If you are intuitive, you know that the world is ramping up for some kind of battle, some kind of emotional release. People here in California are on the edge, and with more and more information being dripped out from many different sources, the levels of fear, desperation, and frustration are rising.
For example, two days ago, I went to Whole Foods to purchase some colloidal silver, just to have some on hand when this next lockdown happens. (Which I feel will be very soon.) Colloidal silver is good to have around for many reasons, including for detoxing.
I couldn’t find the colloidal silver, so I asked the gal in the supplement department to point to where it was. She had a mask on, so I couldn’t see her expression, but I felt she almost jumped out of her skin as I came close. She told me that the product had been discontinued, and that, “they don’t tell us why they discontinue things.” (Of course not, we all know who owns Whole Foods, and whom they really work for.)
Another thing that’s been happening lately is, I’ve noticed that people posting on the website NextDoor have stepped up the fear and manipulation by at least a good notch or two. The posts cajoling you to get yourself jabbed in the arm remind me of that Greta Thunberg girl. The emotional manipulation is obvious, and laid on thick. Anyway, NextDoor moderators deleted some of my comments and temporarily disabled my account for several days. Who in the world do they think they are?
The good thing is, as these and other kinds of shenanigans continue, rising also are the numbers of people who are waking up from the psychological operation that is C0VID-19. More and more people, even those who were solidly in the “the virus is real” camp, are waking up.
So, we don’t know exactly when and how this final showdown between those still holding on (by their fingernails) to the agenda of the Dark, and those of the Light, will transpire, but we do know there will be a huge element of surprise. And I believe it is coming real soon.
Here in the United States, the government is ramping up to deliver forced jabs. My feeling is that fewer than half of our population has been injected in their arm so far. And I feel, this is what will set off the final showdown. But it will not happen as they (those with the Dark agenda) want. In the hearts and minds of many people is God, and God / Source will lead them forward.
I’ve put together some important tips for navigating what’s coming next. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Tips for Preparing for this Next Phase
- Make sure you have, at home, any items you need to feel comfortable: about a month’s worth of food, water, and whatever else you need for your well-being. Especially if you live in a city, you might want to avoid the crowds when the “chit hits the fans,” as my Chilean friend would say. Do not wait; complete this task this week.
- Get some good books, including a book or two on spiritual awakening. Make a bigger effort to connect with God and really work on developing that connection. Follow your inner guidance. Meditate and pray.
- Go outside and commune with nature. Get some natural Vitamin D every day, if possible.
- Reach out to, and help, friends, family and neighbors in whatever way you are guided to. Remind them to go within, and help them remain calm and balanced. There’s going to be some tough love coming our way.
- Do what you know you need to do to get healthy and strong. Exercise.
- Do not get into any fights. They want civil unrest, so that they (the Dark) can justify their next steps. Remember: the way forward is through non-violent, non-cooperation.
- Learn about your rights and use the laws already available to make your case. Force the governments to prove there’s a medical emergency. (They will not be able to do it.) For information on the law and for helpful, downloadable documents for work and school situations, check out Peggy Hall’s website at: THE HEALTHY AMERICAN™
A Few Words from Juan O’ Savin
The following is from a conversation between David Nino Rodriguez and Juan O’ Savin that happened on August 3, 2021, just two days ago. I add here some key highlights of that conversation, in case you didn’t catch it.
They can demand, they can stomp, they can require, they can do whatever they want. The reality is, on the numbers, more and more people are waking up.
People wake up at different times, at different ways. We are moving the numbers to 80% plus.
The only way to win this kind of war is to not play with them at all. They can demand, they can rant and set timetables, and you’ll see more and more people wake up.
It’s going to be gripping. It has to be, so that the American people will not ever let themselves be taken into a situation like this again and they will recount it to their children and grandchildren for many lifetimes. It will be so gripping and memorable.
Remember: like a mother giving birth to a child, it will all be worth it in the end. I am looking forward with you, for that time to arrive!
August 9th Update: here’s an in-depth update on the situation with Clif High. I highly recommend you watch it.
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Here is another source, Suspicious0bservers, predicting disaster who is not channeling or communicating via telepathy or astral traveling. He does take issue with a lot of main stream astrophysicists on what influence the sun has on our climate etc.
For another indication of things to come, Google NESARA GESARA Use your logic, discernment and intuition about what is claimed.
I believe no matter what is coming, the most important thing for each of us is stay in the present moment without fear and know that all is proceeding just as it is meant to. I do agree with Christine’s Tips for Preparing for this Next Phase and about being prepared. Learned that in Boy Scouts.
Thanks for your comment, Jerry. You can also use DuckDuckGo instead of Google as a search engine. Google’s algorithms deliberately push down some websites so they’re never seen. Also, Juan’s info is not channeled, it is military sources. Again, thank you!
I do use DuckDuckGo most of the time.
Google is a action word for Search, not to describe what search engine to use. I did not think about it when I wrote it.
Hi Christine, did you get yourself jabbed? If not, what if they force you to do so? Will you take it?
Hi Hansa,
No, I am not jabbed, and no one can force you to get jabbed. And no, I will not get jabbed. BTW, the number of people in the U.S. who got jabbed is not as high as the MSM has been reporting. It is all a lie.
Yes. friends just to protect your self from any adversity have some non perishable food, water, pets food if you have pets. Natural supplements for supporting immunity. Flash lights, etc.
Thanks for your comment Elena! Be well!
Thank you for sharing this information.
I wake up in the morning feeling such overwhelming fear.
I pray for strength and courage.
God bless us all.
Good morning Eileen and thank you for your comment! I really do believe we have already won, and God is in charge. It’s just the minions that are running around, they have lost their power, and are confused. Also, we’re still trying to awaken some people to what’s been going on. The point is to have them awaken on their own, of their own will, which is a profound learning and experience, it’s for their own greater good. You’re in a safe place in Florida. It will be more chaotic in the larger cities.
As I have always been a believer in God my faith has grown tremendously. This truly has helped with all the craziness over the last year. Turning off the MSM and getting rid of cable TV has been another good move as well. We have so much information at our fingertips yet most only know what they are told. When most of what they are told is a lie they are not worth arguing with as they believe only what they have been told. Facts are hard to handle when cognitive dissonance makes for an incredible mind block. More will see this in others as they wake up.
Also I am very much against the mask as well as the jab. I wish that more would become stronger with not wearing them or subjecting their children to them. The stores are trying to push us back into this nonsense and we all need to refuse to do so. Breathing back in what is meant to be expelled is WAY worse than breathing fresh air in. I know what a concept. We are a lot more powerful in numbers. Giving into insanity only allows insanity to go on. This can be done with a smile and a thank you then just walk away and continue your business.
As far as prepping goes all we know is we don’t know. I am a strong advocate in our 2A rights. Many do not realize how important this is until they see bad things in front of them. I’m not advocating violence just be able to protect yourself when or if that time comes.
If you do not already know them get to know your neighbors.
Christine and guys and gals who write/read comments on this blog. Let’s put down some hard core data regarding COVID-19. The data is NOT from MSM, FOX, AON, NEWSMAX or any right wing or left wing conspiracy site. Not from SOROS funded site, not from BILL GATES.
The data is directly from the nurse who works in the ICU in one of the hospitals in Santa Clara County. The ICU is at capacity. Right now they are sending patients who do not (potentially) need ventilators to other floors in the same hospital. Four weeks ago the ICU HAD 4 patients, three weeks ago 10 , two weeks ago 20, one week ago 35. ALL of them got the DELTA variant of COVID 19. Age range 22-52. All of them are on oxygen. NONE OF THEM (not a single one) was VACCINATED.
I think that all of you should do a little bit of math from elementary school. It is not difficult.
In the next 1-3 months nothing catastrophically will not happen.
Thanks for your comment, Igor. I agree with you that the mainstream media is full of lies.
Christine, although you are very much on point, I would be more judicious with how the information is presented. The last thing we need to do is subconsciously plant the seeds of FEAR and a doomsday apocalypse into the minds of the masses. Such negative thinking can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Discernment, awareness and preparedness are very practical but let’s also focus our mental and emotional energies on positive outcomes. Remember, energy follows intent. Let us balance awareness/preparedness with visualizations, prayers, positive thinking, actions, etc., for a better reality.
Thanks for your comments Al! I absolutely know humankind is winning. We already won on some levels; there’s just more “cleanup” in the works and that will take some time. There will be no doomsday, just some major bumps in the road that might shake people up. Plus, many are still dealing with corrupt local governments, I know a few personally whose jobs are on the line (if they don’t take the jab).
It’s absolutely imperative that we stand our ground, stand in our truth, and I know each of us is being tested in this way. And as we take certain actions, especially when we follow through with our inner guidance, we grow in our sense of self and in our “innerstanding” of what is happening.
It is simply wise to have a few weeks of food and water on hand … whatever you need in order to feel comfortable. Recommending a bit of preparation is not promoting fear. Truckers in Australia are already recommending that everyone have at least 2 weeks of food on hand as they are planning to shut down their country, to send a message to their government.
And BTW, Al, back in 2001 I began to change my direction (to connecting deeply with my inner guidance and vowing to follow through promptly and consistently) BECAUSE OF major pain and confusion in my world. If everything was roses and fluffy bunnies, why would I want to make major changes?? This is why I wrote my books: to reduce the fear and the pain that I knew was coming.