Take Back Your Health No Matter Your Age

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In this blog post, I am sharing irrefutable evidence of the significant health improvements you can achieve by following naturopathic physician Dr. Garrett Smith’s “Love Your Liver” nutrition program … regardless of your age. If you are unfamiliar with this program, you may want to read, or reread, my previous three posts on this health topic: 1st post, 2nd post and 3rd post.

I have already shared my one-year health update in this blog post. But today I am sharing, with specific and measurable proof shown below, what can be accomplished by an 88-year-old male (my dad) in merely six months of making a few simple changes in his daily dietary habits.

That such significant health improvements can be accomplished by a person in their latter 80s in just six months time is proof of the validity and power of Dr. Smith’s toxic bile theory and Love Your Liver nutrition program. As we all know, the older we are, the harder it is to make significant positive changes in our health. The older we are, the more toxins we have stored in our liver and our bodies.

Anyway, I helped my dad reverse his total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood sugar, and the kidney disease markers Creatinine and EGFR. In fact, it appears that every serum marker got significantly better over the last 6 months, just by him following a few easy daily nutrition steps I learned from the Love Your Liver program. (And, it’s almost as if my dad is reverse aging!)

Here are the specific details. In the last six months, my dad’s:

  • Total cholesterol went down from 229 (marked as High) to 190
  • HDL cholesterol went down from 67 to 59
  • Triglycerides went down from 88 to 71
  • LDL cholesterol went down from 143 (marked as High) to 114 (still a bit High)
  • Non-HDL cholesterol went down from 162 (marked as High) to 131 (still a bit High)
  • Fasting glucose went from 112 (marked as High) to 101 (still slightly High)
  • Kidney function marker Creatinine went from 1.32 (marked as High) to 1.13
  • Kidney function marker EGFR went from 53 (marked as Low) to 63

For the last marker, the EGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) is a test that measures the level of kidney function and determines your stage of kidney disease. An EGFR higher than 60 means you have at least 60% kidney function. Generally, the higher the number, the better the kidney function.

I have heard that reversing kidney disease is supposedly extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do. It’s true that Grant Genereux, the Canadian construction engineer, while he was in his 50s, reversed his stage 4 kidney disease completely on a super low “vitamin” A diet (meaning he avoided foods high in “vitamin” A). I discussed Grant’s experience in a previous blog post here, but an 88-year-old improving kidney function? How is that even possible?

Furthermore, what I find astonishing is my dad did not even follow the Love Your Liver program completely. He did not even follow 50% of it. I mean, you can probably understand that it is hard for an older person to totally change their eating habits. So, I only helped him make a few easy changes that he was (somewhat) willing to do. It was a slow process. (We started in April 2024 when I visited him.) He is still eating his daily Sam’s Club apple turnover, he’s still having a beer or a mixed drink, or two. He’s still eating too many sweets and indulging in pizza and chicken wings too often. Imagine what would happen if he had followed Dr. Smith’s program more completely. Imagine also the results a person a few decades younger would have if they were serious about following the Love Your Liver program.

By the way, it’s not just his lab values that improved; my dad is actually feeling better, too, including mentally and emotionally. He mentioned that he is no longer constipated, and he is no longer telling his children that he outlived his own parents and that it is time for him to go. My sister also shared with me that she noticed his better outlook as well.

So, you might be wondering … what changes did my dad actually make? In a nutshell, he is eating more soluble fiber foods (organic overnight oats, some psyllium in his oats, beans such as white or pinto beans), more lean muscle meat protein (chicken, turkey, some beef), fewer high “vitamin” A foods (from animal and vegetable sources), and he is taking one activated charcoal drink, before bed. (Maybe he will up his activated charcoal to twice a day, some day soon… Maybe he’ll take some minerals such as selenium, molybdenum or zinc … in their right forms.) For your health and enjoyment, I am including my overnight oats recipe at the bottom of this post.

Most Important Point to Understand

It is important to get that these positive changes did not happen by taking drugs or supplements to try to move the numbers, which is the standard of care in both allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. You know, they give you things to take, in order to try to move the numbers. My dad did not take any drugs or any supplements, period. He did not take any “vitamins,” not even once.

Rather, these positive changes were brought about by minimizing toxic foods in the diet, and eating more foods that help remove toxins from the diet. The one “supplement” that he did take, activated charcoal, did not add anything to his diet but actually helped remove toxins from his intestinal tract. (Activated charcoal is the best binder of heavy metals and toxins by far.)

The added protein in his diet also helped remove toxins, by there being more retinol-binding protein in his system that safely helps remove retinoic acids from his body. And the added soluble fiber foods, the organic oats, beans, barley and psyllium (that bind to toxins in his intestines) also helped remove toxins from his diet. I cannot stress this point enough.

It just goes to show what just a few easy tips I took from Dr. Smith’s Love Your Liver program (the best detox and nutrition doctor in the world!) will do. The proof is shown below for your examination.

Proof of Specific and Measurable Results

I covered up my dad’s identity information. The first page of data below is from May 2023 . (Date of blood tests shows 05/17/2023.)

The second page of data is from end of September 2024. (Date of blood tests shows 09/27/2024.)

Organic Overnight Oats Recipe (serves 2)

1 cup organic rolled oats (instant or regular; I prefer a mixture thereof)

2 tsp. organic ground psyllium husks (for extra soluble fiber)

1 tsp. ground dates (for sweetness, optional)

1 small banana, chopped

1 Tbsp. organic raisins (optional)

1-2 freeze-dried apple chips, crumbled into pieces (optional)

A few shakes of 50/50 salt (KCl and NaCl mixture, use pure white sea salt without added iodine)

–Put all ingredients into large bowl and mix well. Fill 2 glass jars with the mixture above. Fill to the top, a quarter inch or so above the oatmeal mixture, with filtered or RO water. (Experiment with how wet you like the oats.) Place in fridge overnight. In the morning, take the oats out and allow to warm up to room temperature for about an hour or so. Stir and enjoy!

Take your health back and prosper!

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  1. Lydia Ippolito said:

    Great Article Christine!
    I will share with all my friends. You have been a positive inspiration to the whole family in getting everyone on track to eating and living healthier. You also forgot to mention that dad has always been active doing things around the house but now he seems to have more energy and less complaining. That’s a great photo of him. How many 88 year old’s still mow their own lawns? You need to get on Trump’s health commission along with Robert F Kennedy Jr. “Make America Healthy Again!”

    November 7, 2024
    • Thanks Lydia, it’s Dr. Garrett Smith that should be on Trump’s health commission along with RFK Jr. But actually, what needs to be done is Dr. Smith needs to be interviewed by bigger podcasters, maybe someone like Joe Rogan, for example, in order to get his message out to larger audiences. Dr. Smith is always willing to go on podcasts and interviews and speak to people. Maybe you know some podcasters? Audience size is not too important, he’s willing to speak to podcasters with small audiences, too.

      As for myself, I have an M.S. degree and write pretty clearly, so I may have a role in this as well. Who knows, we shall see. Thank you for your comment.

      November 7, 2024
  2. Anne P. said:

    As your friend, I’ve been following your journey with Dr. G. Smith, and I’ve seen the changes you’ve made in your own health, while using activated charcoal and completely avoiding “vitamin” A food.
    Of course it’s hard to give up on food that we love (majority of those foods are in high “vitamin” A), but when taking small steps each day, it’s never too late to fix or reverse our health issues with few simple steps you’ve written about.
    I’m very happy you have introduced me to this program, and I as well have noticed improvements in my health, since I started drinking activated charcoal before bedtime and have eliminated certain food from my diet. Thank you Christine!

    November 9, 2024
    • Christine Hoeflich said:

      Thanks Anne’ for your comment! You’ve got to remember that we’ve been heavily bombarded with toxins from so many sources, including “wack-seens” that injure the liver, and birth control that injures the liver, drugs, etc. Sure, it will take a bit of effort and discipline to increase our health significantly after all this, but once our health is improved and we avoid most toxins, it will be easier for our bodies to “tolerate” some of these foods better, and detox them more easily.
      I am so glad you are improving your health!

      November 11, 2024
  3. Michelle Pummell said:

    Wow that’s amazing results for your dad! I’m still following a love your liver lifestyle nearly 18 months on, some improvements in my health are apparent , others like weight loss and hormonal issues with low progesterone are not. The best improvement has been my long distance eye sight I now don’t need to legally wear glasses to drive! That is something. I really do miss my high raw hydrating fruits in summer. Have you found any changes in your intuition since doing LYL? I realised i hold a subconscious belief to be in higher frequency as we shift I should be eating less dense food.. I have felt more grounded – dense and not as light , but no increase in my intuitiveness . Would be interested to hear if others are increasing or decreasing. Thanks again for sharing this info last year. It has helped many

    November 10, 2024
    • Thanks for your comment, Michelle! The way I heard it works is that while your body is detoxing you will begin to experience good results in several areas but perhaps not every single area, as your body is focused on what it deems the most important areas to fix for your health first. (So weight might not be fixed first and hair and nails might not be fixed first, as there may be more important things your body is focused on.) Then after your liver is clear from most toxins your tissues will quickly drain of toxins, and the rest of the areas will then show quick results. It makes sense that weight loss will happen as your body as a whole becomes clear of toxins. Have you seen Dr. Smith’s recent livestream on weight loss? Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gNITjluEaI&t=3s. This livestream will explain how weight loss works. (Most people see some weight loss in the beginning, then experience a plateau for a while, while their body continues to detox.)

      I am amazed that your eyesight improved after only 18 months! That is amazing! As far as intuition goes, when we feel sick or tired our intuition isn’t all that great. I’ve also noticed that there are times, especially when you’re detoxing, when it’s better to rest more and not stress so much. Personally, I do not feel my intuition declined.

      Regarding fruits, I have thoroughly enjoyed white peaches and nectarines, honeydew melons, green kiwi fruits, and a bit of strawberries and blueberries. And I ate a few pounds of cherries as well; they are my favorite. Although cherries, strawberries and blueberries have some vitamin A, it’s not nearly as much as high vitamin A vegetables. Regarding the “frequency” of the food, I really don’t get into that. My engineering brain, and actually having worked for a company called “Frequency Electronics” as my first job after college, it just makes me wonder what / who is behind this thinking. Maybe someone can enlighten me with some actual proof / receipts. I have certainly asked for explanations, but have not gotten any yet. I am open to new information and new insight. I also think that, once we’re detoxed and stay away from the most toxic foods, perhaps our bodies will not need as much animal protein.

      November 11, 2024
  4. Moses Yao said:

    Aloha Christine. Thank you for thinking of me and sharing this important information with me. It is actually very timely, because we are in the process of opening an Intergenerational Learning and Healing and Performing Arts Campus on the Big Island of Hawaii under the umbrella of TOGODOO EDUCATIONAL NETWORK INC. Nonprofit with emphasis on child care and elder care and children 1 to 15 and elders 65 to 100+.l will be honored to have you as one of the facilitators and faculty in person or virtual. I will send you more info and talk on the phone. Happy to hear from you. Peace and Love 🙏🏾🌺🕊️💗 Moses.

    November 13, 2024
  5. Eddie said:

    Thanks for the post! Ill read it in more detail tomorrow. This looks really interesting 💕🙂

    January 9, 2025
    • Thanks Eddie, I’m posting a new, another very important blog post tomorrow, Saturday 1/11/2025, so remember to come back to my blog tomorrow.

      January 10, 2025

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