyway?” etc.) to accept that you really are a powerful, worthy and wonderful being.. particularly when you’re fulfilling your higher purpose and contributing to the creation of the Golden Age for all. (We all like to have evidence and results to back things up, you know…)

So…what motivates personal growth and expansion more than challenge, hardship, and even trauma? From my own personal experience, I can definitely say that the close-to-traumatic events in my life (beginning about 10 years ago) motivated my transformation and change the most. The difference now is, I notice that there are many more people (even in my own circle of friends) experiencing personal challenges than there were about ten years ago.

Here’s a important point to take from this blog post: What made those events “close-to-trauamtic” (and not truly traumatic) was the knowing I had (communicated to me by the Counsel of Light) that there was a divine reason I was in the deep doo-doo, that there wasn’t anything wrong with me, that I was in this because of the things that were right about me, and that my experience would later help many others. Getting through my experience transformed, strengthened and uplifted by the challenging events rather than being crushed by them and sharing that experience was going to help others. (This is the story my memoir tells…about my Big Test.)

Anyway, the blog post where I found Katie’s comment claimed that the Enlightened Ones/Angels/ETs have ascended and have now actually abandoned us: Just look all around you, nothing’s happening; we’re left alone. But this viewpoint isn’t true at all.

It may appear that way, but that’s because it’s difficult for the Enlightened Ones/Angels/ETs to get through to the consciousness of the vast majority of people on this planet.

The way the “Angels” help you is to guide you–through your inner guidance and “signs” they give you that some think are signs from “God” or the “Universe.”  They “rescue us” by guiding us, and this is how the transformation will manifest.

Transformation is likely to occur when your inner pain and need for change becomes greater than the discomfort you feel when you step outside your comfort zone. Pain and anguish are the ultimate motivators.

Emotional pain and confusion is what had me search for answers years ago…and I was led to the Counsel of Light, who were already waiting for me. They guided me through several channeled messages (received through a Channel) and I followed through with my guidance for years. Now I can understand this Ascension process, and the importance of reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance such that you fulfill your higher purpose. I know that more people will awaken, and the way that will happen is by things getting even worse before they get better.

But no matter how crazy things get in your life, try to view it from this perspective: The chaos isn’t happening because there’s something wrong with you, but that you are going through a big test that will lead to your upliftment and the Golden Age in the not-too-distant future. Viewing it this way will make it a lot easier to get through.

I know that David Wilcock and many others have also spoken about the importance of alleviating the fears of those who don’t know what’s going on (your neighbors, family and friends) when some challenging events (such as the mass arrests of some elite) occur in the “near future.” Understanding better what’s going on will help people make it through the hard times with much more grace and ease.

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Do you feel that your daily struggles prevent you from fulfilling your higher purpose? In this post, I expand a bit further on the topic of higher purpose, inspired by a reader’s comment from my last post. Jonas wrote,

“My question is, I feel like my belief that I have a higher purpose places me in a position where I feel like I should back away from all my daily struggles and try “winging it”; as in listening to my inner guidance for the next step in life after having dropped major parts of my life (friends/family/job/living place) as a cause of this belief. Should I not be backing away from my struggles? Sometimes I feel like my struggles are distracting me from my higher self/purpose, yet this seems potentially like an excuse to “escape” the problems. Could I develop a greater connection to my higher self if I stopped the daily struggles/demands and solely focused on my inner development (as uncertain as the future may then be) or is it better for my growth to let the time come when my higher self gets through to me in spite (or because) of my daily struggles? Any advice or thoughts?”

What a great question! I totally get where he’s coming from and am reminded of the time several years ago when I was struggling to begin my higher purpose. I wanted to know what my higher purpose was, and I wanted to begin it, NOW! (That’s becasue my life was really painful back then. Some weird events had turned my life into a painful mess, and I just knew that the faster I was doing my higher purpose, the sooner my life would get back in order…A great motivator, by the way.)

The first thing the Counsel of Light had me do was develop a deeper, clearer relationship with my higher self. The Counsel of Light knew my life situation (a family, not a lot of free time, two little kids) so they asked me to spend about 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before I went to bed in meditation, and to write for a few minutes whenever I had the chance.

They called this time in meditation cultivating the “vertical connection,” the connection with my higher self. I did not have a whole lot of time to focus on this vertical connection (my inner development) as I had family responsibilities while going through a personal crisis. In fact, most days a 10-15 minute meditation in bed is all I actually accomplished towards this vertical connection.

Then some months later the Counsel of Light talked to me about developing the “horizontal connection”–the connection you have in the real world. This was about bringing your higher self into the real world through your actions, attitude, speaking, and so on. So…there’s the vertical connection and the horizontal connection.

No one can say that the vertical connection is more important than the horizontal connection, or that the horizontal connection is more important. I have found that both are equally important.  And in fact, I discovered that it’s when I took action in the real world that I made the fastest spiritual progress. It’s when I worked the muscles of the horizontal connection that my confidence in my higher self (the vertical connection) grew the most.

Futhermore, following through with your inner guidance in the real world should help you resolve your daily struggles. It should help you get through your struggles successfully by finding new solutions to them. I still experience daily struggles, but I see them in a totally different light now. I don’t view them as obstacles to my goals anymore but rather as opportunities in disguise, placed there by divine design. In fact, the Counsel of Light said that going through the situation rather than trying to get out of it is a way to get you further than you ever thought possible. So rather than backing away from or trying to escape the struggles of daily life, accept them and ask how you can move things forward.

Remember that you don’t know what your higher purpose is. Nobody knows. I wrote in my last post that your higher purpose will likely be in an field you’re passionate about, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in that field right now.

For example, I was not trained to be a writer; I knew I wasn’t any good, anyway. And I certainly wasn’t confident as a writer when I was told by the Counsel of Light that I would write books. However, the Counsel of Light “eased” me into this undertaking by telling me that I would write “children’s books.” (Children’s books…not such a bid deal. I think I could do it I thought back then…)

However…over time I developed the capacity to write by listening within, writing it down, and spending many, many hours working on my writing, getting feedback, etc. And once I was on a roll, the so-called “children’s books” became books for adults.

So with regard to the question of focusing on your inner development (the “vertical” connection), you really don’t need a lot of time out of your day to do that. Fifteen minutes a day in the morning, fifteen at night, and paying attention to your sacred space several times a day (which “preps” you to watch for your inner guidance) is what you need. And then what you really need to do is to implement (follow through promplty and consistently) in the real world (the “horizontal” conenction) for maximum growth and forward movement.

In summary, it’s the integration of the vertical connection with the horizontal connection that allows for the fastest personal and spiritual development.

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Have you been keeping up with all that’s being reported lately in the online alternative press? A reader emailed me, asking for my feedback on some recent topics he’s come across. For example, he wanted my feedback on David Wilcock’s work at DivineCosmos.com, specifically on the recent articles David has written on global financial tyranny (and those responsible for it).

I have read parts of David Wilcock’s articles on global financial tyranny. I’ve also recently heard about the rumors of arrests of now over 300 bank CEOs, all around the world. There’s even a rumor that billionaire Bill Gates himself has been arrested. (Interestingly, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote an article on Bill Gates just this past week, titled, Bill Gates: One of the World’s Most Destructive DoGooders?)

Besides these rumors, there’s a lot of corruption being exposed on the Internet in all areas of life. The way I see it, the mainstream is beginning to realize that the things we were led to believe were true, in many cases are not true. (And often I’m not surprised.)

Of course it’s a good idea to keep yourself informed, to raise your awareness about what’s going on. But at the same time, be careful not to get too caught up in distractions so that your own higher purpose suffers. My contribution at this time is to help people learn how to reconnect to their higher self such that they fulfill their unique contribution. You won’t see me posting much about solar flares, crop circles, alien sightings, financial markets and politics in this blog–because these topics are not relevant to reconnecting with your higher self and following your inner guidance. (Those topics would be relevant to you if your higher purpose is to contribute to and expand upon them.)

The way I see it, each and every one of us has a specific, unique gift that we are to share (with our family, community and world) and sharing that gift should be our priority. Neither you nor I can do much about the Banker arrests as neither of us are directly involved in that project. There are others who are directly involved and it is their job. Your primary focus is to fulfill your own higher purpose. (Which is what causes the great shift in your consciousness and contributes to The Great Shift in the world.)

Remember that only your higher self would know what that purpose would be, and you learn your higher purpose by following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently.

So don’t get caught up in all these distractions but rather, use your time wisely by working on your contribution as much as possible by following through with your inner guidance promptly and consistently as well as working on the projects that call to you. Otherwise, you will take longer to fulfill your contribution than you need to. (For example, I could have easily taken longer than three months to write my eBook, but I kept focused daily and stayed away from Internet distractions.) Remember also, your contribution will most likely be in an area you’re passionate about and/or personally involved in.

Having said that, a couple of weeks ago I listened to an interview of a former Navy Seal named Bill Wood (aka Brockbrader) on Wolf Spirit Radio. (I did this while cleaning my house.) During the interview, one of the hosts named White Wolf said something I thought was brilliant. White Wolf explained why the changes that many have been wanting for quite some time are taking so long to come.

“No matter how bad your life seems to be, you’re walking in that negativity for a reason. You are putting yourself up against a wall for a reason… And the reason is to show you that you don’t want that anymore. But you understand that the Matrix makes you lazy. The energy Matrix of this prison that we are all involved in makes you lazy, makes you listless. And so it takes great adverse conditions to force us into proactivity.”–quote posted on Facebook, taken from a Wolf Spirit Radio interview, 2/23/2012 part 2, spoken by White Wolf.

I understand his point. It took me many months to “get the ball rolling” with my own higher purpose. And I understand why my life circumstances were as difficult as they were. If things had been easy, I would have remained stuck in my comfort zone. I also know I would have never done the things I have done the last several years if I wasn’t up against a wall.

Furthermore, I saw the crazy, confusing events in my life as catalysts that were designed to teach me how to help humanity with the transformation and shift in consciousness that’s occurring right now. If I had viewed them any less than that, I’m not so sure I would have done as well.

What is needed right now is the individual reconnecting to his or her higher self. Then from that place of inner power, you make choices about what you do or do not want to participate in, whether you want to read some material or belong to some group–or not. When your own individual inner guidance system is strengthened, you can make your choices based on your direct connection with Source, rather than on conventional wisdom. (I include in this category New Age conventional wisdom, Christian conventional wisdom, Buddhist, Kabbala, etc.–even if it differs from mainstream conventional wisdom.)
The truth is, most people on this planet are not there yet. (And I m not surprised the person wanting my feedback on these “off” topics has expressed to me his disappointment about not yet experiencing a lot of synchronicities around his own higher purpose. Maybe part of the reason is he’s too distracted?


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Did you know that you can save money, time and energy by following your inner guidance? If the answer is yes, are you taking full advantage of it? In my last blog post, a reader named Charli (who’s been reading my articles for a while now) wrote in the comment section of this blog that following the promptings of her higher self has “always saved her time, or money, or energy.” I copied and pasted her comment below:

“I have found that small miracles happen to me so often now that I don’t write them down anymore.  I follow the promptings I get and within minutes or the next day, something happens that just blesses what I followed.  Things like, changing  an appointment, and then someone calls and invites me to a lecture I want to hear at the time the appointment WAS.   Or getting the prompting to stop by the mall (to which I haven’t been in months) and what I needed just “happened” to be on sale.   Following promptings from my higher self have always saved me time, or money or energy.”–comment from Charli

I love this comment from Charli because it confirms what I have experienced for years. In fact, I had written in my memoir (which was printed near the end of 2007) that whenever I needed something to further my purpose, I would receive it, usually within 24 hours of becoming aware of what it was that I needed next. This happened daily, and I became used to it–as if this is how life was supposed to be like.

And the following example shows that it still is that way: Just last week I was prompted to go to Marshall’s while I was food shopping at Trader Joe’s nearby. I found the perfect volleyball shorts for my younger daughter–at less than half the regular price. (Volleyball shorts are almost never found on sale, and Marshall’s rarely, if ever, carries volleyball shorts. But my inner guidance told me to go look for volleyball shorts!) The bonus is that my daughter loves them, too.

When you’re doing your higher purpose the favorable synchronicities will happen daily, and even more than once a day.

Sometimes they’re big synchronicities, sometimes they’re amazing, and sometimes they’re small. And if you haven’t yet done so, after you read this short post, read my last blog post about some pretty amazing synchronicities that happened to a friend of mine when he followed through with his inner guidance. I can’t think of a better way for the Universe to show you that you really are on the right path than to bless you daily, can you?

Now, when you get the “ball rolling” with reconnecting with your higher self and following through with your inner guidance, it does not mean that your life will all of a sudden become easy, or that you’ve arrived and are “done.” Rather, what I have experienced is that it will become easier to go forward in your life, to grow, and to fulfill your higher purpose—which is what will help create the Golden Age for yourself and for your community. In conclusion, it’s absolutely true … following your inner guidance helps save you money, time and energy.

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