This post is part two of my blog post on vaccines. First, I am sharing the story of my godson Konrad and his wife, Justyna. Both grew up in Poland and immigrated to New York City as young adults. They met, got married and now have three children between the ages of 10 and 16 years old.
In the article below, Justyna shares her experience with having her children receive the pediatrician-recommended injections:
I admit that before my son was vaccine injured, I never gave vaccinations much thought. I simply trusted medical professionals that they were educated on the subject, and made recommendations that were best for my family. I didn’t know that all patients are offered the same treatment regardless of genetics, living environment, nutritional needs, allergies, health history, susceptibility, etc. My faith in the medical establishment soon shattered. At the age of two, after a round of routine vaccinations, my perfectly developing smart and sweet boy changed in what seemed like overnight. I remember getting very concerned that he slept for five hours straight after leaving the pediatrician’s office. Before that visit, he never took naps that long. After he woke up, he seemed sick and inconsolable. That state lasted a few days, which I assumed was his body trying to rebalance. Well, recovery never came.
From that point on, he actually regressed in his development, went back to wearing diapers after being previously potty trained, and became a permanently angry and defiant child. It’s like I had a new little human in front of me. I could not believe it. It was very hard to cope with his behavior, and I was judged at every corner for being a poor parent. I reached out to the pediatrician, but my concerns were completely dismissed. From then on, my search for answers began, and I desperately sought help from many professionals. Each time I was told that “he’ll grow out of it,” and I received absolutely no help. When allopathic medicine failed me, I began to seek help from alternative medicine. This is when we received multiple diagnoses. I felt so overwhelmed at this point. However, my concerns were finally validated, and we embarked on a long and painful road to helping him recover.
I worked with many health practitioners and slowly began to piece the pieces of the puzzle together. We were making headway but very, very slowly. In the meantime, I needed to pull my son out of school and start homeschooling. It was not my choice, but rather I was forced to by the school system. Working on my son’s health cost our family hundreds of thousands of dollars, but more importantly heartache and lost years that could have been spent enjoying life and each other. The whole family was affected, as life revolved around my son’s recovery.
In the meantime, my health deteriorated from constant worry, anxiety and sleepless nights spent researching. I was able to heal myself pretty quickly with the knowledge and tools acquired while healing my son. Also, I enrolled in a school of functional medicine because I was determined that my son’s injury, and all of our suffering would not go to waste. I received my formal education, and am now a practitioner who helps families like mine. I’m also currently undergoing intense training to earn a mental health practitioner certification.
Today, my son is a young teen and is thriving. He goes to a mainstream high school, has a group of friends, and is doing well in his academics. You could say that he has his life back. My heart goes out to all the affected families who don’t know there are solutions out there, and are suffering behind closed doors. It takes work and perseverance to recover from vaccine injury, but it is possible. One crucial lesson I learned is the earlier you start, the better the outcome. If you’re looking for guidance, I would be honored to help. You can reach me at Right2Wellness.com.
Several years ago, when I (Christine) was visiting my godson Konrad and his family in South Carolina for the 2017 solar eclipse, he told me that he should have asked for my opinion on these childhood injections. But then he said, You know what, it doesn’t matter anyway because we probably wouldn’t have listened to you. Because we actually had to experience this firsthand for our eyes to be opened.

During that trip, I had shared with Konrad that before my children were born, I had read up on the alternative views of routine childhood injections. This was 1993 and 1994 San Francisco Bay area, and there was a thriving community of alternative health practitioners. I had already made the decision that I did not want to have a hospital birth. In 1994, I sought a midwife (“Certified Nurse Midwife”), and she recommended a few books and articles to read on the topic of immunizations. I read the books and articles, discussed them with my husband (several topics, including this one, were discussed in monthly pot-luck get-togethers the couples who were expecting the same month had at the midwife’s home), and we made our decision: No. No vaccinations for our children. It was an easy decision for me to make. Since then, I did not waver in my decision. Once I made my decision, it sat right in my body.
I am happy to say that both of my girls completed high school without having had a single vaccination. And all I had to do in California back in the early 2000s was sign a single waiver when they entered Kindergarten, a waiver that was a personal, philosophical exemption. I liked to call it an exemption based on true science, not on $cience. (This waiver was not advertised, but the alternative community knew about it.)
I am also happy to say that my children fared well not being injected. Both are very athletic, and physically and mentally gifted. When my older daughter was in first grade and I attended a mid-year parent-teacher conference, the teacher told me, I asked the children to write a story. I gave them some time and then asked, who’s done with their story? Your daughter was the first to raise her hand. I read her story to the class. I have to tell you that in all my 30 years of teaching first grade, I never had a child write a story that had a beginning, a middle, and an end, and it all made sense.
Starting at age two, she would sing songs with perfect pitch, after hearing it once or twice on the TV. And she was gifted in swimming and other sports as well. Today she helps people with fitness, natural food and way of life @CookWithAngelika on Instagram.
My younger daughter is gifted with both sports and smarts as well. In 6th grade, she tried out for the middle school soccer team. At the end of tryout week, the soccer coach asked me how long she had been playing soccer. A bit confused with the question, I responded, Uh, she just started with you. Then he told me she’s Olympic level. She played other sports as well: volleyball, basketball. Playing a casual game of tennis at a college campus, a coach asked her to try out for the team. She could learn a sports skill in a weekend that took months or years for others to learn. Today, she is working as a chemical engineer after completing her chemical engineering degree at USC.
That’s not to say everything is all hunky-dory with my girls. We’ve had it really hard for other reasons, perhaps even harder in some respects than others. We all deal with different things depending on the current mainstream climate and the choices we make.
Thank you for reading my blog! If you have not read part one of this two-part series on vaccines, you can read part one here. If you had questions, I hope that these two blog posts help you receive some answers. And if you were closed, it is my hope that you are now more open to looking further into the vaccination topic.
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Thank you Christine for this 2nd post. It makes me wonder if my Grandson was affected by the vaccines. He was born 6 and a half weeks premature but thrived extremely well. By the time he was about 3 he was diagnosed with Autism. I and my Daughter and son in law were so upset and I couldn’t believe it at the time as he was so clever and dare I say ( normal), not a word I like as we are all different! As time progressed he began to show some Autistic ways but fortunately he is not too affected as he is very sociable and friendly and a very helpful boy. He is now 10 yrs of age but seems older but could the vaccines have caused this as here in the UK Doctors have always maintained that there is no proof that it does have that effect. Reading about your godson’s son made me think even more about the way we are given such bad information regarding these vaccines. Thank you again for all the help you give us in your posts. Blessings to you Linda Palfreyman.
Thanks for your comment Linda! I hope you all in the UK are doing well!