Tag: <span>Your Higher Self</span>

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I have shared the most important channeled messages I received from the Counsel of Light (channeled through medium and spiritual teacher Flo Aeveia Magdalena) in my memoir. I have also shown how I took the often esoteric and abstract messages and turned them into practical advice and guidance, including how the guidance affected my own life.

I have received a total of about 12 hour-long channeled messages starting around March 2001 and ending in the summer of 2005, roughly about 3 messages a year. By mid-2005, I felt had gotten what they had been trying to teach me. I felt comfortable that I had gotten the “ball rolling,” and they assured me that I just needed to continue the path/process I was already on. Well, no sooner had I felt that I understood where they were coming from, they were gone. What I mean is that around that time, Flo decided she was going to pursue some new projects, including channeling “The Nameless Ones” (i.e. the “Elohim”) for a larger group of people, and didn’t have time to give me personal attention anymore.

Although not being able to communicate with the Counsel of Light through Flo scared me a bit, I knew that I had managed to get the process rolling, so I didn’t complain. I knew the Counsel of Light were my guides, and even if I didn’t hear their words audibly through Flo’s voice, they were still around me and guiding me and I was getting their guidance through my intuition and hunches.

Well about a year or so ago, I felt something was different, again. I felt as if they weren’t around me as much as they used to be. And I wondered about it. I mean, I knew I was following my inner guidance, I knew I was doing okay. Yet I didn’t feel they were as active in my life as before.

Well finally about a month and a half ago I decided to ask a spiritual adviser named Pamela Leach. I have called Pamela a few times in the past couple of years for guidance on how to best deal with certain relationships and how to help my loved ones with some challenges they were experiencing. I asked Pamela, “Is the Counsel of Light still around me? Are they still my guides?”

Pamela replied that I have twelve guides and that they have indeed pulled back a little, but that they are still available whenever I ask. Pamela said, “They’re saying that they’re your BFFs, they’re saying that your higher self is connected to Source, your guidance is from a higher source, you have direct connection to source. You don’t need them as an intermediary anymore. You’re beyond the need for an intermediary. They’re still there, but you’re relying on source. They are reassuring me that they are reassuring you that they never left. That’s where you came from. They’re your companions, friends and supporters. They’re not your teachers anymore. You don’t need them as your teachers anymore.”

Pamela went on, “You are powerful. And there’s something waiting to be birthed. There isn’t even a blueprint for it yet. This is your graduation from white light to golden light. Stay grounded. It’s in the embryonic stage.”

So if you are at a point where you’re comfortable following your inner guidance, you’ll find that you don’t need that confirmation from the outside anymore. And if you’re further along, if you feel that your guides may have pulled back a little, it’s not because they’re not around you anymore. It’s that they’ve taken you as far as they can take you. You are connected to Source; you have a direct connection to Source. So don’t doubt yourself, when you get a hunch to take some action, don’t doubt yourself. Just follow your inner guidance moment to moment.

This confirms my understanding that we are to have a direct connection to Source, that cultivating a direct connection to source is what the Ascension Process is all about, and that a direct connection to Source is the result of reconnecting to and integrating with your higher self.


P.S. If you’re interested in speaking with Pam, please google: Pamela Leach spiritual adviser or call 616-642-0308. She is also more affordable than most, and I recommend her wholeheartedly.

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I have tried several kinds of meditations over the years, including some that claim to help you access your higher self. If you’re happy with what your meditation practice does for you with regard to reconnecting and cultivating a real, palpable relationship with your higher self, don’t read this post. Go call a friend, or do something else instead. But if you’re frustrated because your relationship with your higher self isn’t where you want it to be and you’d like to know what kind of meditations are most effective for accessing your higher self, please read on…

Okay, let’s begin with some basics first. I have learned that to access your higher self, it’s not how you sit or how you breathe that’s important. And it’s not whether you have the right mantra. In fact, I have found that mantras actually distract and deter from this particular goal.

What’s important is whether your meditation connects you to that “higher self” aspect of you in as accurate a way as possible and whether you integrate that part of you into your life through your daily actions. It may not always be simple to enter that higher state of consciousness, but with a little bit of practice (and the support of professionals from WiccaAcademy.com or others), you may be able to get closer to achieving that mindfulness.

I will try to explain what I mean by “as accurate as possible,” first in general terms. I have found that for best results to happen in any area of life–doesn’t matter whether it’s cake baking or engineering or fixing cars–it helps to describe the situation as accurately as possible. What I mean is that you will get better results when you are right on target with your understanding of the situation, rather than just being in the ball park. I don’t think many people will argue with me on this point. (Later in this post I will explain why this also holds true for meditation.)

People may also be interested in spirituality and spiritual awakening. And truthfully, it has nothing to do with prayers. By attaining the spiritual awakening, you can feel closer to the universe and manifest a better understanding of your surroundings. It can also help to get in tune with you and your loved ones’ feelings. There are different Stages Of Spiritual Awakening, six to be precise. You can do more research about this, if it is something that interests you.

Anyway, I am writing about meditation and mindfulness because I recently came across a meditation for accessing the higher self that I understood (and intuitively knew) wouldn’t be all that helpful. The not-so-helpful meditation goes like this: You are to imagine that your higher self is standing (or sitting) in front of you and you are connecting to it through your open palms that are out in front of you. You imagine your higher self mirroring you, palms touching, while affirming that your new “best friend” will give you the highest of guidance. You are asked to “breathe through your hands.”

The problem with this meditation is that your higher self is not outside of you, and it never really was. I will explain why it’s important that the meditation you choose reflect reality as accurately as possible. The following are three points I discovered when I was seeking a meditation that would reconnect me to my higher self as quickly and as effectively as possible:

  1. About 10 years ago, the Counsel of Light gave me a meditation that they described as a “shot in the arm” for connecting with your higher self. (This meditation was channeled for me through medium Flo Aeveia Magdalena.) In this meditation, the Counsel of Light asked me to place my left hand on my heart and my right hand on my “soul seed”–which is in the center of the body between the rib cage. They said that the heart in my meditation represented my current life (my current incarnation) and the soul seed represented my soul, my higher self (my infinite life). During the meditation they had me imagine that I was running a figure 8 (the infinity sign) around my hands (i.e. a circle around the left hand, and then a circle around the right hand, over and over again in a figure 8 ) so that what appeared to be happening is that my current life was integrating with my higher self right under my hands.
  2. After I got into this meditation practice, I noticed that this area of my body would get all warm and tingly just before I’d be given important guidance. I would get this warm, intense glow in the center of my chest close to my heart (where the Counsel of Light said my “soul seed” was) even when I wasn’t paying any particular attention to this area. What I mean is that I’d be driving my car, for example, on some mundane errand, when all of a sudden I would experience this intense hottening up of the center of my chest. I would feel this warm, peaceful, happy glow in my center even when my life was in chaos and I was feeling scared, sad, and disconnected from loved ones. Then a moment or so after I acknowledged this warm feeling, I noticed that I would get a new insight, or some sort of inner guidance–guidance that actually helped me resolve specific problems I had in my life at the time. The warm, intense feeling definitely got my attention. It helped me at a time when I wasn’t yet confident with my ability to correctly distinguish my true inner guidance from my mental conditionings or imaginations. It also helped me to recognize which inner guidance was extremely important for me to follow. (And if your higher self gave you guidance that was deemed very important for you to follow, wouldn’t it make sense that at the same time, you’d be given a sign that you couldn’t ignore?) After all, the Divine Plan works extremely well!
  3. Placing your hands on your body as I described above while lying down actually helps to calm you, to reconnect you to your true self. (Try it for a while and see for yourself.) This kind of meditation also affirms (and helps your mind get) that your power is within you, not outside of you, and that the source of your power is your direct connection to Source (to God)–which I believe will be extremely important and useful in the near future.

I have written in detail about how to do this meditation in both my eBook and my memoir. Everything you need to succeed in this meditation is shared in detail. Furthermore, in my memoir I share several instances of how I was driving, or walking, or even cleaning the house, began to feel the familiar welling up of warm energy in my soul seed area, and then the words and the guidance that came to me not long afterwards. I also share how the guidance I received helped me solve specific problems I had in my life at the time.

Besides the meditation shared above, I also like meditations where you imagine yourself walking down a spiral staircase, and with each slow step you go deeper and deeper into yourself. This meditation is very calming and helps you learn to “drop in” to yourself quickly.

There is no doubt in my mind that reconnecting to and integrating with your higher self is the source of your spiritual awakening. It’s what this “Great Shift” in consciousness is all about. Just make sure to use a meditation that connects you to your higher self as quickly and as effectively as possible.

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